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Master-Thesis<br />

Vision-based Trajectory<br />

Following for Boats and<br />

Ground Robots<br />

Autumn Term 2012<br />

Autonomous Systems Lab<br />

Prof. Roland Siegwart<br />

Supervised by: Author:<br />

Gregory Hitz Hendrik Erckens<br />

Dr. Cédric Pradalier

Abstract<br />

This thesis addresses the problem of vision-based mobile robot navigation<br />

from an image memory of a previously driven path where the robot was<br />

controlled by a human operator. The presented solution is based on Image<br />

Based Visual Servoing (IBVS), where the required velocity is calculated<br />

by using BRISK features to compare a current camera image to previously<br />

recorded snapshot images. Two approaches – sparse and dense – are compared<br />

to each other, which differ in the number of snapshots used to remember<br />

the path. In the dense version, also the control commands given to<br />

the robot during path learning are saved. These are used as a feed-forward<br />

control during autonomous playback, while errors are corrected by IBVS.<br />

A technique is presented that allows the robot to localize itself on the taught<br />

path. Additionally, the system is able to recover from a failed localization<br />

by reversing back to the starting position.<br />

The system has successfully been implemented and results are presented<br />

of tests against ground truth on a non-holonomic, differential drive ground<br />

robot. Localization is shown to work even in situations where the current<br />

camera image is ambiguous. Additionally, the system is tested and evaluated<br />

for use on a robot boat.<br />


Acknowledgment<br />

I would like to thank Gregory Hitz for great supervision, valuable inputs and<br />

help during testing. Cedric Pradalier for intense bursts of brilliant ideas.<br />

Francis Colas for resurrecting BIBA after a flat mainboard battery. Great<br />

thanks to Gion-Andri Büsser and Jakob Buchheim for pointing out many<br />

mistakes and incomprehensibilities.<br />


Contents<br />

Abstract i<br />

1 Introduction 9<br />

1.1 Context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9<br />

1.2 Objectives of this Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10<br />

1.3 Conventions Used in this Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10<br />

1.3.1 Coordinate Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10<br />

1.3.2 General Methodology and Terminology . . . . . . . . 10<br />

1.4 Problems to be Solved . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11<br />

1.5 Structure of this Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12<br />

2 Literature Review 13<br />

2.1 Path Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13<br />

2.2 Path Playback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14<br />

2.2.1 Navigate to Next Node (Visual Homing) . . . . . . . . 14<br />

2.2.2 Detect Arrival at Node . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15<br />

3 Software Structure 17<br />

3.1 ROS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17<br />

3.2 ROS Nodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17<br />

3.3 Path Representation Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18<br />

3.3.1 Sparse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18<br />

3.3.2 Dense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19<br />

4 Visual Homing 23<br />

4.1 Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23<br />

4.2 Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25<br />

4.2.1 Camera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25<br />

4.2.2 Feature Detection and Matching . . . . . . . . . . . . 26<br />

4.2.3 RANSAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27<br />

4.2.4 Image Jacobian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27<br />

4.2.5 Coordinate Transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28<br />

5 Supervisor 29<br />

5.1 Path Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29<br />

5.1.1 Sparse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29<br />

5.1.2 Dense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30<br />

5.2 Autonomous Path Playback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30<br />

5.2.1 Sparse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30<br />

5.2.2 Dense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30<br />

5.3 Localization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31<br />

6 Arbiter 33<br />


6.1 Sparse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33<br />

6.1.1 Y-Offset Correction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33<br />

6.1.2 Filtering and Clipping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35<br />

6.1.3 Correct Theta First . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35<br />

6.2 Dense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36<br />

6.2.1 Sum of the Two Velocity Vectors . . . . . . . . . . . . 36<br />

6.2.2 Y-Offset Correction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37<br />

7 Experiments 39<br />

7.1 BIBA Ground Robot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39<br />

7.1.1 Path Tracking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40<br />

7.1.2 Localization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41<br />

7.2 Lizhbeth ASV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42<br />

8 Conclusion and Outlook 45<br />

8.1 Future Improvements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46<br />

Bibliography 48<br />

List of Figures 50<br />


Symbols<br />

x x-axis<br />

y y-axis<br />

z z-axis<br />

u horizontal image axis<br />

v vertical image axis<br />

θ angle of rotation around robot’s z-axis<br />

ν velocity: ν = (v, ω) ∈ R6 v translational velocity: v = (vx, vy, vz) ∈ R3 ω rotational velocity: ω = (ωx, ωy, ωz) ∈ R3 J p image Jacobian, or feature sensitivity matrix of feature point p. J p ∈ R2×6 f focal length of the camera<br />

ρ pixel size of the camera<br />

Indices<br />

x x-axis<br />

y y-axis<br />

z z-axis<br />

C camera frame<br />

R robot frame<br />

W world frame<br />

Acronyms and Abbreviations<br />

ASV Autonomous Surface Vessel<br />

AUV Autonomous Underwater Vehicle<br />

BRISK Binary Robust Invariant Scalable Keypoints<br />

DID Descent in Image Distance<br />

ETH Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule<br />

GPS Global Positioning System<br />

IBVS Image Based Visual Servoing<br />

MFDID Matched-Filter Descent in Image Distance<br />

PBVS Position Based Visual Servoing<br />

ROS Robot Operating System<br />

SIFT Scale Invariant Feature Transform<br />

VSRR View Sequenced Route Representation<br />

ZNCC Zero Mean Energy Normalized Cross Correlation<br />


Chapter 1<br />

Introduction<br />

1.1 Context<br />

Autonomous robots designed to operate in an outside environment typically<br />

use satellite based GPS and a magnetic compass to localize themselves in<br />

the environment and to navigate to a given goal position and orientation.<br />

This works well in open spaces with good satellite visibility, but becomes<br />

increasingly inaccurate when the sky is occluded or when magnetic fields<br />

disturb the compass. Even in optimal conditions, this method of localization<br />

can be insufficient when great accuracy is required, for example when the<br />

robot has to maneuver around obstacles. GPS becomes completely unusable,<br />

when the sky is entirely invisible, most notably in indoor or underwater<br />

environments.<br />

To overcome this issue, many researchers are working on localization using<br />

other sensors like camera, laser range finder, or sonar. This localization<br />

can be done either in a metric Cartesian space, or directly in the sensor<br />

space. During metric localization, the pose of the robot is described by<br />

not more than six coordinates: Three coordinates for position and three for<br />

orientation. In sensor space, the robot’s pose can be described by as many<br />

coordinates as there are sensor measurements available. For example, consider<br />

a robot that is equipped with only one sensor measuring the brightness<br />

of the ground under the robot. Then, the sensor space is one-dimensional<br />

and the robot’s pose can be described by this one measurement. Note that,<br />

as there are likely many points on the ground that have the same brightness,<br />

this localization can be ambiguous.<br />

Additionally to localization, the navigation can also be done in sensor space.<br />

If the sensor to be used is a camera, the target pose and the robot’s current<br />

pose can be described by camera images taken at the respective pose. Then,<br />

correlations between the target image and the current image can be found<br />

and it can be calculated how the robot has to move to eventually reach<br />

the target. Consequently, for this kind of navigation, the robot does not<br />

necessarily need to know its pose with respect to the target pose in Cartesian<br />

coordinates. All the robot needs to know is how to move to make its camera<br />

image more similar to the image acquired at the target pose.<br />


10 1.2. Objectives of this Thesis<br />

1.2 Objectives of this Thesis<br />

This project aims to implement vision-based trajectory following. A robot<br />

should be able to record a path during a learning phase during which it is<br />

controlled by a human operator. It should then be able to navigate along<br />

the previously recorded path. All localization and navigation should be<br />

done in sensor space, using a camera as the primary sensor. Specifically, no<br />

metric localization is to be done.<br />

In a first step, this method is to be implemented and tested on a differential<br />

drive ground robot operating in an indoor office environment.<br />

As a second step, the suitability of this method for use on the limnological<br />

sampling boat Lizhbeth [1] should be determined. This autonomous surface<br />

vessel (ASV) is used for sampling the water in lakes. Under normal conditions,<br />

