Turning Junk Into Something Useful

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Home Decor <strong>Turning</strong> <strong>Junk</strong> into <strong>Something</strong><br />

<strong>Useful</strong> For<br />

By Alexis McClure<br />

Faculty Arts & Design<br />

Abstract<br />

Upcycling is the process of turning waste, often of the sort that is usually<br />

considered "unrecyclable", into something that is useful or of value. A popular<br />

form of upcycling involves creating art with items of waste, and the results can<br />

be spectacular. They can also be practical, as Fennell's bus shelter made out of a<br />

real school bus shows. But beauty is in the eye of the beholder, fashions change<br />

with the wind and exceptional artists are few and far between. Many bits of junk<br />

simply get "upcycled" into a different form of junk that will find its way into<br />

landfill within a short space of time, so it's worth asking the question, "What<br />

Makes For Good Upcycling?"<br />

1.0 Introduction<br />

Upcycling serves many purposes, and one of those is to improve the state<br />

of the environment. Here are some things to keep in mind:<br />

Longevity – how long will the upcycled item be kept out of the<br />

waste stream?<br />

Replacement – will the upcycled materials replace the use of new<br />

materials?<br />

Education – does the upcycled work make a point that will<br />

encourage us to change our wasteful ways?<br />

Utility – is the upcycled item useful? Does it fulfil a genuine need?<br />

Recyclability and reusability – can the upcycled item be recycled<br />

or further upcycled when it is no longer needed in its current form?

Volume – does the upcycling activity put a significant dent in the<br />

volume of waste stream that it comes from?<br />

It may be difficult for any one example of upcycling to tick all these<br />

boxes but we don't have to look too far to find highly imaginative<br />

examples of good upcycling.<br />

Thinking of throwing something away? Stop right there! ‗Upcycling‘ is a<br />

process of taking the old and turning it into something new and useful.<br />

The term was first used in 1994, and the practice is now enjoying a<br />

resurgence. Here are 28 innovative ways of taking something unwanted<br />

and turning it into something awesome. Take a look and try some of them<br />

out!(1millionwomen, 2016)<br />

2.0 The Art Of Upcycling<br />

While many art and craft projects only provide waste with a short respite<br />

from the rubbish bin, art can be a good form of upcycling. Susan<br />

Stockwell uses e-waste to great effect, creating a visual impact that makes<br />

us think about the legacy we are creating. While it is likely to grace<br />

galleries for a long time, her work retains its recyclability through its<br />

minimal transformation from its original state.<br />

Figure 1

Humans have probably been upcycling clothing and fabrics since the<br />

dawn of civilisation. Creating colourful quilts out of scraps of fabric is an<br />

old and practical favourite, as is giving a new purpose to old suitcases and<br />

computer monitors.<br />

One area where large quantities of waste can be upcycled is building. It<br />

seems there's no end to the old materials that people have incorporated<br />

into houses, from tyres and bottles through to timber pallets, shipping<br />

containers, aircraft parts and hubcaps!<br />

Upcycling is a well-known process of turning old waste (often<br />

unrecyclable) into something useful or of value. This is most commonly<br />

seen in modern art creations and the results are often incredible. A good<br />

upcycle keeps what was once ‗junk‘ outside of landfill for as long as<br />

possible. Successful upcycling can take some practice. Here are some tips<br />

for a ‗good‘ upcycle.<br />

2.0 Environmental impacts<br />

Upcycling can be done for a number of different purposes, the most wellknown<br />

being to help improve the state of the environment. Environmental<br />

success of an item can be measured against the following criteria.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Longevity — how long can the upcycled item be used and kept<br />

out of the waste system?<br />

Replacement — how well can the item replace the need for new<br />

materials?<br />

Education — can the upcycled item encourage others to change<br />

their wasteful ways?<br />

Utility — how useful is the upcycle item and does it fulfil a<br />

need?<br />

Recyclability and reusability — can the item be upcycled<br />

multiple times when its current form is no longer needed?<br />

Volume — does the upcycling activity put a dent in the volume<br />

of waste stream that it initially comes from?

