present study

present study

present study


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Chpt€r-5<br />

Presetrt Study<br />

eordinS ro lh. pcvioB rnd p|tgt li.n$G' |n. folowing p.rlimnr<br />

pldtr€&E for dF "RoL or E viFmn l G.olosy i! ulh.riatid of de t|hoF City"<br />

hlrc bcen given onc .rEntion:<br />

L G@ndpholoey<br />

2. QaEmry Galo&,<br />

3. Cor6ilcrib Miter Ro@6 .nd Mdg@dt<br />

4. Hrdb&olog ed Wltcr Mugmt<br />

5. Engi@drs cftlo8l.rd LrDd Us Plaiing<br />

6. GoH.z.ds dd Mitisltion<br />

7. Solid W.5L Dsp@l dd Pdb!@ ab.hdt<br />

5,1 Gemrpholo$/<br />

Mdy *orkots h.w dom wdt on Cc@orpnobgy of khoE MelroFoutdn Aea<br />

(LMA) emmp.$ing of bposrapny .nd lmdfoms- Bul dE topoerlphn dd hndlom<br />

m.pshlEbapED.EdindEpE sndy.<br />

5.1.1 Topogr.phy<br />

The toDolnphic mp is useffil ro tn. urbe plad$ dd decisid nater aS.ncieg<br />

of lh. G.v.mml a wel s prihL.ao*ies for iit!& d.v.lopnal SpangL el.l.<br />

(1976)'. TIE topognpbic !h.€t of Lnor .B of "S!rv.y of P.lii.n" *6 ued ror lli.<br />

pEenr soldy. h i. lls ol Ele s diel pL.ni.g bl for pcliniury site .vrlutid of<br />

dl sorts of engiGirg wdr. 6 w.ll !d lor qlcuLtins slotca. It h.lp. b id.ntj& dE<br />

v. Dmid& ieilitiG<br />

Yi. hdar.il .nd @Ei.l tG!<br />

Yn. Pip.li6 rnd Dow li6<br />

vni. Ior id.ntitins obviouly n@dou .Fs<br />


It i! .le appnrn.t tu pEdictilg ohd l6d E @flicr mrv {m (Cdl*,<br />

1976). This mlp m b. Dr.d s s.l6l Dl@ins and qPl@tid grnL bur Dot individul<br />

lilc amlr€is. Tlrc DFblcn .nd pohntid N@iattd witn Eobiition of nn!.d l4d<br />

should b. cor6irtdd in th. l@l plmin8 po*. wilh pbF plNiDs, @nlictt cd<br />

b€ aroid.d .nd dE bo.6ls of mlldPL-equ€nti.l hd w my bc djoyld bv all<br />

citim. Ir rl$ depicll dc lopoSFDhy imllding Elici, slop. dielion, nNd' drainrgc,<br />

redlDl md t)f, drBly poPllacd .dr "Sb.lm .t al ll97s)<br />

Thc sndy of ropogn$ic lne{. e@b rh. hcight of th. L.hoE M.toPoIr.!<br />

As is ltoul 210 ml* ahove s lcrcl in lh. mr r otsrcn tonion while 200 n |lts in<br />

the surh se$ed !id.. CEdidt mg. fion 20-30 ce.dbeh pq tiloDer.r) IrE<br />

g.ffil sloF of a@ i tow.rdc sth b<br />

souths6l vith rv.6se sEdi.nl rppbnftldy I 3000 Th. pkin oI lh. IlhoE<br />

MelroFlir.n Cily {l-N4C) to lhe Povi RiH is s€nenlly flal with noutds !l $vdl Ph@s<br />

c. s. w.lLd City, Rlile.y Coiony na$y Muebh@, StaliM C.rd.'! sninL H<br />

C.rd.n Tom dd CdroM.Dt (!is. 22). Tta noud. e mdfr.c tisi.g I 5_7 D.LE<br />

hith abov.lh. greud in lh. walled city Th. nouds voty in sia iion 400_500 qurE<br />

Thc bolh sides of lh. Rwi Ri.t e @cupi.d with flood plrin ed lGs tLin<br />

The older nood pl.in it l-r neters lisld $m the you.gd lto.d Dliin. In nt,v plmeE<br />

shdp bl t *p.sting rh. old.r dd )ounga dood pl.i$ i rcll mtted. The €mtlcd<br />

lit of lcs pbni h6 thictlB n@ lh& 25-35 hcLts .!d fod @@ siuble ao<br />

buildins foun

5.1.2 Ledfom<br />

pnn.ry oDd hsio EquiMcnl in uban<br />

C@noiphologi. dlli olbnoic DFvida<br />

plmins dd dp@ion of cily s n .ssrsates infonbo .bout s.din.nt ard sil<br />

ch.Et risiq Lnd .LErioo, Irndfomr. sNndar.r, lnd [06l brurdt lik no.d ald<br />

Ltnsfid.s ssptibilily. Elvimnt l g@logi*l 5odi.. roirly coMnrr . @ tlE<br />

nltting of u d 8!olog/, CMo4holoSic sfidi* providcs dit on dnit.8. !.d<br />

llndfotu *hich i6 dircctly elat€d to i.und.lion ss./ibilily by flood ud huricaM.<br />

Urban solosy ns iwrys ha phying Ery etul .nd . d..isire bL in Lld r<br />

pleing.o elr@ dln hble d€wlop@nt.!d nitisdio otg@h,a&.<br />

A1 pE$nt d@ 10 opid ircu$ of poplblion, lh. urbs o€ bc dp.rded very<br />

fan wilhout dy con.id.stim l,o th€ gcomoDbolosy ed latldfom *6rng, Thc l.ndfom<br />

eninB rbd gemrpholo6, G rL!.liolly ohans.d dE to n.ry frcloG imluding dE<br />

unpLD.d or lllrdtolLd houins ehcn6 ..d 6. @N[ucti@ of i n*!!cnG of<br />

i.dusri6; iDce$d lod of t65rdi.tioa 'brinii.d dp.sion of Mds .!d p@r<br />

s tllion have defmcd 0r lar&.60! of ln. knoE Cit. Th* feto6 my caB<br />

mny Mtusl Dd od inducd hlzrdr .nd leirl problms, MGt ofl@ lyinB a@ su.t<br />

s Ald! Iqb.l T@1 Cal P'lq p€n! ofcarda Tos p.diuLrly it B.r*.1 Mart t<br />

ad Ldr. Rdd.@.is. haE be' LEI.d Nrlool(ing g@orphic ftcbn. Thii aws<br />

nrny pDblfls in rllc caDibl crty ol thc Punjlb povinE iD non$n s.@n c..h }ld '.e.<br />

ulban lt@ding !up.r n@ding &d crek in the rcods, CconorPhologic infom.lion ad<br />

int gn!6d {hta frm ot\q dQsrnncnb will b€ @tuI .!d hclptul in Educils<br />

6vi@br ie6 wfth blnib@ rirk olli6 oDd ptDFny "Sb.irl d .t. (2000)".<br />

Accordhg to 'Shci}n.t al. (2002) , h.dfom unib mapp€d in rh. LMA h.v€<br />

h.cn 3ru

Ftv.! rgci. dm16 Llds.o,.ad!t of tb rF. G.@.iltobgn l hfrltdo<br />

.!d bgrLd dltr n@ olld d.Dda!d! wld b. u.tul @il ldCu i! lt ft(n of<br />

Dd E6 B.!L 11 LDA D4 of 1982 hn od&.6 v!d! id. !.p 2001 L of<br />

at Ll.dd! M.elpoh^E<br />


ll<br />

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(fM Topognlh* d'd N0 { - |<br />

v/*<br />

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S{n4 orPrlds 1950. n | ?$,ffi {d. )<br />

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|,7)<br />


Acodirg io preseDt strdy, lh. followins ledfom! lnik e recognized in<br />

Ilhos M.dopolidn Ae €t. 23):<br />

r' Fi6-h.d s.d S.d be<br />

r' MondrFlood Phin<br />

r' Acliv. flood Plain<br />

r' Coted Flood Plrin<br />

r' Bsir.!d CbrDel Fill<br />

'/ Gully<br />

s.lj Depo.ltioDd L.rdfo.d!<br />

s.ri.r Rrver-b.d .rd Sand Bl'<br />

This unil d.v.lops in low land in bo.d vtl.y botloms thol is s.neally covecd<br />

!.d qhrprd by flowi.g wlcr lor ! p.nod of @h y€d (Fig. 23), Th. $f@ mtends<br />

are lsuuy sDd lrd silr vilh lirde $il. Th. .ule. is unsbble dd locts vecptatio!<br />

depl ror quicl sD*iig 86 d ba. Slot s G lsrho fou FMt.<br />

5,1J.2 M..!der no.d Plrlr<br />

Th. M.$d.r Flood Pl.in foms ! lory heft Vilg b.iwd higi b.nb d ml'nl<br />

ldvee! (Fi8. 2l) ord is pdaUel lo lhe bott !i{t6 oI tne Rlvi Ris oure. Ilis unn<br />

Ends ilood.d dudns dF sonsoon sa$n lnd is ch.@LriEd by tne fomtion of<br />

nm@$ b.fst oeldd sblllj bc!, poirt bm ed sq.lcs dd ox-bos. Thee<br />

fonl6 e.t l*t Epated vhcn rl& riq chdgls its co!e. SloFs e 16 tb.n 6re<br />

5.1.33 Acdve Flood Pldr<br />

Thi! DDil ccls in lhe fom of low t nol$ slighdy .bov. lh. !ft.n chm.h iD<br />

vall.y bonom (Fi& 23). nE Activr Fl@d PbiN G sborc lhc w.r4 lcvel dost or the<br />

)€ blt ac.ooDonly floodcd wh.ncv.r thc ns mler ownoF ib brDk. fte nvs<br />

tc.!6 on consbrdy chtusjls i6 chrMli Dudrs sl!@r, tb. c.tiF b.d 6i6 mL.<br />

blr in wincr it 6nf*s i@lf in oll ch.ml dposing v..y sligil uriuhting $rbe.<br />

Slop.r e lc$ thd fod p€rcdt.

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112<br />

AREA. PRliSliN-l sllJDY<br />

(!_oh I DA VoD. 19132) Covered Flood Plain<br />

ll3<br />

DE cowr.d Fl@d Plair G dE iDDoftlt Ltdf@ ui rhd su6 in Inc Ml|| of<br />

thc R.vi tuvd (Fis. 23).Th. slla.. dLrilh e conp€.d of ift{nimd snd, sih and<br />

oby wilh liftl€ o8.nic contents. Il is allo fedile lnd for obps. It is pehincndy iaikcd<br />

by lhE b ercn nd.s ns in h.isht fion tne Acnv. Flood rLin. Litll. itdjalim of<br />

I.lrnl @o*ing lle ir .omd. Th. 8!rf!e ml.ri.ls of lbe C,wrd Flood Plain e<br />

podNl of rc!.ated shd nmdins ecompbied by vcriicll rcr.rio.. The €p.!t!d<br />

lev.ling durLce of llnd for rgricultur ulc h,s annd obliLELd tne rclielpatbm, which<br />

cxtr.d .r ph.s. SloF. e ld rh.n firc Frat<br />

5J.3.5LcrPldo<br />

te$ Plain hls v.ry gmrle slop. wirh nm silr .nd cliy treqoncd by tlF wind in<br />

sNpcn.id !d an6 !o Esr s bl.rrd [k dcFsiB of l@s. T!. tlcs Phh is nost<br />

pbmiMr un 6r d. LMA ldd ov.6 plnt mrrt n &d doniEnly surrEm poni@<br />

orth. Rlvi Rid(!is, 21).<br />

Loes Pl.in @npd*s wi.d bloM 6ilt *hich i! highly p@us ed h6 c.prcity to<br />

frrinbin renic.l o! @ly wrtiol slopa *sa.dy 0976)". h @v6 lll s!rf.o.s<br />

Eeatdl* ol 6.n lopognphic p.€itioDs BppiDs d.!iMs!. Ies is modc rlt $rt.d<br />

with nonly 50 perc.nl dcpGits oroisting of sill enins t tw.a 0.01m sd 0.005m in<br />

diarcleB P.si (1968)". It hs sisnificrd mount of clay (5-30 pcent) md 5J0<br />

pccn!..nd'RiG (1986) . ftc lddsp. h. .Ls bcn s6dEd by thi. sh*t of<br />

hinmrc. fl@ing mrcs lnc sur.@. Th. eil i. fcdlc i l is dGsEd bur n tu 6ilt<br />

cod.d by w.ter ..d wind, sloF !€ l.s rh,n &v.n pcrccnr,<br />

5.1.4 Emrior.l L.trdform<br /> Br!tu rld Ch.m.l-Fll<br />

nis lmdfom unit occu6 on tho m€odq bell of Mdal st@n lnd t6s Pl.in<br />

(Fis. 23). Bain a l|.*D €{be of tn. ndd.r b.lr of rrcirnr 61r.@ rnd ns aboul 2-3<br />

ncLB .bow thc Actjr Flod fllin wbjL ChrnEl-Fill! e bo.d .nd clons.t d<br />

d..rftsio6. They .E prcb.bly. IittL r@gd.bd !@!s Plai.. Be6u* ol lh.n low<br />

position, th* d€pE$ions 6Uecr nn off wrbr and it l.s d@lcilied ine soilr b d.plh<br />

b€nvcn 2 3n€1eE 'Sh.ib .r .r. (2002) .

5.l.4.2Gully<br />

Th. tLc! eds6 of Old turcr Tmce (te4! c!c!rpnd9, which ri*s .t ul3-5<br />

n€tft rbovc the Activc Flood Plais (tig. 23), h.rc b€.n sbjecl€d lo sv€E eDrion of<br />

d{)Mn ninv!&r $ rhlr disidl sur&@ hs b€n oui.e .n. Ths msior m be<br />

by @61!r,oting dblrtJr.nr llong nvd coe and omc or trE Lnd cm b€<br />

']@spd<br />

sloinedrhrcu8!oonsadationmauE sh€it]'eral,(200r)'&"shcilder!1.(2002).<br />

Cororpbolqi. infotutioo .td jnEgatcd drb ton odEr 6ncem.d |gdi.s<br />

h.s b6oft v.ry villl in r.ducinS lDd couterirg Dtud n!4ds rDd €Nionmot l<br />

'nc ludfom d.L *ould v.ry h.lpftl ir ldd E plmins, nleg.jml of mb<br />

Esu@ .nd hiri8ation of lEad. G *cll 6 sLclim of $ir.bL riles fd dilFci ol<br />

$lid wasi.. Ilis aDprcloh h d edtonia ofhow lsdfom rado$ ire mmsed to lid<br />

u!€n DlM.6, dsiIks ud public lodc6 fd oPtiMl plmiDS .t r.duc.

Th. len8rh ed dishrrge ol {e kvi Riwr ir ltE small.sl oflhc fiv. miD ..3h<br />

hibudi.! ofih.lndc. Th. Rlyi Rivd is v€ll-kroM 6 d. dvs of LdDE. ft d6es in<br />

the ntullid of tlE Bo$hd b*in dihins $. nordEn rloF of lhc Dbol.db.r<br />

Rango lrd nE sulhem slopes of Ar Prnjal (F,9. 24), 'IXe blsii oi Barsihal ir sixty<br />

milcs in ciEuma.lEe.l d.lentid oflbout 5000 fet B.lov E!trs.lal, dE R vi<br />

flo% rhblgh rh. wlley of Chamba h I rcrth-rcst y diEctior p@n l !o t[€<br />

Dhlnhdhd sn8. "l(Jisle (1932) . Th€ rivd I*s th. Himlry& .r Bo$li. In lh.<br />

noulriG ag of 130 nil.! lons th. rot l dop i! 15,000 fel sbout yhich lt5 f@r D€r<br />

mile.It alerag. slop€ is thoEfore 45 i..r p€r nil..<br />

The Rnvi 6E6 P.thlnlol€ .t Chrudh .d lm . bolidary b.rwd bdi! .nd<br />

rhe Hcld St le of Jalmu and K3shmn lor 23 mil6. An r p$Eing trcush Cudlspr<br />

Dislrict, it entels Sh.kl a.rh ichsil of sillkot. tut |ftd danns Sh.Irjrs.rh, Ujh Rivq<br />

joi6 n, Ir b 39 mjles doMs[.m of Mldholu. Blsts rno6.r Nrlh falts inl! rhc<br />

Ravi a little abov. Ios Brids€ wnih B.in drcr l:lts downlr.m of J!$ei bndg. .bout<br />

59 n'l.l non Mldlopu "N&ir Annd .nd chuLn Cbrudhry 0 988) .<br />

India nd now tull s.icr rishtr .ccordhg to Indus Wor.r Trsty of l9(O and hs<br />

@g.d to dtvcn .ll its bG now rnd coFruorilg ! doD at Th.iD. t6 nit6 DDctqo of<br />

Madhopu .r\lair Annad dd Otulam Cnaudhry ( 1988),,, SiM. 1939, rh. onptct. nood<br />

nor inio Plnsnn duing July rd August ns hqr int€rc.pr.d, sloEd rnd used in India.<br />

Th€ sdilnr of lildy 16 @nFis {rdiMndy sitg r@y ct.y, ctry .{t $ld<br />

dd lic ovd lhc buried rcck ofthe Indion cmron of E {dbnm !g.. Tie oulciops or<br />

Eo4dbrirn Ctuor e p'!at in S.lgod!! aid Chinior .@ 6 Kim {d S.rgk Hitb.<br />

-ft. LMA hls sn Gi& 25) QuaMry g.ol€idl uDils "SlEith & Sh.itl (20031. .<br />

The tihN Mehotolilj! A6 (LMA) is ! D.n of Uppq lndus ptaitr od lies<br />

m'nly on ss|-m side and p.rdy d *6rem sid. of rb. tuvi Rjm. k co,priss SiXy<br />

Les bil of L.E Pleistoo.De in .gc .Atntar.Dd Sh.ikl (1996),,. The flood ptdB<br />

dlpo.ie of $. Rwi xjw e slbrear b RcEr in .g., "shdr 0974 . llk dzrins of silty<br />

res n 1,6 millid mD (m r) audin! to ,.Hdt nd d d. (198?)". A}ih@, Sheih md ShrI<br />

dso cmLql Chue Fmtion wilh sily clay d.posib.<br />

Trr ciry of ljle ir cl)lfu.ld oG rhc dir r@ of kvi xlvd. iiicl tt@.<br />

h. 3w.s1vc pcnods of upm dsisrurcd s shrliru rrc, Moang r.me md cutshb_<br />

Rlvi tu. E:.h rrc i s.Frc{t 6s rf,e $6iw t@ by . shoul,.ter st jch cr t<br />

iidrifi.d i, $. lhigEpdic setion in rb. .a Fou mi' ttuvirl f!cj6 cd b. Bogliz.d i.._

t<br />

,_".ff<br />

J.<br />

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S.E :H@ Eiei@iry C@!dV l@Mio@j, l'lr't<br />

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L.<br />

E<br />


maluE p6L@6ol dodsil!, ovq b.nk nood plain dcposils, poi.t-bBr ch.ml dcpdils, and<br />

ch.ml d.F6it 'H!y!l .t .1. (2000f. fte 3EirisBphic eq!c@ of Qut nary<br />

s.dilMll of rh. LMA ir 8iwn in rh. T.bl. Na 6.<br />

TABLE No. 6<br />


Youen Flood P|.D D.!.6i8<br />

Old.r Flo.d Pl.in D€posis<br />

* r,6 s (Atre. Errhrd .t .[ 1982)<br />

Tdle 6 ncntim QuEory $diD6l! i.. ot&r &, t!@gd s.qFG.<br />

5.2.1 Qud.rI ry Geolosicrl Ulltt<br />

5,2-r.r Srlry Less lhporits (sfty crry, dry.!d cilt)<br />

.sh.llm cl al. ( I975)" dcsorih€d this tylc of unn of Qqrnary s€diftni. in rhe<br />

Windsq @ ol Colo$do in lt U.S.A. s (hc lilty les Tlis Adlid sil. fdnFd d€<br />

|nicr dcpGits of jos thd @de rh. hndsp. .nn odbuE 0o thc bund of pE-<br />

A@liu 3il rd inc eld 0a$) d.!Nii.d bt wiid @ioD fion lood ptri6<br />

.Dd walh.rd b€&ak John(1981)"<br />

"Rend.ll 09$, p,392f 6nh.r dren rhd tlle lilty lcs cmpri$ 3.dinqtr<br />

rvng6 7l-74 pa@r sill-sire.rd 15-16 p46t cl|y,size diari.l fd h.r l,rt8<br />

f<br />


p€&..t cdciM cdbon.te, Mimsl oomDosirion is pEdodiMrly qu!r12, but sbordinrre<br />

MoDnli of f.ldlPr md chy ninedl! e prml och a r.olini& dd illirc.<br />


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QIJAIhR\ RY (il.Ol.(Xit( Al. MAt ()t,11llt t. t()Rt M| (OpOt I tAN ARtiA<br />

PRtSI NTSII r)\<br />

aa I ,\,R, id,.N,11{v.,,\<br />

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Th. fine nircd tusnas in lcs @ in lh. rang. of0.0l b 0.06 nillid.Ls<br />

(0.0004 !o 0.002ir irn) in dirmt r "Monlsdery (195) .<br />

120<br />

Th. aulhtr i.c. "Sheikn @003)' c,xpbiDcd tbe Qutemry S.olosicll eninS of<br />

rjnoE M.ropolii.n Ad in P.ri$!n r()|ml of Envimtul S.i@ Vol, I No,l.<br />

2003. Tt dq$iplion ofQulln ry galo$/ is h.cwi.h.<br />

ftc Silly Les Dcpolirs @npde doEimtly silt silly clsy rnd niror !.nd-(Fig,<br />

25) The colot or rilty clay and clay t *Irki brcM 10 yclld bDwn, fm in rxnft .nd<br />

tlsric in Mh|e. t hs inieMl im of lilr dd sd ai My pl@. Thn urir is divisibt<br />

i o No p.ir i' th. LMA. Tnis uil is wll .xpoed in l(rra Shln K.h, Fibry.r.,<br />

Missr', ChiJr No,42, ed Sh6.q!u (tDrd l@din.s on nghl hnk of rhe Rli Riv.r.<br />

wltile d th. Lft b.nt of R.vi RiEr, rhis uir hf *ll 6p.suc of Snt Les h Ttulh.<br />

Dhriwa4 Bh6ii, Dogra, Dial w!gh!, Nlwrr, Biidpu, Kol rslmpur, Hudidd. Hallotc,<br />

D.vn RG4 Shld M.a J.il R@4 Outba& Mod.t Towtl cn n&r K,L. .!d K.hn<br />

It upF Fn n do Mdy 3ilrr cLy .(t cLy of bbM llDki cotq, thict<br />

bedded, hlvi.g oinor sdty lat!6 ynh klntec Thi tiycr G und.il.in by bord haki<br />

blld 3ilIy clay od foms lo, rde hlvirs totd i! rhe ad. Siriy ra$ dte !<br />

si* ofl.tues nrvine gdll. sloFs ro*lrds dolt h sid. ofde R.vi tuE<br />

TlE lov.r p.!r is @Dped of .ilr oDd .itq ctry wid jrt ut,ti@ or cr.y &d<br />

lilty clay/snd. IrEe bcd! .E liltle hdd.. .nd conpelod Esistirc ro csio. .nd .xlad<br />

h.narh dE r.ft6 6 sdd lom t m6 .Sh.ilh & StFiDr (2003). .<br />

'Ih. Iidologic.l lo8 ol dF b.E hot6 !r Niu B.g Toktlr uD lo a dcptll of t3O0<br />

f-r !d Mo&i ToM u9 !o. d€prh of 825 f*t my bc hkcn $ t ?. rols ot tb. wA<br />

([ig, 26). Ihe s.dinmls hrw deposiEq by p@lcDr and old slram (rihtid6) of rlE<br />

IDda Rild durinS Pldncrc D€.iodJ, r, edd!@ with jls node of deFsitio. by<br />

l4se sf..m in coGlrndy shiftirs ch.mtq th. ltluvi.t conpLr is h€tereS.@N -d<br />

llE .nuvi.l @mpl.x Mpris.t nE b n diu gEir.{r $ t, sjlr iRr cray. Th.<br />

6.m somutu€d! are qud4 nusvit , biorii. lnd chtdiE i. r$4irrion wirt sdll<br />

P.'wL8. of tav oindb (NrsPAK t991).