it can navigate via GPS. However, GPS is not accurate enough for<br />

Lizhbeth to navigate into the harbor autonomously. For this, a vision-based<br />

trajectory following method could be helpful.<br />

Another motivation for this thesis is that, in the future, a similar approach<br />

could also be used for navigation of the AUV Noptilus 1 . Instead of vision,<br />

sonar could be used as the main sensor. However, this is a long term goal<br />

and not part of this thesis.<br />

1.3 Conventions Used in this Thesis<br />

1.3.1 Coordinate Systems<br />

Figure 1.1 shows a top view of the robot with position and orientation<br />

of the body coordinate frames of the robot (xR, yR, zR) and the camera<br />

(xC, yC, zC) with respect to the world frame.<br />

1.3.2 General Methodology and Terminology<br />

A long path can be subdivided into small portions. Each of these portions<br />

has its own goal, called a node. Consequently, the whole path can be completed<br />

by driving from one node to the next, eventually arriving at the last<br />

node. Thus, each node describes a pose (position and orientation) of the<br />

robot in the environment. As explained in section 1.1, this pose can be<br />

represented by a camera image taken at the respective pose. This camera<br />

image is called a snapshot or target image. Each node is associated with one<br />

snapshot. The process of autonomously guiding the robot towards a node<br />

by comparing the node’s snapshot image with the current image is called<br />

visual homing. It is easy to see that successful visual homing is only possible<br />

if the robot is already in the vicinity of the respective snapshot pose,<br />

because at least some parts of the snapshot image have to be visible in the<br />

current view. The area around a node from where the node is reachable is<br />

called the node’s catchment area. The size of the catchment area depends<br />

on the visual homing method used and also on environmental factors, such<br />

1 http://www.noptilus-fp7.eu

Chapter 1. Introduction 11<br />

yR<br />

yC<br />

rRC<br />

zR<br />

zC<br />

xR<br />

xC<br />

Figure 1.1: Coordinate frames of robot (light gray) and camera (dark gray).<br />

as lighting conditions and the number of distinct visual features that are<br />

detectable. The whole path consisting of many nodes connected to each<br />

other by arcs is referred to as a topological map. An arc between two nodes<br />

means that these nodes lie in each others catchment area.<br />

1.4 Problems to be Solved<br />

The whole problem stated in section 1.2 can be divided up into smaller<br />

sub-problems for which a solution has to be found.<br />

Node Creation The main problem in the path learning phase is to know<br />

when and how often a new node has to be created.<br />

Visual Homing During the playback phase, a method is needed that can<br />

drive the robot towards the next node.<br />

Arrival Detection When visual homing has brought the robot close to a<br />

node, the arrival has to be detected so that a transition to the next<br />

node can be made.<br />

Localization When playback is not started at the same pose that path<br />

learning was started at, the robot needs the ability to localize itself<br />

on the path.<br />

ξC<br />

ξR<br />

zW<br />

yW<br />


12 1.5. Structure of this Report<br />

1.5 Structure of this Report<br />

Chapter 2 presents related work in the literature. While chapter 3 gives<br />

an overview of the whole software structure, chapters 4, 5 and 6 provide a<br />

more detailed description of the individual parts of the software. Tests and<br />

experiments of the proposed system are presented in chapter 7. Finally, a<br />

conclusion and suggestions for future improvements are given in chapter 8.

Chapter 2<br />

Literature Review<br />

In the beginning of this thesis, some literature research was done to get<br />

familiar with the topic and to gather ideas of how to approach the task.<br />

This section summarizes the results of this literature research. First, section<br />

2.1 shows ways to approach the task of teaching the robot a path. Then,<br />

section 2.2 introduces some ideas about techniques which enable the robot<br />

to autonomously follow the previously taught path.<br />

2.1 Path Learning<br />

While there is extensive literature that precisely describes visual homing,<br />

details about path learning techniques are often only vaguely described.<br />

The decision on which path learning technique is appropriate depends on<br />

the method used for path playback and specifically what kind of path representation<br />

is needed. For example, different visual homing methods have<br />

a different size of catchment area around each snapshot position. The most<br />

critical part of the path learning technique is that it has to guarantee that<br />

a new node lies well inside the catchment area of the previous node. So,<br />

a procedure is needed that decides at which point a new node has to be<br />

created.<br />

Jones et al. constantly compare the robot’s current view image to the last<br />

saved snapshot image using Zero Mean Energy Normalized Cross Correlation<br />

(ZNCC) [2]. A new node is created as soon as the ZNCC value drops<br />

below a certain threshold.<br />

An interesting way to detect when a new node has to be created is introduced<br />

by Vardy et al. [3]: While learning the map, the robot constantly computes<br />

the homing angle to the last node. If this differs too much from the angle<br />

estimated by odometry, a new node is created.<br />

A sophisticated approach has been presented by Motard et al. [4]. The<br />

authors introduce a method for incremental online topological map learning.<br />

The robot can explore the environment autonomously and build its own<br />

map where each node can be connected to many other nodes, providing the<br />

possibility to close loops and get to the destination by more than one way.<br />


14 2.2. Path Playback<br />

2.2 Path Playback<br />

First, a technique is needed that guides the robot towards the next node<br />

in the topological map. This is described in section 2.2.1. Subsequently,<br />

when the robot gets close to this node’s snapshot position, arrival has to<br />

be detected to initiate the topological transition to the following node. Approaches<br />

to this problem are shown in section 2.2.2.<br />

2.2.1 Navigate to Next Node (Visual Homing)<br />

Generally, procedures for navigating the robot to the next node can be divided<br />

into two categories: Methods that require extraction of features or<br />

identification of landmarks and methods that require neither feature extraction<br />

nor identification of landmarks [5].<br />

Not Landmark-Based<br />

Descent in Image Distance (DID) Zeil et al. showed that a snapshot<br />

position is defined by a clear, sharp minimum in a smooth three-dimensional<br />

image distance function, which is calculated from individual pixel intensity<br />

differences [5]. Thus, the snapshot position can be reached by a simple<br />

gradient descent method. However, to estimate the gradient of the image<br />

distance function at the robot’s current position, it has to make exploratory<br />

movements to sample the function at different places around its current<br />

position. Möller gets around this problem by warping the current image<br />

as if the robot had made the exploratory movement [6]. This has been<br />

originally introduced as Matched-Filter DID (MFDID) by Möller et al. [7].<br />

ZNCC Peak This is an appearance-based method, where a peak in the<br />

Zero Mean Energy Normalized Cross Correlation (ZNCC) function on the<br />

horizontal image axis defines the homing direction. Jones et al. use two<br />

divergent cameras to extract a forward velocity component alongside this<br />

directional information [2].<br />

Landmark-Based<br />

Homing in Scale Space is used by Churchill and Vardy in [8]. The<br />

authors make use of the scale information in the SIFT feature descriptor.<br />

By the assumption of uniform distribution of keypoints in the image plane<br />

of a panoramic image, they deduce that the home direction is the center of<br />

the image region where feature scale is greater in the snapshot view than in<br />

the current view.<br />

Visual Servoing A very detailed tutorial on visual servoing has been<br />

published by Corke in [9]. He differentiates between Position Based Visual<br />

Servoing (PBVS) and Image Based Visual Servoing (IBVS). In a PBVS<br />

system, the pose of the target with respect to the camera is estimated, assuming<br />

a geometrical model of the target is known. In an IBVS system, this

Chapter 2. Literature Review 15<br />

pose estimation step is omitted and the whole control problem is formulated<br />

in image coordinate space R 2 . The camera’s pose change required to get<br />

from the current position to the snapshot position is defined implicitly by<br />

the required change of feature locations in the image plane.<br />

Cherubini and Chaumette present a visual path following technique using<br />

visual servoing, but they use only one dimension of the generally 3dimensional<br />

image jacobian matrix used in IBVS to extract the homing<br />

direction to the next snapshot on the path [10]. Instead of at least three<br />

matched features necessary to compute the full 6-dimensional linear and<br />

angular camera velocity required to move to the snapshot, only one single<br />

feature is needed. For this, the authors use the abscissa of the centroid<br />

of the features matched between snapshot and current view. In their approach,<br />

the robot’s forward velocity is determined by a safety context value<br />

and the velocity of tracked features in the image plane between consecutive<br />

