Transform Your House Into Your Dream Home

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<strong>Transform</strong> <strong>Your</strong> <strong>House</strong> into <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Dream</strong><br />

<strong>Home</strong><br />

By Kaitlyn Brand<br />

Faculty of Art & Design<br />

Abstract<br />

In this paper you be able to read about home transformation. Dorothy said it<br />

best–there‘s no place like home. It‘s the place where you seek sanctuary from<br />

the rest of the world. It‘s the place where your family spends time together. It‘s<br />

the place where you feel most comfortable and relaxed. It‘s the place you live<br />

your life. But when it‘s cluttered and full of stuff, it‘s hard to think of your<br />

house as a restful dwelling. Instead, it feels chaotic and stressful. Piles of<br />

paperwork, items to sort, and things to clean up become constant reminders of<br />

all the things we need to face and take care of. It can be truly overwhelming.<br />

1.0 Introduction<br />

You can take back your space and turn your house into the home you<br />

want. You can create a welcoming space that is a reflection of who you<br />

are, one that encompasses your own family values and preferences, and is<br />

filled only with the things that give you joy and fulfill your needs.<br />

Look around your home. What feelings does it evoke? Do you feel calm<br />

and at peace as you look around? Are the personalities and talents of your<br />

family members reflected and celebrated? Does your home emulate your<br />

relationship with God and those you love? Does it feel like a place of<br />

safety and comfort?

When it comes to your home, there are a number of questions you can<br />

walk through to guide you toward creating the space you want. We go<br />

into this topic in depth in my new book Unstuffed, but I‘d like to share<br />

some of these questions with you here today, so you can get a jumpstart<br />

on the process…<br />

2.0 How Do You Use <strong>Your</strong> Space?<br />

Figure 1<br />

If you‘ve read this blog for a while, you probably already know that I just<br />

love to entertain. I love throwing creative themed parties, but I also I<br />

like hosting a simple get-together with just a few close friends. I enjoy the<br />

buzz of a family dinner when everyone is contributing and discussing the<br />

ins and outs of their day. For me this means that my home needs to have<br />

space for hosting–an extendable table that easily seats 12, and lots of<br />

space to sit down.<br />

And while we do love to entertain, we are also a family of readers.<br />

While a huge library with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves and a ladder isn‘t<br />

exactly realistic with our current space and layout, we do have a small<br />

library area and a reading corner where we can enjoy all our books.<br />

For other families, a dedicated space for reading might not be important,<br />

but a space for sewing or crafting could be, or they might just want a nice<br />

place to relax and watch movies. Perhaps they use the space for

inspiration to create art or music. Perhaps their home is reflective of their<br />

children‘s talents.<br />

Figure 2<br />

If you‘re a chef or an avid baker, then a house with a well-stocked<br />

kitchen might make you feel right at home. If your family loves movie<br />

night, then having your DVDs on display and your comfiest couch in<br />

your living room probably makes sense.<br />

Reflect on how you use your space now and what you really value about<br />

your home‘s layout and arrangement. What activities are most important<br />

to you and your family? Does your home reflect this? If not, what<br />

changes could you make right now to get it so that it does?<br />

3.0 What is the Role of your <strong>Home</strong>?<br />

Some of us see our homes as a hub—a place we gather to do all kinds of<br />

different activities. If you work from home, you might also see your<br />

home as an office. If you teach school at home, your home is a place of<br />

education and learning as well.<br />

Understanding the role of our home gives us a clear picture of how our<br />

home can meet the needs of our family. Do your children need a quiet<br />

desk where they can do their homework or do they prefer to work from<br />

the library? Do you do crafts at home? Is your home a workshop or studio<br />

as well? Is your home a gym or do you exercise outside? Think of the

many roles your home can play and the overall role as well. For some, we<br />

sleep, shower, dress and eat at home, then spend much of our day away.<br />

Others of us spend nearly all our time within the walls of our house.<br />

Figure 3<br />

4.0 How Does <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Home</strong> Make You Feel?<br />

Do you feel proud of your home when people stop by? Does your home<br />

make you feel safe, cozy and calm? Is your home disorganized and<br />

chaotic, adding to your stress? Is your home fun and reflective of your<br />

family values, your talents, and your memories?<br />

Figure 4

5.0 How does your home serve your emotional & spiritual needs?<br />

Does your home help you feel calm and centered? Often, when our<br />

homes are full of stuff, disorganized and messy, we‘re actually trying to<br />

fill a void or we‘re buying items in the hopes they‘ll make us feel better.<br />

