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<strong>EFFECT</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>HOME</strong> <strong>ENVIR<strong>ON</strong>MENT</strong> <strong>ON</strong><br />

PERS<strong>ON</strong>ALITY<br />

By Audrey Scherf<br />

Faculty Arts & Social Sciences<br />

Abstract<br />

During the past few decades home environment had been identified as being a<br />

contributing factor in a child’s educational, cognitive and affective<br />

development. Researchers typically separate elements of the home environment<br />

into two major categories; social and physical (Casey, Bradley, Nelson &<br />

Whaley, 1988; Wachs, 1989). So you will find complete information on how<br />

the environment of the home effects on our personality.<br />

1.0 Introduction<br />

What makes individuals unique. Most would say a persons personality<br />

makes them who they are. Lets take a look at how personalities are<br />

affected by ones environment. In doing so we are going to see how<br />

personality is defined. Then we will examine the different types of<br />

personalities and how they can be determined. Next, we will see how<br />

genetics and heredity can play a role in shaping personalities along with<br />

environment. Lastly, the factors in our environment that shape our<br />

personalities.<br />

Over the years, many different definitions have been proposed for<br />

personality. An individual's personality is the mental characteristics that<br />

makes them unique from other people. It includes all of the patterns of<br />

thought and emotions that cause us to do and say things in particular

ways. Personality concerns the most important, most noticeable parts of<br />

an individual's psychological life. Personality can be defined as a<br />

dynamic and organized set of characteristics possessed by a person that<br />

uniquely influences his or her cognitions, motivations, and behaviors in<br />

various situations. There are some fundamental characteristics of<br />

personality.<br />

Figure 1<br />

There is generally a recognizable order and regularity to behaviors.<br />

People act in the same ways or similar ways in a variety of situations.<br />

Personality is psychological, but research suggests that it is also<br />

influenced by biological processes and needs. Personality does not just<br />

influence how we move and respond in our environment, it also causes us<br />

to act in certain ways. Personality is displayed in more than just behavior.<br />

It can also be seen in our thoughts, feelings, close relationships and other<br />

social interactions.<br />

Most people would agree that personality is unique to an individual<br />

person. With so many people in the world, it would not be far fetched to<br />

believe that there are different types of personalities. Putting these<br />

personalities into specific category types would help people determine<br />

what personality type they are.

This was done in the early 1950's, by David Riesman. He proposed that<br />

there are three common types of modal personality that occur around the<br />

world. He called them tradition oriented, inner-directed, and other<br />

directed personalities. The tradition-oriented personality is one that places<br />

a strong emphasis on doing things the same way that they have always<br />

been done. Individuals with this sort of personality are less likely to try<br />

new things and to seek new experiences. Those who have inner-directed<br />

personalities are guilt oriented. Their behavior is strongly controlled by<br />

their conscience. As a result, there is little need for police to make sure<br />

that they obey the law. These individuals monitor themselves. If they<br />

break the law, they are likely to turn themselves in for punishment. In<br />

contrast, people with other-directed personalities have ambiguous<br />

feelings about right and wrong. When they deviate from a societal norm,<br />

they usually don't feel guilty. However, if they are caught in the act or<br />

exposed publicly, they are likely to feel shame.<br />

Figure 2<br />

Those that follow Riesman's concept of three modal personalities suggest<br />

that the tradition-oriented personality is most common in small-scale<br />

societies and in some sub-cultures of large-scale ones. Inner-directed<br />

personalities are said to be more common in some large-scale societies,<br />

especially ones that are culturally homogenous. In contrast, the otherdirected<br />

personality is likely to be found in culturally diverse large-scale

societies. in which there is not a uniformity. Some believe that one person<br />

can have traits of more than one of the personality types.<br />

Today there are a few different test that can be done to determine what<br />

type of personality an individual may have. This may be done through the<br />

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, Rorschach Inkblot test, or<br />