snapshots on the path. Thus, the robot will slow down when the context<br />

is deemed unsafe, i.e. when the laser range finder detects an obstacle. Furthermore,<br />

the authors use an actuated camera to maintain scene visibility<br />

while avoiding the obstacles.<br />

Metric Error Estimation Ohno et al. use vertical lines as features [11].<br />

Since they assume the motion constraints of a ground robot with a rigidly<br />

attached camera, it is sufficient to take into account only the horizontal<br />

position of these features in the image plane. They present an algorithm to<br />

estimate x and y position error as well as θ orientation error with respect to<br />

the snapshot image. Blanc et al. similarly estimate the camera replacement<br />

by uncoupling translation and rotation components of a homography matrix<br />

[12].<br />

2.2.2 Detect Arrival at Node<br />

When the visual homing process has successfully driven the robot to a position<br />

close to the current snapshot position, the system must detect arrival at<br />

the current node to make the topological transition to the next node. There<br />

are several ways to detect arrival and the practicality of some of them depends<br />

on the visual homing method used. Vardy et al. describe four ways<br />

to detect arrival at a snapshot [3].<br />

1. If the distance between the nodes is known, odometry can be used to<br />

detect when the robot has exceeded the distance to the next node.<br />

2. The image difference between snapshot and current image can be measured<br />

by computing the sum of squared error (SSE). Arrival is declared<br />

when this value falls below a certain threshold.<br />

3. The magnitude of the computed homing vector can be used as an<br />

arrival detection measure. Arrival can be declared when the homing<br />

vector’s magnitude falls below a certain threshold. In [3], the authors<br />

use MFDID to compute their homing vector, because this is the<br />

method they use to drive the robot towards the next node. However,<br />

this method can obviously be used together with any other way of<br />

producing the homing vector.

16 2.2. Path Playback<br />

4. Instead of only looking at the magnitude of the homing vector, this<br />

method looks at the time derivative of the sum of all magnitudes over<br />

time while the robot is driving towards the node. The sum of all<br />

magnitudes is considered as a function over time. After filtering this<br />

function with a length-3 triangle filter, the derivative is taken. Since<br />

the magnitude of the homing vector tends to zero, the sum will stop<br />

increasing once the robot gets close to the snapshot position, so the<br />

curve flattens. Arrival is declared when the value of the derivative<br />

falls below a certain threshold.

Chapter 3<br />

Software Structure<br />

This chapter gives an overview over the software structure and how the<br />

individual processes work together. Chapters 4, 5 and 6 provide a more<br />

detailed discussion of the three main parts of the software.<br />

3.1 ROS<br />

The Robot Operating System (ROS) 1 has been developed and is actively<br />

maintained by Willow Garage 2 . At its core, ROS provides a middleware<br />

that allows processes to communicate. In ROS terminology, the individual<br />

processes, called nodes, pass messages to one another via topics. One node<br />

publishes messages to a particular topic and another node can subscribe<br />

to this topic in order to receive the messages. Since messages are passed<br />

via TCP network, nodes can communicate with each other even if they run<br />

on different machines. Apart from the middleware, ROS comes with many<br />

tools to help with the development of robotics software.<br />

The software for this work has been written in C++ and Python. For all<br />

computer vision related parts of the software, the computer vision library<br />

OpenCV 3 is used. OpenCV is integrated into ROS. The linear algebra<br />

library Eigen is used for most matrix and vector algebra.<br />

3.2 ROS Nodes<br />

The software has been divided up into three separate processes, or nodes:<br />

Visual Homing is at the center of the whole structure. It takes a current<br />

view from the camera and a snapshot image. From this input it<br />

computes a desired velocity, which will move the robot closer to the<br />

snapshot position. Visual Homing outputs a velocity vector with full<br />

1 http://ros.org<br />

2 http://www.willowgarage.com<br />

3 http://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/<br />


18 3.3. Path Representation Approaches<br />

6 degrees of freedom, not making any assumption on the type of robot<br />

to be controlled.<br />

Supervisor has the main purpose of building and maintaining the map<br />

that represents the taught path. It localizes the robot in the map<br />

and provides the Visual Homing node with the next snapshot that<br />

the robot should drive towards.<br />

Arbiter is the process that actually gives commands to the robot’s motor<br />

controller. It is called Arbiter, because it decides which commands<br />

can be safely forwarded to the robot. Also, if commands from the<br />

joystick come in, it decides which process is allowed to command the<br />

robot. The Arbiter filters and clips the velocity commands and adapts<br />

them to the particular type of robot that is used.<br />

3.3 Path Representation Approaches<br />

Over the course of this work, two approaches have been developed and<br />

compared. They are called dense and sparse. The Visual Homing process is<br />

the same for both approaches. The difference between the dense and sparse<br />

versions is the way the path is learned and represented.<br />

3.3.1 Sparse<br />

Learning Phase<br />

During the learning phase in the sparse version, the Supervisor tries to save<br />

as few snapshot images as are really necessary to guarantee that each node<br />

lies in the catchment area of its preceding node. Hence the name sparse.<br />

Figure 3.1 illustrates such a learned path with six snapshot images.<br />

Figure 3.1: Illustration of the learned path in the sparse version.<br />

When the learning phase is initiated, the Supervisor saves the current camera<br />

view as the first snapshot. Then, it immediately passes this snapshot<br />

image to the Visual Homing process. While the human operator steers the<br />

robot away from this snapshot via joystick control, Visual Homing constantly<br />

compares the current camera view to this snapshot and computes<br />

the desired velocity that would drive the robot back to the snapshot and<br />

passes it back to the Supervisor. If the magnitude of the desired velocity<br />

vector rises above a certain threshold, the Supervisor saves a new snapshot.

Chapter 3. Software Structure 19<br />

Now, this new snapshot is passed to Visual Homing and so on. Figure 3.2a<br />

shows the data flow between the processes during the learning phase.<br />

Playback Phase<br />

During the playback phase, the Supervisor passes the first snapshot of the<br />

path to Visual Homing. Comparing this snapshot to the current image from<br />

the camera, Visual Homing computes the desired velocity required to guide<br />

the robot to the snapshot pose. Arbiter filters the desired velocity to avoid<br />

jerky behavior, accounts for the non-holonomic properties of the particular<br />

robot and passes a velocity command to the robot’s motor controllers. Detection<br />

of arrival is the same as presented by Vardy in [3]. While the robot<br />

is driving towards the snapshot, the Supervisor looks at the desired velocity<br />

that is being produced by Visual Homing. If the magnitude of the desired<br />

velocity vector falls below a certain threshold, the Supervisor assumes that<br />

the robot is close to the snapshot, transitions to the next node on the path<br />

and publishes that node’s snapshot image to Visual Homing. This way,<br />

the robot drives from node to node until it has completed the whole path.<br />

Figure 3.2b shows the data flow between the processes during the playback<br />

phase.<br />

(a) Learning (b) Playback<br />

Figure 3.2: Data flow between the ROS nodes in the sparse version.<br />

3.3.2 Dense<br />

The dense version has been inspired by the notion of a Sensori-Motor Trajectory<br />

in the work of Pradalier et al. [13].

20 3.3. Path Representation Approaches<br />

Learning Phase<br />

In contrast to the path learning technique in the sparse version, the Supervisor<br />

in the dense version tries to save as many snapshots as it can get from<br />

the camera. The result is a dense array of nodes as illustrated in figure 3.3.<br />

Additionally to the snapshot images, the Supervisor also saves the velocity<br />

command that has been given to the robot by the human operator during<br />

the learning phase. Thus each node is associated with a snapshot image<br />

and a velocity command. The Visual Homing process is idle. Figure 3.4a<br />

shows the data flow between the processes during the learning phase.<br />

Figure 3.3: Illustration of the learned path in the dense version.<br />

Playback Phase<br />

During the playback phase, the supervisor passes a snapshot image to Visual<br />

Homing and the corresponding recorded velocity command to the Arbiter.<br />

Visual Homing again computes a desired velocity that guides the robot towards<br />

the snapshot. The Arbiter then passes a superposition of the recorded<br />

velocity command and the Visual Homing’s desired velocity to the robot.<br />

The Supervisor advances through the path nodes with the same speed as<br />

they were saved during the learning phase. The idea is that by passing the<br />

same velocity commands to the robot as during the learning phase, the robot<br />

should already drive a similar trajectory. If it happens to be perfectly on<br />

the taught path, then Visual Homing will produce a desired velocity close<br />

to zero. When outside disturbances cause the robot to deviate from the<br />

taught path, Visual Homing will compute a desired velocity that corrects<br />

the robot’s deviation from the path. The data flow is illustrated in figure<br />


Chapter 3. Software Structure 21<br />

(a) Learning (b) Playback<br />

Figure 3.4: Data flow between the ROS nodes in the dense version.