5.2.r, Mcuder B.li Depostb of.rcidt stftrD (silty clry- loany cl.y)<br />

Th. Ms.dd Bclt D€p.6its of dciflr coue conpds donimdy 5il9 cLy<br />

lm in r.xturc (Fis. 25). The color of l@y cl.y dd cby is l}l.U brom sd left is<br />

inte6l{.d *j$ snd ud 3ilt Cby.y fihrid b! Lnt G duc b pl@e of elc.l!@<br />

ch&crenstica .nd elt.@tari@ i! pFsnt in lh. DpF part vhiL low pd i! 3ilty<br />

.lay ld lon, Chml.filliDss, chy-fiUin$ od chy plusgins of ooiat slEms m b.st<br />

.rmpLs of lhis Dnil t '.1i5 kll qpoed jn nonb.m od mrh.n pnE orrhe R vi Riwr<br />

i... Mubr*pur, Ch.l No,4 |, Pindi Da!, Misio K.lu 6 rieh blnt vhne Basb.rp@,<br />

Shalinar Cardea Cuja Srmo, Ch.uburji, Fmzpur Rord, Mult n R@4 New Muslin<br />

TM, Now Clrd€D Tom, Thetlu, {Iig, 25) Bh.pdi&, MdDul lnd PdIEM on E<br />

lclt blnl or Rlvi Rird, SrDd is lm g a blinS 8niN of f.l&p&, qual' lDd mi€<br />

5.2.13 Older nood Pl.h Deposlar (slt, llay cl.y/ro.m cl.y)<br />

nE Oftl€' Flood Pl.in Depci!! cohptie silr, silly clay Dd lody ctnr Gj& 25).<br />

'Ihey ae doveloFd I b.ck mmD dcDosils, cul-fillin$ .nd cur{fr nandd rnd<br />

oxbo$ .long oood chenal d.po!ii! of rh. Rivi Riv.i lle pE*E or dlq cby in lne<br />

Olrtd Flood Phil D.F!i!s indiFLi &posilion of old chl4l.fill &posils. Thee<br />

d.posits rle hlv€ firc io nediu gdimd srd al plac.s, .nd .F undertrin by srl1<br />

etunsblion,ltis uili. well qp.sd in cbrt No. 21, Dhinga4 Pindi Ds, Qii $nar<br />

Snafi, Ch.l No.l2, Bl..inwlh Krld, Msidl|i., ChdDi A*e lnl bb6&.<br />

5.2.1,4 Yourger Flood Phh D.poritr (scdd, stlty srrd/ sllr torD)<br />

Yourger Flood Plrir Deposib e fomEd in thin v€ne! ol clny wi.h tirc 10<br />

mediu sEin erd, lilr i , snry lom s aielty (Fi& 25). Th. n vi Rivd bls<br />

fte$&rcd ov€r to resp{tiw .ous in o&ly R(nr Titu .nd d@3 tul obliteEL rh. otd<br />

leltuH such a chlmlfrlli,8, nddd eu:, leve.s. IXis unit h.! sood exposurcs in<br />

Sbrr@u, M&n*da Blb.rv chei Krta X!Dl, Klblr, S.dta l(!ha B.bu Srbu,<br />

Hinj@al, Ni.z B€8 Tolbr, sh.hpur, .n

NIAZ BBG<br />


DATA<br />




L:-l<br />

m<br />

=<br />

II(tsND<br />

tllii:l rm<br />

ffi,.*<br />

ffi<br />

ffi<br />

=<br />

ln Merder B€lt Phln Deportb (s!nd, silty s.nd)<br />

Thc Mo!trdd B€h D€p6iE @ d.rclopcd froD Flaliwly nmw are ilMs the<br />

b.nk, two !o lhE rnotrEs *id., ch|*r.dad by b{s, swllca, cut{tttrBld6 ard<br />

dbo* (Fi& 25)- 116€ d€pcsili cmpn& iF ro ncdiu sEin $!d *ith hid p@r.r3<br />

of lMy cl.y ir ln. fom of cl.y ch.@l.fillirgr Th. lMliti6 ot thi! sit .F Sbah&i!.<br />

Khudplr, Mahnnl S.$irn lnd Kol Jcst!|.<br /> Rlve.b€d ad Sitrd Brr (i.Dd ard sudy Bilt)<br />

Th. Riv.$€d sd srnd Brr of R vi tuvd n c@posd of uMMlidlted en4<br />

sndy lill .Dd lsny cky/cLy (Fis. 25) drt i. subj@Ld to tzs?drllion ofs.dine!6 by<br />

riw mLr *n yar. T1E clml ol dF Bwi Fjvd is vilhoul rtg.$tion tbar b.3<br />

co.nmd io pcsr cb,ml of 0E R.vi Ri4i EIFed thicbs of $is unit t u4[|y<br />

ihe lo fiv. n.i.r. ir rh. LMA, sh.i6 .l !1. (200D" & "sh.i*n & sh.itn G003)".<br />

5.3 Coniiruction Mat rl.l R.rourc$ rd Mlnrgcmcnl<br />

5.3.1 lotroductior<br />

Mtunl l!$lG of dE r,lFc Mcllolonlrn AE e @Ntuclion etairl<br />

@e6, ut{ e$uG, .E4t Esuls s.d mi@l lMuM. Tb. oGlrualim<br />

M&.i!l @@.5 of rh. LMA e brtd, snq .nd snry clay of Hdom !s.'z.ti<br />

Annad (1969) . fte k nker is u!.d fd ligll .ggr€sst, md snd is B.d boih lor 14,<br />

ag8ft8at! rnd nftr, whils sily clay is for bricts, ril6 cnd poit ry, All ol lheF eardr<br />

Esulg of the LMA havc lNs! Ew.6 dst hrv€ b.d hcrvily ued. MaF of dF<br />

cffirructior tuierill Fs.ne!, t n&r t!.@, ed @ec ad lihy clry lsue<br />

hrE t6 prpdld nd @ !ci!8 D|wnLd<br />

r2,<br />

6rsr tioe h.Ew n 'Sn Ln 4 $.il}<br />

(2001)". Iri Gr@E is'sb.ib & Sh.fi (206)" n. Fn ofdsi.s 3nd lne dF<br />

pr.sr.d liRr .i@ h.Ewirh.<br />

In pdlcnl sludn the .b!tl6ct or th. RoL of costuction n.t !i.l @sm.s rd<br />

su66imbl. d.wlopn.n ol L3hoE crl) P.lis@ wd ac..pEd ! pubushen on l2d<br />

IntemrioNl C@losiod Cdsss, .t FIom. ITAIY 2004 6 wcll E in lhe abstet<br />

vol@ .t td P.lirlln Galogiql ConSrss, Isboabod PAKISTAN 2(xX. Tn sumoly<br />

Th. M.hDolih As of ljhoE Cily iE tie ssd hrB.st city of Pltist ! !n .<br />

kruhi, Ir hB col@l I!w.s ol slunl Esrc6 i&lud.g w.i.r Dd coslructioD

mtai.l lwul6- TIE FL of cdllcrid nE i.l lre md avillm.nt in<br />

suslainrblc d.velopmoDt ot ses! cni6 h6 b@omc wry vital. Th. susllimbilily or<br />

comloclion m.criib lor Drbonizltior of bhorc city has b.oD qeuEd ltuour'<br />

irre3d.d rludy iD lh. fom ol fiE mrF. Tle spid qnedor of end snv.l lnd silty<br />

clir c dctdioaliDs 0F ffi of dr.* comoditiB ,nd 16 ben !fi*rin8<br />

wlnedbility of utuml cDviomeri nc pap€r has ben $nmdzcd in lh€ lofr of five<br />

Thce e 6 ud6:<br />

I QDalcniry 96109)l mp,<br />

II. N.nrBl lsN6 pohi.l mp.<br />

IIL S.nd au$ po&nrid nrp.<br />

N, knter lsue poLniirl n.p<br />

V. Siliy clay sso@e por.ntid tup.<br />

Sy h.sis of &t film lbe m!6 v@ld .ftli@te dE ulility of 6is st ft fd<br />

Drbdi,Aior of bnor M.llpolilln City, It wodd b. bcrcncial b Bov.lmdt a w.ll a.<br />

Dnva& a8lMies. Tnb apprcrcn i d .piionize for utili9 oI msEuclion mLdlls fot<br />

li-a5t@tucs of LMA .!d oth€r D.s! citi6 of Solrh asiu C@nni6 6 sll $<br />

dewlopiDs @urii6 Sn ikn & sheikn P004I . T1E corEriuotim m.iorial E$urc* dd<br />

nlmseoer! paper wls .ccepred .nd published in P.Lisran tounal of Enyirenrdhl<br />

s.itu. vol. 3. No. L2m3i th. {teedptior oflb! plFr n .nclos.d h.Ewilh. IIE F.snt<br />

ltrdy lbo E nh Rsur6 s CoNEucri@ Mltqiel ha ber und.tt l@ (Fis. 2?),<br />

ftc nost inpono ooDsDclioD m end Esou@s in tne LMA aE end, IoDk€r<br />

rnd silry cl.y wirh $cn o.pr hay. b€.n F.FEd. Tnca cornnoditi.! hw€ $b.r.ntil<br />

Effi od h!rc b*n llsdy hayily qploit d.<br />

5.3.2 Krrker<br />

K{rc. h* b€n $.d in lidr 83lEgrE 'nd in n8orry .nd ndirg of bcildinF.<br />

It @ so ue

(Fie.28).<br />

&.!€r p.tti .!d &pdir3 it io th. top &il in ltE fm (PI-ATE 12) of<br />

.od!r6 d k[rd. Th. rirt r @t. po€ltid flp i. shM h!wi6<br />


F'crIRE r? coNsTis$i-}ififfil#,scffifroFr1{ElaHorr<br />

w EI<br />

=<br />

E V]<br />

E1<br />


533 SaDd<br />

Sdd is used for noitlr tt weu 6 for lislt aggEEEl€. Th.le@ modr is u*d 'n<br />

building indusny to dno@ . mntue ofDtlr.l snd or othcr fim a$E3ole and bitdtng<br />

.s@6 ued for joindnB .td rs ! .urf.co E d.rins m.ional.<br />

Followins rE d. roin suM! of snd in lhe LMA:<br />

Riv.rb.d .Dd Sand Btc<br />

Mandd Belt Drposill<br />

Youn8a flood Pl.in D.porib<br />

oldcr nood Plain D.losib<br />

Mand.r B.lt D.p6irs ofeidl si.@<br />

LG$ Phin Dep6its<br />

For sdnl Fdpose tri is qadied id iiv.th.ds' IMnLr bell3 'd )snss<br />

0oo{t plais. Th€ tivdb.ds, add.ring h.l! flood pritu of tuvi tuYd condt tuse<br />

E$p6 ol sd shich n mitod undet liceM non tte Gol.lmnt of Pujab, Miftr rnd<br />

MineEk D€pdtnol. The lftal populalion also .xdacll ,and ior locol e tit<br />

cd!tulion puaos.s. Fo' rhis purpos, $nd pil! hw ldsd bv MiB lnd Mindls<br />

LtFnfd( Covd6.in of Anjab, b.rc b.a Ploticd d lh€ nEp (Fb 29) Th' srp<br />

(Fis. 29) hN pEpodd atd tulo€.d in th. pcl€t of d*sis Tl'e bddrc ffica or sd<br />

in tn. R.vi tuu lo dcPlh of c8 mtas d €dtut d io b€ 37 nillion ro&t 8 m u<br />

Tibl. No.7 md sand poc iil mp ofkvi Rivq (Fi& 10)<br />

B.lLi sxl b b.rty &!Bnd in llF LMA for @ in costuctio ol infia{tutuE<br />

for buildinss, @&, dnim!!3, bridg6 and nou*3 Tt @p of "Sand Blals i'<br />

.ncloed in lhe Fcter oflh6is ofT.ble 7.<br />


q*o4*<br />

f.$<br />

s:<br />



r-a-t<br />

E<br />

=<br />

V'<br />

Et-v<br />

+<br />

,1,<br />

t<br />


N,ATI.T2<br />





I<br />

=<br />

rAD|D<br />

a**<br />

.e@Jrh!rfrE|ds<br />

N<br />

Y.<br />

ndrrtdarDtlllsruor*so<br />


TABLE No 7<br />


B.l 1000 x 1000 8 2_61 60.31<br />

4.2 3 7,_61 4t t6<br />

B-3 2.61 52_!)<br />

B-4 800 r 1200 3 2.61<br />

B-5 l0O0 r l20O 3 l.6l 25.05<br />

8,6 2_61<br />

8.1 9000 x 1000 2_61 109.62<br />

B-8 6 7_61<br />

B-9 2000 r 1500 2_61<br />

s-10 l80Ox ll00 2_61 11.17<br />

B.l I 5500 x I100 6 2_61 86.rJ<br />

B.12 2_61<br />

B.t3 2('00 x 1200 2_61 t9.46<br />

B-t4 2_61 117.45<br />

B-15 2.61<br />

B-16 2200 x 1500 2.61 6!.0r<br />

B.l? 2_61 82_21<br />

BJ3 2.61 56.31<br />

a-r9 7000 x I100 261 I20.53<br />

B-20 261<br />

B.2l 8500 x 55o 2.61<br />

B-22 3000 x 650 3 261 103.35<br />

B-21 2.61 137.30<br />

B-24 8 2.61<br />

B-25 3 2.61 43.33<br />


B-26 2500 x 7{X) 8 2.61<br />

B-27 8 2.61 10963<br />

B-28 5000 r 2000 8 2.61 203.30<br />

B-29 5000 r 2000 8 2.61 130.50<br />

B-30 8 2.61 25055<br />

B.lt 3 2_61<br />

s-t2 3 2.61<br />

B.tl 8 2.6r 5637<br />

B-.t4 2l)O0 r ,O0O 2.61<br />

B-t5 2_61 8J.52<br />

s.J6 JJ00 r 1500 2.61<br />

2.61 r02.ll<br />

B.3E 3 2.61 41.69<br />

B-39 1800x l8()0 3 2.61 61.65<br />

840 3 2.61 &.91<br />

B{l 8 2.61 5l.lt<br />

842 8 2.61<br />

B4l 8 2.61 t61.55<br />

3 2.61 2t9.21<br />

845 .2200 x 1000 8 2.61<br />

8-16 3 2.61 56.17<br />

841 10000 x 1000 8 2.6r 78.10<br />

B-48 3 2,61 167.03<br />

a"!9 8 2.61 146_13<br />

B-50 10000 r 800 3 2.61 t61_4r<br />

B'51 10000 x t50 8 2.61 4_85<br />


5J.4 Mort r<br />

A Dor$r a€ u*d fd de bcddins ddjoinnng olbuildirg uniE s.h $ briclc oDd<br />

bldti (nasry) .nd al$ w.s u*d for cu.fa@ 6ni!l$ E t rins, Pl$Lrin8 b b€i,8<br />

usd fd inre l foib.q *hil$ lt6r sed Ef6 !o $T€s of Feulii4d n@r srf@c<br />

io whi.h ! finishcs *r nly b. lpplied "collisl dd fox (1935)<br />

" NttuBl end ecordins<br />

b Bntish slon'ldd! rns!t!r. BS 332 (1983) s !&d rd lm ag8Eslt Esltns aom<br />

dE moBl disiDiosElioD of Ets lti! @ug.toutrds in d& LMA it th. sd pils tt<br />

nerdenng b.lt of the R.vi tuver. Sand is t€ins exc.v .d fbn dE$ sind pib of th.<br />

Rlvi Rivd. Th. din c$ti.)dts ol $nd e qurlz ad f.l&r.t It a olto $€n in its<br />

mtu6l fom or p@e$ed by &@in!, rutiry &d clairyiD8. Sand navif,g Lh€ najor<br />

corsdue.t is qun - hr ry vdirtiN in ils qutlity w nav. o coGiddblc efiect on<br />

rh. proFni6 of tte @lting notu'sh€ib & Shcib e003)". B.sy (1966)<br />

nentio&d thtt {E nlin f.cioE !ff.clins fic quali.y rhal m 6 udcr:<br />

o Av@ge p.rlicL 3iz€<br />

o Tlr. tugp oflqi'clc! i2<br />

o TlE paiticl€ shipc<br />

o Inpuiti*, !.fiicuLrly dE cby coDbnt<br />

By plotring panicld sia lini$ aor snds lMmendcd for Cpndl purPoso<br />

moriils dd Einfo@n brictwork $ 8iv.n in "BS 1200 (1995)". "Swrllow<br />

133<br />

( 1964) nocd<br />

rtat tlF linn5 *r for ln. gndil8 of end e ft ioo wid. whd corD.ad wiih rhi6<br />

6chcnc of mdian partiolc sie rnd i.nd.d d.Yiltion, Pdicle 8iz. IiniE ld snd e<br />

Econbaded for gp*El prQos nons d'd Einf@.d bdcl *ort 6 giwn in Bs<br />

I200 (19?)', dF F$lrs & a ude.<br />

!|trpo*<br />

GRte siz vrrialior for nonlB sfeed io BS l20o snding for sdr ror geftral<br />

rDd EirfuEcd norL6 & 6 ud.r:.<br />

Fir. rlar.ge (uo (Bs I200,I997):<br />

M.Enal b b. usd for conoEting

L184.75<br />

0.Gl.l3<br />

0,3{,6<br />

(ACI2ll,9l 0997)<br />

r9-2n<br />

12.519_0<br />

9,5-12.5<br />

30<br />

25<br />

30<br />

30<br />

35<br />

25<br />

Ttk bbl. hd ils om layoul.<br />

l5<br />

M.l€rirl ro b. q!.d for comEling<br />

Pmcl. lhF rnd surf.@ ktuF, *hilst 6ily as.n in d for c@ aggt8'L,<br />

e n@ dimcu! t(l &r.min fq 6nd SDin d panicl6 MicEsopic <strong>study</strong> will show<br />

particlc shrp. (&ch r 6uded lrd .nguld) but ihc lurle l.rot (it., glt59 $@lh<br />

etc.) 6 d.fincd in Bs 312 (19?5) my tul bc & sy io &sribc Nin@l wd! h.v.<br />

bul}der, ffiolh.r pinicles rtan 'nlf.clurd snds,<br />

t..onlid.dng ln. quliry ofstuh,'Bs tl93 and ll99 0976)" indiete dDl<br />

sards shdl c6i!t ofdnel erd, cdh.d SDwl etrd. They ddl b. h6d dubL, d{<br />

lDd ie fioD .dhaat @rin85 such 6 cl.y, !d ftd dy .t?@i!ble mNt of cbt in<br />

p€nd fom. Gndin8 of sads fd toni.ulr E (@odin8 to BS ll93 .nd 1199) .E<br />

deicminod by si.e am!*. Th.6iEs used b€ins s follow: 5 00m'l. 2.16f,h,<br />

Ll3m, 60oun, 100tn, l50tm, th.t e cljMdy used for msonry, prasEnng oDd<br />

ThcE .E lo'g ben codnE{t wit[ inpunns in building sds Britiln<br />

stcr.ldds ll98 .nd ll99 (19?6) lll Efer lo lh€ posibL @ures oI lufttul<br />

mitedak su.h s ion ptrLs, slt, c@l or o4enic nnpuritid niot, sh,l€ and linillr<br />

loi@t d ml.rials or flaty or elonglt d p.nicles.<br />

20<br />

20<br />

l5<br />

t0<br />

t34<br />

Pritr to tlE wision of Bs 812 in 1975, tbe ptts€e of ognic iopuili* wa<br />

assBs€d by lsinS q!.lic soda.ftthod of ehicb w$ quiclg sinplc dd wid.ly u.d Al<br />

pEssrr td, ih.E i. n.d fd a roE srisf&bry hed of.LLding ll'e q@ti$tiv.<br />

efals ofprdlB i. snd for bDildin8 moitau.