the Thematic Apseries of answers to a questionnaire that asks people to<br />

indicate the extent to which sets of statements or adjectives accurately<br />

describe their own behavior.<br />

There is an argument of what shapes the personality of a person. Is it the<br />

genes that shapes a persons personality? Are personalities formed by<br />

hereditary traits? Is the environment we live in the primary factor that<br />

gives us are personality? Ruth Benedict beginning in the 1920's believed<br />

that personality was almost entirely learned by our environment. Benedict<br />

said that our cultural personality patterns are assumed to be "natural" by<br />

us and other personality patterns are viewed as being "unnatural" and<br />

deviant. She said that such feelings are characteristic of all people in all<br />

cultures because we are ethnocentric.<br />

Figure 3<br />

Benedict compared the typical personalities of the 19th century North<br />

American Plains Indians with those of the farming Pueblo Indians of the<br />

Southwest. She said that the bison hunting Plains Indians had<br />

personalities that could be typified as being aggressive, prone to violence,

and seeking extreme emotional states. In contrast, she said that the typical<br />

Pueblo Indian was just the opposite, peaceful, non-aggressive, and sober<br />

in personality.<br />

Some say that hereditary factors passed by our parents and ancestors to us<br />

are the main factor to ones personality. The individual’s talent and<br />

some other traits are just few examples of these traits. Some hereditary<br />

factors that contribute to personality development do so as a result of<br />

interactions with the particular social environment in which people live.<br />

For instance, your genetically inherited physical and mental capabilities<br />

have an impact on how others see you, and how you see yourself. If you<br />

have poor motor skills that prevent you from throwing a ball straight and<br />

if you regularly get bad grades in school, you will very likely be labeled<br />

by your teachers, friends, and relatives as someone who is inadequate or a<br />

failure to some degree. This can become a self-fulfilling prophesy as you<br />

increasingly perceive yourself in this way and become more pessimistic<br />

about your capabilities and your future. Likewise, your health and<br />

physical appearance are likely to be very important in your personality<br />

development. You may be frail or robust. You may have a learning<br />

disability. You may be slender in a culture that considers obesity<br />

attractive or vice versa. These largely hereditary factors are likely to<br />

cause you to feel that you are nice-looking, ugly, or just adequate.<br />

Likewise, skin color, gender, and sexual orientation are likely to have a<br />

major impact on how you perceive yourself. Whether you are accepted by<br />

others as being normal or abnormal can lead you to think and act in a<br />

socially acceptable or even deviant way.(EssaysUk, 2013)<br />

2.0 Literature Review<br />

2.1 What Impact Does the Environment Have on Us?<br />

Since the earliest times, humans have needed to be sensitive to<br />

their surroundings to survive, which means that we have an innate<br />

awareness of our environment and seek out environments with<br />

certain qualities.<br />

First of all, humans have a strong need for safety and security and<br />

look for those attributes in their environment. We also look<br />

for physical comfort, such as an environment with the right<br />

temperature. In addition, we seek an environment that

is psychologically comfortable: for example, environments that are<br />

familiar, but offer the right amount of stimulus.<br />

Figure 4<br />

Retailers and the hospitality industry know this very well and try to<br />

provide an atmosphere that creates a positive customer experience<br />

and offers three important attributes: comfort, safety, and<br />

entertainment. These attributes are equally important in healthcare<br />

as well. Below are just a few examples of how the environment can<br />

impact you:<br />

1. The environment can facilitate or discourage interactions<br />

among people (and the subsequent benefits of social<br />

support). For example, an inviting space with comfortable<br />

chairs and privacy can encourage a family to stay and visit<br />

with a patient.<br />

2. The environment can influence peoples' behavior and<br />

motivation to act. For example, a dingy corridor filled with<br />

extra hospital equipment will invite staff to leave another<br />

item in the hall, whereas a clean corridor and adequate<br />

storage will encourage staff to take the time to put the item<br />

away.<br />

3. The environment can influence mood. For example, the<br />

results of several research studies reveal that rooms with<br />