22 3.3. Path Representation Approaches

Chapter 4<br />

Visual Homing<br />

The Visual Homing process compares the current camera image to the snapshot<br />

image. From this it computes a desired velocity that guides the robot<br />

towards the pose that the snapshot image was acquired at. To do this, it<br />

uses Image Based Visual Servoing (IBVS).<br />

Section 4.1 describes the theory behind IBVS. The implementation in C++<br />

developed in this work is described in section 4.2.<br />

4.1 Theory<br />

For the purpose of introducing the IBVS algorithm, the control problem<br />

used in this section is defined as finding a velocity that drives the camera<br />

to a target pose. Under the assumption that the camera is rigidly attached<br />

to the robot, the transition to the problem of driving the robot to a target<br />

pose is a coordinate transformation and is covered in section 4.2.5.<br />

A great tutorial on IBVS and a more detailed deduction is given by Corke<br />

in [9]. Most of the explanation and notation in this section follows the<br />

derivations in Corke’s book.<br />

In IBVS, the control problem of driving the camera to a target pose in<br />

world coordinate space (R 6 for position and orientation) is reformulated<br />

completely in the image coordinate space R 2 . Instead of estimating the<br />

camera’s pose with respect to the target and controlling the pose change<br />

directly, the desired camera pose is defined implicitly by the image feature<br />

positions at this desired camera pose. The control problem can therefore<br />

be reformulated to finding a camera velocity that moves the feature points<br />

to desired positions in the image plane.<br />

Consider a camera with intrinsic properties of focal length f, pixel width<br />

ρu, pixel height ρv and principal point (u0, v0). The camera moves with a<br />

velocity ν = (v, ω) = (vx, vy, vz, ωx, ωy, ωz) and observes a world point P<br />

with coordinates P = (X, Y, Z) relative to the camera. P is projected onto<br />

the image plane at pixel coordinates p = (u, v) and can be considered as<br />

an image feature. Corke shows in [9] that with ū = u − u0 and ¯v = v − v0<br />

the feature velocity in the image plane can be written in terms of pixel<br />


24 4.1. Theory<br />

coordinates with respect to the principal point as<br />

˙p =<br />

� � �<br />

f<br />

˙u − ρuZ =<br />

˙v<br />

0 ū<br />

Z<br />

ρuū¯v<br />

f − f 2 +ρ 2<br />

uū2 0 −<br />

ρuf ¯v<br />

f<br />

ρvZ<br />

¯v<br />

Z<br />

f 2 +ρ 2<br />

v ¯v2<br />

ρvf − ρvū¯v<br />

� ��<br />

J p<br />

f<br />

� ⎜<br />

−ū ⎜<br />

� ⎝<br />

⎛<br />

vx<br />

vy<br />

vz<br />

ωx<br />

ωy<br />

ωz<br />

⎞<br />

⎟ (4.1)<br />

⎟<br />

⎠<br />

where J p is the image Jacobian matrix for a point feature, also sometimes<br />

called feature sensitivity matrix. The image Jacobian matrix essentially<br />

indicates how a feature point (u, v) would move in the image plane if the<br />

camera moves with velocity ν. The image Jacobian can be calculated for<br />

any pixel in the image plane with the only assumption that the depth Z<br />

from the camera to the world point P is known. See section 4.2.1 for details<br />

on the depth estimation.<br />

For more than one feature point the Jacobians can be stacked on top of<br />

each other. In particular, for the case of three points<br />

⎛ ⎞<br />

˙u1<br />

⎜ ˙v1 ⎟ ⎛ ⎞<br />

⎜ ⎟<br />

⎜ ˙u2 ⎟ J p1<br />

⎜ ⎟<br />

⎜ ˙v2 ⎟ = ⎝J<br />

⎠ p2 ν (4.2)<br />

⎜ ⎟<br />

⎝ ˙u3 ⎠ J p3<br />

˙v3<br />

the stacked Jacobian matrix is of dimension 6 × 6 and is non-singular so<br />

long as the three points are neither coincident nor collinear. Thus, to solve<br />

the control problem of driving the camera towards the target pose, equation<br />

4.2 can be inverted<br />

⎛ ⎞<br />

˙u1<br />

⎛ ⎞−1<br />

⎜ ˙v1 ⎟<br />

J ⎜ ⎟<br />

p1 ⎜ ˙u2 ⎟<br />

ν = ⎝J<br />

⎠ ⎜ ⎟<br />

p2 ⎜ ˙v2 ⎟<br />

J ⎜ ⎟<br />

p3 ⎝ ˙u3 ⎠<br />

˙v3<br />

(4.3)<br />

to solve for the desired camera velocity given the feature velocities of three<br />

points. To determine suitable feature velocities ˙p ∗ from the known desired<br />

feature positions p ∗ in the snapshot image and the actual feature positions<br />

p in the current view image, a simple proportional gain controller<br />

˙p ∗ = λ(p ∗ − p) (4.4)<br />

can be used, where λ is the proportional gain factor. Combined with equation<br />

4.3 the control law can be written as<br />

⎛ ⎞<br />

ν = λ ⎝ J p1<br />

⎠<br />

J p2<br />

J p3<br />

−1<br />

(p ∗ − p) (4.5)<br />

This controller will drive the camera in such a way that the feature points<br />

move to their desired positions in the image plane.<br />

For the general case of more than three features, all Jacobians can be stacked

Chapter 4. Visual Homing 25<br />

and the camera velocity can be calculated by taking the pseudo-inverse<br />

⎛ ⎞+<br />

J p1<br />

⎜ ⎟<br />

ν = λ ⎝ . ⎠ (p<br />

J pN<br />

∗ − p) (4.6)<br />

which minimizes the position error of all feature points.<br />

4.2 Implementation<br />

Figure 4.1 gives an overview of the data flow inside the Visual Homing<br />

process. First, the features are detected and feature descriptors extracted<br />

from the current camera image. The process then tries to match these<br />

features with features in the snapshot image coming from the Supervisor.<br />

More details on feature detection and matching are given in section 4.2.2.<br />

The process can only continue if there are more than three matches found. If<br />

this is the case, a RANSAC algorithm is used to get rid of any wrong matches<br />

that would result in a false velocity computation. The RANSAC algorithm<br />

is described in section 4.2.3. With the remaining matched features, the<br />

stacked image Jacobian is composed and the feature position errors are<br />

computed. This is inverted to compute the desired camera velocity (section<br />

4.2.4). After a coordinate transformation from the camera frame to the<br />

robot frame (section 4.2.5) the desired velocity is returned.<br />

4.2.1 Camera<br />

In section 4.1 it was noted that the feature depth Z is needed to compute the<br />

image Jacobian. It has been shown by some researchers that visual servoing<br />

is remarkably tolerant of errors in depth in many real world applications<br />

[9, 10]. Most of these researchers suggest setting Z to a constant value<br />

tuned by the user depending on workspace configuration. However, results<br />

from experiments conducted during this thesis suggest that the depth is a<br />

crucial factor that significantly affects performance, especially in outdoor<br />

environments with great variation in depth (see chapter 7).<br />

For this work, the Microsoft Kinect camera was used. It was chosen, because<br />

