BSHS 335 UOP Course,BSHS 335 UOP Materials,BSHS 335 UOP Homework

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<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Supervisory Ethics and Issues<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Supervisory Ethics and Issues<br />

Create a Microsoft PowerPoint© presentation concerning the issues in supervision<br />

Each team member creates three slides to be added to the presentation:<br />

Legal aspects of supervision<br />

Multicultural issues in supervision<br />

Spiritual issues in supervision<br />

Multiple roles and relationships in the supervisory process<br />

Styles of supervision<br />

Supervisor’s roles and responsibilities<br />

Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines<br />

To Know More Tutorials Visit http://www.tutorialfirm.com<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 5 Individual Assignment Case Study Approaches to Ethical<br />

Dilemmas<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 5 Individual Assignment Case Study Approaches to Ethical<br />

Dilemmas<br />

Using the text, Ethics Case Studies for Health Information Management select one<br />

of the 29 case studies listed in the text.<br />

Write a 1,000-to-1,250 word paper including the following:

Answer the discussion questions located at the end of the case you selected.<br />

Include what therapeutic approach you would apply in this case and explain why.<br />

Describe what ethical issues you may encounter and how you intend on<br />

approaching them.<br />

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.<br />

To Know More Tutorials Visit http://www.tutorialfirm.com<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 5 DQ 2<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 5 DQ 2<br />

What community efforts have been developed in your area to decrease substance<br />

abuse? How effective are these efforts? How can they be improved?<br />

To Know More Tutorials Visit http://www.tutorialfirm.com<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 5 DQ 1<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 5 DQ 1<br />

How does technology and media connect people to the community? What are the<br />

effects of these connections on human well-being?<br />

To Know More Tutorials Visit http://www.tutorialfirm.com<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 4 Learning Team Assignment AAMFT Presentation<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 4 Learning Team Assignment AAMFT Presentation

Create a Microsoft® PowerPoint® Presentation, with 10-12 slides, with speaker<br />

notes, describing the principles of ethical standard in couples and family therapy.<br />

Resources: AAMFT Code of Conduct website. Link available in this week’s<br />

Electronic Reserve Readings.<br />

Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.<br />

To Know More Tutorials Visit http://www.tutorialfirm.com<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 4 Individual Assignment Maintaining Ethical Standards<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 4 Individual Assignment Maintaining Ethical Standards<br />

Select a case study in chapter 11, Issues and Ethics in the Helping Profession, all of<br />

which are concerned with a family or couples issue.<br />

Write a 500-to 750-word paper identifying the ethical issue or issues.<br />

Describe the ethical issues that confront you, as the caseworker.<br />

Describe how you are going to help resolve these issues while maintaining ethical<br />

standards.<br />

Cite the principle(s) or core areasyou are applying from the AAMFT Code of<br />

Ethics.<br />

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.<br />

To Know More Tutorials Visit http://www.tutorialfirm.com

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 4 DQ 2<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 4 DQ 2<br />

What challenges may arise relating to confidentiality when working with couples.<br />

What steps can you take to prevent a breach of ethics/confidentiality?<br />

To Know More Tutorials Visit http://www.tutorialfirm.com<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 4 DQ 1<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 4 DQ 1<br />

Will there be times that you may have group members that are involuntary or<br />

mandated to attend? When might this occur?<br />

To Know More Tutorials Visit http://www.tutorialfirm.com<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 3 Learning Team Assignment Boundaries Issues<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 3 Learning Team Assignment Boundaries Issues<br />

Watch Managing Boundaries video:<br />

http://www.cengage.com/custom/UoP/Step8.html<br />

Each team member will write a 350-to 500-word paper on a different situation,<br />

which could be considered crossing boundaries between client and caseworker and<br />

could become an ethical violation.<br />

Combine each team member’s paper into one team paper.<br />

Include an introduction and a conclusion or summary on your team’s paper on<br />

Boundary Issues, have one team member post to their individual forum.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.<br />

To Know More Tutorials Visit http://www.tutorialfirm.com<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 3 Individual Assignment Assessment Questionnaire and<br />

Summary<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 3 Individual Assignment Assessment Questionnaire and<br />

Summary<br />

Resource: University of Phoenix Material: Questionnaire form located on the<br />

student website.<br />

Complete the Questionnaire form by creating 10 questions, which you believe will<br />

determine the competencies of these caseworkers.<br />

Questions should address the following:<br />

Question(s) concerning the caseworker’s method for handling ethical issues.<br />