Mie is cmsid.Ed a r dcl.i.riou tul.rial &cordin8lo BS 312 (1975) md ltl<br />

wncn uled ir E ldiDs ir cm pbvi& ! v.ry .cc.pbbl€ sp.rkl€. In mlrudd<br />

'n<br />

LMA wh€€ n ha ben !&4 thc qutity pEst in ruh ni,G do€s rct ar!.a! io htv.<br />

cau$dpFblm w6$tFt (1980) ,<br />

ft€ @ of.Drs6 gld ir LMA h! m norisblc cfet oo ltE dumbility of d.<br />

filis[ed w*. In Mc orctg countid uo6l nio@u sa.dr !5ed i, prodoclion of<br />

nortrr for nasofly mr* @ l@m b n vc givd lie !o . nmber of prcbld! rrch u<br />

poor sodCrb p@r boDd, dd p@sny of nott a; for ffide dDt EDori.n ty F@Lcr<br />

and Rivie (1982)' in astem Napll, Tcsts caicd oll to dekmine oplimm nix.s for !<br />

sies ol nic! contlrts in sd confomins 10 ! fire BS de 2/are 4 sndins si.G<br />

2-6%<br />

Tb* nna g.rc dE 43ie innnl ftnslh rln todilg p.oFrii6 for lq sndc<br />

norrd. Mi6 irclw tlE urc quftftnt of dE norir. Equilltld of ln l|funt<br />

.nd fii G ibolghr !o b. d@ ro w.r.r.beatio t kinS pkE by rne nio crysr,b in 3<br />

*!ys "F@ker & Rcvi. (1932)".<br />

Mix<br />

o Ab$ption bltwen dF abnic litrE of thc crt€hls<br />

o Ab$pdon on tho surf.c. of rhc cl)4Ll.l.ym<br />

o Additioml ab$rplion by rh. patu oforysLls (e,s, Biotite ro Cl oril€)<br />

In plistering, rcndaiDg r sinil.r woil lh. pe&me of $lubl€ slB i. dc*.iv.<br />

q!.ntiti6 is lik ly b innudc. ih. moEn.nl of wal€r within lll€ natenars.<br />

A bjs!tr linit for crulEd @t fiF itr 'BS 882 (1983I'Eflars dF rrlically<br />

c@ dEdre. of rhcs fE th.t linits ds NimDn lo 7% povid.d |I. fiM MLr<br />

mislsofdE"dudof filctrs'wirhchyq3t lcb.in8Md.ny.b* .Oidu,ni!<br />

geenlV n@ pddcnr to asure d|r dF prtu ol cLys, sir ed olhq firly divid.d<br />

Mteriak aa por.ntialv dcFinaitl lo $rgl\ dunbilily rd 61 unr6 n nu4 b. 16<br />

lhs7107.itrdFa33&8rL"r,{.tlle(l98l).<br />

3rl<br />

2tl<br />

ll5<br />


5J.5 T'".l ofDortrn<br /> M$oDry (brick worl or g.mrrl purp6e) mort!$<br />

To frdj@ a a bordiu Dl.ri.l fd bricr! or odEr Mnry ui$ m stlln8rn<br />

is rcesry, bul lhe norrar nusl als h. able io yield $trci.ndy b !@odo

53.6 Sftcrgth ofnonrr'<br />

53.6.1Ory.dcn tter<br />

Indn*t indiqti@ of hrfrtul orgeic iE,|nirid would t obrti!.d by<br />

@nt6hriw rMgrh .rd dinS rift ic!r., si!8 Gifid c|)mte d ndilr nn6.<br />

Howd, st Pla€du6 d rely irclud.d in Dulim lgcegare ess|@l pbgM<br />

nnr.s d. sinple old 6r "ASTM (l9l-92) h$.lrady indi€icd a lcsiblc d8.tric<br />

impunly. Orsoic moedrl oust bc lcs lhr. 0.2% in lhe lotur th,l is being !..d in<br />

coretuction in Ldr@ CitY.<br /> Mic.<br />

Mi@ nost comnmly in lh. fom of Mulcovit or biotil€ od Elotively oonnon<br />

conpoert is end of uE Rrvi Rivo .i . ErDft ol h.yin8 b..n EL$ed non rh. poml<br />

mk. Ih. min .fi.d dEn p@cc is b inctle th. wr.r denard of @ncEtc moilr<br />

(9.3.4.), uslly wid adw .trelJ or ellt d 6rcEt poFiti€s suh 6 stdgh .nd<br />

dnbilily (Lew&, 1963) Nciftr Brithh SLld.td (BS 882, 1933) tu'ASTM O93l_<br />

82)' +eifis limiE for di$Elc niq in rh. .ssPe!l.. Bul . n4inm dred or l%<br />

nid ba ba oggestd hr @ .u0FB f6 6& |ggEgr1|'Kea (1979) a'sbirl.y,<br />

(1931)". Ssd ofR.vi tuM brs rus. of I % nic! Lnt tiwt lh.t is heils u€d ia horor<br />

5.3.63 water rb6orpdor<br />

warer ob$rDlion is e i.diEol 'l@N of lhc Fm.lbilily ol& asepsti. tbtl in<br />

tun co &bE to olh€r thydical tep.ni.5 Mn s non!.ical snEnsd\ 8ll;nli8.,<br />

sudrcs a to its ss@l durabilily polcntial. T1E nirinm lDlE ofwLr absrptiot<br />

wlue vlri€s 0.704,80% 8nd tuxinur vilD. Mses 6on 2.7-1.5% for a@eplable<br />

accEerte thai is h€ins usd in tbo LMA. wlt r rbsoation has followiDs vllu€s for<br />

%<br />


53.7 Stlty t ..r brlck clry<br />

53,t 1 Sour.<br />

Tt silty !6 cLy !..d fd aliiS brict h!. ttict bl&ld ofwiid d.?..iEd<br />

dd tt r h.. &tLd ."d u@uLlcd o€ ddr rof y4.!rt.06rdrof |[.<br />

rrnd! M.tr?olib! AE. It i. wltly qF..d."d 6vw.h.ot 6G?i, FMt ol dE<br />

!or.l G .!n @Drna .i[y cLy' rih .rd Eim eid, TIF silry cLy porddrl d4 ls<br />

h6 pEFld (Fi& l!). Edcb Fod&lid i, 12 oilli@ oq {E lif. of lit G ir<br />

dariodd .tur dn 6ir vi6 olE of Brnt (iba Bri.I (ib. of Bu*i, khr!'<br />

Chulg. Sh.lqE.!d W.g!. loq|ni. c 6s.n6 th brs coopo.irid of rift dn<br />

53,7.2 Chy pL<br />

lta! L D $ld for &guhiDS d LuiDg n|ry ls cly pit . Wh.!!q dlty<br />

l@ cty d.tdiL e otrFian lri g@d ii q!.lity, l|ic o*c of th. Lnd dig. . Dn .t'd<br />

cd!E$. ttrict tjh E$h lih rn l[. rdldilg cLt pi!. @4py d .E of oor<br />

I0,OOO nt wbl.4h o?.ilid h...vE!g. FldEtid lif. of.bd l0 y{. Brict e<br />


:_ - -.-'<br />

._._._'J<br />



L=l<br />

m<br />

=<br />

^RTA<br />

E<br />

V]<br />

t<br />


5.3.?.4 Typ6 of b.tck<br />

Arl dt8irg oI silly chy piL aql @lding, .[cti.g ..d friDs ofhrick @ qri.d<br />

st by nan- Tbe Mb6 ol lils i s Ltg. ed d.ir FodDa@ ! $6oie!t fd th.<br />

sbrurid Eqri|mars ol tt L.noF M.tlpolib! AF (LMA).6ffiUx r*! siz6 of<br />

biicts N @ufr.tue.L For w.lls, dE bricl tiz. is 22 6ti!.teB r ll@!tid.!.n<br />

*.tti,a .!.ot 2.5 tilor,@. Fd eilin3, lh. bticl 3iz€ is 25 corimI.rs x 30<br />

cntiEt iE reiehins.tdt 3 tjlost@ 'Sh.it]|.trl. (l9l)-<br />

Tn€E e two sia of lDeill bricl lh.t c alL{t \]utt!" which e ud fd<br />

rtecmrid of buildin$. Fo! w6llq th. Gutk 3ia ir 25 cenn@te6 x ll6iiGc6, .nd<br />

2loentineteE x tcenlimotcE $.1w.id 2 Elognns. ror milil8; 60 brict sia is 15<br />

oqtinetes x 25 mlinel€B, w.iShiDg lboul 2,5-3 ldlor@s in the LohoE Meltlpolitb<br />

AF..<br />

53.7.5 Brick ldb<br />

Ih@ t b tgll.ling rysLm lor bick tilns oDqdion in dle tds! Mellpoliib<br />

A@ Atout 257 brict hltE .E ethd in .'U of IjhE cig whE r!. silly cl.y i.<br />

e*'ei.llr 6E ard ich h qu.lity. Th. lo.rliN of bdct lilDs re li$al ir lh. LbL No.<br />

3lb.r FrdG liglirF t qutilid of brict fd lMA. NMbd of Briok Kih ii dddy<br />

entie.d .Dd rt ir prcdldid oa bricb ir om Dillid F clcl.. Bricr Kibs G .my<br />

fion t,noF D€Elopmnt Auihodty |lw. 8Dt o.jdity of rn$ e slighdy.my n@<br />

TABLE No 8<br />



2l 2l<br />

t7<br />

21 ll<br />

3l 23<br />

t7 25<br />

2l 20<br />


h<br />

titO\tr Bl\rh.\vtkt lko-lPRlllllltl nRlr rkll \ Sourc. ofemrs/<br />

Prcslly, brick kilm !E 6Ei with 6lDEl 34. Cs lat6 twenty iwo &yB fot<br />

b.kin8 of bdck for Drcduolion cyoL. Tftdiliondly, noweveq bnck kilro (PLATEn lA)<br />

ar. 6rtd ab! * , suLbitnni@ls corl, lilck d lo dE I-MA iilm Qued! (Bduchisbn<br />

Prcvir@) .rd sindn. Een tui citri.! rbo 2G25 lores @l tnd 13-15 tsuck! @<br />

'lquiEd fd plducton *h clrlc. E ch kib pEpffi abdt 275, 000 brict! i.c. I<br />

kitoSim ol c..l Fr brict'Brir KlB Asildon of knoF City (2000) . About 310,<br />

OOO roc of dl e 6r.d F rd in dt tt@ M.iroD.liro! Au fo. bricl ptodEdo<br />

'Sh.ib, & sb.itn (2003)'.<br />

53.?,7 Ut lty ofabrdoocd chy plLr<br />

Tle land ofchy plB i. not ioblly l@l io olher puposs. Tne ab0Ddoncd silty clay<br />

pits s@ os.d fm ftsid.ntid u5e i,.. Johrr Tom, md Allam lqbll To*tr. Th.F .E<br />

loc.lilies whee r nunb€r of brick lrlN v@ pE@l in I %71930 Now, lh.sc l@.lili.s<br />

hrv. bam. ci&ntial ou of !DA, B.sd€ $is, dF clay pib n.y h.. u!.d ror<br />

diqosl of $lid wa51e .Dd follow.d &qulidly by aErr€ulte, .gcloEctry !d<br />

dEdoBl Fd. @ in th. t hoE Mftpoliltn Aq Sb.I\ & sn h (2003)'.<br />

5.3.8 M$|.gcm.bt of colrir||ctlo! Er&dd.<br />

MMC!@!I of @6tu tion m.bills (t ntd, s.nd, sill &d silty chy) intly<br />

*ienti6. and olonar uirliz.tion wilh miniduo w$ie in oFn Dn ninj4 of krnlcr, sd<br />

and silry chy vith judicious ploDnitg to 8d lhe 'Win@ e or 0E cotstsuolion<br />

niteri6lteard Eotre. vrldiy6 0987)". Ihc otJl.r inporbnt &oioN e the re.d for<br />

r.stiction of opeD nining of *hlcr, snd outsido de D@deri4 and f,ood plaiB of lh€<br />

R|ri Riv€r. Pffi{x brld ns han r@h€d by dluvial sBv€l !d ctuh.d lituston.<br />

Th. op.n ninirs of lh€ silty lB chy pit! dy b€ ceied or ddtt dE liDill of tll<br />

LhoE M€nqolila! AF.<br />

t. lh. LMA, pl€tt t rld ir ml utilizd fd @tuii6 wb.us {!d<br />

.onsunEd od Foduc€d by deDosition of QuGtEry sdindb i . ..nd &PGit d by<br />

floodwdcr of Rlvi Riwr durins no@D l.!s e&h ,s. Aboul 37 ndl!$ (0.5<br />

tilomcE of ldd Fr '€a.<br />

i6 consun.d for poduclion or brickt

53.9 Polhtror corarol<br />

Abour 310,0(x) iotra of cql F rr @ rls burDd i! LMA fd bricb<br />

podrction, Tnc dpholM h.t er.AIEllB) dir&d by tb. mry plibitirc hlM<br />

.td e@!din8.@ i.d inFndw i* for d.gndnion of d.6vibmc .<br />

h @ld h. idvirbL to incrll lmL .bdna! .t dt l.E ol bri.h Eb to tldE<br />

tlE Dut of loric 8|s *h a CO COr SO!, It 6ud h. Dd!!t ro Wotld tialtb<br />

oliEiad@.tud.nL.Ibi. m, qe d.tLli6 ofqtrsr haltt ba.d., d..lEtioo<br />

of fGq @rui6 ofm*tE url M@In b dF lr!.6leLt rolitb Ad.<br />

33.10 Conmrb<br />

L t h.€ M.tllolibn Aq h8 ot tltid Eew ol c@nr.td uLol<br />

E$||E io b. ur.

5.4 Hydrogeolog .rd Witer MrMgemtrt<br />

Mlry vo*eF hlvc dorc wort d w!i.r Esulg ol kbm M.lDpoliL! As<br />

(LMA). Ih. tub€ wens ner*oll of rh. LMA h6 to be contolled by the w.t r ed<br />

S.nitltion AsEncy (wAsA). wat.r rvailabiuty; waler qulity tup! md flow nod.l of<br />

undcrSourd wlEI nave beeD pEpamd in prest stody.<br />

5.4.1G.mrd<br />

LrnoE Melropolihn City (LMC) b spEd oM m @ or 2306 squG<br />

tjloBcct, @inry abns d'€ *t.td ponly on rh. wd of rhe lilvi Pjs. TIE LMC is<br />

San.mlly lllr !d sloF 1owad3 $rh $d sulnwd *ith d avds. @di.nr of abolt<br />

I:1,000 tilone&B crd is dnired by thc Plvi Rivd, ibe IdoE B6nch Caml and dE<br />

Bambawrl. R3vi B.die D.pllpur (BRBD) UIt Crul,<br />

'Ihc climic of rhe tlhor b Erical of lo*-lyiry inicrior of tho IndeP8ldsr.u<br />

Sub{onlinenl. ,um is lh. hofielt nonth *nh.v€ose l€mDeEture of40.3 'C, wh@.s<br />

l.Durry is dE cold.sl no h wirh av.Es! l€mD@tuE oI5,2'C. longr.m iwoSe<br />

.nnul p@ipil:ariM i. 615 millihccG of thll noE |nm 70 Flmt ac8 durine<br />

mons wn (Neaals 2004).<br />

5.4.2 Hyd.og@log/<br />

L3hoE Melropolilan Aq iLMA) is a pan of tne wid€ fl@d pllin wilh the<br />

duvial dcposits of Qutemry rg.. Th. allDvi.l snd md silt oonniluio lhc aquifd<br />

n.tcrill, The iquifer is conpoed of urconsolidaled aluvid cmpGx fom.d by the<br />

conlmlolr@E fillins of a sDbsiding iolgh. In fore deep rdj.ccnt to th. ns'Ds<br />

Himhyd Egio6 llluvial conphr hs 8'v.n d& to m exle$ivc sdimntdy codpld<br />

ol mN thD 400 n len/lloor..t ir thictEs. tlE sdinqls h!v. d.posiLd by dt<br />

ta6r dd old ribfrid of ri. Ind$ tuw duri4 PLislm Fiod!. In @rd!c<br />

wi$ its bo

assirtid win . sdl Feolig. ol havy 6imls Sie @lysis dtti or L4!<br />

.ub.rof&ill hol6 6os wi@ p.rL ollh. @ h.e idic.r.d 6!l dE erd lG h y<br />

h spite of ncioos.@s dn& of.ltuv @plq of Stoudwater lh€ oquifer is<br />

hjslJy nlmi$ir with @fncilnt of Fidbiliry aging lion 17.2 10 ?3.4 dd d rh.<br />

b6is or aqnird 1*l' p.rfom.d in tht t!ho& ciry of LMA. The ldue or sp*i6c i.ld<br />

hs ba esliMted 6 tugin8 0.1 ro 0.25. Howcvcr, vllu.s &temin€d 6ougn N.ld<br />

noistu€ pobc in vdio6 tlrl' ollhc Punjlb phiro indiole [d'.r valu$ applicabL for<br />

lds- ted punDins, Aquifd lnder LMA is 6 Dan of aluvi.l deposils lrMsported by<br />

hibubries of Indus Rjvor, Tho Esional !rcundwrtr nowadt w.t iion ndh4110<br />

stnwest followins senehl !€rd! of {f&. wft! tow NesP.r ( l99l) . fte oquifd<br />

is higrny llmisirc and psrio.lly sl! Iik e lqlr rquitd. vtlue. of v{iou<br />

5.4J Aqurcr<br />

0.0842t<br />

Amrdiry ro 'Stlinolhh .dl Sh.ib (2000)" iqlifd unda bhm M€llopoliL!<br />

AH il r Fn of .lluvi.l daposil! lrorFri.d by the RlYi Riei Tb. Egiodl<br />

sDuldmtcr hd.lMt is liofr nonh4rl io sulhwGt followinS s. g.ndl lEndr of<br />

$Iface ,ater flom. Thc rqDifd is Umonfitud dld i! diviliblc inio snalbw atd d.€p<br />

5.4J.1 Sh8low rqdf.r<br />

'Ihc 8rcundwltd l.v.l undd hho& lqDif.r Enses, on !tag! 6on 13 lo<br />

4lne&'V60ll7f*t below ground l.v.l. CrcundMto wil llmin tne $urce of w er<br />

supply rd bhoE ruftl rErs in rhc ftd foturc, Clry ad silt fomaliom aN !s lalt6<br />

witn lniLd lateol .xcnr md thiclrc$ vdi.t 8trBlly hett@ l0-34nel€rl/]r-<br />

I l2f*i Tle *iinied 6jclr.5s ofdrllow 4uifd i! .bout l346meretg6+152f€i<br />

5.431 Dep iqdfer<br />

It D..p lquifd F nigDly m@idE a.d Fetielly d ljl€ "N liya<br />

aqricr ..d Mo.nr.n". T!. d..? .4uil6 i! . p.n of rh. ri& PLi! vith tt .lluvi.l

d.posits of qucn.ry depciL ol nore dBn 4{0 neErrl3oo fel iD diclE$ Thc<br />

.lluvial dcp.6iE c sDy io slyi.n hdB in cold, le io tudi@ gdined end firc ir<br />

lextire, vin siL 3ilty clry ad .Ly. ll h.5 Dinor dNt of Snval ltd cdclM6<br />

comlion of md.ry odsin le.lly tnoM $ kdl(@. Th. chy,lmy ohy.nl3ill<br />

fom l!r€6 wilh liniEd extent md thc dicbes wri€s scncdlly L5-l0meM/5-l3rel.<br />

The gbundwaler level ud.r LMA tu8!s. m.!€63. fiom 1.0 to 4On t rrl0l33fer<br />

b.low !@nd l4.l ft€ tobl thick!6 of "lquifcl lndd LIVIA i .pporim&<br />

1235-1500f8 37645?Eel.6.<br />

Gnrdwaior will mail prinary surce of wLr sptly fot t,noE in thc rc!<br />

tubN. Althoush lhc &cp .quifer is ! part of husp soudw.cr @!.floir lndtrlying lhc<br />

Indu Pl.in, iDt siw pupina af gbundwrGr dE 10 rpid iMBs of pogrldtion hr!<br />

fom.d r cG of&pwion il tb. sou!d*.d leh .b,r it sDdully dTedi!&<br />

IDtroducdon of wen @nhllcd iri8rlion srsidtr EsulEd it lh. i* of*E nbk<br />

bul il did not ch$Bc ttu Egioml morcnnl ind llw dietion.<br />

Trre dtr Frr.inirs !o Uie {t v.loDDer od turgpn nt of gbundwrt r od<br />

ilnu@ing tlE oDy 6nqo*nl! of ebrs. ald di$h!rs. n w ben 6lle.r€d N.+.k<br />

0991)'.<br />

5.4,4 Col.cdoo of dlt3 Mrorgemsdt<br />

Conpshc6ivc {d eliable d!i. provides a sound blsc fot pope. dd ftlhbl.<br />

studi6. A tri.fd.$liption ofd. d.t! oollecd md Eviewd is siv€. t lov:<br />

5.{:Ll Eydell tologl<br />

'It@ e rwo sir.s in Lrh@ wncE hydF{linatolo8icaly dah m b.ing<br />

collsr€d. Che sbtion is in d. cmlonhent aq and oln.r rl 6llbcr3 R@d wlich i!<br />

knoM .s lilor Bdloon obsddory eBO). ABibbk clinai. drll hrw b€en collet d<br />

for borh th€ surioB, P.! .r€ponrion drh of cbunlltl led.d .t . ddasc of .bour<br />

50 tn hls !l$ ben @lkcr.n b sDDlc@r d:h @llcld filD liloE stltioE<br />

Dcrriprid oflhc d!l! @ller.d is giwn h rhc lppendn-2.<br /> Temp€nture<br />

Muinud .nd niriau r.nFntuM &l! or both lhe slrtiN i... PBO in<br />

CetoMqt hlr be. @Uet d ld 22 y{s i.c. 1965J936. Md Minm, mo

mininb &d nonlhly d!l. of 3l yo6 (19101960) h!v. bc€n coll4l€d. Botl de<br />

mdinun .od nininM ten!€Btuft! ar. low durins Jduary md hi$ dunng lune.<br />

TnFnie gnduUy sr.tG risirg 6od td!.rt ril Jw,.na *tich Lmp@tlB s|jrt<br />

faling. The Etio of mqinh &d friDinM tdtcdi@3 vdi.lid drnng $. y.d is<br />

aboul 2,05 .rd 4,95 Gp€ctively- D.*npdon of .he dih colL.Ed is sim in th€<br />

R.hfdl dlt of suti6 at rdr@ brv! b@ 6llet d ftr 28 y.!u i.e., 1960-<br />

193? n. w€isl .d.veag! rainr.n olbo1h d. strlios v&ie non 333m (l1l ircheo<br />

b I l05m (41.5 inch6)- A@s. mi .lt for 28 )4s i! 6l5m (24.2 imh6) wbil€<br />

lme tem awnge is 575fto (22.6 iichct. blil of &t! is siven in de.pp.ndix.-2<br />

Ausnst b th€ Do n of Minun ainfiU (!y. 145@) whilc Novdb.r is rh€ nonlh or<br /> Rehdve hunldlty \rlnd !pc.d, ruorhin€ &d .vrpontior<br />

