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Kienle, P.: Electron-positron paircreation in heavy ion collisions investigated with<br />

'Orange'-spectrometers. - In: Proc. of VIII. Moriand Workshop "Tests of Fundamental Laws<br />

in Physics", les Arcs, 21-28.1.1989, S. 63; desgl.: Selected Topics in Nuclear Structure.<br />

XXIV School on Physics Zakopane, 16.-22.4.1989, S. 91.<br />

Kienle, P.: Present status of the GSI-SIS/ESR project. - In: Proc. of 'The 8th High Energy<br />

Heavy Ion Study', Berkeley, Nov. 1987, S. 16-20. (GSI-88-14)<br />

Kienle, P.: Shell effects in heavy ion collisions. - In: Shell model and nuclear structure,<br />

where do we stand? Proc. 2nd Int. Spring Semin. on Nuclear Physics, Capri, Apr. 16-20,<br />

1988. Singapore: World Scientific, 1989.<br />

Kienle, P.: SIS-Physics - present and future. - In: The Nuclear Equation of State. Proc. NATO<br />

Advanc. Study Inst. Peniscola, May 21 - June 3, 1989.<br />

Kienle, P.: Status of the SIS/ESR/Project at GSI.- In: Nuclear Matter and Heavy lon<br />

Collisions. Proc. of the Winter School on Nuclear Physics, Les Houches, 7.-16.2.1989, S.<br />

429.<br />

Kienle, P.: Strong field atomic processes. - In: Europhys. news 20 (1989) S. 97-116.<br />

Koenig, W.; Berdermann, E.; Bosch, F.; Huchler, S.; Kienle, P.; Kozhuharov, C.; Schröter,<br />

A.; Schuhbeck, S.; Tsertos, H.: On the momentum correlation of (e + e- )- pairs observed in<br />

U+U and U+Pb collisions. - In: Phys. lett. B 218 (1989) S. 12. (GSI-88-66)<br />

Kulessa, R.; Bengtsson, R.; Bohn, H.; Emling, H.; Faestermann, T.; v. Feilitzsch, F.;<br />

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F.L.H.: A superdeformed band in 151Dy. - In: 3rd Int. Conf. on Nucleus Nucleus Collisions,<br />

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Reuter, U.; Hagelberg, F.; Kremeyer, S.; Simonis, H.-J.; Speidel, K.-H.; Knopp, M.; Karle,<br />

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Scheidemann, E.; Eder, R.; Hagn, E.; Zech, E.: A transmission γ-ray polarimeter for sign<br />

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Schlösser, K.; Berkes, I.; Hagn, E.; Herzog, P.; Niinikoski, T.; Postma, H.; Richard-Serre,<br />

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Schütz, G.: Spin dependence of the absorption of X-rays. - In: Phys. scripta T 29 (1989)<br />

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Schütz, G.; Ebert, H.; Drittler, B.; Zeller, R.: A first-principles description for the magnetic<br />

X-ray dichroism of Pt in Fe. - In: Solid state commun. 5 (1989) S. 485-487.<br />

Schütz, G.; Frahm, R.; Mautner, P.; Wienke, R.; Wagner, W.; Wilhelm, W.; Kienle, P.:<br />

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Schütz, G.; Frahm, R.; Wienke, R.; Wilhelm, W.; Wagner, W.; Kienle, P.: Spin-dependent<br />

K- and L-absorption measurements. - In: Rev. of sci. instrum. 60 (1989) S. 1661-1665.<br />


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