Questions(s) concerning the caseworker’s plan for staying current in their area of<br />

expertise and for receiving continuing education.<br />

Question(s) concerning the caseworker’s procedure for maintaining accurate and<br />

complete client records.<br />

A specific question or scenario that requires the caseworker to determine whether<br />

to abide by “duty to warn” or “duty to protect”.<br />

Complete the questionnaire as if you were applying for the position.<br />

Write a 350-to 500-word summary for your superior explaining why this person<br />

should be considered for the position in your family counseling practice.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.<br />

To Know More Tutorials Visit http://www.tutorialfirm.com<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 3 DQ 1<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 3 DQ 1<br />

What would you do in a situation where a client came to you with a substance<br />

abuse issue however; you have not received training in substance abuse treatment.<br />

What steps would you take to ensure the client receives the appropriate<br />

interventions?<br />

To Know More Tutorials Visit http://www.tutorialfirm.com<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 2 Individual Assignment Paper Case Study Review<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 2 Individual Assignment Paper Case Study Review<br />

Select any one of the cases given in the Ethics Case Studies for Health Information<br />

Management text.<br />

Write a 700-to 950-word paper applying the following information:<br />

Summarize the situation and identify the ethical dilemma(s).<br />

Describe how you, as the Human Services Professional, would approach this<br />

ethical dilemma while:<br />

Implementing the least intrusive intervention<br />

Respecting confidentiality<br />

Recognizing the client’s multicultural ethical behavior

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.<br />

To Know More Tutorials Visit http://www.tutorialfirm.com<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 2 DQ 2<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 2 DQ 2<br />

Describe some situations in which a health service provider could compromise<br />

their ethical duties due their duty to protect?<br />

To Know More Tutorials Visit http://www.tutorialfirm.com<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 2 DQ 1<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 2 DQ 1<br />

What are the limits to confidentiality? Describe a situation in which you might<br />

breach confidentiality. What are the legal and ethical implications of such a<br />

decision?<br />

To Know More Tutorials Visit http://www.tutorialfirm.com<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 1 Individual Assignment Codes of Ethics Comparative Chart<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 1 Individual Assignment Codes of Ethics Comparative Chart<br />

Human services professionals often need to make ethical decisions when providing<br />

support to clients. Decision making models help supply guidance to case managers<br />

and other human services professionals.<br />

To Know More Tutorials Visit http://www.tutorialfirm.com<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 1 Individual Assignment Applying Ethics in Practice<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 1 Individual Assignment Applying Ethics in Practice

Describe a situation you may find yourself, as a human service professional, where<br />

your personal values could become an ethical issue.<br />

Write a 350- to 500-word paper describing this scenario.<br />

Describe what ethical model and code of ethics would you apply to resolve this<br />

issue.<br />

To Know More Tutorials Visit http://www.tutorialfirm.com<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 1 DQ 2<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 1 DQ 2<br />

Through self-examination focus on your own motivation and behaviors. Identify<br />

any subtle way you might be ethically unaware or insensitive at times.<br />

To Know More Tutorials Visit http://www.tutorialfirm.com<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 1 DQ 1<br />

What would you do if you saw a friend who worked in the helping professions<br />

violate their Code of Ethics. What steps would you follow to address this situation?<br />

To Know More Tutorials Visit http://www.tutorialfirm.com<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Complete <strong>Course</strong><br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Complete <strong>Course</strong><br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 1 DQ 1<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 1 DQ 2<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 1 Individual Assignment Applying Ethics in Practice

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 1 Individual Assignment Codes of Ethics Comparative Chart<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 1 Individual Assignment Decision Making<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 2 DQ 1<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 2 DQ 2<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 2 Individual Assignment Paper Case Study Review<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 3 DQ 1<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 3 DQ 2<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 3 Individual Assignment Assessment Questionnaire and<br />

Summary<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 3 Learning Team Assignment Boundaries Issues<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 4 DQ 1<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 4 DQ 2<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 4 Individual Assignment Maintaining Ethical Standards<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 4 Learning Team Assignment AAMFT Presentation<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 5 DQ 1<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 5 DQ 2<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 5 Individual Assignment Case Study Approaches to Ethical<br />

Dilemmas<br />

<strong>BSHS</strong> <strong>335</strong> Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Supervisory Ethics and Issues<br />

To Know More Tutorials Visit http://www.tutorialfirm.com

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