Mm nondrly dl|' o El.dw nmidity dd *ind sF€d collcded nom $e<br />

Meboelogiel &p.rtndt .F nm of kdin8! .l 0300 .nd 1700 hl PST. AwEAe<br />

Ekric hhidity is low il dE nonlh ol Mry (32 pcr@t, ehiL IMioM Eh&, of ihe<br />

order of ?2 p€oe4 i! for thc no h of D.cmb.r, wilh e asag. of rbout 67 p.rcdt<br />

WiId a..d wdcs betwcD 2ztniby. dui4 No!embd-D.@b.r !d l24ltlihy<br />

dunry fic nonlt ol July. Wind sped is h@&d *jl@c|er p€r d.y. It is ubil for<br />

meedng wiDd sled. Surnirc hous nge h€rw@ 6.9 hour/ d:y in the notlh of<br />

Jdury b 10.2 hoE / {tay dwing rhe lrmdr of Mry,<br />

Monurly p3n evrpoBtio! d.t! of t lor li.tion r B O tuv. b..n colebd for 32<br />

rrs i.c,, 1953 ro 1984. Mond y p6 d.Doanion d.b fd Chuhartd p.n for 26 yds<br />

viz 1962-1987 hos als ben coll.c@d lnd is sivcn i. the .Dp€ndix-2, Th. pd faclft i3<br />

ue€d b 6nd rh. chunrtri Fn .v!Fdi6 irto porentill .vlpo-tlrrpiBtio<br />

estimates fd dE LMA, Chuh&l|M slalion, rbout 50 k mcEB wdl or bhoE €ily have<br />

b.€n elat d b supplmr rh. .hb olrihoE sntion. PoLnd.r rapoFdEpintion fd<br />

LMA ha b6n caitubd s l?53m (69i&h!0. Tlbl€ No. 9 list dE ma frondly<br />

clnb.e drh ofbhoE M.tropolitln As.

ec)<br />

TAEIE No 9<br />


t0 20 l0 t45 95 l0 5 l5<br />

t2.2 15.! x).4 26.6 31.9 J.].9 l2.l J2.Z l0 25.5 18.? 1.1,8<br />

7\ 5l l? 32 l9 63 6l J5 6l 72<br />

34 93 r07 t20 124 22<br />

8.5 9.5 r0.2 8.3 7.1 8.9 9.1 8,9 1,9<br />

l/a<br />

86 2J6 34! 3n 286 2t6 209 t63 102 61 2l0t<br />

l4l l9l 2A0 2!1 20t 178 t70 l3t 76 175.1<br />

L Rainf.ll ir .teriit

5,t1.5.2 Sarge Dd dlrch$gc<br />

Idigltion ud Power D.partndl Govemnt of P@j.b, ob&fle5 dish4! Md<br />

d.g. of Rlvi Rid .l Sh.!d.n R.ilmy Brilgc. D.tr c .v.iLhh nm 1962-2000.<br />

Me.n mmthly vlluor htw b€n smmiizd il dD apD€ndix_2<br />

TIF d!.r indio6 rb.r oE b.,t tloodinS oes in July, Ausls ord S+r.nb.r<br />

To pollcr th. cily ftom iNnddor! wriou. bun& rnd sDuF h!rc been conllucled A! !<br />

l@h of $e $wor6, rbe riE it.hini4 ioq.lds *ctt i....sy nw the ciry.!d<br />

only rgrioultuol l.nd b.lw€en thc riw .Dd the bund i! pcriodidly nooded<br />

5.4.53 Suney of R.vi Rlver<br />

Rlvi tuE i! Dad.rins ct ftl.nd iE Posirio hlr h.@ ch."gi4 duing dE<br />

Fnod 196087, h orda io !t!dy ldiodio ciog.! i. th. coue of riwr, followins na!6<br />

. Rivq sutuy mp6 prior l970byNdpak,<br />

. Ri6 s|My ut for pod | 971 Ilood by N.{.t<br />

. Topoglphic aw.y cnied out dudng 1985 bv th. Ht!*.v Diviti@<br />

slfty D,!. indic{r. ds1 $brlotirl chrng6 il tl* altffid or liE chftl<br />

h!v. @red duing | 9701985. I is a,ued thli fljor cht4d io.t phs duing tn.<br />

s.jd fl@d of luly ind Aleut l9?3, accordindy, codpu!.. nod.l st)did h!rc b6n<br />

brsd on t*! l.y d|, oftL Rrvi tuwr i,e,, orc nm ,lnudy l96G.tuly 1973 and ln.<br />

othcr Auslct 1971 to Dcerb.r 1987. Sl ey pLn ( 1985) 3ho$ nininDm h.ds lewh .t<br />

rt N.w Pivi Bridgc lrd al pDpo!.d brids. M dE Clu.8 203.63? &d 197.600 ncr.a<br />

e3peliv.ly. AveEs. sndidl of lhe iivq €hsrcl in lhis E@h is l:5500 "lle.Pal<br />

09tr.<br />

s.4.5.4 Cird rrd Dnir flo' d.lr<br />

Cmlr &d niir (hais, widir d !4ircont b tn€ city, @ .ls inpon nt suEG<br />

of €brg.. C.nalr .Id ddr cmida.d fd 4.ldiog q@t|E of dnrg. G s<br />

Lnd! Blun Crdl (Uptd Bri Dab C,nl)<br />

BmbrMh &vi Bcdi4 Dcrdlpu (BRBD) Linl Cdd

- BDcher I

Clidr. d.ri iEludilg icnpcbtla, ELtirc hunidity, wind {ccd alxl s<br />

sh jtu, pr-.vrp@tioA darctrD$iBtid.<br />

t5l<br />

P@.nbg! of srda N. in city, popo6.d privlte nouing soictics ed<br />

Dld ofl,lu! Dbrrict city fd d!rclopmrt ofcily i! fttuE.<br />

To *dur. ctjfut ristic! of eil !o td.nii {rf@ w.t r lo rrcud *!Fr<br />

To<br />

'!6<br />

tu otrFetrrrg. ofni.fil, djlcb.rg. dd! ofMrin O fll td<br />

Shldh6gl 3bdon! h.re b@ colLct d for Jul, to Augur 1936. Ddiy<br />

Einf.ll &r. ofboth dE srorios in LdoE hrrc .ls t6. coll{ted for the<br />

Monthly dirchdsd and si.ge dd. of Rrvi tuvd sd U €l€wboc (lutcy<br />

Mdthly dirt Ia.., opa.tin $t dur. .dl d..i8! &L of wiN csl..<br />

R.ruh to 8rundw.6 dw waLr llpply i.€. n$. mll b 6p, b4 b.er<br />

R.$D lo goud*.t r ioo sElgc srll n is $out 5n0 !d.6t<br />

Ct l b.rdi kl@ u of sr€r) ple hlE b€m col.ct d to Ltw th. !M<br />

u Lr @l 6rs1eD.. Rahrap fi.6 cdl rpplielion qtimlld ar 15-20<br />

o Rainf.ll and dishdg. rLrr ofrh. Mlir Oud.lled lh. StadbS! sbliom<br />

h!* ben coUsrcd drdng 6iny !€.s 10 s Eh!'r. of IE iEa<br />

'NdFI (2004)"-<br />

Relcht d.u on w.te. 6u!9ly .r

. t]€rclopm.l.d $t[rg<br />

5.4.7 Qurrtitrtlvestrdy<br />

Ac.ddin8 10'sdinull.h & Sh.i*n, e00O)'tha<br />

t52<br />

w.ier EquitllMl! of LMA e<br />

on tE imEs with inpoddl of siosn@ic ondrtroc of lhc p.opk. WASA is<br />

sptlybg w.t r to mid p.ru of th. netoDolk but @ririn otha aglncis sh B<br />

R.ilmls, UniveBitie, privlt nosinS sci.1i6 .tc., e de sturins dis Eaodbility<br />

wdLr h ln. city is ur.d for lh. touowing pup

5.4.7J Other tubewellr<br />

Apan fion wAsA h|bc w.lls c liAc nmb.r oa lub€ ftlb e b€ing opdaed by<br />

v$i.$ asaci.r induslrial .!d drinking purpG.s. Th€ Nesplt cei.d out . .Lbil sw.y<br />

of tub. v€lls fd rbe €hlu.i@ or smund*lrer ab3lt crid fim lte LMA, Dring th.<br />

sumcy derailed infomtion of 1237 lube w€lls e3 colleted, on do blsis of th*<br />

slMys il is e3tini.d thd $our 733 tub. wells e b.in8 op.ELd by tdios.gFmt6<br />

5.4.?.4 lrdg.dor trbe $eI!<br />

A Lrs. numb.r oftub. *.Is d bcing 8.d for cultivrdon ioud tl& ciry, on th.<br />

dsr.n si& b€yond the CMbmenr as, b€tw*n BDnd Rord bd lh. river, on thc<br />

non Eh sidc .!d q dE !l@8 Hudid DGin up lo KduE. Thc aw68c d./h orlbes<br />

tubc wcls is !bo!i 4&n *h.Es .he Dunping dpr.ity oltEs w.lls e obout 0.014 n'/3<br />

wnh r nel .bst$ction ol L36mrA, (25,85ngd) tbrousl 7OO tub€ wclls e b.in8 op.sLd<br />

by fm6. I is cslimI.d thrt th€ wst r &qDimot fd idi8.rion pup6. in .nd mund<br />

r,hoE wilt b. FdB.d io h.lf or evd L$ by the y{r 2010 (T.bL No.lo).<br /> Holllng .chemc! lube f,.llt<br />

A numb€r of p.ivole houing elEnd rE being @nststcd wilhin lh.<br />

n Eopolir.n as .6d ihen Nnbd k inc@ing wiih line. Mod ofl,lts sh€mes tu l<br />

t||ir w.h Equitfttrt |bosh pivst @lts iNbn d rl dcn slrc.<br />

As the oity is €xpandins €very dly tnrcusl sovmmcnl a wU a privolc<br />

*na.s. tlE nuba or rnv.l. w€lh will ale i*oe lh.t *ill ulti@&ly incrte $.<br />

sFlndmier obtF.ctioE nu! .quif€r !nd.. khoE city.<br />

153<br />

The tutlc expdiior of the ciry ir €xF.&d towrds mrth and sulh. ln the tudr<br />

dpeEd<br />

rhe Fpulatim vill iN@ lilc Malnood Beti, D.l! Nasr .L, .I rhi. !A<br />

'6<br />

to b. aq of hish dmsi9. ID the south, nost of thc rt* ffi boilg devclo!.d by pnue<br />

!smi6. Ite it6 @ t(| be cdid.Ed for m.diu d.ntig Duitg ln. PhDjrs<br />

hdan\ the !6 @ Muidlc nd ynhE h!v. cxpeLd io b. .LElop.d whicn would<br />

be mcdim ddity @r 'NosD* €004) , Accodins to lhe ooent w! {April 200s)<br />

i urti.l dft will b. rLclat d d lrb@-/@ Rod. AbrtrrctioD<br />

Wai.r's $pply of LMA hls olwiys been Won the rbd4ction of SroMdwiber.<br />

Tn .usb.rof Els.rdsrcurd*.arrbsbclionhab€niDcEainsinccordlMwnn<br />

Ac.ddins io "sdinl|h & Sh.ib (2000)' lt priody E ol *.rd spply of<br />

bhoE ciry i6 fd don6iic<br />

for LMA in lh. foEs€€.bL '|rDo*s. tun|ft. Alihoud th. aquifd md.r LMA is a p6n or hue.<br />

t9<br />

Gondw.ier will !!min lhc eu@ or ur.r e4ply<br />

sDundwat r Etuir of the Indu! Bdir/Phin, TIE wier $pply ir primdily dep.nd.n1<br />

m grwd w.Er .b!h&tio& by siDlirS tub€ welb of difrc@t ..t cities ircludiDs<br />

2-4.rs' with@r por,ble wI.r stply WASA @ld rcr n&don DoFrly to f..d up<br />

6. ciry. Ir i! inloti$t dD. il€r tuy bc id.adn d .rd d.rcloFd fa lrh€n e'Ddwa<br />

(1978)". Ar ptt@l .tl? i]h. v.lk e h opcntiotr ro spgly *!ts 1o lhc public ol<br />

t lm M.ropolili Cit (rie.l2), A.olding 10 N6pal (2004) rhc fi6t Municipal<br />

wdl6 w@ buill at Badani BaCh *ilh ld qpeily w.lL wi{r.n rv.n8. 6p&ity of<br />

O.ll7 b or (2,?() nsd). WASA cdld not fuclion proFrly io n*t ths d.D.nds of<br />

dri irs wltd of th. cily- It h inDotr.d $lt {tn.y) i... (ob. wllr of WASA) 3ica @t<br />

b. irtdtificd .nl da$Itr

iM in i!du6d.,l uill rld cr.tDi!8 itrLsily i! .nd lbdr|d LhoF citv Tt€<br />

!.?d|rio iD@ t r .tu t lnirqt h lt ld G* y{t, *tih sotdw.6<br />

$!t&riod hre lw.tbiFd aldbn optidtl lcsl. &.e.rly' lhc Er. or ie'.'<br />

'!<br />

p@uLti@ .!d godqtd ftq!&rid wld b. .I64t .ioil,r' T$L No. 10 8iE lhe<br />

diniFd iFax irD.?'rldiD.ld &lNDdftl*.ldt ftufdr! tiGtdidrpto<br />

mlc2(Do.I! do n d 25 yatr,lt po?ottde s.ll bc@ diSndy m@ 60 r*i4, &.<br />


J/<br />

{q<br />

Y:;.;;<br />

-'..' "sft1<br />



(fron IWIPAK 2000)<br />

E<br />

a<br />

=<br />

II@ND<br />

E<br />

=<br />

IE<br />


lbsd.ctio. nE will imEs by aboul t t6,4 pe&@i Slidrlly hiCler ot would b€ &e lo<br />

€x@sive Fr apit coBunption lDd itl.!!e i! mE wlLr c@ming indMi.l uils.<br />

Abt.ctim for inisrnon purFs would, hoNevd, d.ctrc bea@ noc rM will<br />

come under urbrniAtid .nd industry, Tnis would dchieve by i$l.lling lboul 200<br />

lddnioml hish sp@ity w.lls e&h ol0.I 12 n'A (4 ru!@t) capa.ity.<br />

TIEpote.t ti.ld<br />

of r *.ll bppins of e Mfii.d t{uicr d.Fnds likc aquif.r<br />

of LMA Ely 0F hrdEuucs ondrctivity (|he ability !o tlnmit ml.r) iid siDLd<br />

$ick@s of th. lquifer, "Shehod.l !1, (1975)". The gDundwalq avlil.bility mp h.s<br />

b€.D pEp.Ed in pFe <strong>study</strong> (Fig, l3), on tne bsis of th. yi€ld. of WASA weus $<br />

wll c olhcr lgcrciB h tl'. LMA. A|inou3h gNDd v.lcr it .t ilrbk rhbuahour $rdy<br />

@, 6p.cin leld will diif.r signifielly due to hci.ogp@u oluvill n!&ti!l of<br />

aqDifd. The pl€ml absl$orion lrom the lquifd is aboul 595,6 nillion 8!llo. F {t y<br />

(nsd). Th. dcMnd in 2010 will he 693 million 3tI6 F d.y (ngd) Tlblc No l0<br />

5.4.8 Qurlitrliv. !tudy<br />

t57<br />

woler qulity Dllys a vitrl olc i. ddigning ! sell 6€ld, elpeiilly rd wrM<br />

supply purpG. Nofr.l slandd



I<br />

m<br />

=<br />

=<br />

laca{D<br />

tE[/tl,&lDl!r.ll gEaaE<br />

I<br />

E a| :-l<br />


Forbvhg m pdn nn ofcn dcn A!.lyt&<br />

- Torl Dislwd Salc<br />

TABLENo ll<br />


7_G8_5<br />



Ch.d..l hdieton of P.llutlo!<br />

Ch.Dic.l orrtsd D.mnd (COD)<br />

BiFhdicol oryeo D.n.rd (BOD)<br />

Tonl Nib8.n Erclu.iYr of Nor<br />

I1l qlaliry of wrEr in n\. .quii.r of LMA is s€mnlly etilfadoiy vtlm or !n<br />

d. prnna.E e within aUowabL limi6 *t by lh. world Hsldr O4.niatio. '!vHO<br />

T!..hanic.l quality of sFunde.t.l b ric r,IoE fllir is sffiUy good.l@g<br />

dE R vi Nvd, due io d&n nusning .ffd ir noMn wn bur wlgc *at6 of<br />

bnoft Ciiy nom €sr ofFiod..d d.ierioEios towaids the $ n 6pdof lhcLMA.<br />

A3 Llhorc .quifer k . D6n of Blri lnd Reohm Doabs, E oh€mical q@lig of<br />

gouid*der is liood i!@e drer rDd gndudly {t t€nm|es b*nds euih md $ulh*est.<br />

In thc casi.o p.lt orihe LMA, BRBD lirk Cml hrs b€m @lins $ ! su@ of EchdcF<br />

lnd th.cby l|usning |nc grcund*rcr in it3 !@ of infllwq<br />

Wsler qulily delerioEias in socdl, bur noE belrdr su$ rnd sdwcsl of<br />

LMA. IssMs of 1,500 G, !a.e5 lt@uri tlF vilbes &r, Crrn 'tlot, TlFthlr it rh.<br />

.6t-w6t dietion .d then tuhs b!.k trow.rd! vil|li TlElla. I! dr. ndlh.h !trd csicm<br />

parls oflhc LMA, *!ter quliry i! go.n due to dE inflMe ofthe Rlvi Rivcr, ihe bho€<br />

BraMb cmd, and tne BRBD Linl CaDol, Fot rhe co.lmcton of dy h.w w.lls in lhe<br />

oull.nd ellh we6t orrh€ LlnoE Mcrotolitn AF, m.sry sn inv.sli8 lioos io<br />

d.rcmin lh. qwrily ofgrcud*lt r up b 200msd would te EquiEd in funlE,<br />

5.4.&l C.rd wrlcr<br />

Thc ch.niel .n rysit of l||. bnG Blwh C@l .nd d. BRBD Li.r Cdl<br />

woior Ev.il lnlt *!ler of ln* asls is fr6h b.vins l?0-230ppn G.bl. No. 12) dd<br />

woLr is otcalcim biodboD c clHCOr tr?c.Ir... b. D&d for drinking.Dd iDduslid<br />

use! .ftcr cloninS iion filtitid tlant

TABLI No.r2<br />



5.4.E.2 Shilolr rqdfer<br />

'nr. ch.nicrl elyft of Mt r of ndbw aquit r @.b thll TDS hlw or walEr<br />

@s6 1065-l650Dpn in T.bL No, 13. fi.r smpl.r *eE Lt€n trm pnB& tuh€<br />

IAILE NOJ3<br />




L NO, (NiFat!) h$ nil @lu€ iD th. hble,<br />

2. Im (F.) hn nil hl@ in rh6 LbL,<br />

3. Pot&rjd (K) h.r nn Etu i! th. Lbl..<br />

a. AMn (NH, hd Dn trle in d'. bbl..<br />

5.4.83 lr..p quife.<br />

WASA c.ried out oh.mical drl'.i6 of 43 wder rmpLr of rube wels oI d..p<br />

aquif.r. !r de&nbcd in lh. Table No,14.<br />

"S.liEulhb & Sh.ih (20@)" tud.r dpLimd 0!t wAS,{ d$ che.Led<br />

chdiql qulit of4l *.ier sDpks i*lldilg nrhewll5 trnd p!nF, drdB !d asb<br />

b, @ing clcrric @dutiviry (F.) ol thc w.&r quliry, 9F of th. individuil<br />

caulitu.!d dims, eist me dwclopcd by lbc l@:l p@ph 1o th. t?G of*der t ins<br />

IDEmlioml rhdaid! for p.di$iblc ed meirc coMnfitios ol vdious<br />

@n$it!dr!, .long wnn cndi.l in


l. Nor(NiF ic) lu! !l ulue in dF r.bL.<br />

2. Irotr {r.) hls .il wlw iI the r.bl.,<br />

3. Poulsium (K) h.! nil \Elue in $e bbh,<br />

4. Amnn (NHt hs dl vde in d* !.blc-<br />

a. rh. LMA li* i! clG Fqidity of rb. Rrvi tuE, lll ch.ni6l quliry of<br />

grcmdw.ld in d*p lquif€r is sood rnd viiur Fmj$ibh liDil! of lee|lbL *.t t a<br />

p€r world Hcall' Organizltion Sl.nd.d!, "wllo (1993)". Th. chdicd ealtes of<br />

N.nry six wrter smpl6 t ye los lhin tootpn \Eluc of lolal dislved $lidr indic.t<br />

rbar dF Er.r of rh* lulilid e .rc.lknt lidit ninen s.i.r mpl* indiet lhlt<br />

th. bii dishrd .lls Ms. h.Nd 501 ..d l000ppd lhi !E willir dE libil .nd<br />

fqr qEr {npL6 paEinidg to tlF ohewlls b LMA h.e lobl dituIv.d mli&<br />

msins l00l -l JIDDpD ddbush lta* ul$! c .bo unda llloq.ble lihits but G d<br />

hislEr side (T.bl. No,l4). Tubrw.llr b.iDg opend by WASA .re @n@t d io<br />

comon di.EibulioD syslcn .rd h€e, lh€ sl conre 6 of nix.d micr !E wnnin ef.<br />

limil! "Salitulh,h& Sbolh(2000),<br />

TL nrbawllr witb l|e rh.r l;oooppn of ioLl disl$

lh. goldn! r qldity i. io b. d.biontiir in th. otta!.bd stbcEd D.!t of<br />

t!. I-MA lia! TDS vdc dc..d lofipr@ Ti. TDS rtlc tu8! ir 8.61 fi6<br />

2(x!77ortn |b.1i. dlc b dE ntd! r@!ds.ld ch!4c !o dF.q!i&t tlm th. Rrvi<br />

Ri6 u.l tt BRBD Linl C.!.1 flowi4 in t!. Fripldy of troodw.Lr<br />

t65<br />

hodr, ft.<br />

wtcr qdiry Mrp h! h6 prE Ed in F*ol |ndy d b.!ir of .lFnic.l dlj/.i.<br />

6na d. glftLlis oftr.nd.d fd dlirrioS F!!cl<br />

hr in \{dld Halt! or8&iad@<br />

'WllO (1991)" ol rrlm 4!i&r a( .lo6ti. a wll ! ndultil e i! tt LMA<br />

Ci&x)<br />

TAILE Ndl!<br />



L S.diln (N.) ha nil vdue in the uble.<br />

2. Poreiuh (K) tui nil i. $c bbl..<br />

l. C.tbo t (COr) h.s 'dE nn de in rh. obl..<br />

It i! fa$d lhlr sunlv.tlr q@liiy n .L. d.mi4 ir .g iFhding wdLd<br />

city 6 Bia.d fton rhe dil! of dF wAsA dE TDs f,lG dc..d r,ooopDr! ir lhc<br />

Mochi Calc, Bbni Clie. od M@n Ro.n. Th. tDb€-rclb slbuld h. caEtully ind.n d<br />

in lhc aror m.rtioed above by sealing shauow elire aquifs.<br />

Alhoud ln..quGr i! r pd of th! hlge gohdmln l!6crcir hiDs lne ldu<br />

Phit! int dt gFurdullr vitMrMl lIs fod.d ! ce of d.pEsim in lb. gmnd<br />

ldwls, which b sndualt ex!.ndi.g. Thc WASA died out dif@t !n di6 vnn lElp<br />

of cdsultnb lor tlE b.ilEr IluusoeDr of rhc lquifer of th€ LMC.<br />

In l9?5 cmDlt nl,! Me!e! Canp Dres ald Met+ (CDM) USA conduclcd a<br />

deiail.d ldy rbout withdn*rl of*rllr frcm dE aquifq uder bnoE. Th.y predicicd .<br />

modcl on dc b6i, oflGtn rid otgoudMrd du! the vder rablc in rlF khoE will so<br />

