27.10.2013 Aufrufe

TITELTHEMA 01 - FNG - Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen eV

TITELTHEMA 01 - FNG - Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen eV

TITELTHEMA 01 - FNG - Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen eV


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World Resource Ventures – Finanzforum für<br />

Nachhaltigkeit und Ressourcenmanagement“ am<br />

12. und 13. Juni in Berlin<br />

Das einzigartige Finanzforum für Nachhaltigkeit und<br />

Ressourcenmanagement findet am 12. und 13. Juni 2<strong>01</strong>3 im<br />

Tierpark Berlin statt. Auf dem World Resource Ventures<br />

fokussiert auf den Austausch von Unternehmen und<br />

Investoren im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit und International. Es<br />

werden ca. 400 Teilnehmer aus Europa, USA, Kanada<br />

erwartet. Das Programm umfasst spannende KeyNotes und<br />

Sektionen zur Unternehmenspräsentationen zu den<br />

verschiedenen Nachhaltigkeitsbereichen.<br />

Weitere Informationen und das Programm finden Sie hier:<br />

www.worldresourceventures.com und unter www.forumng.org/.<br />


Eurosif participates in Clear Info project on<br />

environmental data<br />

CLEAR Info is an EU funded project which will pilot the<br />

integration of parent company level information on business<br />

performance and environmental compliance. It aims to<br />

enable quick and easy analysis of parent company level<br />

environmental risk, compliance, and business performance.<br />

The project is led by the Environment Agency for England and<br />

Wales and Eurosif is one of the partners involved in the<br />

project.<br />

Learn more here: www.eurosif.org/media/latest-news/item/<br />

596-eurosif-participates-in-eu-funded-project.<br />


Eurosif meets Commissioner Barnier on Non-<br />

Financial Reporting<br />

Eurosif, together with three other European platforms (ETUC,<br />

BEUC and ECCJ), met Commissioner Barnier from DG MARKT<br />

on November 8th. The goal of the meeting was to reiterate<br />

our support for an ambitious reform to Non-Financial<br />

Reporting (NFR) by EU companies that would ensure the<br />

relevance, the materiality and the consistency of NFR by large<br />

companies.<br />

5<br />

Newsletter #56 | Feb. 2<strong>01</strong>3<br />

Eurosif responds to call for input by MEP Richard<br />

Howitt<br />

Eurosif has provided input to the upcoming EP resolution in<br />

response to the Commission’s CSR Communication from<br />

October 2<strong>01</strong>1. A response letter was sent by Eurosif on 10<br />

October to Richard Howitt who issued his draft report on CSR<br />

on October 26. The report makes an explicit reference linking<br />

socially responsible investment to disclosure.<br />

For more information on key EU developments Eurosif is<br />

focusing on refer to the latest edition of the EU Insider,<br />

available exclusively for our Member Affiliates.<br />

www.eurosif.org/media/latest-news/item/598-eu-insidernow-available-to-member-affiliates.<br />


Call for action: short online survey on non-financial<br />

reporting<br />

Eurosif is providing users of company non-financial<br />

information the opportunity to influence the future of nonfinancial<br />

reporting by European companies with a few clicks.<br />

The results of this survey will be presented at an high level<br />

event on non-financial reporting organised by Eurosif, ACCA<br />

and AVIVA, to be held in March 2<strong>01</strong>3 in Brussels. The event is<br />

under the joint patronage of MEPs Baldassare and Howitt,<br />

and will feature top level European Commission participants<br />

and other policy makers. Take action now by responding to<br />

the survey: www.surveymonkey.com/s/SJPKRDR.<br />

Call for interest: sponsorship opportunity for new<br />

research<br />

Eurosif is looking for two sponsors to fund its new research<br />

„European perspectives on ESG Investing”. The new study is<br />

to be published last spring 2<strong>01</strong>3 and will offer a unique<br />

insight into how ESG practices are combined, how strategies<br />

are implemented, as well as a range of additional quantitative<br />

and qualitative information on how Europe’s investment<br />

industry incorporates ESG considerations. Interested parties<br />

should contact francois@eurosif.org.

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