in addition to the camera image it also provides a depth estimation and<br />

because of its good integration in the ROS framework.<br />

Limitations<br />

The Kinect sensor is a cheap and easy solution to get a camera image and<br />

a depth estimate for each pixel in the image. However, there are a few<br />

limitations:<br />

Depth The depth estimation only works in a range of up to a few meters.<br />

Anything farther away has an undefined depth value. This limited<br />

range is reasonable for a typical indoor environment, but not very<br />

helpful in most outdoor environments. The constant depth value that

26 4.2. Implementation<br />

Figure 4.1: Data flow in the Visual Homing process.<br />

has to be assumed for any point that the Kinect cannot estimate a<br />

depth for can significantly affect performance.<br />

Automatic Exposure Like most consumer-grade webcams, the Kinect’s<br />

RGB camera has a built-in automatic exposure time adjustment. In<br />

very bright scenes, the camera automatically reduces the exposure<br />

time. This can result in degraded matching performance, because<br />

features may have a significantly different appearance.<br />

4.2.2 Feature Detection and Matching<br />

There is currently a great effort in the research community to find faster and<br />

more reliable algorithms for feature detection and extraction of a descriptor<br />

for the detected features. Notable developments are the Scale Invariant<br />

Feature Transform (SIFT) by Lowe [14] and Speeded Up Robust Features<br />

(SURF) by Bay et al. [15]. A more recent development is the Binary Robust

Chapter 4. Visual Homing 27<br />

Figure 4.2: The Microsoft Kinect sensor.<br />

Invariant Scalable Keypoints algorithm (BRISK) by Leutenegger et al. [16].<br />

In this work, BRISK is used, because it promises better computational<br />

efficiency than SIFT and SURF while still being comparable in terms of<br />

matching performance [16]. The reference implementation 1 in C++ that<br />

Leutenegger et al. published alongside their paper was used here.<br />

4.2.3 RANSAC<br />

Sometimes the feature matching process fails and matches two features that<br />

only have similar appearance but do not represent the same point in the<br />

environment. This wrong match leads to a wrong desired velocity calculated<br />

by the visual servo algorithm. The effect gets worse if there are only<br />

few other correctly matched features or if the feature position error for the<br />

falsely matched feature is large compared to the correctly matched features.<br />

For this reason it is desirable to detect and ignore these incorrect matches.<br />

One way to do this is the Random Sample Consensus algorithm (RANSAC)<br />

[17]. RANSAC can be used to estimate parameters of a mathematical model<br />

from a set of observed data which contains outliers. In this case, the mathematical<br />

model that is to be found is simply the desired velocity produced by<br />

the visual servo algorithm. The observed data are matched feature points<br />

between current view and snapshot and outliers are incorrect matches.<br />

4.2.4 Image Jacobian<br />

The image Jacobian is computed for all matched feature points as described<br />

in section 4.1 and then stacked to get a combined image Jacobian of dimension<br />

2N × 6, where N is the number of matched features. Then, the desired<br />

velocity can be computed by taking the pseudo-inverse of the stacked Jacobian<br />

as in equation 4.6. The pseudo-inverse is computed via singular value<br />

decomposition using the method<br />

jacobiSvd(Eigen::ComputeThinU | Eigen::ComputeThinV).solve()<br />

which is a member of the Eigen::Matrix class.<br />

1 http://www.asl.ethz.ch/people/lestefan/personal/BRISK

28 4.2. Implementation<br />

4.2.5 Coordinate Transformation<br />

By default, the visual servo algorithm as it is written in section 4.1 calculates<br />

the desired velocity CνC of the camera expressed in the camera’s coordinate<br />

frame. This has to be transformed into desired velocity RνR of the robot<br />

expressed in the robot frame, which can be done under the assumption that<br />

the camera is rigidly attached to the robot. Figure 1.1 shows the coordinate<br />

frames of camera and robot. The rotation matrix that transforms vectors<br />

expressed in the camera frame into vectors in the robot frame is denoted as<br />

ARC. The translational velocity v and rotational velocity ω are transformed<br />

separately. First, both are transformed from the camera into the robot<br />

frame:<br />

and<br />

RvC = ARC CvC<br />

RωC = ARC CωC<br />

(4.7)<br />

(4.8)<br />

Now, since the rotational velocity is the same in all points of a rigid body,<br />

the rotational velocity of the robot is the same as the rotational velocity of<br />

the camera:<br />

(4.9)<br />

RωR =R ωC<br />

The translational velocity of the robot can be computed using the rigid<br />

body equation for velocities<br />

RvR =R vC +R ωC ×R rRC<br />

(4.10)<br />

where RrRC is the vector from the origin of the robot frame R to the origin<br />

of the camera frame C expressed in the robot frame. Finally, the desired<br />

velocity of the robot expressed in the robot frame is<br />

� �<br />

RvR<br />

RνR =<br />

(4.11)<br />


Chapter 5<br />

Supervisor<br />

The Supervisor builds and maintains the topological map that represents<br />

the learned path. During the learning phase, it decides when to create a<br />

new topological node in the map. This will be further described in section<br />

5.1. During autonomous playback, the Supervisor passes snapshot images<br />

to the Visual Homing process. It has to decide when a snapshot image has<br />

been successfully reached and transition to the next snapshot in line. The<br />

behavior during Playback is described in section 5.2. Finally, when playback<br />

is first initiated, the Supervisor has the ability to localize the robot on the<br />

path to determine at which snapshot it should start the playback (see section<br />

5.3).<br />

Instead of saving the full images, the Supervisor internally stores the snapshot<br />

images as feature vectors. A feature vector describes one image and<br />

contains the descriptors of all BRISK features detected in the image. This<br />

is done to both decrease the memory needed to store the map and also to<br />

save the computation time for detecting and extracting the features from<br />

the same image multiple times.<br />

5.1 Path Learning<br />

5.1.1 Sparse<br />

In the sparse version, the Supervisor tries to save as few snapshots as possible<br />

while still being able to guarantee that the snapshots are reachable from<br />

one another, i.e. that they lie in each other’s catchment area. When the human<br />

operator starts driving the robot along the path, the Supervisor saves<br />

the camera image as the first snapshot. It then passes this first snapshot<br />

image to the Visual Homing process. Now, while the robot is driven away<br />

from the first snapshot, the magnitude of the homing vector produced by<br />

the Visual Homing process steadily increases. Once it is bigger than a certain<br />

threshold, the Supervisor saves a new snapshot image the the process<br />

repeats itself.<br />


30 5.2. Autonomous Path Playback<br />

5.1.2 Dense<br />

In contrast to the sparse version, the Supervisor in the dense version saves a<br />

lot more data in the map. It saves as many snapshots as technically possible<br />

for the camera. This is typically around 10 Hz 1 . Along with these snapshots<br />

it also saves the velocity commands which are given by the human operator.<br />

Also, a timestamp is saved for each snapshot, so that during playback, the<br />

Supervisor knows when to publish the next snapshot.<br />

5.2 Autonomous Path Playback<br />

5.2.1 Sparse<br />

The trickiest part of playback in the sparse version is to know when to make<br />

the transition to the next snapshot. When playback is first initiated, the<br />

Supervisor passes the first snapshot image to Visual Homing. Subsequently,<br />

the robot will start moving towards this snapshot image. Similarly as in<br />

path learning, the Supervisor looks at the magnitude of the homing vector,<br />

or desired velocity, produced by the Visual Homing process. This magnitude<br />

decreases when the robot gets closer to the snapshot. The next snapshot is<br />

published as soon as the magnitude falls below a certain threshold.<br />

5.2.2 Dense<br />

During playback in the dense version, the Supervisor publishes the snapshots<br />

at the same rate as they were acquired. This behavior is much like<br />

a video player would play back a movie. The recorded velocity commands<br />

that were stored alongside the snapshot images are passed to the Arbiter,<br />

where they will be combined with the output from Visual Homing (see section<br />

6.2). Thus, the recorded control inputs are used as a feed forward<br />

control. On top of that, the Visual Homing provides a closed loop control<br />

to correct small errors. That means, if the robot is too slow, the velocity is<br />

increased so it can catch up to the desired position on the path. If it is too<br />

fast, velocity is decreased.<br />

A problem arises if, for any reason, the robot lags behind too much. Since<br />

the robot’s speed is limited, it might not be able to catch up. Even worse,<br />

if the system fails to find any correspondences between current view and<br />

snapshot image, it will not be able to correct the error at all. The Supervisor<br />

detects this risk by – again – looking at the magnitude of the homing vector<br />

produced by Visual Homing. If and only if the magnitude rises above a<br />

certain threshold and the homing vector points into the same direction as<br />

the recorded velocity command, the Supervisor pauses the playback, i.e. it<br />

delays the transition to the next snapshot. This is much like hitting the<br />

pause button on the video player: The image – in this case the snapshot<br />

image – is still there, only the next image in line is not shown. Thus, the<br />

robot still drives with the same recorded velocity command associated with<br />

1 While the Kinect camera could provide 640 × 480 images with a frequency of 30 Hz,<br />

the extra time is needed to detect and extract the BRISK features from the camera<br />

images. Therefore, the frequency depends on the number of features that are detected.

