11.07.2015 Aufrufe

PRESSESPIEGEL - KALIBER35 Munich Int'l Short Film Festival

PRESSESPIEGEL - KALIBER35 Munich Int'l Short Film Festival

PRESSESPIEGEL - KALIBER35 Munich Int'l Short Film Festival


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<strong>KALIBER35</strong> <strong>Munich</strong> International <strong>Short</strong> <strong>Film</strong> <strong>Festival</strong>http://www.festivalfocus.org/festival_view.php?uid=551 von 2 16.07.2012 14:56Site Searchsearchfestivalfocusthe online directory of films festivals, short & independent film festivals films cast & crewemailpasswordremember meforgotten your password?home film festivals database film database cast & crew database about us join website edit festivallocation > edit festival > <strong>KALIBER35</strong> <strong>Munich</strong> International <strong>Short</strong> <strong>Film</strong> <strong>Festival</strong>LikeSendSign Up to see what your friends like.<strong>KALIBER35</strong> <strong>Munich</strong> International <strong>Short</strong> <strong>Film</strong> <strong>Festival</strong><strong>KALIBER35</strong> <strong>Munich</strong> International <strong>Short</strong> <strong>Film</strong> <strong>Festival</strong>P.O. Box 860 525D-81632<strong>Munich</strong>, GermanyTel: +49 89 20 333 712Fax: +49 89 20 333 7142012,Sat 21st Jul to Fri 27th JulSubmission deadline: Wed 29th Feb 12supported byGenres<strong>Short</strong><strong>Festival</strong> Overview<strong>KALIBER35</strong> showcases a variety of talent from all over the world by presenting new ideas, new stories, new visions, new techniques, new stylesand new trends in filmmaking. These short films offer the rare opportunity to view a medium that encourages innovation and originality infilmmaking, thus giving something very special and enriching to the viewer. <strong>KALIBER35</strong> offers an eclectic selection of films for both filmprofessionals and the general movie-going audience alike. All films will be screened in their original English language or with English subtitles.EntriesOpen to the publicEligibility:Please see www.kaliber35.de/entry.htmlFormats:Upload at www.reelport.comTwitter News<strong>KALIBER35</strong>mucintlmucintl Freitag stehen wir den ganzen Tag in der Neuhauser Straße vor dem Oberpollinger - es gibt Glühwein, Kinderpunsch,...fb.me/1j323YwPq229 days ago · reply · retweet · favoritemucintl WE ARE MOVING!!! PLEASE DO NOT LIKE/FRIEND THIS PAGE ANYMORE BUT FOLLOW US TO www.facebook.com/kaliber35!!!THX,... fb.me/1cfJlroxs331 days ago · reply · retweet · favoritemucintl WIR ZIEHEN UM - bitte folgt dem Link zu www.facebook.com/kaliber35 und klickt dort auf "Gefällt mir", wenn Ihr... http://fb.me/1aAaucP0e340 days ago · reply · retweet · favoritemucintl WIR ZIEHEN UM - bitte folgt dem Link zu www.facebook.com/kaliber35 und klickt dort auf "Gefällt mir", wenn Ihr... http://fb.me/16f1BSJoh353 days ago · reply · retweet · favoriteJoin the conversationComment on this festivalAdd a comment...CommentFacebook social plugin

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