12.07.2015 Aufrufe

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IMZThe IMZ is the global <strong>as</strong>sociation for all those involved in any <strong>as</strong>pect of audio- visual music anddance. Its 170+ members include broadc<strong>as</strong>ters; performing arts companies and venues;program producers and distributors; record and DVD labels; cinema and new media specialists:all the participants in the creation and dissemination of music in the media. The largestare international brands like the BBC, Metropolitan Opera New York, and Universal Music;the smallest are individual composers, choreographers, musicians or directors.Since it w<strong>as</strong> founded in 1961 under the aegis of UNESCO the IMZ h<strong>as</strong> dedicated itself to theworldwide development and promotion through audio- visual media of all forms of cl<strong>as</strong>sical,jazz, world and contemporary music, <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> cl<strong>as</strong>sical and con-temporary dance.It’s the one-stop shop for anyone in any position in the value chain from music and dancecreation to the buying public.For an opera house it provides an instant media policy along with every element neededto carry it out.For a broadc<strong>as</strong>ter, it’s every stage of the supply chain.For producers and distributors, it’s their entire global market.For everyone, it’s a valuable network, a forum for discussion, a showc<strong>as</strong>e for productions,a lobbying group, a datab<strong>as</strong>e, and an information exchange.In order to fulfill its mission to promote music trough the audio-visual media – IMZ organizesopen-air music film festivals in popular down town are<strong>as</strong> in cities like Vienna, New York,Moscow, etc. The summer film festival in Vienna – screened since 2000 attracts 650.000 visitorsevery year.Due to its managing director Dr. Franz Patay the range of experience is even broader,<strong>as</strong> Dr Patay h<strong>as</strong> been in charge <strong>as</strong> managing director for Mozart Year 2006, approx. 30 Mio Euro<strong>project</strong>, Haydn Year 2009, etc.www.imz.atThe IMZ will be the connection to the EBU and the international TV and media community!16

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