letopis sazu 2010

letopis sazu 2010

letopis sazu 2010


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Presidential Address at the Assembly of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences<br />

and Arts, 22 February 2011<br />

Distinguished Colleagues, Honorary Member Professor France Bernik, Ladies<br />

and Gentlemen,<br />

Welcome to the regular February Assembly of the Academy. This year marks<br />

the 20 th anniversary of Slovenian independence and the 73 rd year of the Academy.<br />

It is the 318 th Anniversary of our predecessor, the Academia Operosorum. I make<br />

mention of our predecessor for two reasons, which I will explain below.<br />

On this occasion, duty calls for a review of the previous year. This was relatively<br />

kind to the Academy. However, I would first like to remember our colleagues<br />

and friends, academicians who passed away during this year: Boris Mayer<br />

in April, Alojz Šercelj in May, Franc Gubenšek and Stanko Grafenauer in August,<br />

corresponding member Evgen Pusić in September, and corresponding member<br />

Aleksander Flaker in October.<br />

Sit illis terra levis, may they rest in peace.<br />

The 2011 Elections<br />

The period from the previous assembly to this date has been marked by preparations<br />

for this year’s SASA election. The Academy Sections received both good<br />

and bad news. Health and medicine served the great majority of members well,<br />

and most of us can still follow old Horace’s recommendation that we should look<br />

forward to every new day. This happy circumstance overshadows the other, that<br />

we have hardly any vacancies. Today, the Academy numbers 83 full and 16 associate<br />

members, i.e. a total of 99. There are 78 corresponding members. As you know,<br />

we decided to admit three new associate members, to promote three associate<br />

members to full membership and admit five new corresponding members. However,<br />

desires and needs are much greater. Some sections have aged considerably<br />

and some have suffered heavy losses in recent years. There are no new vacancies<br />

in some sections. Unfortunately, there were no nominations of women or any Slovenian<br />

scientist or artist from abroad. It may be noted, however, that despite the<br />

dark side of this year’s election, the negotiations were exemplary and gentlemanly.<br />

For this, I am sincerely grateful to my colleagues.<br />


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