13.07.2015 Aufrufe

Akuttherapie von Intoxikationen

Akuttherapie von Intoxikationen

Akuttherapie von Intoxikationen


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Refresher Course Nr. 39Aktuelles Wissen für AnästhesistenApril 2013 · NürnbergToxicologists. Position paper: Single-dose activated charcoal.Clin Toxicol (Phila). 2005;43(2):61-873. Chyka PA, Seger D: Position statement: single-dose activatedcharcoal. American Academy of Clinical Toxicology; EuropeanAssociation of Poisons Centres and Clinical Toxicologists. JToxicol Clin Toxicol. 1997;35(7):721-414. Vale JA: Position statement: gastric lavage. American Academyof Clinical Toxicology; European Association of PoisonsCentres and Clinical Toxicologists. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol.1997;35(7):711-95. Vale JA, Kulig K. Position paper: gastric lavage. J Toxicol ClinToxicol. 2004;42(7):933-436. Position paper: Ipecac syrup. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol.2004;42(2):133-437. Lifshitz M et al.: Signs and symptoms of carbamazepine overdosein young children. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2000;16(1):26-78. Position statement and practice guidelines on the use of multidoseactivated charcoal in the treatment of acute poisoning.American Academy of Clinical Toxicology; European Associationof Poisons Centres and Clinical Toxicologists. J Toxicol ClinToxicol. 1999;37(6):731-519. Proudfoot AT et al.: Position Paper on urine alkalinization. JToxicol Clin Toxicol. 2004;42(1):1-2610. Sivilotti ML et al.: A risk quantification instrument for acuteacetaminophen overdose patients treated with N-acetylcysteine.Ann Emerg Med. 2005; 46(3):263-7111. Von Mühlendahl et al.: Vergiftungen im Kindesalter, 4. A.Thieme, Stuttgart 200312. Schaper A, 2010, Präklinisches Management <strong>von</strong> Vergiftungen -Bedeutung des Giftnotrufs für den Rettungsdienst, Intensiv- undNotfallbehandlung 35, 4, 178-185.92 <strong>Akuttherapie</strong> <strong>von</strong> <strong>Intoxikationen</strong> · A. Schaper · G. Kaiser

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