Chaigneau and Pizarro - LEGOS

Chaigneau and Pizarro - LEGOS

Chaigneau and Pizarro - LEGOS


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coast, the mesoscale instabilities are a crucial mechanism of<br />

transport for warmer <strong>and</strong> saltier water into the upwelling<br />

region. In this zone, the horizontal turbulent heat <strong>and</strong> salt<br />

fluxes ( 25 W m 2 <strong>and</strong> 50 g m 2 d 1 ) are two times<br />

larger than the negative mean current advective fluxes.<br />

Thus in the Peru-Chile Current System, the horizontal<br />

fluxes associated with the mesoscale eddies can be significant<br />

in the long-term heat <strong>and</strong> salt budgets of the upper<br />

ocean. A comparison with net downward surface heat flux<br />

remains inconclusive, since the NCEP fluxes average<br />

around 25 W m 2 annually, whereas the Southampton<br />

Oceanography Center (SOC) surface flux climatology<br />

indicates positive fluxes of around 25 W m 2 (not shown).<br />

Finally, other terms not considered in this study (e.g., vertical<br />

advection <strong>and</strong> diffusion, entrainment at the base of the mixed<br />

layer) could also play a significant role on the tracer budgets.<br />

[45] This study has given insight into the mean surface<br />

circulation <strong>and</strong> mesoscale flow characteristics of the eastern<br />

South Pacific region. The results provide a useful measure<br />

for validating numerical models. In this poorly sampled<br />

region, more satellite buoy-tracked drifters <strong>and</strong> in situ<br />

measurements are also required to better underst<strong>and</strong> the<br />

role of surface circulation on the heat <strong>and</strong> salt budget.<br />

[46] Acknowledgments. Drifter data were provided by the National<br />

Oceanic <strong>and</strong> Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The authors thank<br />

O. Leth, two anonymous reviewers, <strong>and</strong> editor James Richman for their<br />

helpful comments. A.C. was supported by ECOS-SUD <strong>and</strong> Fundación Andes<br />

grant D-13615. This work was also supported by the Chilean National<br />

Research Council (FONDAP-COPAS).<br />

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