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Schönwitz, R.; Merk, L.; Ziegler, H.: Variability in the monoterpenes of needles of Picea<br />

abies (L.) Karst. - In: Flavour and fragrance j. 4 (1989) S. 149-153.<br />

Schönwitz, R.; Ziegler, H.: Interactions of maize roots and rhizosphere organisms. - In: Z.<br />

f. Pflanzenernähr. u. Bodenkde. 152 (1989) S. 217-222.<br />

Vogl, G.; Elstner, E.F.: Diesel soot particles catalyze the production of oxy-radicals. - In:<br />

Toxicol. lett. 47 (1989) S. 17-23.<br />

Wagner, G.R.; Elstner, E.F.: Oxidative xanthophyll degradation is not a major biosynthetic<br />

pathway for xanthoxin formation. - In: J. of plant physiol. 134 (1989) S. 47-53.<br />

Ziegler, H.: Deterioration of forests in Central Europe. - In: Proc. XIV. Int. Bot. Congr.,<br />

Berlin, 20-24 July, 1987. Eds.: W. Greuter et al. Königstein/Taunus: Koeltz, 1988, S. 423-<br />

444.<br />

Ziegler, H.: Hydrogen isotope fractionation in plant tissues. - In: Stable isotopes in ecological<br />

research. Eds.: P.W. Rundel et al. New York: Springer, 1989, S. 105-123. (Ecol.<br />

studies; 68)<br />

Ziegler, H.: Was ist ein Pflanzenschadstoff? - In: Proc. 1. Statussem. d. PBWU zum Forschungsschwerpunkt<br />

"Waldschäden", Neuherberg, 27.2.-1.3.1989. Neuherberg, 1989,<br />

S. 155-164. (GSF-Bericht; 6/89)<br />

Ziegler, H.: What is a plant pollutant? - In: Proc. Int. Symp. on Plant and Pollutants in Developed<br />

and Developing Countries, Izmir, Aug. 22-28, 1989. Ed.: M.A. Öztürk. Izmir,<br />

1989, S. 1-15.<br />

Lehrstuhl für Mikrobiologie<br />

Ordinarius: Univ.-Prof. Dr.rer.nat. K.H. Schleifer<br />

Extraordinarius: Univ.-Prof. Dr.rer.nat. W.L. Staudenbauer<br />

Amann, R.; Ludwig, W.; Laubinger, W.; Dimroth, P.; Schleifer, K.H.: Cloning and<br />

sequencing of the gene encoding the beta subunit of the sodium ion translocating ATP-synthase<br />

of Propionigenium modestum. - In: FEMS microbiol. lett. 56 (1988) S. 253-260.<br />

Amann, R.; Ludwig, W.; Schleifer, K.H.: β-subunit of ATP-synthase: a useful marker for<br />

studying the phylogenetic relationship of eubacteria. - In: J. of gen. microbiol. 134<br />

(1988) S. 2815-2821.<br />

Bachleitner, M.; Ludwig, W.; Stetter, K.O.; Schleifer, K.H.: Nucleotide sequence of the<br />

gene coding for the elongation factor Tu from the extremely thermophilic eubacterium<br />

Thermotoga maritima. - In: FEMS microbiol. lett. 57 (1989) S. 115-120.<br />

Devriese, L.A.; Kilpper-Bälz, R.; Schleifer, K.H.: Streptococcus hyointestinalis sp. nov.<br />

from the gut of swine. - In: Int. j. of syst. bacteriol. 38 (1988) S. 440-441.<br />

Dubbert, W.; Luczak, H.; Staudenbauer, W.L.: Cloning of two chloramphenicol<br />

acetyltransferase genes from Clostridium butyricum and their expression in Escherichia<br />

coli and Bacillus subtilis. - In: Mol. and gen. genet. 214 (1988) S. 328-332.<br />

Gräbnitz, F.; Rücknagel, K.P.; Seiß, M.; Staudenbauer, W.L.: Nucleotide sequence of the<br />

Clostridium thermocellum blgB gene encoding thermostable β-glucosidase B: homology<br />

to fungal β-glucosidase. - In: Mol. and gen. genet. 217 (1989) S. 70-76.<br />

Höpfl, P.; Ulbrich, N.; Hartmann, R.K.; Ludwig, W.; Schleifer, K.H.: Complete nucleotide<br />

sequence of a 23S ribosomal RNA gene from Thermus thermophilus HB 8. - In: Nucl. acids<br />

res. 16 (1988) S. 9043.<br />


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