In reality, it‘s time to examine our emotional and spiritual state to reflect<br />

on where our needs are not being met. When you feel emotionally and<br />

spiritually fulfilled, you will no longer feel the need to clutter your life<br />

with excess, and to hold onto connections with items, rather than<br />

connections with people.(livingwellspendingless, 2016)<br />

Figure 5<br />

6.0 When you decide to being rearranging yourself<br />

When you‘re reorganizing and uncluttering your home, you‘ll<br />

probably need to do some rearranging and redecorating. As you work on<br />

the layout of your rooms, think about the purpose of each room, and the<br />

job of each and every item within each room.<br />

There‘s a famous rule by William Morris that advises the following:<br />

Have nothing in your houses that you don‘t know to be useful or believe<br />

to be beautiful.<br />

Generally speaking, this rule should apply to almost every item in our<br />

homes. Because here‘s the thing–we often decorate our homes based on

how we THINK we should use our homes, rather than how we actually<br />

use them. Give yourself permission to be realistic.<br />

While you may envision grand and formal layouts, with furniture and<br />

décor you‘ve always dreamed about the reality is that if you have children<br />

and pets and a busy schedule, a formal décor may not serve you.<br />

Arranging rooms so they‘re comfortable and functional is key to<br />

transforming your house into the best home possible for you and your<br />

family.<br />

It can sound unattainable or difficult, but when you reflect on the true<br />

value of your family, your friends, and those who bring you spiritual and<br />

emotional nourishment, you realize it‘s the people in your life that really<br />

matter. It‘s not about having the most perfect home or a home that‘s full<br />

of designer furniture, toys, clothes and ―stuff.‖(Apartmenttherapy, 2016)<br />

7.0 What it takes to build your dream home<br />

If you've never looked at the costs of remodeling, prepare for a shock:<br />

The price tags involved can make it seem like you'd be better off starting<br />

from scratch. Starting at the low end, there are a few projects you can do<br />

without breaking the bank. For instance, adding a deck to your home<br />

costs an average of about $9,300 for a midrange home, according to<br />

figures from Remodeling Magazine. Window replacements also run in<br />

the $10,000 range, and a bathroom remodel typically costs around<br />

$15,000.<br />

Figure 6

But once you start looking at some more ambitious projects, the dollar<br />

amounts you'll see start to get really serious. Thinking of remodeling your<br />

basement? Expect to pay around $60,000. A major kitchen remodeling<br />

can run $50,000 or more, and putting in a sunroom carries about a<br />

$70,000 price tag. And if you want the master suite of your dreams, you<br />

can start thinking of six-figure sums. Moreover, if you already have an<br />

upper-end home, then remodeling projects get even more expensive. A<br />

luxury kitchen remodeling can easily take you over the $100,000 mark,<br />

while adding a master suite in an upscale house costs an average of<br />

$220,000.<br />

If you're like many homeowners, it's easy to justify those expenditures to<br />

yourself by arguing that they enhance the value of your home. In theory,<br />

you should therefore get your remodeling expenses back when you sell<br />

your home. In reality, though, you can only expect to see a fraction of<br />

what you pay on a remodeling project to flow through to the value of<br />

your home. Such projects typically add between 50% and 75% of their<br />

cost to your home value. And, disappointingly, the projects with the<br />

highest price tags are often the ones that pay off the least.<br />

8.0 How you can afford the home you want -- without debt<br />

Taking on a bigger mortgage or home equity debt clearly isn't the ideal<br />

way to finance an expensive remodeling project. But finding $100,000 or<br />

more to do all the work to turn your house into a true home may sound<br />

impossible.<br />

Figure 7

That's where many people give up on their dreams -- never realizing that<br />

a simple investment strategy that uses the financial principle of<br />

compound returns can turn even modest savings into six-figure sums.<br />

Simply by choosing smart investments and reinvesting income into<br />

additional shares, you'll see faster growth in your available wealth than<br />

you'd imagine.(Dan Caplinger, 2014)<br />

9.0 Small Living Room Ideas That Will Maximize <strong>Your</strong> Space<br />

For many inhabitants of studio apartments and small homes, the question<br />

is not just how to make the living room furniture layout work; it's how to<br />

make it all work in a way that serves ten purposes while still leaving room<br />

to breathe. A living room is often the hub of a house, but when it‘s cramped<br />