3.0 Upcycling as an art<br />

Often when we undertake art and craft projects we end up creating plenty<br />

of waste with a short respite from the bin. However, when you think<br />

creatively and strive to tick as much of the criteria mentioned above, the<br />

more amazing the art can be. Upcycling is becoming increasingly popular<br />

across galleries worldwide. However, you don‘t need to be an artist to<br />

create an upcycled piece.<br />

Figure 2<br />

Chances are you have upcycled in the past and just never realised. For<br />

example, clothing and fabrics are often ‗upcycled‘ by making colourful<br />

quilts made up of scraps of fabric. Another common upcycling is the<br />

reuse and new purpose given to old suitcases and computer monitors.<br />

One of the most successful and common forms of upcycling includes<br />

building materials. Many have discovered ways to incorporate old<br />

materials into today‘s houses. Uses include tyres and bottles transformed<br />

into timber pallets, shipping containers, aircraft parts, and hubcaps.<br />

Unlike recycling, upcycling keeps ‗waste‘ in its same physical state and<br />

transforms it into something useful. The two forms of waste management<br />

are not comparable, however, they act almost like companions. Today‘s<br />

waste is continuing to increase every day and the more we can do to<br />

transform waste into resources the better.

Start your upcycling practice by transforming your old cutlery, try out<br />

these upcycling methods today.(racqliving, 2018)<br />

4.0 Find your decoration style<br />

Several years ago, I hosted a ―How to Decorate‖ series on my blog and<br />

had 20+ talented bloggers share their top decorating secrets. This week<br />

we are doing it again! Twenty-five talented bloggers will be sharing with<br />

you their top tips and tricks on how to decorate your home. I hope you‘ll<br />

tune in each day! I am kicking off the series with tips on how to find your<br />

decorating style.<br />

Figure 3<br />

So what are you? Are you contemporary? Traditional? Transitional?<br />

French Country? Rustic? Industrial? Mid-century modern? Coastal?<br />

Cottage? Eclectic? Overwhelmed and confused? If you google ―how to<br />

find your decorating style‖ a myriad of quizzes will pop up promising to<br />

help you pinpoint your unique style. I know myself very well at this point<br />

and can tell you my style…and yet I received a slightly different<br />

decorating style conclusion on all of these quizzes. Some told me I was<br />

cottage, others said I was traditional, one said I was transitional, and<br />

another determined I was coastal. Quizzes that ask your favorite lipstick<br />

color, favorite dog, ideal drink, and ideal vacation, aren‘t necessarily

going to get to the root of your decor style! And the truth of the matter is<br />

that most of us are a healthy mix of several of the above categories. And<br />

the even BIGGER truth is that unless we live alone we are typically<br />

decorating with several personalities and styles in mind!<br />

So let‘s approach the question differently. Let‘s first define what some of<br />

these styles look like today, and then explore ways to pinpoint how your<br />

unique (family‘s) style fits into the mix. Before I start defining these, I<br />

should add a disclaimer that all of these definitions are up for debate. I’m<br />

going to do my best to define the styles as I see them, but know that you<br />

are free to disagree with me! There are just too many styles to cover in<br />

one post, but I will highlight some of the most popular ones which<br />

should hopefully give you a sense of where you might fit in.<br />

4.1 Contemporary<br />

Contemporary style is often interchanged with ―modern‖ which<br />

isn‘t accurate. Contemporary decorating is about the ―here and<br />

now‖. It can best be characterized by: less is more, clean lines,<br />

emphasis on lines and form, neutral and tonal colors paired with<br />

bold pops of color, open spaces, and natural lighting. Here are<br />

some examples below that encapsulate the contemporary style.<br />

Figure 4

4.2 Traditional<br />

Traditional decorating is about comfort, coziness, rounded sofa<br />

arms, elegance, symmetrical arrangements, rich moldings and<br />

attention to woodwork. Classic traditional conjures up images<br />

rooted in old-English style—dripping in dark woods, heavy<br />

draperies, hunter green, and persian rugs. NEW traditional however<br />

is different. New traditional is classic and comfortable, but allows<br />

for some fun and youthfulness to be interjected.<br />

Figure 5<br />

4.3 Transitional<br />

If contemporary and traditional got married and had a baby, that<br />

baby would be named transitional! Seems sort of like it should be<br />

named Trademporary or Contempditional, but those are harder to<br />

pronounce and might elicit teasing in the schoolyard. Transitional<br />

decorating finds the sweet spot between the comfort and warmth of<br />

traditional style and the clean lines and metallic goodness of<br />

contemporary style.