Chapter 5. Supervisor 31<br />

this snapshot and Visual Homing still tries to reduce the error. Once the<br />

magnitude of the homing vector falls below the threshold, path progression<br />

is continued.<br />

5.3 Localization<br />

So far, the Supervisor has assumed that when path playback is first initiated,<br />

the robot starts at the same place where path learning was started before.<br />

Localization functionality was added to the Supervisor to be able to put the<br />

robot at any position on the path and let it go from there. When playback<br />

is initiated, the Supervisor first tries to find the most likely position of the<br />

robot on the path and then starts playback from this position. For this, the<br />

current camera image is compared to each snapshot of the learned path.<br />

This is done by passing one snapshot image after the other to the Visual<br />

Homing process. For each of them, Visual Homing produces a homing<br />

vector. The snapshot for which it produces the homing vector with the<br />

smallest non-zero magnitude is assumed to be the most likely position of<br />

the robot. Figure 5.1 shows the magnitudes of all homing vectors with a<br />

clear minimum that represents the most likely position of the robot.<br />

Magnitude of homing vector<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

Localization on the path.<br />

../../../../bagfiles/2012-03-02_localization/localizationDoublecheck_stellwand_dc1.bag<br />

0<br />

0 50 100 150 200<br />

Snapshot index<br />

Figure 5.1: Magnitude of the homing vectors from current position to each<br />

snapshot on the path with one distinct minumum.<br />

One could think of a situation where two locations on the path have a similar<br />

appearance. If the robot is standing at one of these locations, there will be<br />

two local minima as seen in figure 5.2.<br />

If the Supervisor ends up picking the wrong of the two minima, the robot<br />

might cause a collision. To avoid this, a double check has been implemented.<br />

During the initial localization, the two most likely positions are saved. Then,<br />

it is first assumed that the robot is at the first most likely position. From<br />

there, the Supervisor starts playing back the path. After a certain number<br />

of snapshots the robot is stopped and localization is done again. If the

32 5.3. Localization<br />

Magnitude of homing vector<br />

1.2<br />

1.0<br />

0.8<br />

0.6<br />

0.4<br />

0.2<br />

0.0<br />

Localization on the path.<br />

../../../../bagfiles/2012-03-02_localization/localization_stellwand_dc5.bag<br />

50 100 150 200<br />

Snapshot index<br />

Figure 5.2: Magnitude of the homing vectors from current position to each<br />

snapshot on the path with two minima.<br />

most likely position in this second localization points to approximately the<br />

expected position, then the first localization is assumed to be correct and<br />

playback is restarted. If, however, the second localization points to an<br />

unexpected location, the Supervisor makes the robot reverse back to the<br />

original starting position and starts playback from the second most likely<br />

position.<br />

To be able to reverse back from the double check location to the original<br />

starting position, two things have to be done:<br />

1. The path from the original starting position up to the point where the<br />

double check takes place has to be saved. Otherwise, the robot would<br />

not know how to get back. This is done by the same path learning<br />

technique as during the regular path learning. For the dense version<br />

that means also recording the velocity commands given to the robot,<br />

this time not given by the human operator, but by the Arbiter.<br />

2. The Supervisor has to play the path backwards, so the order of snapshots<br />

is reversed. Furthermore, in the dense version, the recorded<br />

velocity commands have to be inversed by changing the sign of each<br />

component of the velocity vector.

Chapter 6<br />

Arbiter<br />

The Arbiter process got its name, because it has the power to decide which<br />

desired velocity is allowed to be sent to the robot at a given time. For<br />

example, in path learning mode, the joystick’s command is sent to the robot,<br />

while in playback mode, the commands from the Visual Homing process are<br />

forwarded. However, before sending the velocity commands on to the robot,<br />

the Arbiter also adapts the velocity command to the particular robot. In<br />

the following sections, only the procedure during playback is shown, because<br />

the adaptation of the joystick’s command during path learning is trivial.<br />

As is the case for the Supervisor, there are again two versions of the Arbiter<br />

– a sparse and a dense version. These are detailed in sections 6.1 and 6.2,<br />

respectively.<br />

6.1 Sparse<br />

Figure 6.1a shows the data flow of the Arbiter in the sparse version. The<br />

individual steps are described in the following sections.<br />

6.1.1 Y-Offset Correction<br />

The desired velocity, or homing vector, produced by the Visual Homing process<br />

has full six degrees of freedom. Since the two kinds of robots considered<br />

in this work – a differential drive ground robot and a differential drive boat<br />

– cannot control all of these degrees of freedom, the dimensionality has to<br />

be reduced. Only vx (translation in x direction) and ωz (rotation around<br />

the z axis) can be controlled directly (see figure 1.1). This is the velocity<br />

command that can be sent to the robot. Additionally, vy (translation in y<br />

direction) can be controlled by a combination of vx and ωz.<br />

When the robot faces in a direction parallel to the path from the last to<br />

the next node, vy indicates the robot’s offset in y-direction from the path.<br />

To reduce this y-offset, the robot’s heading θ must be changed towards the<br />

desired path. However, since Visual Homing tries to control θ back to the<br />

value it thinks is right, a correction value cθ can be added to the desired<br />


34 6.1. Sparse<br />

(a) Sparse (b) Dense<br />

Figure 6.1: Data flow in the Arbiter process in the sparse and the dense<br />


Chapter 6. Arbiter 35<br />

velocity ωz such that Visual Homing and cθ counteract each other. This<br />

can be done by the following algorithm:<br />

cθ ← 0<br />

while (vx, vy, ωz) ← new desired velocity do<br />

cθ ← clip (cθ + ki ∗ clip(vy, k1), k2)<br />

ωz ← ωz + cθ ∗ clip(k3 ∗ vx, k4)<br />

end while<br />

The constants ki, k1, k2, k3 and k4 are tuning parameters and clip(x, xmax)<br />

is a function that limits the absolute value of x to xmax:<br />

function clip(x, xmax)<br />

if x > xmax then<br />

return xmax<br />

else if x < −xmax then<br />

return −xmax<br />

else<br />

return x<br />

end if<br />

end function<br />

Two things should be noted here:<br />

1. cθ is an integral, because it keeps it’s value between iterations of the<br />

while-loop. This is necessary, because the vy value produced by Visual<br />

Homing decreases once the robot turns towards the path. ωz does not<br />

keep its value between iterations, but is recalculated every iteration<br />

by Visual Homing.<br />

2. In the update step of ωz, the correction value cθ is scaled by vx. This<br />

ensures that, when the robot gets close to the snapshot image, the<br />

influence of cθ decreases so that it lets Visual Homing reduce the θ<br />

error. This is necessary for the Supervisor to be able to detect arrival<br />

at the snapshot.<br />

6.1.2 Filtering and Clipping<br />

The desired velocity produced by Visual Homing can be very noisy and,<br />

when some matches are wrong, can have very large spikes. To make the<br />

robot drive more smoothly, the rate of change of the individual components<br />

of the velocity vector is limited. Furthermore, to keep the robot safe, the<br />

absolute value of each velocity component is limited by the clip() function.<br />

6.1.3 Correct Theta First<br />

While the Visual Servo algorithm guarantees that the camera eventually<br />

reaches the target pose, it does not guarantee to get there via the shortest<br />

path. This is most noticed when only an error in θ is present. Instead<br />

of just giving a ωz command, visual servoing also produces a forward or<br />

backward velocity. This problem is known in literature as the camera retreat<br />

problem. To get around this problem, the Arbiter ensures that any error in

36 6.2. Dense<br />

θ is controlled first, so forward velocity vx is suppressed when ωz is large.<br />

