XVIII yüzillik – XIX yüzilliyin əvvəllərində Osmanlı-Azərbaycan ...

XVIII yüzillik – XIX yüzilliyin əvvəllərində Osmanlı-Azərbaycan ...

XVIII yüzillik – XIX yüzilliyin əvvəllərində Osmanlı-Azərbaycan ...


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nomadic tribes from the territory of one state into the territory of another one. The aggravatage of thequarrel led to the military conflict in the years of 1822-1823.After the beginning of Russian-İranian war in 1826 the heir of İran throne Abbas Mirza by declaringabout the «discount» of Eastern Georgia to Ottoman Empire asked for the help of Ottomans. But Ottomangovernment did not fulfilled his request, as it was afraid of a new war with Russia.But all the efforts of Ottoman Empire were in vain, in 1828-1829 began the second Ottoman-Russianwar. Having suffered a defeat, Ottoman Empire renounced of all its rights to the Southern Caucasus. Stillbefore it in 1828 Russians, having destroyed İran, captured İrevan and Nakhchyvan khanates.Characteristic feature of Ottoman-Azerbaijan relationships in the beginning of the <strong>XIX</strong> century wasthe fact, that Ottoman Empire did not want to accept the occupation of Azerbaijan by Russia, but becauseof the weakening of its military might was not able to resist this occupation.So summing up all above mentioned it can be concluded that in the <strong>XVIII</strong> and in the beginning of<strong>XIX</strong> centuries the relationships of Azerbaijan and Ottoman Empire not always were on the same leveland on some definite stages had peculiar features. Also the relationships of different khanates and Ottomanswere dissimilar. İs should be noted that Garabakh, Sheki and Khoy khanates had close relationshipswith Ottoman Empire but Guba khanate for some time had to hide its relations with Ottoman Empire,because it was situated near the borders of Russia.172

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