This look usually has contemporary staple pieces of furniture<br />

paired with warm woods and sophisticated metallics.<br />

4.4 Cottage Style<br />

Figure 6<br />

Cottage style decor is light, airy, personal and casual. Under this<br />

decor style umbrella you could include: rustic, farmhouse, coastal,<br />

country, french country, shabby chic and even industrial decor.<br />

Each of these styles has their own unique look, of course, but they<br />

share many commonalities.<br />

Figure 7

Cottage decor incorporates modest moldings such as plank walls,<br />

well-worn or reused vintage pieces, second hand treasures,<br />

and painted furniture. It is a look that is easy to achieve on a tight<br />

budget.(homestoriesatoz, 2016)<br />

5.0 DIY Projects for <strong>Junk</strong> Around Your Home<br />

Do you have items lying around your house or stuffed into drawers that<br />

you can‘t do much with but that you don‘t want to throw out? Do you like<br />

saving money while reducing wastefulness at the same time? Finding<br />

creative ways to use junk items in your home is a great way to satisfy<br />

those needs! Your junk drawers, recycling bins, and even the spare<br />

change beneath your couch cushions have the potential to become<br />

beautiful DIY projects. Check out the ideas below for some projects to<br />

try. After all, one man‘s trash is another man‘s treasure!(―25 Really Cool<br />

Cat Furniture Design Ideas Every Cat Owner Needs,‖ 2015)<br />

<br />

Make ornaments with CDs you no longer use

Make a moonlight lamp from rolled magazine pages<br />

Figure 8

Create a beautiful vase with your extra pennies<br />

Figure 9

Create paper baskets for baked goods with extra paper plates

Turn spare shoelaces into woven bracelets<br />

Figure 10

Use photo negatives to make a memory-filled lamp shade<br />

Figure 11

Turn an old tennis ball into an adorable holder<br />

<br />

Create a bracelet out of soda can tabs

Figure 12<br />

<br />

Use junk mail to make fun paper garlands<br />

Figure 13<br />

<br />

Make a candle inside an empty Altoids tin (instructions here)