bright light, both natural and artificial, can improve health

outcomes such as depression, agitation, and sleep.(Mary Jo<br />

Kreitzer, RN, 2014)<br />

2.2 What about stress at home?<br />

It’s no secret that our environments influence the way we think,<br />

feel and act. Most people desire good health and for most people,<br />

their home is the environment they are most often surrounded by.<br />

Everyone deserves to a live happy, healthy life and can start by<br />

creating a home environment optimal for health.<br />

Would you like to attain happiness, contentedness or joy in your<br />

daily life? Are you trying to eat healthier or exercise more? Both<br />

mental and physical health are important to your overall well-being<br />

and both are easier to achieve when you reduce stress and<br />

encourage better eating habits at home. Taking these steps to make<br />

changes in your home will create an optimal environment for<br />

making healthy choices that you can carry into the other areas of<br />

your life.<br />

2.3 Reduce Stress and Fatigue<br />

Stress reduction is the first step toward living a<br />

healthy life, because stress is a large determinant of good health.<br />

Continuous or chronic stress can cause muscle tension, headaches<br />

and migraines, heart problems, adrenal fatigue, nausea, overeating<br />

and is overall draining for your energy levels.<br />

Once all of the controllable stressors are removed from your life,<br />

you can more easily take positive proactive steps toward health.<br />

The first step to reducing stress in your life is to reduce the clutter<br />

in your home! Scientists at Princetonfound that clutter reduces your<br />

ability to focus as well as your ability to process information.<br />

Although deep-cleaning your possessions is a time-consuming first<br />

step toward health, it will pay off in the long run. Take anywhere<br />

between half of a day and a day, depending on how much clutter<br />

you have, to go through your belongings. Sort the items you do not<br />

use into a donate or discard pile. Create a ―home‖ for everything<br />

you are keeping so that future cleaning will be easier and less<br />


Figure 5<br />

Another method to relieve stress is bringing some of Mother<br />

Nature’s magic into your home. Several studieshave shown that<br />

exposure to nature improves mood and reduces stress. Although<br />

looking at a painting or photograph of plant life isn’t as beneficial<br />

as a walk through the woods, art that imitates nature still has<br />

positive effects on the brain. If you would rather have actual plant<br />

life in your home instead of art, there are plenty of plants that do<br />

not need sunlight or a lot of water. There are quite a few plants that<br />

purify the air and require almost zero maintenance, such as spider<br />

plants and garden mums.(Redfin Guest Blogger, 2016)<br />

3.0 Different Approaches to Personality<br />

3.1 The psychoanalytic approach<br />

Ruch(1984) explains that the psychoanalytic theory of<br />

Freud is simultaneously a theory of personality, motivation,<br />

development and mental illness (1933,1935,1938). Main idea<br />

behind the psychoanalytic scheme is the concept that only a small<br />

part of human mental activity is illustrated by conscious thought. A<br />

relatively large part of mental activity occurs at the preconscious<br />

and unconscious levels. Processes that are not in consciousness at a<br />

given time are preconscious activities, but that can become<br />

conscious as needed. However, unconscious activities are more

important; these are largely, storage of instinctive urges.<br />

Unconscious activities can influence behavior, but these activities<br />

cannot directly enter consciousness. Freud’s perception of how<br />

these three levels interact in an individual’s personality is based on<br />

three inferred personality structures: id, ego and super ego.<br />

Unconscious forces, which are accumulation of the sex and<br />

aggression instincts are represented by id. Although id’s mental<br />

workings are not available for conscious inspection but its impulses<br />

can be sensed. Conscious representative of rational thought is ego.<br />

Newly born baby reflects only id forces; and the ego develops<br />

gradually through the child’s interaction with the external world.<br />

Along with ego, superego is also developed by the child’s<br />

experience. Superego represents the internalization of the society’s<br />

and parent’s prohibitions. According to Freud, behavior is<br />

determined by the interaction of these three elements of the adult<br />

personality.<br />

3.2 The Behavioural Approach<br />

Before Skinner’s behaviorism and Bandura’s social learning theory<br />

a brief description of Dollard and Miller’s behavioral approach is<br />

