15.01.2014 Aufrufe

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11 Barbara í Gongini<br />

Born 12.06.1966 on the Faroe Islands, Denmark. Lives and works in Copenhagen. Labels Barbara í Gongini,<br />

founded in 2005 / The Black Line, introduced in 2010 / One, introduced in 2012. Collections<br />

Barbara í Gongini: One women’s collection per season / Black Line: one women’s collection per season /<br />

Man: one men’s collection per season. Presentations Copenhagen Fashion Week, Spring/Summer and<br />

Autumn/Winter. Website www.barbaraigongini.dk. Exhibit multimedia installation, sound: ORKA, film:<br />

Janus á Argjahøvda, fashion design: Barbara í Gongini. Lender Barbara í Gongini.<br />

Barbara í Gongini pushes the boundaries of ethical<br />

fashion. Her collections – androgynous and futuris<br />

tic, mostly in black, white and grey – are ecolo -<br />

gi cally sustainable and uncompromising in design.<br />

She pulls off a balancing act which many of her<br />

designer colleagues cannot master, that between<br />

avant-garde fashion and sustainable production.<br />

It may well be the case that she was born with a<br />

talent for merging different worlds. Born and raised<br />

on the Faroe Islands, a fairy-tale place full of tra -<br />

dition and mysticism, she now lives in Copenhagen,<br />

where she runs her internationally successful<br />

fashion label. Time and again, the designer with the<br />

fairylike nature seeks new synergies, which she<br />

finds in collaboration with musicians, film produ -<br />

cers and artists, who likewise come from the Faroe<br />

Islands. Her aim is to explore “the spirit of the<br />

crea tive Nordic community”, and the Frankfurt<br />

ex hibition is no exception: Her multimedia instal -<br />

la tion was developed in collaboration with the<br />

musician ORKA and the film producer Janus á<br />

Argjahøvda. The visitor is drawn into the Gongi nian<br />

universe by means of sound and image and a<br />

design crafted especially for the exhibition. It might<br />

well appear dark and forbidding: “On the Faroe<br />

Islands there is a black melancholy. The winter is<br />

very dark and very long and everyone is spending<br />

time inside. It is really a harsh place to be.” Yet<br />

precisely in this darkness, the designer finds a<br />

spe cific beauty: “The point is not to be destructive,<br />

but to project beauty and the poetry of melancholy<br />

into my works in a positive, playful way.”<br />


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