Figure 14<br />

<br />

Line drawers with unwanted or used gift wrap<br />

Figure 15<br />

<br />

Create keychains with wine corks

Figure 16<br />

<br />

Glue old cassette tapes together to make a pencil holder<br />

Figure 17<br />

<br />

Find creative ways to use old toys as bookends

Figure 18<br />

<br />

Cut holes in a show boxes to hide and organize cords!<br />

Figure 19<br />

6.0 The Importance of Decorating<br />

While a Pinterest-perfect home is far from necessary, a home that makes<br />

you smile surely is. Whether you have a home full of coveted antiques,

cool modern furniture, or nothing but IKEA, if your home makes you<br />

happy, that‘s what really matters.<br />

6.1 Your Home is an oasis<br />

Treat your home like the paradise that it is. Home is where we<br />

enjoy time with friends, relax after a long day, and create amazing<br />

memories. When decorating your home, think about the purpose<br />

you want it to serve, and design with that purpose in mind. Just by<br />

choosing the right bedsheets and paint, your room can become<br />

more relaxing, letting you have a better night‘s sleep. A larger<br />

dining table with comfortable chairs encourages your beloved<br />

guests to stay for one more glass of wine.<br />

6.2 Express Yourself<br />

“Home is where we create, relax, live, and love. A well-decorated<br />

home is a stage for a well-lived life.”<br />

Just as one expresses themselves through their hairstyle or outfits,<br />

your home can be a true reflection of who you really are. If you<br />

live alone, go all out! Pick your favorite pieces and items and get<br />

creative, mixing and matching until your eyes see nothing that does<br />

not bring joy. If you share your home, collaborate with that person.<br />

Ask them what is important to them, what they love. While<br />

challenging, finding a way to bring two styles together can be a<br />

bonding experience, and the end product something you will both<br />

enjoy for a lifetime. When friends walk through your door, they<br />

should look around and see you.<br />

6.3 Don’t Forget Your Past<br />

Your home is the perfect place to sprinkle meaningful pieces<br />

around. Your grandmother‘s chair, a photo of a city you love, or an<br />

uncle‘s painting are tangible ways to pay homage to the people and<br />

places we love. Mixing old with new is a sure way to create an<br />

interesting, beautiful space. You‘ll literally be surrounding yourself<br />

with love when you incorporate family pieces with your own<br />

personal picks.

Your home can be whatever you want it to be. Don‘t overlook the<br />

power of decorating. Allow your home to be appealing,<br />

comfortable, and serve a purpose beyond simply being a shelter.<br />

Home is where we create, relax, live, and love. A well-decorated<br />

home is a stage for a well-lived life.(shescharming, n.d.)<br />

For those of you that are regular readers around here, you may<br />

have noticed my absence last week. Our entire family came down<br />

with the worst sick bug we have experienced to date! The hubby<br />

used some of his first sick days in 10 years, and we all looked like<br />

death warmed over. Thankfully we are on the road to recovery<br />

now, but even yesterday I was still feeling over taken by the<br />

sickness, and wondered if and when this nasty virus was ever going<br />

to leave! While being sick is never easy – I mean who likes to<br />

involuntarily stop in their tracks while their body tries to fight off<br />

disease. By day 2 I tried to embrace the inevitable and realize my<br />

body needed some rest. While I was laying on our couch, getting<br />

the much needed rest my body was requiring, I couldn‘t help but<br />

look around our living spaces and do some reflecting.<br />

Figure 20

While my body was regaining energy, I was feeling a bit refreshed<br />

myself. I was soaking in our cozy, farmhouse decor, looking<br />

around and smiling at all that had been done to make this house our<br />

home, and I was reminded of a quote I had read that really rang<br />

true to my heart‘s desire when it came to decorating our home. The<br />

quote came from one of my favourite bloggers new book at the<br />

time, Love the Home You Have by: Melissa Michaels from The<br />

Inspired Room.<br />

Figure 21<br />

As I laid on our couch, shivering in my own flu symptoms, and<br />

taking care of my sick family around me, I couldn‘t help but feel<br />

this as I allowed our home the chance to serve us. So many times<br />

my efforts are put into pouring in to our home, fluffing the couch<br />

so it‘s cozy to plop onto. Picking up everyday piles that collect as<br />

we carry on with work and school. Doing the dishes and wiping<br />

down the counters so things are clean and put away. All<br />

investments I put into our home to make it a welcoming place for<br />

my family, and anyone else who happens to stop by. But rarely do

we get to stop and sit back for a moment, and allow our homes to<br />

serve us. You see last week when we were all sick, and had no<br />

energy to maintain daily routines, the only thing I could do was<br />

stop and be still. But it allowed me the chance to look around, and<br />

lean in on that cozy couch I fluffed all the time. To put empty soup<br />

bowls and dirty mugs with left over tea remnants in the sink, that<br />

soothed our throats and tummies while we tried to get better.<br />

Figure 22<br />

All those investments of pouring into our house came full circle<br />

when we were sick, and our home offered us a place of comfort<br />

and rest so we could get better. As I laid there and looked around<br />

our home, I felt refreshed because I was in an environment that<br />

inspired me and welcomed me in to rest, so I could regain my<br />

energy to go back out into the world. <strong>Something</strong>, that in the busy<br />

everyday life can get over looked. So the next time you think it‘s<br />

silly to fluff those pillows, or buy that pretty frame that makes you<br />

smile, or re-arrange your furniture for a room re-fresh, remember<br />

that as much as we serve our homes, they are truly there to serve<br />

us. That they really welcome us in for refreshment, and offer us a<br />

place to rest and regroup, so we can put our best selves forward.<br />

I‘ll be back tomorrow to share more on that cute little farmhouse<br />

table in between our chairs. The newest addition to our Living<br />

Room.(roomsforrentblog, n.d.)

