27.01.2015 Aufrufe

PDF Katalog zum Herunterladen - Produkte24.com

PDF Katalog zum Herunterladen - Produkte24.com

PDF Katalog zum Herunterladen - Produkte24.com


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Parts Search<br />

Teilefindung<br />

Recherche des pièces<br />

Individuazione pezzi<br />

поиск запасных частей<br />

english<br />

Searching for a part using<br />

vehicle data:<br />

passend für / to fit<br />

FORD<br />

1<br />

Please scroll through the upper<br />

outer corners of the catalogue<br />

pages. In this way, you will<br />

quickly find the following information:<br />

1. Vehicle type<br />

(alphabetically sorted)<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

Fiesta 96<br />

(08/95 → 10/01)<br />

1.0, 1.3 → 01/97 50 90 3292 50 90 3291 - -<br />

(OHV) 01/97→ 50 90 3292 50 90 3291 50 90 1047 50 90 1112<br />

1.25, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8<br />

(Zetec S-E / CVH) 50 90 3288 99 90 3287 50 90 1047 50 90 1112<br />

1.8 D<br />

(Diesel) 50 90 3288 99 90 3287 50 90 1047 50 90 1112<br />

2. Model<br />

(alphabetically sorted)<br />

3. Model year<br />

4. Version<br />

(please find the<br />

corresponding applications,<br />

for example: with / without<br />

ABS in this columm)<br />

These four criteria are used<br />

to sort the main section of the<br />

catalogue.<br />

The following details will help<br />

you in the parts search:<br />

5<br />

SWAG 50 90 1112<br />

SWAG 99 90 3287<br />

SWAG 50 90 3291<br />

5. Photo with SWAG no.<br />

6. Reference number<br />

6<br />

Ref. No. 1 073 806 Ref. No. 6 043 191 S Ref. No. 6 028 724 S<br />

Die von uns gelieferten Produkte sind ausschließlich dem bestimmungsgemäßen Gebrauch zuzuführen / The products delivered by us are to be put exclusively to the intened use.

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