25.02.2013 Aufrufe

Das vollständige Programm zum Download - Hebbel am Ufer

Das vollständige Programm zum Download - Hebbel am Ufer

Das vollständige Programm zum Download - Hebbel am Ufer


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360 360 Grad Grad (CIE. (CIE. KREIS)<br />

KREIS)<br />

kein kein null nullpunkt null punkt nie 33-4<br />

3<br />

4 oder: „Und Du springst einfach“ einfach“<br />

Abwesenheit & Körperlichkeit – Schlagworte, die den Diskurs im zeitgenössischen<br />

Tanz beherrschen. Schlagworte, die den letzten VertreterInnen der<br />

Stahlarbeiter-Generation an der Ruhr nicht im Mund liegen und noch weniger<br />

über die Lippen kommen, wenn sie mit beredtem Schweigen ihr eigenes<br />

Verschwinden kommentieren. Wo die Worte des Stahlarbeiters H. Kreis nicht<br />

hinreichen, setzt der Körper ein und erweitert das Interview performativ. Die<br />

Choreografin Kristina Kreis – Kind ehemaliger ArbeiterInnen – wird selbst<br />

körperlich Teil ihrer dokumentarischen Suche.<br />

HAU2 BÜHNE ∙ 19.00 UHR ∙ 45 MINUTEN<br />

Agata Agata Agata Siniarska<br />

Siniarska<br />

Weather Weather Report<br />

Report<br />

Weather reporter since april 2011/ woman in love, passionately dying from love/<br />

widow, with a great taste to exclusive funerals/ inventor of the crying machine/<br />

revolutionist, with a strong need of statement/ dead corpse with a potentiality<br />

of being alive/ solist. Her biggest passion in life was running to the wall with<br />

the whole cinematic vocabulary of gestures and turning back even more<br />

dr<strong>am</strong>atic, sowing the wind and reaping the whirlwind. Now she decided to stop.<br />

Yet she repeats this gesture many times but only on stage, under many n<strong>am</strong>es,<br />

under many conditions, under the weather.<br />

Concept, Performance: Agata Siniarska<br />

www.weather-report-2011.blogspot.de<br />

HAU3 BÜHNE ∙ 19.30 UHR ∙ 20 MINUTEN<br />

AKR/WhyCompany<br />

AKR/WhyCompany<br />



There are some who feel under siege.<br />

Some who feel under pressure.<br />

We feel vacuum-packed.<br />

Safe, reliable, hermetic, handy, versatile, modular, our system adapts to the<br />

needs of every shape and size, of every place and time, to keep up with your<br />

creativity and imagination. All together, delightfully, we don't leave marks but<br />

only questions. We collect reality in an air bubble making it a series of<br />

"suspended points of view". VACUUM VACUUM-PACKED VACUUM<br />

PACKED is our practice of daily<br />

appropriation of other people's artefacts. It's a collection of performative<br />

actions connected to the space, but also to the personality and character of<br />

the place, at a specific time, and therefore unique.<br />

www.akrcollettivo.net<br />

HAU1 BÜHNE ∙ 17.00 UHR ∙ 30 MINUTEN<br />


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