12.07.2015 Aufrufe

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D<strong>as</strong> Team zur Erstellung einer Machbarkeitsstudie, aber auch zur Umsetzung,Implementierung und Programmierung stellt durch seine internationale Erfahrungund Spezialisierung einen Pool an Experten zur Verfügung:<strong>BNS</strong> Management ConsultingWe believe in a wider view of social and business interaction. We are convinced thatdevelopment of business can only be successful within a coherent development of society.<strong>BNS</strong> Management Consulting is a boutique consulting company focusing on <strong>project</strong> developmentin tourism and Culture; offering services in management consulting, <strong>project</strong> developmentand strategy <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> and <strong>project</strong> planning and coordination.We currently consult cultural programs in Austria and Azerbaijan and work closely with theAustrian Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce. Further we consult international tourism<strong>project</strong>s by working for companies such <strong>as</strong> Wyndham International (Ramada Hotel, LandalGreen Parks, etc.)<strong>BNS</strong> Management Consulting is involved in program planning and exhibition planning in<strong>project</strong>s in Vienna and Salzburg (Austria).Further <strong>project</strong>s:Development and coordination for the planning for the new university campus of the Universityof Music and Dramatic Arts Coordination of construction of the New Studio Stage of theUniversity of Music and dramatic Arts Vienna.Restructuring of the WDR Orchestr<strong>as</strong> Business Development for UK C<strong>as</strong>ino, development of Tourism<strong>project</strong>s for Landal Green Parks Austria, Czech Republic and Switzerland (approx. 3500 beds).International Arts Exhibitions, founder of the Art Platform b<strong>as</strong>e-level.com.www.bns-consulting.co.uk14

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