The bedroom is the most important room in the house though many<br />

may not realize this. In most cases, much emphasis is put on the<br />

sitting room with the assumption that it holds more importance for<br />

visitors. It is true that the living room is the first place a person will<br />

see, and so it takes most of the attention for many people.<br />

Figure 23<br />

Other rooms are as important too and the make the house a whole.<br />

A house can be likened to parts of body. Each is important because<br />

they make you whole. Each room in the room has to stand out and<br />

be at the same level as the rest of the house.<br />

Decorating a house is an exercise that carries a lot of importance<br />

not only for the occupants but for anyone else who may visit.<br />

Because of this, it is good to understand why you should do it.

If it is rally your house, the motive behind decorating it in a<br />

specific manner tell how you feel about living in it. In most cases a<br />

person‘s status in life is defined by the way their houses look. A<br />

nice house will tell about the people who live in it.<br />

The trickiest part of making a house look lovely is in finishing.<br />

Anyone who has ever built a house will tell you that the finishing<br />

part is the one that takes more money, energy and concentration.<br />

As much as the foundation is important, it does not need as much<br />

concentration as the finishing.<br />

The choice of colors for your house can be quite challenge.<br />

Someone may decide to paint the whole outside white with a few<br />

black here and there for example, that is easy for the outside. The<br />

inside is what brings more trouble and needs a lot of thinking.<br />

The inside of the house is more delicate because there are so many<br />

things involved. There are the items you place in the house, the<br />

curtains you loose on your windows, the covers you use for your<br />

furniture. Everything needs to blend in to create a unique<br />

environment. Your house should make you feel comfortable<br />

enough to want to stay in. decorating your house can be the best<br />

way to make sure it is really a home worth calling home. If you<br />

give it your best, you get the best. Here are importance of<br />

decoration for you and your house.<br />

Even if you are vacating your property it‘s essential to keep your<br />

junk material with and use then in future to decorate your new<br />

house.(BondCleaninginPerth, 2014)<br />

6.4 For blending<br />

If you have ever listened to a well arranged and played piece of<br />

music, you will realize that it is only good if every part blends in<br />

well to produce a perfect harmony. Music makers know that every<br />

voice must fall into the key it is pitched in. if any fall out, then the<br />

whole piece will suffer a blow. This is true for everything else in<br />

life, if you have staff that does not agree with the rest of your staff,<br />

you will have trouble keeping up and creating a balance in your<br />


Decorating a house creates that same feeling too. You feel like<br />

every part has fallen in place to give you a perfect feeling of<br />

satisfaction. if you have a grey wall for example and you hang on it<br />

say photos in silver frames, you will feel if the colors are actually<br />

communicating. Each room can have a different color on the wall<br />

but still you feel like the blend is actually there.<br />

Colors speak and they tell stories whether you know it or not.<br />

Everyone has a favorite color. Not two people will like exactly the<br />

same color the same way. Now if you are decorating with emphasis<br />

on coloration, you need to put in mind the colors that you really<br />

need rather than those you want.<br />

Colors can brighten up your house or make it gloomy. Consider<br />

very well the outside environment when choosing your colors.<br />

Sometimes the environment may not actually blend with your<br />

colors and you find a gloomy mood where you wanted to create a<br />

joyful one. Through colors, you can make your own life happy or<br />

sad. This may sound strange, but it is true. For example, black is<br />

usually associated with sad moments.<br />

The staff that you put in each room will show you if there is<br />

something with your arrangement. Take your bedroom<br />

arrangement for instance, if you have a super king size bed in it, it<br />

usually means your room in large enough to hold it and leave some<br />

space.(dmagazine.com, 2015)<br />

You must think carefully of what you put on the bed too. What are<br />

the colors and the material of your beddings? Do they really blend?<br />

You could be having nice cotton quilted quit cover for your<br />

mattress, but does it match the color choice for the rest of the<br />

room? All these must be put into consideration if you have to really<br />

bring in the feeling.<br />

7.0 Decorating a house is actually a fun activity<br />

Fun does not always mean that you must go out and have a very eventful<br />

day. You can just stay home and create your own fun place. If you enjoy<br />

staying in your house, it means that it really gives you joy to see how you<br />