&y in 1936. Th.y lstimated lowing of goDdmr€r s l30n !o 270fe0!9-83@ts<br />

''ft. N&ii Ahn€d (198r" (a w.ll kbh Hrdrclogit) sbnin d I epm i! rh€<br />

NatioD.l pr.s |lEr by 1996 aquifq of LdDE Mctopolitor AEq (LMA) will dry.<br />

K..pi4 in view tne a'ruifer behavios and on rhe basb of nonitorins dd!, WASA<br />

com.nt d at tul tin€ lh rh.e will b. no aLnni.g situ.iion in 1996 !s th€ av@gc<br />

low.dng 0r{.Lr tible Dd6 LMA i3 .nviescd ro be l-2fel0.34.6D.u pd ta.<br />

"WASA O99D"!bo ag.gcd dF @nenrdts MS N.!p.l .!d Bimi. A rdD€6<br />

Ior llc rnrdy Grcund*arc. RmuE6 Evllutim ed <strong>study</strong> ol.quif.r un&. LMA'. A5 a<br />

pan of thie udy M/s Bimi€ & P.nM, Londoa podued . lrouDdw.r.r nod.l lor<br />

LMA. Th. model w us€d to pEdict ! nDnbs of tutG mdc iftludirs the effect ot<br />


th. tuE d'tldd W !o y!( 2Ol0 do doe ib.t Ni@r !6htL ld.dbg<br />

ofiictldhb n @ Ftn dy t lood t2od2Ea.cc., od iflbi!. sr.ddllE<br />

of q o!.rdt i dc.oFd&,t (ddl n&!rt |br6n bEiladtdd|f,E<br />

LEl@bt .dde|PbobSecro.tb-3.hdhelHbo000r.<br />

r.?doaD-l&rtHh.Frdi@<br />


c<br />

1 -""e<br />

/o a<br />

J<br />

7o' .<br />

\"q<br />

V<br />

fiqnE L wrx4QuarrrY rrP ollttE LrHola rcrrorourrN ArE<br />

sc 'RBsElfrSrlJDY<br />

: wro 199 I u. I tt BUC HEAIjIU l9l9<br />

E E<br />

a<br />

=<br />

ETAND<br />

fol *'!.d@<br />

fol ,ot*.d""*<br />

E*"<br />


TADT,E No.r6<br />



n999 DrN dor!<br />

16 8tff (1977) 1.71fi<br />

2. 40.75n(19?7) 88.4rn 2.t6ii<br />

3. ]}7tft(t978) 73.43ff t.89ft<br />

,r2.7tR098) $.66n 1.94n<br />

5. lo.8jn098r) 6.6&<br />

l4 97n (r9?9) 2.00n<br />

Bntiwl 33 42n(r973) 63.56n 1,68n<br />

8. 4r.4oR(1981) 3435n<br />

21.(DRfl981) 29_52n<br />

10, 20,66R(l98D ll.rJn<br />

ll 29,52frfl98D 6528n r.98n<br />

12, ,r,6?n o9?8) ?5.28n 2.27n<br />

t3. 10.8Jn0980) 54.0611 1.22fr<br />

24.9it197t) 49.21fr l.2tn<br />

15, 62ltn0979)<br />

5.4.9,1Plm ry for rcw tut.-wclls<br />

Mo.t suitrble rits for.ddltloD ofb.w tuDc'*elb !re:<br />

t<br />

AlonS &.IdoE B@h Cml lrd th. BiBD LiDkCsl<br />

ii) Thc i|@ to dF w61oft,'. Rlvi Ris<br />

iii) Alons dr c$rm sil otrlE R.vi tuv6<br />

iv) T!. hal oibrtL @ is nl dE s$ wnd E!$a- *a&r F.d! G b.in8 blilt<br />

Two oplios c rot cordp.tibk. Hwccr, tuhew!! could bo nsnLd for<br />

keping a disr.m. of aloul oM LiloftEI liom pDposd pond.<br />

v) In die cily irielf @ nw tub.-wolk will he .dded. Ihe Dffitly oMing tub.-<br />

w.lls my onry be epli@d (qh.E Desslry sd wneE siL t asil.blc),<br />


vi) And mt imlotLlt h lh.t dE uatul lifc of |ha uilg tuhevdb my b.<br />

..t&ed th@S! tDF di'rcMc.r r.d.tlop@d.trd Eb.bilir0rion<br />

Dring lMt Fni, npid .rid.t h.w ban md. in ftld of cepde. sinulrtim<br />

of souldw.&r ilow E5t 6, n6 {lw ntv. h.d for Echil8 .f.cls o de<br />

techriques of grc@dw.t r irwnig.tid !d on dF ,o€nli.l for 6.rk Mg!|@t of<br />

gbunilmter @les. Bn 0y siDulnion Efd t lt. FGE by vhich rhe htd:dic<br />

chanctedstics ofdF dw syEt n iE E eell.d by d ol.qulions lh3t cs be lolved<br />

d digitrl mputer "Bffft (1978)".<br />

5.4.10 Model Flow<br />

'Ite d.6 p.rtaining io thc dd.lopndl ard dorgemd of gblndwaLr and<br />

itriuacine wiou! .onpoB$ of rchrg. rnd dishlr8p hove bd collected. Tt<br />

d€veloprc of! Esiodl sDudq.i'r nodcl fd l4oE fgion is lnc dd. pr€pamtid,<br />

nod.l c.Lanrio.nl dnulrrio of 6)IuF &vclotnFnt opiid. Tte mi. aim of<br />

{Lrelopitrg $c sFuldwll.r bod.l tuy h. mir.d a follows:<br />

Modcl Fld @Mpr of gour

t h@ city dillnt area, rt oquifd *B latcd 6 a d.eL @fircd LF. Th. nod.l<br />

cp@nrs a @ of aquifd- Tn mnlEtr nd sthsr bound,ri.s p.mn |6i hod -<br />

d.FnLnr flow Am dllid. th. nod.l .u. Tne w6red tound!ry wls LIGn 6 a<br />

rcch.rg. boDftLry arong dc Rovi Rivcr, Th. wesLm pdid of tle Rnvi Riu w<br />

tEalcd 6 non-active. ft. now cmponenls wr sinulred udnl lhc wiour<br />

MODFLOW pdLge. 6 fouows:<br />

P.c*,ger Flow @np@@r rD&lqd<br />

C.rcmlHadBou r.y(GHB) sd.ddynos<br />

Dain (DRN)<br />

l7l<br />

Floe b or fim ;€ .!d qdl tcd!.<br />

R@trrc noE riv€r ov.Ft nl oo.din&<br />

R*hxg. fton 6inf.U .nd ifti8rtion.<br />

takCE frcn ln€ wrGr suptly/&vde.<br />

Systens and seooD.hry/Eni.ry irisrlion<br />

krgtu MODFLOW wa Dodi6.d io povid. a !@ @!6jdt fod ot ouFur.<br />

Th. Bo

E!E<br />

€;6<br />

P<br />

I<br />

8E<br />


5<br />

EE<br />

ES<br />

SE<br />

act<br />

67<br />

n2<br />

.ra<br />

t<br />

tsE<br />

FE<br />

3d<br />

Ee<br />

9e<br />

fs<br />



!<br />

R<br />

a<br />

t<br />

tz<br />

I<br />


Tn olibBtioa pdiod w diviLd into mo y sts Fionc .nd tinc n€ps. h<br />

pogm NEWMOD . st6 Friod it d.fled x . Fnod ovd which lll th€ aquifer<br />

173<br />

inllow .'d oudtow 64dsE lflin coNblt. Sonc of lhe 0ow @mpondls luch.s<br />

n6 b.d brrge {d EiDfdl @hr'8 hrc a 3ubst nlill wl wi io.. To l,lc<br />

iccou ofrhi!, . !i6s Friod ofoDe nonih wrs &iopLd. Th. nodel ha5lh. feilily for<br />

sub-dividing slrEs Fiods inio lev.sl lina sleps. For a r€siond nodcl, this povid$ a<br />

m.rgin.l incEe ii cmpur.doul ecuEcy al the qFDse of incM&d conpuia m<br />

dtu' A ind. tin€ step F( ste, pcnod {.r !d.pLd.<br />

Thc city b.s .r96ided frm { dtimtcd 63tD? i. 1937. Soe ol dE Ew '@<br />

!E lcs derely dewlop€i md e Efctrd b 6 $buhs! fd mplting nbf.I<br />

ochlrgc, Thc cig hls l65hn':ub.n in 2OOO dd ,2 knr 4 subfban e! in 1987.<br />

For lhe khc M.troDolitrn AE. tfi. rcplistio of Flow Modcl om nrlfill the<br />

r.quiFm.Dii of the peQle, when th. lquif|r wd tlatcd as r singL umonfincd liy€r<br />

Prcsnh of Model flow *!s modifi.d io povide r noE mqi€nt fom of output. Th.<br />

nodificd f@ of lhe pFsBm h qll.d NEWMOD. S.v@l eilhry FoSas w@<br />

dftl@ io IElp tb. rlrb qlirin! d wnh lnc plstltiotr of ouFut inforulion<br />

''S.limull4 & Sheir! e000)".<br />

Al the sr.it of tne mlibntion Fiod iD 1960, dE lot l sDDdwltcr .bshclios<br />

ovcr 0E mod.l .h wft 6tiharcd to b. 1.25 nr h. I1EE wls o sr.ldy iMEse in the<br />

early I960's and a noE r+id incre@ siM 196?. By 1987, tolll sbslrelioDs bd nm<br />

b .n cdim.cd 16.8 n% witn lne lollowil8 bft.tdoMl<br />

wAsA 11.70<br />

kihr. 3.11<br />

Irigtio. 1.36<br />

Tonl: l6.33nr<br />

Flows in the model b.tw€n th. lquifcr &d dE nwr or oaml b.ds !E dcFdent<br />

@ thc ditf.hlicl head betw@n the .quifcr rnd lh. riE d c.ml. Thc chamcb weE<br />

divid.d i o reehes wnnin elch nodol node and nonthly st0s€s wco .flimand tilm<br />

lirrdic to* dlt and nm ch.ml sw.y' Allowe wls md. lor tt ificdt sllitu it<br />

l,E Rjv.r Rlvi dui.A rhe c.libotion pc.iod- Co.duc.iviti6 ofdE ch.ml b.d! w

elimEd 6on inf|n.tio t6rs. Th. siiivily of lne nod.l to chrngB in b.d<br />

cdirctivity w lacd duirg rh€ mod.l c.libEtio pE@d@.<br />

Thc Rjv.r Ravi ov.iropp.d ir! b€rr. in abo|l 37 n6lii of th. 28-y.6<br />

cllibntion Friod. Addiliml @h.rgc frm ovd bml( loodins 6 itt.rcd s had-<br />

dcDcndol in a sinil,r *.y to $e riwr ch.Nb.<br />

Croundwlter reol'fse Esulling fton ailau 16 dtimled ftom epuc<br />

ronrhly sil noi.tft br,l@cs for F runl and $buh€! alw. Th. bdues<br />

itudDod.d irig.tiq apDliqrid lrd cqpcl,$pintid b.sd or w.il,'Ld cmp<br />

f.do6. Awn$ diif.ll rt4. *s BtidLd a l3m/y.r i. onl .qs a.d<br />

2lnr/y.r i. sh{rbd .@. for u!i.r .!a. Ele of l6on/y.r ws dopLd. Th.<br />

$il rddlc br|'r6 irdior.d tnd vhcn Ddl Bingll B 16 rhln 400 n4<br />

vinuuy m ehd€€ wd<br />

R infsll @hatge wlr $pplcrcrtcd ir lml a@s by r€pant .s!m.bts of<br />

l..Lg. fion nimr iftig.do, 6dl. sd fi.ld ippliation lces. In Drh.D .nd sDburbM<br />

adq lllowlMcs *m nad. for lolng. non dE w.ier $pply lnd *s.69. tyllctu,<br />

Th. Hudid .!d s!u.t{L drliN w.E imrpoEr.d ifto lhc sFudwlr.r n d.l.<br />

S€Fg. tm rt :quiftr to tlF &!id w$ @'r+u&d Am $€ ditr M. had in eb<br />

nod.l twh lrd lhc oDductivity of dE i .rf.cc b€tlq tne dnin dd dE rquifd.<br />

SaFs. nDn dE sFu.dwlt.r trbl. iDlo ln. prdy liled cily {trid wls cdidcEd<br />

niritul $d thcy w@ ml irolud.d in thc nodcl "N.rp.k O 991) .<br />

Reh{s. spa.ity or lquifd u{t r klm city an h. inpowd threr8,t<br />

l. GH bell o, b. ir@.Gd for w.t r ib.ddiq..d will itru BIErse<br />

oflh. lquifs ofr.hoe Ciq.<br />

2. Chakd dans .nd w.i6 my b. buill up along R.vi Rjv?r lid aMls.<br />

3. Ttal.d pknts my b. iDrbllcd it diil€Ent diQosl3to16.<br />

4. G@.n belt vill brins more prccipirtim in bhm cily<br />

5. Minimiz 6. w ofga h..q to l.s drrm$.

6. To .sa M otr pdcdrry of difll di.cb.!e rld. of M.i! Ouf.tl .d<br />

sh.$.gl .rrid h.s ha co0ei.d fo. ,uly b S.d.ot6 *h yd.<br />

t15<br />

All tls !8g6rid wld D.limr. nl of Ehrgi.g .rp..ity of |!. r4uifd<br />

5.4.t03 TL c.Ibr.lhr p]! cdl]!<br />

Tt gloldsrr Eod.l d o[h.t d t'y cdqii.g lFdcl iod.l LElr wi6 th.<br />

1960 G!i@l Diadic dp .!d t!. OcroD.r, Novaha 1987 &.' @qii8 dF mod.l<br />

c. TIE Dod.l EJlr rw.l& @F!d ridr nnmdid. pi@lic Dr 6si!g<br />

F L of lh. cily @ .!d wid 'r.dc' ra. hElr @e&d in 15 n|bc rclL .!d 7 oFt<br />

wlt os tb .dibr.tiD D.rio

A cmplic.lim aisL with dk cutut popdb f@ dev.lopDat pods for lhe<br />

[dE e of*aie qid. Thc D. ls !t Shldh.gh lnd Nic B.s will h€ deElop.d in M<br />

pt *s. It w6 .$un d $.1 dE pE*nt w.ll .bstlcdm nm lnc pod @6 vill t€<br />


TL Fopoen d.v.lqnerF of !ond! fs th. terast of ,.51e w{.r w@<br />

ItEld in Nd Mod s.ddiri@l nE !.dd Tti! has 6rr laLsc aoo .h. pondr<br />

wil be dcp.ntdt on rho difleE .ial hc.d b€twd thc p@d .nd 0F lr&rllDs .quifd. Ir<br />

win rbo b. d.F"defi on the "*.-.i co Etivityofin Fnd b.d! wnich will b. hig!,<br />

initiilly, b will d-lif s . hF of slude. builds up. A los,l.m b.d ondsriviry or<br />

0.01 dd w sa.d for hcl Ds. Smitiyity t 3l! d b€d ondlctiviry .nd pond r@<br />

wee odicd out "N.5p.t<br />

( l99l) ,<br />

5.4,113 Sludy of.qdf.r dwelopnent opttons<br />

Tct prediclirc sinulation! w@ ceied out lo dMim I msc ol d*lopndr<br />

optim (TrbL lT). Rs Fl, ir wnicn lh. 1937 qmtig .rd didih{rion of wll<br />

.l,e..rioa l@ held miLtr! i+@nb . b.*li@ .imr!d@ |! i!.1 which li. tafts<br />

or oth€r .ioulaliom n.y b. conprdd, It sbows lbir . 6t€dy sr.t would be rc.ch.d by<br />

.bonl 1995 Dd th,r lh. mdiou nodrl @ {nrwdoM Aon l9EE io t995 eoutd b€<br />

.tot ln. Th@ drw dows @ @mF.ble ro dF '.r.dd q mn-DuqiDg ur.r lcEl<br />

which nisnt bc obsred in I w[ Tn. nodel do.c DoI pEdic. {E pobpus wLr lewl<br />

i! m iDdividu.l rcll which aisht h. iboul 9n lowd thd E ttiiic' Lvel in I ry?ic.l<br />

F2<br />

T DLE No.l?<br />


1988-2010<br />


F8<br />

F9<br />

L{,01<br />

Rln F lcosid.n th. silu.lioD in whicn Th€i! llln is connisimd TIF .trft1 of<br />

'Ihcin d.m *ill edse ty?ic.l Rnvi dieh.rges by rbout 40 perc.nt, Th€re €tfecti oE<br />

i$lud.d iD nm Fl bu e mlud.d tm M F2 (T!bl.l?)- Cmpuisn oflu Fl ud<br />

F2 dcnodr es tnll th in[u@ of tq,!.€d Rrvi di&|!rg6 d th llhoE grcund<br />

wats @!e6 *ould b. mrll.<br />

RutuF3,F4! F7 erdine ihc cfre.rs of dF popc€d wst 1!|r pon& on rhc<br />

soundw.t r 'wulw. ln L@ of @!c. dr cfeB ril hc dnl dd t€tizcd,<br />

HMvcr, |IE ril or grcundwatcr Fllutid win b. no& .(nlm, t .kg€ non rhc<br />

shth&6 sd Nie Bes poftb wiu bc 6ri€d towd& dE cit @!. A bufer lra *jll<br />

h.w io b. dinr,incd b.l*m 6. po&.nd rh. ||Gct *ars $pply etrs io Dahn<br />

.d€qol. monitod.3 or goEdeatd quliq.<br />

RDDs F5 lo F9 oumift th. .ffccll ol corcerlltils addiliml sblndwatq<br />

.b3tr&iios to Del tutuE dcMd i! dilllEDl r.del tl*. lLy slbw thrr dd*dow of<br />

lnc EAidl g@dd*itd rlblc win b. of rlF ord6 of 30 ro 4 b owr rlE !€!iod | 988 io<br />

Fi8!e 3? !x! 38 &od.!!i! th. tpi€l Dod.l oq lor d. F? in which wcu<br />

absh.tiod to Der irc@ils d.m!d e cME r.d b rh. w .iry @ .!d in rlE<br />

euln s.r nd lh. R.yi tuE Tlc mirins grcundw.tcr conioun woutd b€ l88n ir<br />

yed 2000 falli4 io l76m by yer 2010. Mdinum dowdoq of stuudwlcr r.btc<br />

b€tscn 1988 rtrd 20t0 qold be lboul 288.<br />

Simuldjo$ F5 ro F7 &no|ma rhd tune dd*don m h. minini4! by<br />

developins rew irb. wcu fi.lds tud Rrvi tuvd and by mectins snc of the in@r$d<br />


:l<br />

s<br />

d<br />

{ a<br />

t<br />



(sot cNBsAr,20@)<br />

=E<br />

LEGBND<br />

hadEdtLS,rd<br />

'*<br />

\<br />

a<br />


tnvcsrigitioN lrd &v€l@Mr of goudvaLr ebu@3 fd *aler $pply<br />

€$entially &c detcmiDtion ofdF followingl<br />

L Past md.nsdry sroudwdr.r.xploilation ud rsDonrc ofwier lerl.<br />

2. Fuuc mrer @quiMonq<br />

3. Quuti|'tirc dei.min tid of soDnmter leG6 ed i|5 milability @<br />

long tem b6iis.<br />

4 Av.ilability of requied q@lily ol w.tcr for lhe culMl d?ftmd<br />

5 Economic 6p*t! to bc onsuFd for dE sDpply or waLr.t E'lmble dt<br />

5.5 Etrgltrarllg G€olory lrd L|rd U3. Plmirg<br />

55.1G.a.rd<br />

The pEsDt stldy irclu&s *orl .bout dgiRdng gology ol dE IjIDE<br />

M€tlopolilln AEa. bnoE City ha.niered lhc stolus of Mc8! City lm tne h.l y€ir<br />

i20{|c). Sin€ clo in@6ins pogulatoD od phyli{l qpacion will equid<br />

dcvelopMr ot irfr{llDt& rd hou6ing, L.r5portitioA 8E ud Ml.i tuppl, *wr8.<br />

a.d elid *aEs di4€l .d avitlmdrrl poEcrion "SlitulLn {1993}. AI lncs<br />

dev.lopndbl stiviti6 ftuld b€ i!nl@.d !'d $n 6 .xhr @ntiolled by $nf!4<br />

rnd suLsurf.cc coDdirim by QuLdry 3@lqy of ln€ @,<br />

Ttc g+tcchnical dail is suiLble for 96 lupply. Thi! diri i6 elewt to lilc<br />

coDdilioB of th. Lhm cily. Ihis 3iurty .xhibib noE qulity drol pnctie should b.<br />

into{tuc.d in.xplontio vo* md c@tucdon qulity @nEol in hullistory buildi4s.<br />

TIEE is ! ury6l n .d for &vcloprnmi ol w cml.ti6 @mid61 ro lMl eil<br />

.onditioa. $rdgli pmneteF h.rc b.a issd fd suF inpos.d stucluFl ldd! i!<br />

the new .!w. Tn pltgl d.t Ef.n !o thiiy $E€ sites in lnd loud the Lrnor<br />

MetropoliLn 4re., This dlta is pEseDtod in fi€ tabuld fom i. lhe T$le No. 13. Ttk<br />

