15.01.2018 Aufrufe

Catálogo Lambert 2017 - 2018

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When Yvette entered the house for the first time since her<br />

old friend Cecilia moved in, she couldn’t hide her amazement.<br />

If she were in Cecilia’s shoes, she’d have never left the rough<br />

stone walls untouched, and would’ve also replaced the aging<br />

terracotta floors. “Where do you get this fondness for breaks<br />

and differences?” she exclaimed. Even as Yvette mustered<br />

her arguments in the face of this fait accompli, her gaze fell<br />

upon Cecilia’s workspace. Could anyone work here at all? Why<br />

didn’t Cecilia choose more practical office furniture, instead of<br />

this rather slim secretary desk with its correspondingly limited<br />

work surface? Of course, it was certainly beautiful, Yvette had<br />

to admit. It looked as if it had been made for this spot by<br />

the window. Confronted by its clearly considered effect as an<br />

accent piece, Yvette began to feel self-doubt. Perhaps different<br />

characters did fit together – after all, she and Cecilia were<br />

also the best of friends.<br />

59<br />

linke Seite: Sorgt mit seinen kleinen Ausmaßen für große Ordnung.<br />

Modesto Sekretär S. 130 Ein etwas anderer Schreibtischstuhl<br />

bringt vielleicht auch auf etwas andere Ideen! Fox Hocker S. 134,<br />

Presidio Tischleuchte S. 145<br />

links: Sehr ausgewogene Proportionen und weiche Konturen machen<br />

diesen Stuhl schnell zu einem Lieblingsstück. Lars Stuhl S. 131

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