This is done by updating vx with<br />

vx ← vx ∗ cvx (ωz)<br />

The coefficient function cvx (ωz) is described by<br />

cvx (ωz) =<br />

1<br />

1 + exp(k5 · (|ωz| − k6))<br />

(6.1)<br />

where k5 and k6 are tuning parameters that determine up to which error in<br />

θ the robot is still allowed to drive in x direction. The resulting function is<br />

depicted in figure 6.2.<br />

cvx (ωz)<br />

1<br />

0.75<br />

0.5<br />

0.25<br />

0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1<br />

Figure 6.2: The coefficient function that suppresses forward velocity when<br />

a θ error is present. Here, k5 = 30 and k6 = 0.45.<br />

6.2 Dense<br />

Figure 6.1b shows the data flow of the Arbiter in the dense version. Most<br />

steps in the dense version are the same as in the sparse version. The steps<br />

that are different are described in the following sections.<br />

6.2.1 Sum of the Two Velocity Vectors<br />

Additionally to the desired velocity input from the Visual Homing process,<br />

the dense Arbiter also receives the recorded velocity commands from the<br />

Supervisor. These two velocities have to be fused in order to get a single<br />

velocity command that can be passed on to the robot. This is done by<br />

adding the two velocity vectors together. Thus, if the two vectors point<br />

into the same direction, the robot accelerates, if they point into opposite<br />

directions, it slows down.<br />


Chapter 6. Arbiter 37<br />

6.2.2 Y-Offset Correction<br />

As in the sparse version, a correction value cθ needs to be added to ωz<br />

to turn the robot towards the path. However, there are two reasons why<br />

y-offset correction is less complicated in the dense version:<br />

1. Generally, the error in x direction is far smaller in the dense version.<br />

This helps correction of y-offset, because it greatly reduces the issue<br />

where the vy produced by visual servoing decreases when the robot<br />

turns towards the path. Therefore, cθ can be calculated anew in every<br />

iteration and does not need to be integrating.<br />

2. Since the Supervisor’s decision to transition to the next snapshot is<br />

independent of the homing vector, the robot does not need to reduce<br />

the heading error when it gets close to a snapshot.<br />

Thus, the ωz-update step simplifies to<br />

while (vx, vy, ωz) ← new desired velocity do<br />

cθ ← clip (k7 ∗ vx ∗ vy, k8)<br />

ωz ← ωz + cθ<br />

end while<br />

The constants k7 and k8 are tuning parameters. This step happens after<br />

the combination of the two velocity commands, so vx, vy and ωz already<br />

contain both the desired velocity from Visual Homing and the recorded<br />

velocity command from the Supervisor.

38 6.2. Dense

Chapter 7<br />

Experiments<br />

7.1 BIBA Ground Robot<br />

The whole system was developed and tested on the differential drive ground<br />

robot BIBA, shown in figure 7.1. Tests against ground truth were done with<br />

a Vicon optical motion capture system 1 .<br />

Figure 7.1: The differential drive ground robot BIBA with the Kinect sensor<br />

mounted on top.<br />

During all tests, the robot was first steered by a human operator via a<br />

joystick to teach a path. Where compared against each other, both the<br />

sparse and the dense Supervisor learned the same path.<br />

1 http://www.vicon.com<br />


40 7.1. BIBA Ground Robot<br />

7.1.1 Path Tracking<br />

Figure 7.2 shows the trajectories viewed from above of the robot during<br />

path learning, sparse playback and dense playback. It also shows where<br />

topological nodes were created by the Supervisor and where the Supervisor<br />

actually transitioned from one node to the next during sparse playback. It<br />

reveals the problems of the sparse playback. While tracking of θ and x is<br />

very accurate, y-offset correction is very inefficient, especially on a curvy<br />

path like this. This is due to the fact that θ is controlled first: The robot<br />

first aligns its heading and then it drives forward. A different problem of<br />

the sparse version is only noticeable when looking at the robot in real life: It<br />

drives in a stop-and-go motion. The robot has to slow down until it almost<br />

stops at each node, before the Supervisor detects arrival and it can head on<br />

to the next node. So, while the sparse version gets close to the destination,<br />

the way it gets there is not very pretty and potentially dangerous if the<br />

path is close to obstacles. The dense version tracks the learned path a lot<br />

better. When observing the robot in real life it is almost impossible to tell<br />

the difference between the human operator driving during path learning and<br />

autonomous playback.<br />

y [m]<br />

2.0<br />

1.5<br />

1.0<br />

0.5<br />

Trajectory<br />

../../../../bagfiles/2011-12-01_ViconTest/s1_2011-12-01-15-04-50.bag<br />

1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0<br />

x [m]<br />

Learned Path<br />

Playback Dense<br />

Playback Sparse<br />

Sparse Nodes<br />

Sparse Transitions<br />

Figure 7.2: Path tracking of the sparse and dense version compared against<br />

the learned path.<br />

A more systematic evaluation of y-offset correction in the dense version is<br />

shown in figure 7.3. The learned path is a straight line and playback is<br />

started with an offset in y. The system is able to correct the offset quickly<br />

with little overshoot.<br />

In general, the dense version looks much nicer and it is much more likely to<br />

get the robot to the destination, especially in environments where very few<br />

features can be detected. Because of the feed-forward control via recorded<br />

velocity commands, the dense version is able to get across regions where<br />

visual servoing cannot produce a desired velocity. In those regions, the<br />

sparse version fails.

Chapter 7. Experiments 41<br />

y [m]<br />

0.5<br />

1.0<br />

1.5<br />

2.0<br />

2.5<br />

Trajectory<br />

../../../../bagfiles/2012-03-08_viconTest2/yoffset2_2012-03-08-17-16-42.bag<br />

2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0<br />

x [m]<br />

Figure 7.3: y-offset correction in the dense version.<br />

7.1.2 Localization<br />

Learned Path<br />

Playback Dense<br />

Generally, localization works very well, even when the playback is started<br />

with a large y-offset from the path. As expectable, it is less reliable in<br />

environments with a low number of visual features. However, it was very<br />

hard to test the recovery after a failed localization, since a procedure had<br />

to be found to reliably confuse the system. This was done by the setup<br />

shown in figure 7.4. Two identical movable walls were created with strong<br />

visual features so that a path could be recorded that has two locations with<br />

identical camera views. The taught path is pictured in figure 7.5. The robot<br />

was driven towards wall 1, turned right, driven towards wall 2 and turned<br />

left. During the learning stage, wall 2 was approached a little bit closer<br />

than wall 1. Then, the robot was put in front of wall 1, but a little bit<br />

closer than while recording the path. This procedure effectively tricks the<br />

system into thinking that it is standing in front of wall 2 when, in fact, it<br />

is standing in front of wall 1.<br />

Figure 7.5 shows the path during dense playback. Localization was initiated<br />

at the starting position. Since localization failed and the system thought<br />

it was in front of wall 2, the robot first turned left. After driving for 20<br />

snapshots, the Supervisor stops playback and localizes again. Since this<br />

does not yield the expected location of 20 snapshots behind the starting<br />

point, the system realizes that its first localization was wrong. It can now<br />

recover from this situation, because the path from the original starting<br />

position to the double check position was recorded. It reverses back to the<br />

starting position and starts playback from the second most likely solution<br />

of the initial localization. This one is correct and the robot can complete<br />

the path.<br />

As mentioned, it was very hard to confuse the localization. It is very unlikely<br />

to encounter a situation like this in real life. However, in the future, a similar<br />

approach could be used with a less reliable sensor than vision. This is why<br />

this test is to be seen as a proof of concept. The important point here is<br />

that, because the system is able to record the path from the original starting

42 7.2. Lizhbeth ASV<br />

Figure 7.4: Setup to test recovery from a failed localization with two identical<br />

movable walls.<br />

location up until the point where it notices that it is wrong, it is able to<br />

recover from this situation by reversing back to the start.<br />

7.2 Lizhbeth ASV<br />

The ASV Lizhbeth shown in figure 7.6 is a differential drive catamaran<br />

boat. Therefore, it has very similar motion characteristics to BIBA. The<br />

biggest difference is that motor speed does not directly translate to boat<br />

speed but to acceleration. This makes the feed-forward control part used<br />

in the dense version much less effective. The tests on the boat showed that<br />

the dense version performed much worse than the sparse version in this<br />

application. However, the sparse version, even though it was better than<br />

the dense version, did not work very well either. Only in perfect conditions<br />