being described. Ruch (1984) explains that John Dollard and Neal<br />

Miller developed their theory of personality in the late 1940s.The<br />

theory they developed was based on four concepts: drive, cue,<br />

response, and reinforcement. Freud’s instincts, as represented in<br />

the id, became for Dollard and Miller primary drives. These, in<br />

turn, were the basis for other learned drives (Miller, 1951). The<br />

combination of primary and learned drives provided the energy or<br />

motivation for behavior, and cues determined when, where, and<br />

which behavior would ensue. Any distinctive stimulus, in any<br />

sensory mode, could become a cue for some response, based on the<br />

learning history of the organism. Once the response had occurred,<br />

it could be followed by a reinforcement. If so, the response became<br />

more probable in the presence of the cues.<br />

Although not the only version of behaviorism, Skinner’s approach<br />

is one of the best known and most controversial (Rachlin, 1976).<br />

All behaviorists emphasize overt, measurable behavior, but Skinner<br />

has insisted on limiting analysis to it. Internal activity, whether

phrased in nervous-system terms or mental terms, is not an<br />

appropriate level of analysis, he feels. In this, Skinner is more<br />

extreme than many behaviorists, who are more willing to consider,<br />

for example, the possibility of thoughts as covert behavior<br />

(Meichenbaum,1977). Skinner’s view is often termed radical<br />

behaviorism because of his insistence on referring to<br />

environmental events in considering any behavior. His is virtually<br />

the only approach to personality to forgo all inferred constructs and<br />

to rely only on observed behavior and contingencies of<br />

reinforcement. Skinner refuses to consider internal activities partly<br />

because they are so difficult to measure. But he also believes that<br />

internal events such as thoughts or emotions are results of external<br />

events, not causes of them.<br />

3.3 The Humanistic Approach<br />

The humanistic approach is usually attributed to the independent<br />

approaches of two theorists, Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers.<br />

Both emphasize concepts of the self and selfdevelopment, but they<br />

differ somewhat in how these concepts are defined and used. Ruch<br />

(1984) explains that Maslow’s views, like Freud’s were strongly<br />

influenced by his beliefs about human motivation, but his view of<br />

motivation differed radically from Freud’s.<br />

Instead of powerful,,innate, negative forces that must be kept in<br />

check, Maslow saw weak, innate, positive tendencies that must be<br />

nurtured (Maslow, 1968, 1970, 1971). Survival motives are the<br />

most powerful and most immediate motives. Maslow proposed his<br />

well-known hierarchy of needs to suggest how more exclusively<br />

human needs might appear after more basic needs were satisfied.<br />

According to Maslow, all of the needs in the hierarchy are innate to<br />

humans, but those higher in the hierarchy are weaker; they only<br />

direct action when all earlier needs have been satisfied. Roggers’s<br />

view is concerned with the development of self, but he approaches<br />

the concept of self differently than Maslow did (Suls, 1982).<br />

Roger’s personality theory is a person-centered theory in several<br />

ways (Holdstock & Rogers, 1977). First, it emphasizes a<br />

phenomenological approach, noting that each person’s experienced<br />

world is unique, built up in part from that person’s experiences.

Roger’s view is also person-centered in emphasizing selfactualization,<br />

though he defines it somewhat differently than<br />

Maslow did.(Parveen, 2007)<br />

4.0 The Trait Approach to Personality study<br />

If someone asked you to describe a close friend's personality, what kind<br />

of things would you say? A few things that might come to mind are<br />

descriptive terms, such as "outgoing," "kind" and "even-tempered." All of<br />

these represent traits. What exactly does this the word "trait" mean?<br />

Figure 6<br />

A trait can be thought of as a relatively stable characteristic that causes<br />

individuals to behave in certain ways.<br />

The trait approach to personality is one of the major theoretical areas in<br />

the study of personality. The trait theory suggests that individual<br />

personalities are composed of these broad dispositions.<br />

Unlike many other theories of personality, such<br />

as psychoanalytic or humanistic theories, the trait approach to personality<br />

is focused on differences between individuals. The combination and<br />

interaction of various traits form a personality that is unique to each<br />

individual. Trait theory is focused on identifying and measuring these<br />

individual personality characteristics.