Es@h <strong>study</strong> ii ! Fn of so-technicll ch.nciedslics ofdc tilDE $il.<br />


a -.<br />

a<br />

H<br />

- uoodo-z

I -.<br />

F<br />

'<br />

;<br />

6<br />

- (J00co*z

5,5,2 Nrlrre of rvlilrbl€ drti<br />

The iv.iad. soil dall is in tho fom of epeLclhical Epons on thc otsmil<br />

cslulior ed teslins for the efe-bqiig capacig for ditreMl Foj*b by lvts PuDjlb<br />

Enginarins D€pstne4 N.spdr, .!t G*&ill. Th€ pDj*ts .E sn Ed ovd Ltloc<br />

McllopoUh A@ dd p€rLins b nulti{loEy tnd inft.-$ucnrs of buildi!$, @t15,<br />

ov.rnqd bndses, unds D.ss, qcr ffiis, $prly of s.k.rxt a.! wrs. !*l<br />

$lid v.r! disposl sir6. Tn pE .d@ .dotcd wu !o drill EiN bodslB rt . siE<br />

vitt q@utid of sLndltd,.et li6 Ls1(SP'T) lt Egdfd€prh ficdd lId 10 wry oll<br />

hboitory t 3L, on sle.Ld snpl.r |!k r nm o.ry liL duilg drillins. Bdilg lo$ ad<br />

EsulB oa sPI, noisift co . , ndd &ruiry, psrticl€ sia mlysh, ucotfin d<br />

conp&sion Bl! and diet shc.r r*E ar. rondet d foi ercry siL. Al pl€s! 6ultr of<br />

Anc6.rgs linib, hi,rial conpe$io. L3t .Dd cmlidali@ t3b a€ als 8iM in fi.<br />

Trblec No. 13, l9 md 2l. Thc dcplh.xDloed in ditr@.t bmnol6 is 34lmekts hort<br />

olth€ sites. A bnef deeriplron of rv.iLbl. d!l! is 3uffii4d in TabL Ndt 3<br />

5.5.3 So|l pretrle<br />

Th. led@ or difi@nt !it6 e bnntiv.t m*ed on the 4p of blm<br />

M.rrlrolibn As 0J'lA). Th. boEholc d.u rnilrbL $sscds two mjd $il cl.s<br />

i.c. Coh6i4 Son dd M4olEliv. Soil. Th. @lEiE $il rb.l i. 8@lly tEsnl .l<br />

rh. rop l€d wnicn irctud.s cl.y, !ill, wirt .dditi$ of mll dount ol 6m io n diu<br />

snin ud The n@h6iv. oil is tuldng dr sond loy6 hovils $nd of ddiun b<br />

6Do s$iD wirh silty oby and cby, Thc coh..iv. iop lryd of sEsoil is semnlly in lh.<br />

fom of hhimlide while lhe @nd sdy lay.E hrvc inle@laiion or 3ilt dd silty clry.<br />

The b.rcnob dlta along with lh. sbtic witci ribL al didftnl l@tions is eiven in th.<br />


ir<br />

A<br />

'RIIF<br />

TAILE No. 18<br />



t85<br />

!{ b{<br />

ri E ? !; !t<br />

i<br />

ia<br />

-<br />

i;<br />

-<br />

-<br />

:<br />

_<br />

_<br />

_<br />

l0<br />

I<br />

_<br />


TABLE NG 19<br />



2<br />

l<br />

5<br />

1<br />

3<br />

t0<br />

l2<br />

t3<br />

t5<br />

t6<br />

t7<br />

t8<br />

N<br />

2l<br />

22<br />

24<br />

25<br />

26<br />

21<br />

2a<br />

29<br />

l0<br />

3l<br />

l3<br />

0,0.-20 n<br />

04'-21 n<br />

o.0-2t n<br />

0.0-22 n<br />

04'-21 n<br />

o.0-r9 i<br />

04-21 n<br />

0-o-2t h<br />

0.0-22 i<br />

04-t5 n<br />

0.o-r7n<br />

0.o,-t5 n<br />

0,0-l?n<br />

0.0-l5i<br />

0.G-19 n<br />

0,0-20 n<br />

0.0-t9i<br />

0.0-20 n<br />

0,G-17 R<br />

o.tt-D n<br />

0.G-12 n<br />

0_0*13 n<br />

o0-l9i<br />

0.G-17 n<br />

o0-l I n<br />

0.G-13 n<br />

0.0-14 n<br />

0.0-15 n<br />

0,G-20 n<br />

0.0-lti<br />

0.G-12 n<br />

o,G-l? n<br />

20-55 R<br />

2l-57n<br />

2t---60 n<br />

2r-10h<br />

2l-5En<br />

19-55 n<br />

2t--411r<br />

2l----4 n<br />

2t-5t n<br />

l5-3? n<br />

l7---{5 n<br />

l5---40 n<br />

t7-50ft<br />

15--48 n<br />

r9-ll A<br />

20-50 h<br />

19--48 n<br />

20-{o fi<br />

t7---45 ft<br />

t3-J9 i<br />

l2----4 n<br />

t3-37i<br />

19-51n<br />

t7--{o fr<br />

l5-3?n<br />

I l*30 n<br />

l3-3?n<br />

la-14 n<br />

l5-3?n<br />

20-4t n<br />

2t--63 n<br />

r9--57 ft<br />

t7---43 n<br />


Th. city of th. L!d! i! c.nrrolhd oE thte flin !.!t|s of Rrvi RiG whbh<br />

&.ig[la the !||@!is pdiodr of ldin ! $.|itu Eld., Moalg bm@ .d<br />

Gul.lu lrvi la@'H!r.r dd Nrw (20{O)". Ttc.it lcrdN e orchilgsidr.<br />

hDq groud lsli@r. To.bL.8carl i!.. of.!b.o .rLM .fN-ilFDfk e<br />

cdt*cd dodg wirl tur ..bitr!y .d r!! oriDLly pcrpadicuLt liE A . BB'<br />

rdC!,.!d DD Drt d 6 l[. loc.rib dp (Fi& 3t).<br />

It ir ccidLd tur s Doik & Di.rDLnr dNh p@i.id. Sdll L|g of<br />

$dy .ils e uslfy p!!gt i! dE top otdirc siL, At ph4!, colsiw eil. @<br />

pF!.rn in OF sdrl m{.68irc FiL Lyd, TIF sil tDfihl norcs, &pic t!.t th.<br />

rop @lFirc LF irl@ in lhicbEs s s go nm ..lw.d 6m lh R vi Ri6 to<br />

$. crnbnMr Ao irhdiog rb D.vi! Ra4 !E Sh.h!|i+{oi.dGAd, dF shni<br />

Rd4 rlr J.il Ro.4 rlF M.in Bobnd rtc Grlhag R .4 crc., .rEg lh. &il p@fL<br />

liG AA' .nd BB'. Th. Doflc ddg aE d dE otnd h.nd dFa6 Sdludly (1.3-<br />

L5*86) iNluding th. IlfcF .tt , dE AM S.dn!, d* G@d HocpiLl, th. Mu.lim<br />

Torrl tb. Whlrhr Col6y.nd dE N.*On4{. @ (Fig. 4{,), Tl* Soil AofiL.lonl<br />

CC' .!d DD' 116 Fi& 4 | ) .Lo iidi.ra Irdully r.d!.int lcEl of@lEiE bil LF,<br />

vryiig !i6 ( lj-2rtB) b 0-34dr} Tte 'tr6l6<br />

t87<br />

brrc dE t,w Mdl, dE D.6.<br />

Dtb.t, th. Mo4g tL lqb.l To*r! l[. Shddt , d! An TqA tt |(rL Sn|t Xrhr<br />

dd rlE S.!d., tlF Gllrt ! Prvi, |n. M.tnood B@ri. 6. Ni.z B.3 ToOt, lh. Ch!!C<br />

!d dr SLlou roliti6, B@rb thn .oh6iE Fil l.yq .!dy 3t|fi it Fen !p b<br />

2Fl5 D.i.n d.!rn *ba. e$6 cdE s oil l.r&r of.boot l-7 tEi.n d.dn n<br />

cn@ricFd. Th. bo! t le.rd Fil066L. G.hoM i! dr FiSus t9,.o ud 4l. TIF<br />

!t iiSrphy of 6. rrlm M.nqolii.r Ad i. 8i@ in $. T.bL No, 20.<br />

TrALE Nc t0<br />


AXDA<br />

rj@ u4 .ilty s!4 nly cLy .rd<br />

S.n4 .ilr lo.by cLr, .Dd lm<br />

M-"d.rE h D.F.iu of @i!r lrE 6 SiL nlty Ed .!d lo.6y cLy

FlsJ9 Mlp Shoirng ft. lr..tlo! ol Eorc r|ol€t ud soil In0l6 of the Irlo..<br />

M€hopolittr Aft., Pre Stqty<br />


\6<br />

Yll.. I +<br />

i/<br />

'rG@<br />

FmrRE 39 filP $lOtVUG .t}IE IOC TIOII OF IORE lnrs AID SOIL PROf,IrIS<br />

of lHE UflORE TCnOPOIIT I AREA AIollG l ', 8E CC ||lD D(/ LlllEs,<br />

MEEflT STUDT<br />

a<br />

n<br />

=<br />

LA(BTD<br />

=*"<br />


solPEdleuneA'rF.lcdorn Flo,<br />

'9<br />

srtt Mt Lir Ba ntrtt4d d dE F9. 39<br />



(SOURG: NESPA( 2000)<br />


5or hdl| ttl cc dsrad d |ne F9, !0<br />

soll ftrlL ttE Dlt mdad o dE tlt, !9<br />



(so{rRcEr NESPA( 2m2)<br />


TlEs srficnd &DGiE @ cmDccd of sn4 3niy s!td, silty cl.y, sill cl.y€y<br />

sill, ldFy cLy @d cLr B.low lhi5 cdaiw sil, se slrdy moi.riol t Flet itr i[.<br />

!s, Fon the .laLble dd! of haDy b@holc5 drillcd b.'ond 30 hcLis in d.pu it i.<br />

iDdic.lad thrr oother loy€r of @h.siw loil k pffilb€low 3oneiers in d.pth. Below<br />

tbis cohdive layq sndy sfirL is presDt uD !o about 30-50 mel€n depth wheE anodE<br />

con sive l.yd of.boul l0 nc&B is dountlEd.<br />

5.5,4 Engbeerlng te.ts<br />

Follovins tesls e co.drct d to d.lut @gjMinS pbFnid oa srfici.l<br />

dcpooic or Lno@ MeEopolir.n AE (LMA).<br /> PeNt ltior sirte..<br />

sbndlrd p€netalior Ld (SPT) L m inporh fi€ld 6! p..rom.d dDnng<br />

dnlirg fol g*techrical s&di6, Th. Flulb e dpEssd N N-*lu. oi p.ncbtirm<br />

Eli.tanc. of en. Tne N-value i! (F numb.r of blows of l40lb! drile wci8hi Soinches<br />

li* frll r.qDn d lo &ive a 2 irch6 shn Lrd $lit sD@D sDpld itlo th. loil lhough<br />

o.3mcte.. The N-v.lue or eil i! &Mlly a nw of cGis&Ny of @h6iw sib dd<br />

of Eldirc d.Nily of mnshctiw $ils, N@6u .opiri€l @Lritu or N-vllues<br />

rd badrg qF.ity of bil ercuhcd. Th. bceirg c{poity lsIE 6 olcd.r.d tior<br />

coEl.rim oI N+Elu @ codid.rd io h. n@ !@@ie fd end .nd 16 for @h.5iv.<br />

eils, Mdidu Dd aininm N.v!lu6 of &il !E g€n€6lt cmid.Ed in thc b.ding<br />

catacity e!.lurios. Howevs, $e hiln rd bw N-values naw b€er coiputed ror<br />

bearins o.plciv or@nelire lDd non-cohccile bils. Tn lest €sult Evd filt N-volues<br />

in ooh€sive $ils of L.hore M.ropolihn AE v.ry 5-19 bu a1 nost of dE cit!,, it is<br />

rlmolt 10--13.In sndy sik, th€ N-vdu.s are aoundto be 5 31.On$.whol.,th.Nvd!.<br />

is lisbd in m{h6iv. sils tho th€ @h€tie $i1.. Nm.bq .mpinc.l<br />

corcl.ti@ of N valc .d estidLd b.rMB cr9..ity of $il of bnoE M.tbpolir.n<br />

Ae. m .v.ilrbL in tb. soil Mehldg licntrE, th€ N iElnfic,@ of which s<br />

'',tunfiii (1962) , "S.ot (1963) , 50*6 (19?9) , "T.usni (1967) , TcDs, 80*16,<br />

Trylor, "B.ll (2004)'Md Ds Bnjr (2004)<br />

5,5,4,2 UncortredcoDpr€.rlvertreDglb<br />

Th. lDcoDin d mpEsiE sE ns!l| is . vit r pDp€dy of cohcliv. $ils. fie<br />

&slt! ir dE rvlihbl. &b rcbt d ro uftonfiEd oonFesiv€ st!rurt c!!e crdi.n out<br />


or l.5inch6 dimeter x 1imh.5 long uDdi5tu6cd cylin&ical @F sFdhm sol wilh<br />

shcll-by rDb€s duirg drilling. Ih. t6r *a oonducrld with r Brib3h Sbndard, h.nd<br />

openred su?in o@fol€d 6cld opomrcd @him thal draws gmDhs a se.$ Md rmtn<br />

cDne olsil !o failuE in uconfine! sl!t!. Thes vduer & used to €vrlu.& tn. b.lrirg<br />

captcity of@h€siw eils Dd lll. Esult!.c coNidd.d !o b. nost suittbl.. Fbm dd!,<br />

th. mqinDn lnd ninimn vrl!6 of mon6n d compBiw stqsli of cohcairc !oil!<br />

v.ry aon 1.7lb6 F !q@ f@t (nr), L 0.67 ion€ D.r sque f@t (|!0. Trr<br />

mqinM cdfr.d stasd v!lu6 Ftuin io M.h BouleErd Gulbclg Rdd, p.nly<br />

Fdo4u lo.4 StehEn Quid+azn, Divb R@4 Jail Rdd.nd D.&@ *hiL rh.<br />

minimum Elu6 b€long 10 GDlrba tuvi, s.nrh ltd Sh,nd@<br /> DeDsiay ofsoll<br />

!. g*Echnical oomputorim, lhc bulk ddBity or 6oil is a vital paamctcr for<br />

n.rsuring slr€E$ of my .ed. I hu! lh. v.lu.s ol hi8n and low density for cohdiv. .Dd<br />

enrohesiw soils hlv€ b€eD oalcul.t d d dififtnt l@atft. TIE @ipltcd v.luc! e<br />

5.5.4.d Cohsior {it rrgle of Intcmrl friclior<br />

Thc irt doleulir cobdion od .n8lc of inictul tiction of lh. $ils w.E<br />

c.lculrcd by

N<br />

TABLE NO<br />


l15.t0 ll I16.l 03 32.f<br />

8 0.3?<br />

8 115.,0 1t2.5 l0.r<br />

o.3l I l5:t)<br />

lt7_52<br />

2.5 2t.1.<br />

I t3.0<br />

1.05 l2_1.30 t.5 2l,f J2.OF<br />

I13.00<br />

0.31<br />

It9.to<br />

25.0'<br />

22.2. 25<br />

Ll0l l2l.l0 I20.1 31,0'<br />

t5<br />

ll<br />

t.t<br />

x,r<br />

l5<br />

l?<br />

120.1<br />

l0€.1<br />

ll.f<br />

lo.r<br />

l.5t 2ltv<br />

r9.l. l3<br />

tl.1.<br />

ll,r<br />

1.23<br />

1.1<br />

)a_7<br />

I<br />

l)<br />

l3<br />

95.l<br />

121.0 1.673 25.0p r20.2 0,3<br />

Clvsi t cuhic Dourt P6 tqle rd<br />

5.5.5 Bsdnrt d b.rrlng crPr.lty [nltt<br />

On lh€ bstu oft@btical d.l! lrtilrble fton g@_t*hti€l Fporll and PFsd<br />

wodq finoliz.d twnmd:rim !to!i lh. fo$d'rion &sign p'lrmc6'<br />

A su@ry or 6vo unill ol eiMrcd b'ri'8 @F€'ig is giM in lhc T'bL<br />

No.22. F@ tbje |bb, n is p6iblc io htrc ' 6ir picnlE 'ho!r ln' erimticd r*ing<br />

€lFcityofdE lrhocM.ttutolilnAF. Tnls nv b' oicr b w lbow vrl6 ror I<br />

nuge int$tub& ol plniculd .isnBiDS wt at 'ry pr"' It i3 dd ii@ orxd<br />

Sct cbnjc.l d.l! s(l P!ts1 sdq tne etridt d h'ai'g qptcitv deFtdr upot s<br />

'T<br />

12<br />

l7<br />


tuy hcton including .m lin . rhc @il is heLoeaMus mt rial l.id doM<br />

golosiel pt@s of hie Pleisletr de. H.tr, th* @luer e only ror a sFmbl<br />

.Elurtion ofr sir. ed .h. Fdne.ded EIE nay nol be aPpli.d lo . Fn'ould<br />

pojer, For qct poj4! .m iD dE clos vioinity of de inv€llig.Ld Aol, nlsh loil<br />

invcsligdjoN .nd Lsling should be cdi.d out ,nd the fou ltigh csidE

'ffi#w rltlND<br />

E maL_il<br />

a<br />

ffiffi#- ll ffiffi<br />

I x<br />


I! covd thole .E.r qhicn hF qelLDt *fm.Ld hean.g clpooitv Units 2 - 5 re<br /> Urlt-2<br />

The fluvi.l s.dincnts comDolcd ofn.diur conPeicd siltv cl'v ed l@nv cliv<br />

wnn thin lffis of silly s(l Ilc €ltiMted b€tiDs gpeilv !t wlld llble d'plh<br />

lGl5ner€6 .nd d€Dl! of hoE hole up ro 25-30mcn is I l-1 30 lst TlF $il poliL<br />

litu sB r.lls in rh. uit 2 ag. D.ftu', Cltomcn! Mozn& Sh'dtttL rnd Gdden<br />

Toq e Min l@litid of inis uil.<br />

5.5.53 Urtt-3<br />

ftis uDn b$ nish to iedim 6tim!'d b'{ing eFcitv But mjd P'fr oflhis is<br />

u!d.r cullivlM Tni, b $Folrl aB! of lb. !:hoE M'lopolibn A@ '!d is b'ng<br />

ui€d !o @wn iDto ubu @ This @ @ be dtwlo!'d lot hulti tbEv buildinss<br />

*b.esr ir is ned.d for i!i! putF& Kih Sh'h Ki!u' Mui{t'' Shlndi$ !i<br />

SlEi*lDpuo Rold & dit lc'!iti6 oflhir unit<br /> Urlt-4<br />

nE ouv edind|l oopos€d of siltv cLv tt siltv 3tnd sith little dsaic<br />

@u!i. 1} 6nn!l..l banng c'Fotv Ei6 fi@ 0 75--4'99 llf on 'ard l3blc dtpn<br />

l?-23ncldt lnd bu€ not6 at dcplh ol U-27ftr6 TIs sit Doil' ljE CC dal'<br />

*t ."" *t-* * "tO "tt * cLv' '!d ctly'v $lt dd sit! Th' Mjd ioctlitiG or<br />

t" ".i.. ,-. *[ -* **t lqb'l TM; Ntw CdDu' wthd't Ror4 New<br />

Muslin TM, R d Ton; GM Tos ud TM ShiP'<br />

555.5 Ullt-s<br />

Tli6 unit Mpf,s dep|si6 sd 'bdtl@it ch.NL of rhc nad Riva Thc<br />

doninttts $diienls 'E strv ctln l@v cltv' tld sittv sd dd dv 3in siih orstoc<br />

."n* t* ",*t" -*t hlt ttt pbdic Ele The 61ituLd baring ctpDitv of lhi3<br />

; h 0 55- { 70 ttf on Yater Lbt' dcfln ?-l5h't'6 dd b6 hoLs ar d'pdr ot 1?i:odrn<br />

fti" uit lre cql"is Rlvi B'bu Sab!' B$d Road Niu scs' chug dd<br />

prnly lui*ind R@d ds<br />

Th. dMti6 ot @AlFms gdlodc'l nap oits n b'ed otr €tiMted b'rnn8<br />

capociy ofdE LboF M.t'!olit'n As lt it 9@ i! Tlbl' No 22 in uhid fom-

5.5.6 R€commend.tloDt<br />

L M.jor l@aliti6 ol un e pailv w.u.d citv, D.vi! Rd4 Sb€hra'h{'Qoi!t{-<br />

Aan, CdlonMr, D.lirc., Qld Rdd, ',.il R@d M'in Bo dlid Culb€ts<br />

Rotd, p.rdy Feeaw Ro!4 clry, cbv and silt Thar i! th' l{s clrv d'losils lls<br />

.neiMins cbELristics minlv noE .tabL siEtus in *bict p'niLs &<br />

tisbtly !..!.d Posnv of d. menrc is .nh@'d hv p@G of fNib tur<br />

hol6. tt sko is ti..d *it! clrt ntr. eMt *nich lElD3 it bildi'g dE 8n'E<br />

1ocplb.r. Thi! b!5 itue!.n .mn ted b.en8 c4tciv of liltv cl0y' cl'v 8d dlr<br />

ut ro optidl Lvel Tl@ !@oli!6 @tl bc cGi&td 'dr<br />

inftat$t|e !'d<br />

mu|n-sioEy buildinS! tlvitrs (3G15) 51oGv A nt' svnd tuv b' @!mn&d<br />

ftli Rril{y slltid to D.rt R@4 Mlb Bouldttd GulbcA i6dr F ozpur<br />

R@d to G*nl Hoaittl lsliti's io id@ tlftr ||B in dE LMA ding b<br />

dFi I'j8h c.lidEd barilg c.p*ity<br />

2. Thc surfic,ials d.pGils ol wil' @npii* tilg cllv lo lMv olo, wilh ld&s of<br />

,ilrsnd Tnc lo.s 6oil d@se' in lhe unn-2 l@aliti's wrv linlc This tonion<br />

hs sod@tc 10 high esli@Ld baing clp&itv H@ infi{lructtEs forbuildisg<br />

@d enmercial $t uP nusl be l@f,me'M !p 10 15-20 stdv buildinctplu3<br />

6 *dl $ rtig slruottfts for nulripl€ puipo&t<br />

3. T!. d of sn-3 @rdpdet siltv 10 l6v cLt wiih ldss of silt or silty snd-<br />

'IIn $ff,i.l d.Podb 61 lc 'bwlv Dod'oE io bgt 'srimitd hc&'!s opeilv<br />

bt bul ojq pln or rhjs u'n t b'ing us'd fd tsnculne w Tni! rand wiU<br />

@sr inio 'rhd d in td tunN owing io ils nod€ni' to hien b'!ri!8<br />

4. Th. fluvi.l deposiit of unit4 aE sillv crav !o silg md wilh litrle pot'15 or<br />

dseic Dlhiol ftb tillv $uf h4 low 10 nodcErt "titubd bqrins c4ic'rv<br />

Th. l@.litict oa lhit un aE @tsidcred io iulri_doFv t{ildinSI havins lo_!s<br />

sloFy lpdrtnenl! and orhet @ll scbEs<br />

5. This @of uni!5l$ lilg oLv &d tiltv snd wilh o4tsic n!n!r' IIE ecriMt'd<br />

be!.iry ctp.cilv is lo* to nod'd' du' io orsdic @l€ri'l- ll nust b' l'rs ihn<br />

O 2 D€rc61. Ih. @ of unit5 dust b' @tuid€rcd for mmd ltrucluFs od small

TABLE NO. 22<br />



1,0n<br />

5.ofr<br />

5,0n<br />

5.0n<br />

t.0h<br />

5.0ft<br />

5,0n<br />

3,off<br />

5.0ii<br />

t.0n<br />

3.0n<br />

1,off<br />

1.3fi<br />

5.0fi<br />

5.0n<br />

3,0n<br />

!.oii<br />

3.oii<br />

3.0n<br />

15.0i<br />

15_0n<br />

11.0i<br />

r3.0t!<br />

t5.oii<br />

lo.on<br />

5.0^<br />

t0.0n<br />

to.on<br />

3.ofi<br />

10.0i<br />

10.0n<br />

lton<br />

13.0n<br />

15n<br />

t2lft<br />

I11ffl<br />

l0liil<br />

55t<br />

l5n<br />

2tn<br />

55n<br />

l2tfi<br />

IN<br />

125 fi<br />

43ll<br />

23't<br />

21ft<br />

23n<br />

3l it

tutfE-L<br />

EOTUOIYIAL VIRI', Ot l^rl MIJLfl aT0lEY 'Unotxc<br />


n tu-rt<br />

8[E VtEiv or ran iarrlrt crDlt..v tutr,D!{G Al'Ot{G luD<br />


55.A LmdUs.Pbr rg<br />

Lrnd us. plreing &f.6 to E of L!d, whi. led niy b. &f@d 4lb. $Ud<br />

oovcr of lbe .ar1h. Il h uled by nuM nce for puning on il all u1iliti6 "R.klE rd<br />

Ch.(aje (2004)'. M.ny eov@t.d !@ piEL ag.eix lurc *fit d d !rb6<br />

plmids ol ibc lrloE M.tDpoln n AE But tIE hd w @p of tlE ljnd.<br />

M.!.polrb AE h.r pcpt td fid tu tbdgh pffil sMt<br />

The ltDd ulc plMing i5 u iDte8nl pan of! bo.

