Bob Chilcott - Walking the Red Road

for SATB (with divisions) unaccompanied This beautifully expressive piece is based around The Seven Sacred Virtues of the Lakota; the title, 'Walking the Red Road', refers to the commitment to purposefully live by these values, the metaphorical 'red road', being a spiritual way of life. The unhurried tempo gives space for the listener to reflect on the text, while sumptuous harmonies create a rich cushion of sound.

for SATB (with divisions) unaccompanied
This beautifully expressive piece is based around The Seven Sacred Virtues of the Lakota; the title, 'Walking the Red Road', refers to the commitment to purposefully live by these values, the metaphorical 'red road', being a spiritual way of life. The unhurried tempo gives space for the listener to reflect on the text, while sumptuous harmonies create a rich cushion of sound.


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for online perusal only<br />

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