4.1 Gordon Allport’s Trait Theory<br />

In 1936, psychologist Gordon Allport found that one Englishlanguage<br />

dictionary alone contained more than 4,000 words<br />

describing different personality traits. He categorized these traits<br />

into three levels:<br />

Cardinal Traits: These are traits that dominate an<br />

individual’s whole life, often to the point that the person<br />

becomes known specifically for these traits.<br />

People with such personalities can become so well-known<br />

for these traits that their names are often synonymous with<br />

these qualities. Consider the origin and meaning of the<br />

following descriptive terms: Machiavellian, narcissistic, Don<br />

Juan, Christ-like, etc.<br />

Allport suggested that cardinal traits are rare and tend to<br />

develop later in life.<br />

Central Traits: These are the general characteristics that<br />

form the basic foundations of personality. These central<br />

traits, while not as dominating as cardinal traits are the major<br />

characteristics you might use to describe another person.<br />

Terms such as "intelligent," "honest," "shy," and "anxious"<br />

are considered central traits.<br />

Secondary Traits: These are the traits that are sometimes<br />

related to attitudes or preferences. They often appear only in<br />

certain situations or under specific circumstances. Some<br />

examples would be getting anxious when speaking to a<br />

group or impatient while waiting in line.(Kendra Cherry,<br />


5.0 5 big Personality Traits<br />

Scientists say that our personality can be deconstructed into 5 basic traits<br />

and here’s what the test measures, and a bit about what your score on<br />

each trait might say about you:<br />

5.1 Openness to experience<br />

Figure 7<br />

A high score means you’re:<br />

Original<br />

Imaginative<br />

Daring<br />

You have broad interests<br />

You generally prefer variety over fixed routines<br />

One review of studies found that, in business settings, openness is a<br />

strong predictor of who will become and succeed as a leader.

Another study found that you can tell how open someone is based<br />

on their selfie — specifically based on whether they display<br />

positive emotion.<br />

5.2 Conscientiousness<br />

A high score means you’re:<br />

Hardworking<br />

Ambitious<br />

Energetic<br />

Persevering<br />

You like planning things in advance<br />

Psychologists say conscientiousness is the best predictor of both<br />

personal and professional success. It’s also the strongest predictor<br />

of leadership in different contexts, including business, government,<br />

and school.<br />

5.3 Extroversion<br />

This trait is sometimes called ―surgency.‖ A high score means<br />

you’re:<br />

sociable<br />

fun-loving<br />

affectionate<br />

friendly<br />

talkative<br />

you derive energy from social activity<br />

Extroversion is another strong predictor of who will become a<br />

leader — though psychologists are increasingly discovering<br />

that introverts can do just as well in leadership roles.<br />

5.4 Agreeableness<br />

A high score means you’re:<br />

Sympathetic<br />

Kind<br />


You’re likely to engage in pro-social behaviour and<br />

volunteerism<br />

Research suggests that agreeable people tend to be happier, possibly<br />

because they try to avoid negative experiences. On the other<br />

hand, disagreeable people may be more likely to succeed at<br />

work because they’re better at getting their ideas heard.<br />

Interestingly, one study found that people who have a looser gait tend<br />

to be more agreeable (and less conscientious).<br />

5.5 Neuroticism<br />

A high score means:<br />

you worry a lot<br />

you’re insecure<br />

self-conscious<br />

temperamental<br />

That same selfie study mentioned above found that neurotic people<br />

are more likely to make a duck face. Go figure.<br />

As a reminder, you can take either version of the personality test<br />

here.(SHANA LEBOWITZ, 2016)<br />

6.0 A Psychology behind Cleanliness<br />

There’s a recent trend sweeping (pun intended) the internet: organization<br />

porn.<br />

Organization porn, like food porn, has nothing to do with pornography and<br />

everything to do with appealing, well-curetted photographs of everyday<br />

items. Whereas food porn might involve a picture of, say, a saltedcaramel<br />

cupcake with a perfectly swirled dollop of chocolate frosting on<br />

top, organization porn might involve a picture of pens arranged by colour<br />

and size, or a gorgeously minimalistic living room.<br />

(BondCleaninginPerth, 2015)

6.1 The positive psychology behind organization<br />

Keeping things clean and organized is good for you, and science<br />

can prove it.<br />

A study(link is external) led by associate professor NiCole R. Keith, Ph.D.,<br />

research scientist and professor at Indiana University, found that people<br />

with clean houses are healthier than people with messy houses. Keith and<br />

her colleagues tracked the physical health of 998 African Americans<br />

between the ages of 49 and 65, a demographic known to be at an<br />

increased risk for heart disease. Participants who kept their homes clean<br />

were healthier and more active than those who didn’t. In fact, house<br />

cleanliness was even more of a predictor for physical health than<br />

neighborhood walkability.<br />

Figure 8<br />

A 2010 study published in the scientific journal Personality and Social<br />

Psychology Bulletin (link is external)used linguistic analysis software to<br />

measure the way 60 individuals discussed their homes. Women who<br />

described their living spaces as ―cluttered‖ or full of ―unfinished projects‖<br />

were more likely to be depressed and fatigued than women who described<br />

their homes as ―restful‖ and ―restorative.‖ The researchers also found that<br />

women with cluttered homes expressed higher levels of<br />

the stress hormone cortisol.