5.5, Ar Lrnd Ure Mrp UDlts<br />

'Ihi6 lnil is @inly for ciop€ th.l !s ltoq 6 tn 1o@6 dd fl@d pLitr of the<br />

dwr, IF lEfmd @il i! pf,@rily sill, l@ny clay.nd cl.y. Thc sil6 & tl'ick hrving<br />

m Lrnka. Aboul SO p.rc.nr of th. fickb s iftiSriod by surfacc w.i.r ed tlbe wls<br />

lnd the othes ely on nin. Thi! hnd h b€ing u&d fd u6.n uss. This land nust be<br />

pe@.d for .gri@ltDnl @ lo m..t thc Fdr of dc uboa Deoplc,<br />

Tlli! on c@_ple biS !ho0s, plu!, thoppi.g eDt E, slFppine Mdl, ed<br />

Libeny Mstct, D.f.@ Mr*.q offies, i*hditg oN ad.'ni!l uill.<br />

Irrd rlds D{.Lpdcnt<br />

bld urdd d.wlooMr n tut lqn oahld of th. t tbc M.toFlinn AB rhar<br />

bls io hc d.wlop.d b, th. t-DA.<br />

ftn ui mDris s c of lud wlEE &.d poplc e boricd.<br />

lr iNIu&3 @rv!d &16r ...., utd fd *!o

Krt.bl Abtdi<br />

It unil imlu.ks rhe *nLenil .E ill.srl ard p€.plc h6 bdll $cn bo@5 on il.<br />

Ho*€q, in gc16l ssc dE Lm is w |pplied ro squtl.r M ud sboly 106.<br />

LDA n6 ch$i6.d 97 eld@nts s Kdcni Abrdi6,<br />

M.diud D.o.lty R8ld.nli.l<br />

PriMily ho$ins .M e wilh civic M@itB .rtd @ll rhoppins mtlB.<br />

Lr D.r.ity R6lddd.l wlth v.g.Ldo!<br />

nis unir his dE std€nqr virh plirFd say ircludinS Sood hol$ with sEa<br />

beli lxh ponion b ,oli6h le.lfty of the Llhore cily (lLATEl6),<br />

Mrjd public blildirgs &d @mpo!.d. for Elisioc, D.dicd !d cd@timl<br />

201<br />

Tlis sn coriilb ormi of dD!..r lI r @ inrmdrcly ed *teE Eulriplc of<br />

frcililid, for childcn,<br />

'otb<br />

ad .dullr e tEquiEd.<br />

U&d aor Erc.tid, wale6hed, .nd .rsim ontlol,<br />

Ld Ddsily R6ld..d.l<br />

T[is uit h$ g[[ noug win hs civil mditi6 ud mll 3hoppinS enLB..<br />

Tnisu t conDosd of a ei of lod iaving 0oodw.i.i<br />

AB dmiDtad by ridt h.rd My of diving or mljd b.ds 6ilw.y! or<br />

tuq t ds, slqs ud do.dmys @ usd fo! s..$ul Srlznlg and srd ninin&<br />

!o €r.y ofi de$ s.ta duri.s Einy l..s.<br />

blt frerio! Fi@il,

Otd Ettoilol EllXbS<br />

242<br />

Tni. uit iFlurL. Fiuit on hildic toillilr' *iO ciric @iti.. rtrd<br />

rh.ptilg 6la! i3 rrnd! Fq! Brbrli Mdqe, D.Lli O.r. .!rl Puj.b Uni6ily<br />

.L,,Tl[i097t",11 . hi.rdi. boirbgr @ ii |n. (PL TESi,2,3,5.!dIl).<br />

Urb.!ugMut !crh.r[.. fiEdivirid i.a giCDo tyR nd.nri.l<br />

.c., MGdiM Ddiry R.idoritl r!., Lo{ Da.ity lididqd.l with ESct do! @,<br />

ft! 6n ir h.i!g d.hiqdlr u..d fd c@at Ld d'6piog of ddFdc .ad<br />

irduril e.ra Tln @n h! d.Mqr.d b t'o h..Uri.. i.e M.hood 8@ri rld d@i<br />

ll,ilsy Ln.8i@ b elid ua di+d.l E+,<br />

'nhr<br />

Th. Lln cLrinedd dp i. t[. han of. Lld e pL!. lt gq ! . r!l6..t<br />

of Lde Flicy.!rl h. 6E.id "IGll6 (l9E2f.<br />

r To &ni* .rd .Esrt .ddiati6 .!d 6rd.Et b.tws hdl .rd<br />

.r.t Llde dlti*<br />

r To rnwi&. auid. &r Fblic iod@r b ltil<br />

r To Fovi'b . ctu nr@rdt fo. t{d8cd!g.!d duilc @dte6on oa<br />

n iliic* s.f a si@lr oda .d -E .!d trd ryid8<br />

r To ddiLi r!8lltldy polici.. Dd d.ciii6,<br />

' To b.b Fovi& grid.lis ftr d.Eloto@l of.{dtrbL hnd r.r

!.{/<br />

I<br />

IJr<br />

,?.<br />

tl'l<br />

-a' '<br />


I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

m Iz<br />

T<br />

I<br />

E<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I ffi<br />


I<br />


PL/\Tfl15<br />



5.6 ceologicrl Hrtrrd! aDd MtdgrIoD<br />

5.6.1Geftrrl<br />

m6<br />

N.tlEl cv.nti Mirs sddaly ind $ifty, .nd @n*qcdy duiag hm to<br />

th. p.ople and dct inlri$noc, @ c.llcd En|nl lEards. To tnc (r,md ns lsh<br />

evenL my bc dlc !o Mllnnrl pow.r of llE uture, over which lheE m be no coDlrol.<br />

Nolbly, tne pcopl. of the tndu pllin in the Pujab .nd yd. Sindh lurc b..n ifdins<br />

Sri.Gly<br />

rnd emndy frm n@d hrztds be.e dEy lit in old ltandoDcd 3tte<br />

chsmls or in dE p@nt low lying tlood {.ys. All dviomoLl h.zrd5 !c mt<br />

nessny s&Lr Th. slow nMif6brioD of tun@l b.4rd5 i5 lh. diut consqu.m<br />

of hunr. rctiviri.s The hrzards ton luch natuBl pknoncoi s @n\u,k s, rcl€nic<br />

.ruptiom 6d cyclorc @ iw.prbl., nd 6D he coob€i.d wi$ p€pedms pl.m.<br />

Tn@ d nny mGin

M.dhopu in Indir .nd cnEing Pltit n uFft{ ofrlE Kor NdM. It tos p.8ll.l lo<br />

IndcP.k M.r up !o rh. RlvistlhoD. cri${Fsing dc boidd !l . nuobq or<br />

ldtions. nB brids.s span lh. R.vi Rivor ned Lrhor, while two noE bridg.s e<br />

under @61!!ctid b.tv4n dE klbE .nd tIE Bdron B.ms!, *bjcn j3 lhc Lminu of<br />

dE pojd !B On its w.y, ir leircr tribubry iril@s 6!n thc ridr blne (Fi& 45).<br />

The Rrvi &vcr hls a tor.l archn nk !E ol40,lJO murE tjlon l€B (15,500<br />

!qu.E niLs) up lo ik onnlme wnh the Cnemb Rivei and h!! ! lorl lcn$h or 395<br />

ulomccF (560 nilca). Th! !ppe! €tchnoll .ls.stins io 9,065 squ@ kjlom€teE<br />

(3,500 squd bil6) & hilly u6i4 lying i. ln. leg Hituhym Pi.tuolt in Indja.<br />

Only 25 p@nt ol dis .g is cultivlr.d vnik 4jo! p.n or lb. m.ininS c. is<br />

cov.ed with r@8t. Tle low oltclncn$ of 11.030 sque kilonelers (12,000 squre<br />

mil6) .ft . pln of dE AllDvial rriin of sub-cotindt Dd .e luiLbL fo. agricull'nl<br />

207<br />

'IIr. .e coDpris llo.d pl|in ol rr Rlvi Riva fM d'e x.t N.im to th.<br />

Bluoti. In its upFr carclmcnts rE!, it p6sss l@ D.lhouli. lom and dt r. thc prdm<br />

tu& Madhopu in hdia, The river n6 a silcp 3loF il the upD

Lr{l:-<br />

=a<br />

=<br />

\i f/,<br />

i<br />

1<br />

ItGEtlD<br />

\&.<br />

E<br />

N<br />

.+.<br />

Y<br />


G@ Fql.(d ndd Cdnitid l9zl & IcrO<br />

o<br />


5.6,3 Tbetn Drm<br />

N9<br />

Th. TlEin D.i has t@n c@t@icd lFteo thl M.dlopa Ba@gc o! lhc R|vi<br />

Riq in rh. Ldi.. It i3. Ldge @l 6[ lnn, 147 n r.s (482 G.r) bigL Inigdion ud<br />

pow smrio !E il! trc prim objedwr Lirc sloEs. c.pocity of ln. drD ir 0,23<br />

nhn' O.9 m.0". Crt laMb @.b@ Thcin k 6000 qu.rc kilmeh (2,314 qu.G<br />

nil6). Table No.23 d.Mibe ihDoltint ftltle! of the d!D.<br />

L<br />

T ALt No. 23<br />


5, 4 of 12 E (,O n) dilm&B Nh ld<br />

oow flr.ntid .!d ftr iristlid.<br />

L 0J5RFBh.086mo@t<br />

' bnn - Millid h.or.E @Er<br />

'Mt=Milid.@fd<br />

. cfs=cubicfrqsodl<br />

In ! epinio 3tudy cuicd oul by NosFI (N.tiot.l EDsiDqins Sdio.s of<br />

P*bl,n) for Llhorc by.pa Bridee on tuvi R1@, tn. ctr .t of Tnenr Dai! on tuh|re<br />

floods Es er.lur.d. ftis <strong>study</strong> loot inlo .@ul dF v&i@ p,t@G6 sst 6<br />

@nchcciltic., ncr lit ly oFntid $l|d!r6..d Friods or lrood @utt!@3<br />

.tc. R6dts of lni! rtudy hrrc be! snlruizld in d. followiq T.bL No. 24.<br />

TABLE No.24<br />


542,000 l0

2t0<br />

Ldir hrs mw tull wal€r nghls ecording to lDdur Wal.r TF.ly of 1960 ed hd<br />

rlreldt lmnged to div€n all itl b.e now lnd hls conltrlci.d ! Th.in.lm, ft 16 nil€s<br />

upseQn ofthe Madhupur, Now-!-dryr oc conpLt flow oflh€ Rlvi Riv€r he ben<br />

sior€d a wU s u*d in India Nazn Ann.d and Ghulam Chudhry ( 1933) .<br />

5.63.1 Mldhopur Brrlg€<br />

Il @y b€ @lcd th. !!0D8. doc! nor lppsiobly Educe the U@d pe.k! or8@Lr<br />

thd.bout 15,000 cu@s (s00,000 cf!). Acqdingly, floo& lik. tut of 1955 and 1988<br />

roDld contiNc b rhwl dowr..n io P!ti!6n !a!.iro.i6 with moE or less lhe $@<br />

I is l@l!d aboul 38 tilonct s (24 nil6) updtqn ofih. P.lGtrn-lrdi. bordd.<br />

ft dilerb w.l!r ro K8hnir Bnrch LinI Cdl .nd Uppq Bd Do.b C@1. D6isn<br />

diehrlg. of dE {cir is 19,824 cmr (1700,000 cf.) rtd ruinun di6io qp&ity is<br />

623 cubic dtift&t {22,ooo cfr).<br />

s.6J,2 kvl Syphor<br />

Thi! oc$E csi€ dE BABD Lint CDI !td.e$ tl'. Pivi Ri6 12<br />

rnmd.6 (20 nil6) uFnqd ol t l@. Th. qistins di$h.4p eFcily of lb. riq<br />

oq rh. rypb.n $ .b.or I2. 035 obi. erriD.|.n (425.000 cft)<br />

5.633 Brid86<br />

Th@ e lou ttridgq th.r 3p.r tn. riwr in thc LMA .g. Tb.s e ,ag<br />

Railway Bndgc {mw &@li!h.d), Sh.Md Prilmy Bndg., Snand.n Old HiShw.v<br />

B;d8! dd Sh.Hln N.w Bridg.,<br />

5,6.4 Bundr<br />

ThE. "bu.ds" tlw b€en codtdc!.d lor pobolion of th. LMA iion lh. Ravi<br /> Sh.hdrn Flood Prot€.ilor BuDd<br />

Thi3 bud, .meli,s Sh.hdiB Dbbibut ry's .nd Flood lmlonlcnent io<br />

Rlilway Bndsc is tcraomin8 .n inpolin1 olc for the slety of th. lhicldy popultled<br />

m. olshaMaB ToB, LrhoE4ujrmw.h CT Roadi bhoFRnwrlpindi Railway Linei<br />

6ev.ftl i&lories ond a nunb€r ofviua!.! wilh f.nil. osticultuF h.d Ii k 4,755 nele6<br />

(15,600 ii) Ions ind h!! lh. lop widrh ol7,t net s (2s feel) win rive$id€ slope or3:1

.nd tb. coDtFide llop€ of2rl. Th. bund lop b 1.5 neias (6 fe€D above l9?3 HiSt<br />

21\<br />

Flood lr.l (IIFL). Firc rps h& b*n .d.Ld for th. potectioo of dE bond. fti bunn<br />

got b@b€d .l t*b pL.6 duing dF 1988 nood, tE rqrn wo* of *nich b!. sic b€r<br />

5.5,,1.2 M.hmood B.otl Burd<br />

Mrrmood Beti Eud is ldr.d 6 dE *t of Rrvi Rivd utcdsh of Ih.<br />

R.ilwly Brida.. Ir i. 3,319 D.L6 (29,000 fer) lons !.d @nn*rs $,ndm Rlilmy<br />

Bndg€ wjth th€ higt banl nod dE M.lh@d B@d vnlage. Il *a oshcGd ir 1950.<br />

'Ihis bDnd ws bech.d dftin8 lhc .xc.ptioElly ligt flood of 1955. It ws dra<br />


A Binfcl of lO osDrihekrs or onc a4u!e hlon t r n1ds IOO,OOOnT of eLi<br />

2t2<br />

Tne iEbilily ol the sroud to lhdorb a siarbl. pan of 6is @oml ol waLr woDld<br />

Ehmly caw q6s oBlod flow or dmtt Eresiv. EiD vithi! a 3hon paiod i3<br />

crll€d ! \l@rlb6r. Cloudbw N Ery ffim in lne Hirol,ytu ft8rm 'n monsd<br />

!.er IrE bu61ilg of dlN qls orr3Eophic troodl Ml6 thc Musl. D.d in<br />

*nicn !@!€d iloodv a ltoo

th. Mrnnood Booti, fo! cx.npl., rh. omfi jr 50-9{ FE.nt ld tbm dE r..ldr op.t<br />

..r.h@rb @ in th. LMA.<br /> S.dlncrt lo.d .Id cbrrylDS cour'. of Rr*l Rlve]<br />

2t3<br />

T!. !m6r of &ditMt cui.d by tuvi wrcr i! sulFdion or by t ciiom is<br />

sowd by rh. foduL thlt if th. wlciry ddbl6, l!. s.din nt lqd would ircus 64<br />

tift* b n@

Rjvcr v.lLy tlooding<br />

5.5.61 River vdl.y loodlng<br />

2t4<br />

fte R yi Ri6 si6lq wLr ldnost of rhe,@ bur dqins noDsn &!sor,<br />

il b€con6 d$gmu tu noodins ofdF Rrvc. vrlley. bnoE Dev.lopneDt Auihori9 i3<br />

n.kin8 a nodel .tudy to pol€cr the oity fron sorious no.dins vitn inoEos oa<br />

D.pulation to ovd 6.5 million Gon. of dE Par'l1.! 0993)". BDnds hr. b@r built b<br />

pDbl ih civ 6 iE nonbd ald sulhd bourddi:. Cuftdr a projal is DDd.r wly<br />

lo .xLnd dE w.5h bud ii r Soulndly didctid LDA (2000)".<br />

The Rivd vtll.y hls ttE h lfom unils irclurliDg i) Riveibed md Sdd Brm, ii)<br />

M..D.hr Plair, iit Acnv. Fl@d Phin, (Fi&46) rr!!t e inun&Gd by 0oods.b. of<br />

non!6 w 4h yd. liw4r, dE Cowlmr iblld mr h. dlow.d ro build,ing<br />

ho!&i indutid and E inils a .duc.lioMl irslit]t s in lne Riu wl€y .8., bed&<br />

of d.nger io liws hd Drcpeny. In 1930 .Dd 1990, nmdwrbr inmdr|d rhc houling<br />

sh.m6 iD Sn ndda and ldj&ent lds Gulthg in hdry 16 or lir€ &d pbp.rly,<br /> Sop€r noodltr8<br />

Du€ ro il@sd dh now during oolMn e@ni iod rles of .x!! *arer<br />

foh "Thein Dm" DpsFem by the lddi., th€ brid8e! b.iweer $e rdoe and the<br />

Sh!M@ 6Licl now ad ltmdins t t€ pla.. up6t m. A! rhc fl@d seB cont i.ed<br />

within de bund of dE rh.u-q dislrihr.ry to the Nor$ ol city, lhc buli is bEclEd in<br />

dFpldEd 16 itu jut @51ofd. ShlhdrE io awid ovcrfl@ing fim brnk. Only a<br />

v.ry !@ll er of fic Sh!M@ ToM t hid mugh 10 .void nmding Cig, 46).<br />

To pbyidc for th. sh€l flN, flood el* & .@i&rcd lo b€ cons[ut€d unds<br />

n'lw.x GI Ro.4 .nd tlE SbdtnuIm Rod. HwM, unphocd dftlopnar of Mry<br />

itdsda b6 tot n pLe dons GT R@d .Id Sh.ir|iupln Rdd rhat *ill $riouv<br />

iDD€de lood flow sho it occuE ir tutuE. In fact, d.v.lopmeDt hs talm pl&c.vc. in<br />

th. beds ofvlt€EoDrss. Kepi,g in vicw to drh ra.iot, rc indNbial unit should b€ ser<br />

up in .Ea arIai.