have planned. There is always something that gives you joy whenever

you look at. It could be that beautiful doona cover in your bedroom, or<br />

the way the furniture is arranged in your house. Whatever it is, you must<br />

make it look like it really counts and is worth your while.<br />

There are people who consider house decoration as a hobby. House<br />

decoration creates the mood for what is happening around it. A special<br />

occasion taking place in a certain house will give direction on what is<br />

going on. People who arrange parties a lot in their houses uses<br />

decorations to set the mood and also give direction. Decorating a house<br />

brings joy to the person doing it and if it is your hobby, you will do it<br />

over and over without ever feeling tired.(Anna, 2018)<br />

8.0 Conclusion<br />

“The point of decorating, as far as I can tell, is to create the background<br />

for the best life you can have.<br />

Decoration can be life-enhancing. It can make dinner parties more fun,<br />

kids happier, relaxing easier, talks more intimate, guests at ease. And to<br />

think, decorating is often considered frivolous. Making a charmed and<br />

happy home is a noble endeavor.<br />

The simple secret is making sure that every decorating decision<br />

contributes to the creation of beauty and comfort. Beauty to uplift our<br />

senses (to transcend the mundane) and comfort to make us feel taken care<br />

of (to embrace us in the mundane).‖<br />

Well said Madame Needleman, well said.<br />

We do this home beautifying thing — this fabric fixating, wallpaper<br />

waxing, pillow pondering, candle lighting, furniture obsessing enterprise<br />

because it makes life better.

References<br />

1millionwomen. (2016). The Art Of Upcycling: <strong>Turning</strong> <strong>Junk</strong> <strong>Into</strong> <strong>Something</strong><br />

<strong>Useful</strong> | 1 Million Women. Retrieved May 31, 2018, from<br />

https://www.1millionwomen.com.au/blog/art-upcycling-turning-junksomething-useful/<br />

25 Really Cool Cat Furniture Design Ideas Every Cat Owner Needs. (2015).<br />

Retrieved May 31, 2018, from<br />

https://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/25-really-cool-cat-furnituredesign-ideas-every-cat-owner-needs.html<br />

Anna. (2018). What is the importance of decorating your house? – Anna –<br />

Medium. Retrieved May 31, 2018, from<br />

https://medium.com/@hosierjennas/what-is-the-importance-of-decoratingyour-house-c782d7aedbf9<br />

BondCleaninginPerth. (2014). 5 Important Things to Remember While<br />

Vacating Your Property - Bond Cleaning Perth. Retrieved May 31, 2018,<br />

from https://www.bondcleaninginperth.com.au/5-important-thingsremember-vacating-property/<br />

dmagazine.com. (2015). Why Is All this Decorating Stuff So Important<br />

Anyway? - D Magazine. Retrieved May 31, 2018, from<br />

https://www.dmagazine.com/home-garden/2012/03/why-is-all-thisdecorating-stuff-so-important-anyway/<br />

homestoriesatoz. (2016). How to Decorate Series: Finding Your Decorating<br />

Style - Home Stories A to Z. Retrieved May 31, 2018, from<br />

https://www.homestoriesatoz.com/decorating/how-to-decorate-seriesfinding-your-decorating-style.html<br />

racqliving. (2018). The art of upcycling - RACQ Living. Retrieved May 31,<br />

2018, from https://racqliving.com.au/home/the-art-of-upcycling/<br />

roomsforrentblog. (n.d.). Why Home Decor is so Important - Rooms For Rent<br />

blog. Retrieved May 31, 2018, from<br />

http://roomsforrentblog.com/2016/04/home-decor-important/<br />

shescharming. (n.d.). The Importance of Decorating - She‘s Charming.<br />

Retrieved May 31, 2018, from http://shescharming.com/blog/theimportance-of-decorating

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