and narrow, choosing and arranging furniture can feel like an impossible<br />

math problem. The good news is that it‘s possible to have a small living<br />

room that can do it all and still feel (relatively) spacious.<br />

‣ Accentuate the Room‘s Best Features: New York interior<br />

designer Christina Murphy approaches a small living room<br />

strategically: ―Assessing the room‘s assets and making those the<br />

focal point as much as possible is the best way to make the room<br />

appealing,‖ she says. If it‘s got great light, play that up with lighter<br />

colors to create a sense of expansiveness; if it has a stunning<br />

fireplace, draw attention to it.<br />

Figure 8<br />

‣ Scale Down Furniture: In a narrow living room, every piece of<br />

furniture matters. Choose leaner tables and wall sconces to save

much-needed floor space. For seating, tight-back sofas and club<br />

chairs are your friends, says Murphy: ―They can be a lot less deep<br />

than loose-back options while still being just as comfortable.‖<br />

Consider wall-mounted shelves and a floating desk over bulky<br />

bookcases and workstations.<br />

Figure 9<br />

‣ Get Creative with the Layout: Limited space challenges you to<br />

think beyond seating conventions. ―I love built-in banquettes since<br />

they‘re efficient, maximizing space and conversation areas,‖ says<br />

Murphy. If the room is narrow but also long, she recommends<br />

placing sofas back-to-back to allow for two seating<br />

areas.(SmallWonders, 2015)<br />

Figure 10

10.0 Remodelling Tips to <strong>Transform</strong> your <strong>House</strong> into your <strong>Dream</strong> <strong>Home</strong><br />

Not all of us are lucky or rich enough to get the dream home we‘ve<br />

always wanted. Purchasing a house is a big investment and many of us<br />

not have the means to undergo a major remodelling project. Well, you do<br />

not have to wait for decades before you can turn your house into your<br />

dream home. Sometimes, simple changes can truly transform the look of<br />

your house. Take a look at the simple remodelling tips we‘ve prepared<br />

that can get you started towards your dream home.<br />

Figure 11<br />

10.1 Adding Framed Mirrors on Doors<br />

If you have flat panel doors in your home, they may make your<br />

home look boring and outdated. A simple remodeling tip you can<br />

do is adding framed mirrors on top of it. Not only will they serve<br />

their purpose, but they will increase any room‘s aesthetic appeal,<br />

making it look more spacious. Just remember to paint the frames of<br />

the mirrors the same color as the door to make them look as if they<br />

were built into the door.<br />

10.2 Painting your Ceilings<br />

You would be surprised how much you can transform any space by<br />

changing the color of your ceiling. Choose an ultra-flat paint to

hide imperfections and eliminate glare. However, the best choice of<br />

color would be something that complements the rest of your décor.<br />

10.3 Painting or Re-Staining Oak Fixtures<br />

Re-staining oak fixtures can add a bit of luxurious feel to your<br />

home. If you have the time, you can do this project yourself. You<br />

can do this on your stairs or kitchen cabinets. The steps include<br />

sanding, cleaning and applying at least three coats of<br />

stain.(<strong>Home</strong>Remodling, 2015)<br />

11.0 How to Turn a <strong>House</strong> into a <strong>Dream</strong> <strong>Home</strong><br />

Telling someone how to make their dream home is virtually impossible.<br />

Everyone has a unique vision of what it looks like and a lifestyle they<br />

want for themselves and their family. This is why when discussing tips<br />

about building a dream home, one can really only focus on the basics and<br />

tell people where to look for potential which is exactly what we will do in<br />

this article.(BondCleaninginPerth, 2016)<br />

11.1 Light it up<br />

Figure 12<br />

One thing we know for sure is that no one dreams about darkness.<br />

Pretty much every dream house involves areas filled with sunshine.<br />

This is what you should do to your home, as well. You can never

have too many windows. If you have a means of securing your<br />

privacy, such as back or front yard greenery, you can even have<br />

windows for walls. Build a folding glass wall in your living room<br />

area opening it up to your patio and the backyard. This will bring<br />

your use of natural light to an absolute maximum and this is always<br />

a modern and a desired feature. Alternatively, you can install light<br />

tubes, skylights, and stair windows, too.<br />

11.2 Convert your attic<br />

Attic and basement both take up a lot of space and are usually used<br />

for storage, particularly the attic. Maximize the use of space in<br />

your home by turning the attic into an ultimate leisure room or a<br />

spacious master bedroom. Adding more windows and installing a<br />

glass wall, along with the height, could make you feel like you are<br />

in the clouds. You can still use it as a storage area, by making<br />

built-in cupboards alongside walls to put away your seasonal<br />

clothes, extra linen, blankets etc.<br />

11.3 The furniture<br />

Apart from the actual building and its layout, the furniture also<br />

plays a significant role in your home‘s makeover. If you want to<br />

change the look of your home without purchasing new furniture,<br />

you can simply move it around to open up space and adjust to the<br />

remodel. Also, using trendy rugs could add style to your home.<br />

You could try out minimalism and focus on smart storage solutions<br />

using built-in furniture and furniture with a double purpose. Buy<br />

smaller decorative pieces, or refinish the ones you have. Making<br />

reading and relaxing nooks may also be a good idea to accompany<br />

the newly found light in your home.(Steven Clarke, 2018)<br />

12.0 Create a bedroom for the dog!<br />

We have all thought about what our dream home would look like. It‘s<br />

natural! After all, we spend most of our time at home, so we might as<br />

well make it as perfect as possible. Some of us would like to have two<br />

staircases in the house for easy access, to be perched on top of a hill with<br />

a great backyard view, or to have a his and her walk-in closet.

