29.01.2013 Aufrufe

Katalog (Eng/D, 9MB) - Erzgebirgische Holzkunst Gahlenz GmbH RuT

Katalog (Eng/D, 9MB) - Erzgebirgische Holzkunst Gahlenz GmbH RuT

Katalog (Eng/D, 9MB) - Erzgebirgische Holzkunst Gahlenz GmbH RuT


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How the Sculptures Come to Life<br />

If you hold a <strong>Gahlenz</strong> wood sculpture in your hands, you<br />

can hardly imagine how much work has been put into it.<br />

Everything looks so natural, so full of life as if this piece of<br />

wood had always been destined to become a graceful<br />

sculpture. You will be even more astonished if you take a<br />

closer look at how these true-to-life figures come into<br />

being: The skilfully ornamented Christmas angel starts its<br />

life indeed as a rough block of wood! If it had not been<br />

lucky enough to be delivered to <strong>Gahlenz</strong>, it could have just<br />

ended up as the leg of a table or as a rafter. Instead, it can<br />

now bring joy to the hearts of many, many people. The<br />

<strong>Gahlenz</strong> wood artists direct its destiny onto a more glorious<br />

path. First of all, the craftsman turns the rough block of<br />

wood into a faultless shape on the lathe.<br />

Das Drechseln erfordert Können und Präzision.<br />

Craft and precision are the basis of wood turning.<br />

After the parts have been glued together, they are polished<br />

and receive their undercoat. Slowly, the angel takes shape.<br />

Then it is the job of the skilful painters to breathe life into<br />

the figure. First, the face is sprayed with a rosy hue. The<br />

delicate cheeks can then be doing with another little swab of<br />

red. Very soon, the lively eyes and the tender mouth<br />

communicate the pure joy of life. Then comes the dress! Of<br />

course, not any dress will do for our angel. It will be<br />

painted to be the most gorgeous, the most colourful, the<br />

most splendid dress for miles around! The deft fingers of the<br />

painters pull all the strings of their craft to make every<br />

figure something very special. And here it is standing now,<br />

our Christmas angel:majestic, charming, and very unique.<br />

Just come up close and have a thorough look - can you feel<br />

the delicate soul that its creators have breathed into it?<br />

9<br />

Die kunstfertigen Hände der Malerinnen hauchen den Figuren Seele ein.<br />

The dexterous hands of the painters breathe life into the figures.

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