– no wind and almost no waves – the system was able to complete paths.<br />

Nevertheless, the tests with Lizhbeth helped to identify problems that causes<br />

the system to perform worse than on land.<br />

Lighting Problems Figure 7.7 shows two camera images from the same<br />

video, taken about one second apart from each other. Due to the camera’s<br />

built-in exposure adjustment, details inside the boat-house are nicely visible<br />

in one image and completely underexposed in the other, vice versa for<br />

landmarks across the lake. This poses a great problem for visual homing,<br />

because image features that are used to control the boat might be completely<br />

invisible a moment later. This issue could be diminished by using a<br />

camera that allows manual control of the shutter time. That way, during<br />

the path learning phase, the Supervisor could record the shutter time used<br />

for capturing each snapshot. During playback, the camera exposure could<br />

always be set to the setting that corresponds to the current snapshot.

Chapter 7. Experiments 43<br />

Double Check Position<br />

Wall 1<br />

Starting Position<br />

Learned Path<br />

Playback Dense<br />

Wall 2<br />

Figure 7.5: Path of the robot with recovery from a failed localization with<br />

two identical movable walls.<br />

Depth Estimation Problems As mentioned in section 4.1, the visual<br />

servoing algorithm needs the depth of each feature point to be able to compute<br />

the image Jacobian matrix. The Kinect sensor gives this information<br />

only up to a range of a few meters. Points that the Kinect cannot estimate<br />

a depth for are assumed to be at a constant depth. This is enough for an<br />

indoor environment, but outdoor landmarks are often farther away than a<br />

few meters. While visual servoing is surprisingly tolerant of errors in the<br />

depth estimation, there are limitations. For example, if driving toward the<br />

boat house, a constant depth assumption of 10 meters might be sensible.<br />

But if the boat is to drive out of the harbor, points on the other side of the<br />

lake may easily be several kilometers away, so the assumption of 10 meters<br />

would grossly underestimate the depth. While this underestimation does<br />

not have an effect on the rotational velocity component ω of the homing<br />

vector, it decreases the magnitude of translational velocity v. This can be<br />

seen in equation 4.1. A solution to this problem could be to use stereo vision<br />

to estimate depth. While stereo vision cannot accurately estimate depth of<br />

points that are far away, either, at least it would be able to indicate that<br />

the points are far away.

44 7.2. Lizhbeth ASV<br />

Figure 7.6: The ASV Lizhbeth.<br />

(a) (b)<br />

Figure 7.7: Two frames from the same video, captured about 1 second apart<br />

from each other. Automatic exposure adjustment of the camera causes<br />

lighting problems.

Chapter 8<br />

Conclusion and Outlook<br />

In this thesis, a software system was developed that can learn a path from a<br />

stream of images. A human operator can steer the robot, thereby teaching<br />

a path to the robot. Later, the robot can be put anywhere near the taught<br />

path and the robot is able to complete the previously taught path. Two<br />

approaches based on Image Based Visual Servoing have been developed:<br />

A sparse version, where the system tries to save as few images as possible<br />

and drives on the path using only vision to control the robot, and a dense<br />

version, where the full video stream is saved alongside the control commands<br />

given during the path learning phase. Now, the recorded control commands<br />

drive the robot in a feed-forward control while IBVS is used to correct<br />

errors. Furthermore, a method has been presented that allows the robot<br />

to localize itself on the previously taught path. If localization fails and the<br />

robot starts driving into a wrong direction, the system is able to recover<br />

by, again, recording the incorrectly driven path and reversing it back to the<br />

original starting position.<br />

The entire system has been developed using a differential drive ground robot<br />

equipped with a Kinect camera and depth sensor. It was then tested against<br />

ground truth using a Vicon optical motion capture system. Tests show,<br />

that while both the sparse and the dense version get the robot closely to its<br />

destination, the dense version does so in a much nicer, safer, more accurate<br />

and more reliable way. The tests show the system’s ability to compensate<br />

for the non-holonomic properties of the differential drive robot, especially in<br />

the dense version. The recovery from a failed localization has been shown<br />

to work.<br />

Further tests of the system have been conducted on a differential drive<br />

catamaran ASV on the lake of Zurich. While the sparse version was able to<br />

complete paths in optimal environmental conditions, the tests have shown<br />

that the presented approach will not work reliably on the boat with the<br />

Kinect sensor. The main reasons why the Kinect is insufficient are lighting<br />

problems due to the camera’s automatic exposure adjustment and the<br />

limited range of depth estimation.<br />


46 8.1. Future Improvements<br />

8.1 Future Improvements<br />

For outdoor use, a stereo vision approach could be more suitable for providing<br />

depth information. Although not being very accurate at long distance,<br />

at least it gives the information that a point is far away. The Kinect can<br />

only <strong>report</strong> that it does not have any depth information for a far away point.<br />

Feature matching performance could be improved by using a camera that<br />

allows manual control of exposure. This would reduce problems of lighting<br />

changes in the image.<br />

Localization reliability could be improved by suitable filtering of the homing<br />

vector magnitudes that are used for localization. Consider the plot shown<br />

in figure 8.1. The correct localization in this situation would be at snapshot<br />

number 33. Indeed, snapshot 33 does produce the homing vector with the<br />

lowest magnitude. However, the localization almost failed due to some<br />

outliers around snapshot number 230. For example, a median filter could<br />

be used to remove the worst outliers.<br />

Localization on the path.<br />

../../../../bagfiles/2012-03-02_localization/localizationDoublecheck_stellwand_dc4.bag<br />

Magnitude of homing vector<br />

2.0<br />

1.5<br />

1.0<br />

0.5<br />

0.0<br />

50 100 150 200<br />

Snapshot index<br />

Figure 8.1: Magnitudes of homing vectors to each snapshot used for localization.

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List of Figures<br />

1.1 Coordinate frames of robot (light gray) and camera (dark<br />

gray). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11<br />

3.1 Illustration of the learned path in the sparse version. . . . . . 18<br />

3.2 Data flow between the ROS nodes in the sparse version. . . . 19<br />

(a) Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19<br />

(b) Playback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19<br />

3.3 Illustration of the learned path in the dense version. . . . . . 20<br />

3.4 Data flow between the ROS nodes in the dense version. . . . 21<br />

(a) Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21<br />

(b) Playback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21<br />

4.1 Data flow in the Visual Homing process. . . . . . . . . . . . . 26<br />

4.2 The Microsoft Kinect sensor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27<br />

5.1 Magnitude of the homing vectors from current position to<br />

each snapshot on the path with one distinct minumum. . . . 31<br />

5.2 Magnitude of the homing vectors from current position to<br />

each snapshot on the path with two minima. . . . . . . . . . 32<br />

6.1 Data flow in the Arbiter process in the sparse and the dense<br />

version. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34<br />

(a) Sparse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34<br />

(b) Dense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34<br />

6.2 The coefficient function that suppresses forward velocity when<br />

a θ error is present. Here, k5 = 30 and k6 = 0.45. . . . . . . . 36<br />

7.1 The differential drive ground robot BIBA with the Kinect<br />

sensor mounted on top. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39<br />

7.2 Path tracking of the sparse and dense version compared against<br />

the learned path. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40<br />

7.3 y-offset correction in the dense version. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41<br />

7.4 Setup to test recovery from a failed localization with two<br />

identical movable walls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42<br />

7.5 Path of the robot with recovery from a failed localization<br />

with two identical movable walls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43<br />

7.6 The ASV Lizhbeth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44<br />

7.7 Two frames from the same video, captured about 1 second<br />

apart from each other. Automatic exposure adjustment of<br />

the camera causes lighting problems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44<br />

(a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44<br />

(b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44<br />


50 List of Figures<br />

8.1 Magnitudes of homing vectors to each snapshot used for localization.<br />

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

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