Regardless of what your dream home will look like, I guarantee you that<br />

the creative and unique home remodeling ideas below will make you<br />

reconsider. After reading through this list, I couldn‘t help but add a few<br />

new ideas to my wish list.<br />

Figure 13

13.0 Lower the living room<br />

Create a unique feel to the living room by making it ―sink.‖ It‘s an<br />

elegant design that creates a space within a space.(Inno Asuncion, 2014)<br />

Figure 14<br />

14.0 Intelligent homes: history, trends and gaps in R&D<br />

Visions of highly automatised <strong>Home</strong>s with futuristic technologies have<br />

been developed for decades already under various buzzwords such as<br />

Intelligent <strong>Home</strong>, Smart <strong>Home</strong>, Interactive <strong>Home</strong> and <strong>Home</strong> of the<br />

Future. The tasks charged on the Smart <strong>House</strong> (Scott, 1998) are by no<br />

means negligible:<br />

‣ It helps its inhabitants live a healthy, happy and safe life;<br />

‣ It performs many tasks automatically to relieve the stress of<br />

managing the house;<br />

‣ It integrates home, work, learning and leisure activities;<br />

‣ It does not annoy people with the technological details of how it<br />

actually works.<br />

During the last few years the scientific literature concerning the topic of<br />

intelligent houses/buildings has diversified. The term ‗‗intelligent‘‘ has

ecome somewhat outmoded or obsolete, being replaced by new<br />

approaches such as ‗‗aware house‘‘, ‗‗integrated environments‘‘ or<br />

‗‗alive and interactive environments‘‘. Authors have diverted their<br />

interest in studying more the interaction between home and residents and<br />

related interfaces than technologies as ‗‗intelligent‘‘ in their own right.<br />

This change appears analogous to the shift of emphasis from technocentred<br />

artificial intelligence towards human-centred ambient<br />

intelligence, ubiquitous intelligence/ computing or versatile<br />

intelligence/computing. The main trends driving the application of<br />

ambient intelligence technologies in the application field of housing have<br />

been found to be:<br />

‣ The acceleration of rhythm of everyday life, hectic and busy<br />

lifestyles, growing demands of efficiency and flexibility in daily<br />

routines;<br />

‣ The breaking up of the boundaries of time and space (increasing<br />

telepresence);<br />

‣ The ageing of population, leading to a demand of elderly living<br />

longer in their homes;<br />

‣ The increasing demand of security and safety (e.g. due to rising<br />

crime rates and/or sense of insecurity);<br />

‣ The growing pressures to curb environmental problems and to<br />

save energy (to promote sustainable development and to<br />

compensate high prices of energy);<br />

‣ The increasing search for experiences and meanings (e.g.<br />

Jensen, 1999, 2000) (leading to building homes as<br />

media/entertainment centers);<br />

‣ The increasing need for home as a sanctuary (home as dedicated<br />

to privacy, rest and relaxation);<br />

‣ The technological way of life per se of many young urban<br />

people. Undoubtedly, new technologies have changed our life in<br />

the last decades. They can make three types of contributions to<br />

improve our everyday life:<br />

‣ They can have practical use by making many everyday tasks<br />

easier and faster;<br />

‣ They can provide enjoyment, playfulness, fun and aesthetics;<br />

‣ They can increase the status or prestige: the early refrigerator<br />

advertisements in the late 1920s put emphasis mostly on

prestige and novelty and refrigerators were designed to appeal<br />

to an average homemaker as much aesthetically as practically.<br />

(Nickles, 2002, p. 697).(Friedewald, Da Costa, Punie, Alahuhta,<br />

& Heinonen, 2005)<br />

15.0 Conclusion<br />

Planning and imagining your dream home should be part of the fun, so<br />

don‘t try to rush the process. Many homeowners try to rush big<br />

renovations–kitchen and bath especially–and end up regretting the<br />

decisions they made in haste.<br />

Take your time: live in your space, learn how you use it, bring home<br />

samples, sketch plans, talk to experts. Write down your ideas and desires,<br />

then come back and review them after a few months. If you‘re still<br />

excited about your plans, take it as a sign to move forward. If not, you‘re<br />

just saved yourself a boatload of money and a crushing ton of buyer‘s<br />

remorse.<br />

The easiest and simplest way to make your house into your dream home<br />

is to start filling it with things you love. Display your teaspoon collection,<br />

hang an oil painting of your dog, fill your powder room with ficus: just<br />

do what makes you happy.

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