XVIII yüzillik – XIX yüzilliyin əvvəllərində Osmanlı-Azərbaycan ...

XVIII yüzillik – XIX yüzilliyin əvvəllərində Osmanlı-Azərbaycan ...

XVIII yüzillik – XIX yüzilliyin əvvəllərində Osmanlı-Azərbaycan ...


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Cosidering that the Ottoman Empire was the potential enemy of Russia, Aga Muhammed Kadgarsent to İstanbul his representative to inform about his intention to occupy the Northern Azerbaijan andEastern Georgia. Turkey, which by the treaty of the year of 1792 officially had to retract its pretensionsto these territories took an interest in Aga Muhammed Kadgar’s plans. The Ottoman Empire even helpedhim with funds. At the same time khans of Northern Azerbaijan asked for the help of Ottoman governmentagainst Aga Muhammed khan.The dilemma for Ottoman government was very difficult and it declared to Azerbaijan khans that asthere was no the war conditions of Turkey with İran, Turkey could not lead the military actions againstİran.İn such a conditions in 1796 Russia organized a campaign to South Caucasus. Aga MuhammedKadgar, who had already proclaimed himself the Shah then had to ask for the help of the Ottoman Empire.But the Ottoman Empire which did not have trust in shah remained indifferent to his request.But at the same time Ottoman government had the negative attitude to the offensive of Russia in theSouth Caucasus.Ottoman authorities even proposed to İrevan khanate to unite and struggle against Russians. By thevery reason of this the Russian commander in chief general V.Zubov in spite of the arosen opportunitycould not occupy the İrevan fortress. By the help which was sent fron Turkey in the occupied khanateswere organized troops of resistance.İn October of 1796 some Azerbaijan and mountainous rulers who had not resigned to the Russianoccupation by the call of the Ottoman court attacked the Russian troop which was situated in Guba. Atfirst rebels were victorious but afterwards Russians gathered forces and crushed them. But Russia did notmanage to strengthen in the Southern Caucasus.Having ascended on the throne after the death of the Katherine the II in 1796, her son Pavel the İ hada different from his mother's foreign policy. He withdrew the military forces under the command of generalV.Zubov back to Russia as this campaign put the budget of the state in disorder, besides the new tsarpayed a considerable attention to the struggle against England.İn 1797 Aga Muhammed Shah launched the second campaign to the Northern Azerbaijan, but inspite of the fact of occupation the fortress Shusha he became a victim of conspiracy.As it is seen from manuscripts, having suffered a defeat in two wars with Russia and because of thishaving lost the opportunity of carrying the active policy in Caucasus, Ottoman Empire, in spite of allthese facts helped morally and by funds the Azerbaijan people in struggle against the strengthening Russianexpansion.İn the end of the <strong>XVIII</strong> century the Great Powers including the Ottoman Empire payed very weak attentionto Azerbaijan. At that time the capital aim of Ottoman Empire was to defend itself from agressionof Napoleon's army. Backward and reactionary, military-feudal Russia was also busy with the struggleagainst bourgeois France. As for İran was concerned, there the new monarch Fataly Shah was busy instrengthening of his own power.However, soon Southern Caucasus again became the arena of rivalry between the mighty powers,first of all between Russia and İran. İn 1801 annexing the Eastern Georgia Russia decisively got down tothe occupation of Azerbaijan.Ottoman Empire which suffered a crisis was not only too weak to oppose the Russian expansion, butalso asked for the help of Russian commanders when suppressing uprisings of some borderline pashasSuch acted Ottoman Empire during the uprising of Sherif Pasha Akhinsky. İt should be noted that MuhammedKhan of İrevan supported Sherif Pasha.By the attack on the Djaro-Belocan djamaats in 1803 Russia began the realization of occupying theAzerbaijan. İn the beginning of January of the 1804 the city Gandja was taken by storm.Ottoman Empire had to take up the observative position, but İran in 1804 began the war with Russia.İn spite of all efforts Ottoman Empire also could not avoid the war with Russia.The struggle against the common enemy created precondition for reconciliation of Ottoman Empireand İran. Even in 1810 there was made an effort to organize united military actions of these two states.But both Ottoman Empire and İran suffered a defeat in the struggle with mighty Russia and had to acceptthe annexation of northern Azerbaijan lands by Russia, excluding Nakhchyvan and İrevan khanates.Some Azerbaijan khans (including Salim khan Shekinsky) immigrated to Turkey.But the reconciliation between Ottoman Empire and İran was not lasting. İn 1820-1821 emerged aconflict between the boderline pashas and İrevan khanate because of the arbitrary crossing of half-171

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