XVIII yüzillik – XIX yüzilliyin əvvəllərində Osmanlı-Azərbaycan ...

XVIII yüzillik – XIX yüzilliyin əvvəllərində Osmanlı-Azərbaycan ...

XVIII yüzillik – XIX yüzilliyin əvvəllərində Osmanlı-Azərbaycan ...


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Ottoman - Azerbaijan relationsin <strong>XVIII</strong> - beginning of the <strong>XIX</strong> centuries 1SUMMARYİn the beginning of XVII century Azerbaijan was the main part of Safavies country and naturally hadno political contacts with Ottoman Empire as they had them across Safavies court in İsfahan. But therewere wide trading and cultural connections between these two countries. From Azerbaijan to Turkeywere exported mainly raw silk and oil, but from Turkey were brought mainly manufactured goods includingreexport articles. Factual disintegration of Safavies country in 1722 arosed cardinal changes inpolicy of Ottoman Empire about Azerbaijan. The last was defeated from coalitions of European powersin the wars of the end of XVII century and was having territorial losses. İt looked for convenient opportunityto compensate for its losses. Ottoman ruling circles carried plans for capturing Safavies inheritance.İn its turn the campaign of Russian imperator Peter the İ in Caspian activised the actions of Ottomancourt about Azerbaijan and its neighbouring countries. Besides, the appearance of Russia, the sworn enemyof Ottoman Empire near its borders was of serious threat for Ottoman Empire's political and religiousinterests. Ottoman Empire could not be indifferent to the fact of intrusion and conquest of Muslimcountries by Christian sovereign. İt had to be the hard blow on the prestige of Sultan, who was consideredto be the Khalif of all orthodox muslims. İndignant at the campaign of Peter the İ and driven by thediplomats of some West European countries (first of all of England) Ottoman court demanded from tsarto leave Caspian region. Peter the İ left one garrison in Derbend and with the main forces of army returnedto Russia.From the spring of 1723 Ottoman Empire began to capture the former Safavies’ territories. Simultaneousadvance of two Empires in one and the same direction constituted a danger of breaking out the warbetween them.After the unsuccessful campaign in Crimea in 1711 Peter the İ was afraid of he next military conflictwith Ottomans and that is why applied maximum efforts for peaceful settlement of his relations withthem.Through the mediation of French diplomacy the Russian government managed to resist the Ottomangovernment from military actions in Europe and consequently valuable spring time for preparations tosummer campaign in 1723 was lost. A considerable role in it played the Ottoman adviser İbrahim PashaNevshehirli, who was afraid of the war with such a mighty power like the Russia.Having retracted the military actions in Europe, the Ottoman government decided to conquest smallterritories in South Caucasus and in the Western İran.İn May of 1723 Ottomans occupied the Tiflis without meeting a resistance. But near Ganja Ottomanmilitary forces sustained a defeat.İn the course of Russian - Ottoman peace negotiations in İstanbul the main object of debates wereAzerbaijan lands. Ottoman government was strictly against of occupation of the Derbend and Baku byRussia, considering that the latter had no any rights to these two cities.But the Russian side considered that it should take all the Caspian coastal area and cities Ardebil,Tabriz and Sultaniye should be given to İran. At the same time Russian government by means of marineexpedition occupied the Baku and later the Salyan.After prolonged negotiations in June 24 of the year 1724 was concluded a peace treaty between Ottomansand Russian in İstanbul was. According to this treaty Ottoman government got the right of controlunder the major parts of Azerbaijan but together with this it had to recognize Russian right to theDerbend, Baku and other adjacent to Caspian sea cities and villages. Shirvan region (excluding thecoastal area, which was given to Russia) was proclaimed half independent under the supreme patronageof Ottoman Empire.Having got Russian consent to the transition of major part of Azerbaijan and Western İran under thecontrol of Ottoman Empire in 1724-1725 Ottoman government entiteled itself to get the other lands. Safaviespovers in some cities could not resist the Ottoman forces. A number of cities and magals (Gazakh,1 Хцлася инэилисъяйя Айна Казымова тяряфиндян чеврилмишдир.165

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