In 2011, researchers at Princeton University(link is external) found that<br />

clutter can actually make it more difficult to focus on a particular task.<br />

Specifically, they found that the visual cortex can be overwhelmed by<br />

task-irrelevant objects, making it harder to allocate attention and<br />

complete tasks efficiently.<br />

A survey(link is external) conducted by the National Sleep Foundation<br />

found that people who make their beds every morning are 19 percent<br />

more likely to report regularly getting a good night’s sleep. People who<br />

were surveyed also reported benefits from having clean sheets —<br />

specifically, 75 percent of people said they get a better night’s rest when<br />

their sheets are freshly cleaned because they feel more comfortable.<br />

Maintaining an organized schedule and a list of short-term goals can help<br />

you stay in shape. A study in the Journal of Obesity (link is<br />

external)found that people who carefully plan their exercise regimen, set<br />

goals and regularly record their progress are more likely to keep up an<br />

exercise program than people who show up at the gym without a clear<br />

plan in mind.(Vohs, Redden, & Rahinel, 2013)<br />

7.0 Conclusion<br />

Improving the physical environment can make healthcare settings less<br />

stressful, safer, and better places to work.<br />

Experts in the new area of evidence-based design have identified five<br />

environmental factors that can have a large impact on health outcomes.<br />

Changes in these areas help create a healing environment that is<br />

psychologically supportive for patients, families, and staff. And many<br />

hospitals and healthcare settings are applying these findings.

References<br />

EssaysUk. (2013). How Environment affects Personality Essay. Retrieved May<br />

29, 2018, from https://www.ukessays.com/essays/psychology/how-ourenvironment-affects-our-personality-psychology-essay.php<br />

Kendra Cherry. (2018). A Closer Look at Trait Theories of Personality.<br />

Retrieved May 29, 2018, from https://www.verywellmind.com/trait-theoryof-personality-2795955<br />

Mary Jo Kreitzer, RN, P. (2014). What Impact Does the Environment Have on<br />

Us? | Taking Charge of Your Health &amp; Wellbeing. Retrieved May 29,<br />

2018, from https://www.takingcharge.csh.umn.edu/explore-healingpractices/healing-environment/what-impact-does-environment-have-us<br />

BondCleaninginPerth. (2015). 7 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Vacate<br />

Cleaning Company in Perth - Bond Cleaning Perth. Retrieved May 29,<br />

2018, from https://www.bondcleaninginperth.com.au/7-reasons-hire-vacatecleaning-company-perth/<br />

Parveen, A. (2007). Effect of Home Environment on Personality and Academic<br />

Achievement of Students of Grade 12 in Rawalpindi Division a Thesis<br />

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of Faculty of Advanced Integrated Studies<br />

and Research, (December).<br />

Redfin Guest Blogger. (2016). A Healthy Home is a Happy Home: How to<br />

Optimize Your Home for Healthy, Stress-free Living - @Redfin. Retrieved<br />

May 29, 2018, from https://www.redfin.com/blog/2016/10/a-healthy-homeis-a-happy-home-how-to-optimize-your-home-for-healthy-stress-freeliving.html<br />

SHANA LEBOWITZ. (2016). Scientists say your personality can be<br />

deconstructed into 5 basic traits | Business Insider. Retrieved May 29, 2018,<br />

from https://www.businessinsider.com.au/big-five-personality-traits-2016-<br />

12?r=US&IR=T<br />

Vohs, K. D., Redden, J. P., & Rahinel, R. (2013). Physical Order Produces<br />

Healthy Choices, Generosity, and Conventionality, Whereas Disorder<br />

Produces Creativity. Psychological Science, 24(9), 1860–1867.<br />


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