5,6,6,3 UrbrD floodltrg<br />

215<br />

Ulb&i,itid r.!rd5 10 Ephe Bhnl dlidgc *ilh 8!tiar$ tom wE !!n<br />

dfin d chrmlc Urh{ p.vils.rd dddg. cblDliztid @ldL .rd i!(i!e tlE<br />

uodof EinmLr Flood Frk te@6 o@ inl65. in niny smn Eds.1.l<br />

(1975)". It is quiio c,beou. thrt &foEsLtioD dtibnLs cNid.Ebly lo dE<br />

.usMbtjo of fb.nr "K.Ud<br />

(1932)"; Fig 4O. IrF rpid p@ orubeitltim aLiling<br />

@fin& rd clFr.n utb .rd nod.n cfu[lc6d h& @Nidqlbv sduc.d inflhdd<br />

lnd ausneDied surfacc orcfi, @uing loc.l noodr in tnctiouy tll bi8 citid lit , th.<br />

blore, the Kjruhi, thc RryalpiDdi, Oc IskDrb.d dd th. Muhn. Tti. c.lg utb6<br />

flddin! in citi6 vin 40 Deent inFRiou slrn c .!d a bkh srcd by srdn<br />

src6. Thc Mum of [o.ds is mw dE. iimd hi8i.r dun wh.n ltboniz.tion htd<br />

ml ovon leD n "Shcildr, cl d. ( 1999)". For in$oroe, in Au$si of I996-97, herry nitflu<br />

hls c.ed !.l@ ub! noodins n tlE LMA (Fi& 46), D{. lo dis nuire, noodwd.f<br />

€trtcFd ino Drry lM trd otre buildinlF. AmtdinS to t ndfoft M.p orrb. IJ\.A.<br />

dE B$in ed Cha@l'Fill unil b etl dDosd in the NodEm .nd soDtnon p€rts of tIE<br />

Rlvi Riv.r includins lov Mng .&s st plac.s in tho Ctn.l Pdk, th. AlkM lqbol Toq,<br />

rhc Gllbd& th. Glnt nTo*n,lt s.db.d. th. t t R@d, dF sud., cd!:l Frl of<br />

city ud !.tal lslioE of tlE CsionMt .r4 wha! dF cb6IB ol Uthd flooding<br />

ar moE. Slod d8idgc tuy be brilt in th* lo.aliti* a @di.l n.rres "Sneikn, .i<br />

al.(2001) . Ihc uhs flood s?ols h!v. tu l@.tion in Fis. 46 b6!@ it ft imposible lo<br />

n0* tnc& l@rim d dE m.p bul n is si@ i. $€ tql.<br />

'n mjor dood. ccut@ ofdE Rrvi tuu c a follows:<br />

1950 Fl@d. l9t5 Flood. 1973 Fl@d. l9?5 Flood, 19?6 Flood, 1983 nood ad<br />

5. 6.7 Mtdgrtior phG for trood h.z.rd.<br />

Nrunl dab camt b€ Drv.DLd non ec$iDg bul dEi inpact!, fr€qwy<br />

rnd Fsibly siz qn b. edued if cfaijrc MG e bkd. Tn h@tds coping<br />

ncNds iNlurte plbing ld di,.!r.r F!Fr!&es bt d o. alslit l ol the ro9itud.<br />

orrisLi in the plst lnd lh@ dricrp{t

.hi!, bot .&o & eriiulid of ..rd &ngd lo dr. &ltLned3, .@!Misti@ ryd.n<br />

2t6<br />

n !fu 6r .nri@!dl €uily eqotq lb@qn rtorlds. of (t &<br />

lloloei€l conditi@ (D hDost|9hic Lrlul ofrh. 68iod (iD d.mrnlhic d.L .rd hd<br />

4 Fhn qodddiF 4toid{n 68!itd. of ri&.dniFb.l (co.Lx l98l),

2<br />

:<br />

lN<br />

Frc{rx8 .6 FLpoD tlvARDf zON!{il'{r-9f.1*Yli*TR IN ntE laIloRE<br />

** fi,'m,ruffimffi"""^*,o--<br />

'-' rib nrwn perrmons Ltro*e<br />

DB@ID<br />

E ntq<br />

=<br />

E E7<br />

a<br />

^.,<br />

I<br />


lh€ Mmg.nmt of noods imDlics @t l.lti4 .xcs omfi waEI flow $ddc'Jv<br />

and wilh iDLosit in the dr.ims. n lwo& Th. nd6uFs t ka nosllv iG idtd to<br />

r€du@ tb€ ponim of rumr by ilMils infitntioi, ttBdins<br />

213<br />

muscs lo gpl itrto dE oh.mk dd &FndinS it thrcu8t 'h'in'ls or 'rtuk lt 's<br />

bi$@@tion th,l d.ming or . rivd d ab.E nood !.ztns Aeoding b 'voldit?<br />

(1997) , ev.n il all posibl. d.ns ww !o h. co.stucl.d in lhe PakisLm and the Indi4<br />

aly !bo!1 8-lo p.rcf ofiol,l tlow mDld b€ ibE4 whiL dE Eminins 30 p'rcdt dil<br />

be nd (l flow dd nsle flo.d! duins dc6iE disb.lse Ttus' il i! ! tuns @ for<br />

consefling lood flows bt nearo ofolhs lhd 6urft@ ltoEs6 t'hind dlN in tne rivet<br />

5.6.E Conbltitr8 nood PDblens<br /> Tn.tDert of w.tenh.ds<br />

'I}c no61 .drctirc 6@ of flood mdad'nl involv6 ftiuctio or IlMft bv<br />

inducing .nd incdsing iniiltdlion into !rcund<br />

in t]te cdcb6'nl5 46 A dcnse !'settt<br />

cord not dly poool6 @i&nbtc itfil!.lim if p6sible in P'*ist!a but tl$ su6 '<br />

l.tse amunt of w.r.r lo b. djtposd onbv cvrpcE tupintiM TlF b€st ms!rc or<br />

flood tunig.trd is thus lo bring lhe cdohn"ts et under foEsttlion silh lEes on1<br />

geml€ ldg.r mouns ol liu Ac snd aolvp$ e ml in lnis et.8dv ort€<br />

'nrc R.vi Ritd h 0owins .lons lndiln bords !p b tbe Rrvi Stlhon Th'ft is m cnlDce<br />

of foEsblion in lnc LMA d l}is sltc

s.6.83 Wrler rpredtns<br />

2t9<br />

Flood*ai.r c& b. didrib{r.d lo opa snd ptddy n ld. vls. i pan ot Mb is<br />

losl due to .v.poEtion dd quile prcDorrion infilrates iDro sil floodwlteN cln litewie<br />

be @Ed<br />

in MBhcr hr6 .id &t6im. FloodMd € b. 5?!6d only !ft.t dE Illvi<br />

sy?hon e. that t d Fn<br />

of ln. LMA,<br />

5.6.E.4 Ground*der ret&ge<br />

Th. sinpLsq cn !p.st md p6ei6ly nolt cd.ctit a.rhod of Eduing flow oD<br />

$. gFurd wouLc h. b snifritllt indr hflrr iod tbbuSb.latEe Nmbdofdu8 w.Is<br />

along lh. bods of .phd@l st dE md monlm Kilnf ch.Dcls. Punpins co<br />

ausnqt dd qDict n iDfilt ltion of dB norc. lf d!d4 tt drv @ inhrrc<br />

pumpins is cari€

eobmknMb ms constlcled l-2 kilonelm d lne banls of the tuvi tuvet frcn tE<br />

M noodB@ti Mulbn Ro.d.<br />

220<br />

Fiising d. nood tr@ @ .tove tlF prot bL hid wLr leEl bv pho'ng<br />

anincial lmdfiI ir rmrh.r My of prolotion .rrnst 0oodq but lhis is v.ry cddv<br />

5. 6.9 H.r.rd! toDtrg ed lrrd !t. regslltio!<br />

llood nitignr@ '€quic infomtion oi ltedplas' p3niclLdv $F<br />

idenrituand of fl@dways in Fl.tid 10 hnd ue (Fig 47). This maP slDws (i) @! d<br />

belE e dlldtly inund.t 4 (ii) 'E EIE conltlcno! or buildi4s bulr be<br />

prenibik4 (iii) ags vheE ehlrse of sFund*d.r k lddng p!'c' iI ordd lh'l no<br />

potbl.d no.dwlLt is .llov€d ro i.nlti€ h i! imp€dlriE b d.mpa$ ur*<br />

noodpbis zoG .nd enloG @ntol on c@lrw'tion of bujlding or 'i3ooa r'gukli@<br />

for &3igr. .nd ilood proofihs and eqlhition bv tn€ govebtdt of sltuEble lttd ror<br />

dey.lopitrs itio g@b€ll for eitd-liG sftt dt "valditr O97)"<br />

rn |n. iddtiliodon ol nood.'Ios .sE the EluBl w'td E&rc of tlE riwr rnl<br />

{rc hiltory of pasl o@mD@s of no.& lhould b' clo&lv s'rudi'd Notrblv' a 0ood N'v<br />

G ituidd.

. holcc! w.t nhedr 6m foEst oDd gri$ fi6<br />

. C.ntot or .lininoL l[g. sdc .ld cdrins of l@tLnd 6 in ot* &Gls<br />

in u!|Eem ridc.<br />

. MadlE wdcBneds io niniot .cid (.-s bv pffnl'ts ovd grdh9'<br />

721<br />

. D6ign and cotutlct ftw utbd as !! lo povid. hpwry on 5i€ woler<br />

. courrua otcbmrs tnria fd &bds (dc@ Fal flo{ of dovrotu<br />

.nd thc sedii@l).<br />

. C€.c wrrer holdins d! (i e. tt't[ br.s)<br />

. Cldr dcttG.ld *diEdll ftm wsts<br />

. R€sioE dpt!*e 4Ml d.L.lio! .E sh s slouS!& s*!rdp6' tull<br />

. cdsnuci .nd MiDoin cn Nl inpovdotl io irc6* flow apacitv<br />

'<br />

. fsllblilb ddlprcv flood @nltol €rtss (d bltis of nub6 ol<br />

Cor6tnd fftl d,s atd Eso's to tioE @Lr<br />

3tuch|B l tE Pel.tr€{t).<br /> H€id rlt€r llood<br />

To conlrol4F.d e.ar fld

\?<br />

ncURE 4?Tt-ooD !,sncAfloN M^P o!1Mry'.8r oF THE t'AlloRE<br />

*o'1. ffi^ffi.'ffioHff"t IRrucAnoN PowER<br />


^ND<br />

IB(E{D<br />

I<br />

tl<br />

=<br />

=<br />

a a\r1

223<br />

Th.rc i. .n urBmt rce

t' ,<br />

2Ltift-t1<br />

orgo|-D wrsT! aY gouD wasrE lvaNAGlMErl<br />


noBrf,Etr $DE Of CflY<br />

-uroorc<br />


H@do$ cheriol wsi. tutug.n nl mry b. th. Do6r !eno, eDvibmdbl<br />

225<br />

pobhn Dowdry. lludEd5 oi cv.n iholsd! of uMlirollcd dilp@l snes my b€<br />

tifte bombs lhlt.EDtully will c.De publi. hcllih prcbld!, Being Mlistio, w€ krw<br />

uBt we aE Soing ro continuc to prcduF hrardou, wrrlo. nFEfoE, it is inp.6riv. rhni<br />

c@frlly eDsinddnng suE hftlfill! lnd olhd !.fc diBpoel nethod! nay be derclop.d<br />

Disposll of loxic or otlcMisc h.ardou! qal. by &.p well injectio inio m<br />

lppopiiltc solosic .nvibDdl c!r, in onc iMt sc!, bc . wis decision. Smn<br />

dirposl .holld not b. pFF&

syslerrtic disposl Tne o B najo! wistc s!rc. is th€ nindl indu.try. In lddilion,<br />

c.rr.in ch.micals us.d io exc&l n tih durirs p@sing !E toxic cnd reqDn€ s!€cid<br />

lu.dling in diQ@l lik€ othq indurill *rsE. Much of lnc lcntion iD $lid-taL<br />

dispo$l i. ddoGn b rne mbFndrcly sdll @6ul of muriciprl w.i.. Ir i5<br />

@I6E .d ir ciri6, is bjshly visible, !d nGr be onEr.4 ruson d, sDd diqo*d<br />

wlilc indutsial m3c. n.y lupply tne krsest volunq! of loxio mteri.ls,<br />

nuhiciprl vale i! tu non h,ml.s, Asid. ftom ths orCrinic mtenft lite food wL<br />

226<br />

and !€p.r, widc rdieg ol poim i. !&d in .y.ry holFholdr @rcdlc d@ning .epnb,<br />

dbilferntd, slv.nts $.h 6 Fi tbinM &n .ky{l@ins nui{'s, iDslicides bd<br />

iMt EFlk ., .id s m.<br />

'M!&k .t al. (196)', st'a. .b.{r olid w$t , *hich 6 h. d.auEd v.ry 6r@dly<br />

as wail! mt.rill tn|t mol be qlily pssd lnousn . pip., @npdlds . very eid.<br />

range of moLrials dEl con€ liDm a van ty of $ees. Ihe pnmrry s!rc.s of slid<br />

vstc rE .gicultuE ud Dining, follow.d by indNlrial ed hunioipll soucs. The<br />

elrc of 6olid wosic, lhe mounl cln.dtcd r @h individul &!G, ed ib phydcal<br />

dd clEniol chrtui.ristict e inpoltlrt f&ios in d.rcminiDr how lb. {Estc is<br />

Althoush the difl€Em b.tw..D r solid ed a liqurd ctu .lqr en@eh ih.<br />

dislinclion b.twd slid ed liqDid wct is not alMys qunc s obvio6. wnn solid<br />

w.rcs rccumula|, wat€r Day pass lnough 6d pich up elublc conpoMts; 6 ! esul!<br />

0E dbliNtid b.tss elid ed liquid wale my b.cm. 6lurEd. On olha h.nd, a<br />

wdt thrr ii FinciFlly ir &uid l@, och $ *mse or 6E supad.d sdina! My<br />

beonc @cntlFd into a noE u le$ elid 6 a E$x of dab&ft p@.du6 d<br />

"Pavly ct al 0999) ' 3t!G. tnal $. wl.s e dl dE @las dising nm ltunn<br />

iDd mim.l lctiyilies lhat e. mmlly slid md dBl e diearded cs usl€$ o!<br />

u*aoad, TIE lem 6 us€d is clliDoluriw, ed it eDcoiipas &c hdeoscmE ne<br />

ol dwsq.yc frm si&M! lrd comdi.r !.tiviti6 a wcll a rh. boE<br />

bonos.nou smd.rioB or. singl. indatri.l lcrivity. Min purpoe ofrnjs strdy is<br />

lbErold: (l) io i&narrr rh. wios typ6 of elid v&dds $d $cn $ulc, (2) to

erinire lhe ph'sical and cndiol conDosilion of wistd, (3) !o consider in ga.rl<br />

ms [E .lmb bvolvld In !h€ nMepnd ol d4 wsu<br />

5.7,2 Typs ofrolld wat6<br />

Th. trTes, $utcs ol slid wrlbs dd dE phyliorl and clEmicrl conFdilion of<br />

$lid wBi.5 e.ouid@d. 7h€ te i olid @t i! .ll'inoluive and eDoompas lll<br />

sll@3r DFs orcl!*iftlrids, cdFsiliotr, lrd pr.Fni6.<br />

Ttles ofelid wat s rE givcn b.los:<br />

. Mlnicip.l u31e!<br />

. lnduEi.l*at s<br />

. HazrdsEB<br />

. H69ill wan g<br />

PLAITI8A r.@l! rbd duntins and buhing of $lid eslc by Solid W$r.<br />

Mtug.@d DepdrEdl of cily Di.ticr Cdclmdt hhoE in rh. bnos Merlpolirr<br />

As vhil. PI-ATE-I3B indi@tca rhout dutntilg of $lid *!sl. by Solid wsc<br />

Mln.godt DeFitndt of Cily Dil'icl Cov.m.nt hhoE in M.hnood B@ri l.ndfiU<br />

ThcE e two rSat vho alaldr *orl.d on elid rut dis?@l sd<br />

@8ddt of knoE Ciry ieludiig Envi@r.l Pbi.ctiE D.p.tmnr .nd L.no&<br />

Tn h.dlil sic .l MaluDood B@d is nol desisn d Dording b its po@ers in<br />

th. LMA. The ladfill hE io be &eigncd i! sh ! d@ rhlr dMv.lrt F @tLrid<br />

ofwlcidlechlt nows orly in one diedon md @nd out tom ooF Doinlsvhft n<br />

can b. ooll*led ..d potr y lraEd. TIE *rsE i3 sprc.d lylrenrtiolly iD thic* hycE. Il<br />

h 6v.rd ach day wilh 15 cn dict Ly.6 of eil .nd lh.n c6p.ct d. llE Lndill has<br />

d iaDcmdbl€ @u 8r'd inm liMr oa cby d pLllic d llphdt io pcrcnr infilE ri6<br />

of Ein or 3ub6ur&.e w!|.r.<br />


ft ft ta<br />


srTE GrG' 5l)<br />


(nG 5D<br />


5.7.3 Solid W.!te Dtuposrl lnd Manrgenenl by Envl.oDmental<br />

Proleuotr D.p.nth.rt<br />

229<br />

AcordibS ld ervimnenlrl prolile oi rjhoE Cfty of Envioomor.l Prclstion<br />

D.p€rtcnt Purj!6 pmviM, 'T0nn (199)" sr.ies drr rlE mb cily is cronsibtc fd<br />

pod@lion of w$ies ir rll strg.6 oI dcv€lopm.nt srning ton lhe h.simiIg. In sm.l<br />

agricultlnl connuiti.$ MtuE &ccpt! .tl rhc w.sr. inio rtr Etunl cycl. blr dlc ro<br />

indei.l polulioa p.puLtion splosioa dsins living si..da&, ches* in r.iril<br />

dktihurim nethod. dd iEl r.chmloo/. ft i ifrpo$iblc to econmod.E .I tn€ w!sr!<br />

13 sh. L.loE Metotolibr CldDndor ha b dish..g. itc *ove Ddtiod hmtioN<br />

wnh iti sl!trof I 7,155 pcrsons $lt is nor sflicidr for $is whole cell of 6e nd.genenl<br />

5.73.1 SoId wst. g.nen.lon<br />

L.l$E Medpolitar ciry with ! population oi 5,063 nillior i! snomring oler<br />

2500 ion6 of elid wdl! drily d ! 6& of 0.5 tito3nn F Fen {,!ity Ardosh rjncty<br />

coustim ed efe dkpo.it ot solid rsie i! one of lh. mpul$y tumtioG of tjhoe<br />

Melropolibn Coipontio (LMC) yd n fitu 7s-e0 F@nr garbag. dDe ro iE linild<br />

rcsw.! *hilc dE &Dinins 2c25 p.Emt {550 toD6) u@[ed w.jr€ s!.s in the<br />

.nyienDdl ard dcompo$s. The @oll@tdd slid w!6t€ oE.t s Dnlysi€nic cddirim<br />

.nd pos.. -@ tbBt b p{blic h€trh.<br />

The ldysis of w4c sa.ation lnd sto8e€ olplcily with dE LrnoE<br />

Metopolibn Ciry, T.bt. No .25 !ho*s dE shod f.ll of 7t 5 bn6 ud EquiM.nl of I42<br />

.ontlincB io @t lh. plMed rlrser. Simnldy rh€ Ntsis of Tabl. No. 25 (Astlb of<br />

wate gcn@tior 8nd [ni.e capa.ity) dilcl€s a shon fall of lo4 lonos ed aluime,t<br />

of 14 m @lLE for th. Trble No. 25.<br />

AltlbuSh rin@ Meropotiun Corrmtion h!, dsa8.d ils 52.2 peral (8950<br />

FNom.l s) sl!fi fd rtr b.&r hmsftd of stid *.* but dE 8rbas. i, dilr . big<br />

$me ol envibMenbl deEDd.tid in rte ciry. Tr. $lid w.6l! rhovat fDh de ciq<br />

(22501orc6) n mt dispose

TABLE No. t5<br />



Rate olgaatio of elid slsL 0.5 tilogtm Fr teen D€, dry<br />

Qmriry of $lid usic s!ffii.d 2251 toE. t6 day<br />

CapocityofltjF 0.6 0onet<br />

C.p.cirr of 6iri6 6.0 ile<br />

Cd@ hh.r.d 'Torrl nlcs T.@r ofeort<br />

Populdbn !or.t is oq d 450. iJ24 .h!r 6 poputarid of.igh zoftr ot lhe L.hw<br />

.iry.<br />

Shon e0 rG le iD w.igh.<br />

Qwtity of wste De5@3 in 1oG.<br />

IABLE No,26<br />



TABLE Nd 2?<br />


1.75 2<br />

z ,0<br />

6<br />

l<br />

5 6<br />

oT: OlcnT@l TT: Tdclor TDllcys<br />

AR:AmRoUcr Cr Conp3 ror<br />

D: Dhp€r<br />

231<br />

'Ihe solid 6r. tu b.ir8 dunpcd indierinidr.ly in d.pBsioB4o* Mns !relt<br />

wb* eE fou.d eidi! q .oud rlP ci9. S@rrica rh. t I@ Mc[opolirD<br />

Corpdtion l.Nk e fo@d dunping tne did w.!t inro Rrvi Riva tbrt j6 highly<br />

deld'mhl erion. Tt uinry d.f oflrlu. MerlFliii. Colldda hs.t$ b6<br />

obsery.d buming of slid wa$c in lh. Esidenli.l l@liries th.r s€n@r! injlriouvloxic<br />

sDolc.rd4g'tircb fer ft public hal6.<br />

5,73.2 Nrture ofloud w.!re<br />

'Ite $Ud wastc conscd iion tb. ErvirulD.trtrl rnd h..lth h.ardt<br />

A wiery of dliom.ntrl h.a'& aDd heoth ridc a$ociaE wft impbp4<br />

b.dlins snd F.r tuegmat of $tid "{r..<br />

Thc oosr obyios aviedcrr.l d.gn&don ..u*d by $tid *nsic in !.<br />

_uccslhetic look , The un6 rolld du6pin! ofurb.n wale is ousina ddrucrion of<br />

tlE bauty ol th. murylid4 utb.r '|w .nt Mrjort hor.s..<br />

For ltE s.n.ml public, rlE Din rtr6 io hdlth !E irdi@r dd dis Aoo lh.<br />

bEeding of the die@ lecbn, luct s fli6, nequir@s qnd oden6.<br />

Dbe.$ c.r*d by ni.!<br />

Ily brEdiD8 ie@ bt umrcrei pitcs ofDftajnS Sdt S.. ni6 pLy a bt. in<br />

n4hdiql tlMisio of fat dircs lit dieh.a {ryslory, cbote,a, rcbnitu,<br />

solmoell.s, snig.ll6is, .Draic fqer, g?noid, p@D?noid, poriohr€litie, h€prjlis, and<br />

Di.e c.N.d by DGqutrod<br />

Under moi.l coftlitionq noquilo.. Aelca eFpti is HDonlibte fd th.<br />

trnmision oI my rypd of i.teio. ritc m.bria ylllry f.vd, fihrjsis, .jrc,<br />

bliin.s!, &neE dd ott6.<br />

Db..*r c.u*d by t.tt<br />

R lr a&o livc in rnd 0ound riie Efis. ed ponot or l$nmn , variely ot<br />

digB imhding pl.gu., Icaio6tid4 ntbit t.€, st ,mncj. &d na bon faa.<br />

30<br />

72<br />

6.5<br />


Sorf.e s.t.r pollu0o!<br />

Morc lerioN ed onq u@oFized is thc t@i.r of the polludd ro surbce<br />

Mrer by washing tl.!c &b.is and tnd pollurins sreud<br />

He.llh dsk ro th. work F<br />

w6Lr in ln. fom of l@h,rq<br />

D@t I'eallh n*s @n@ mainly th. wolk6 €ng.gc

Ady.|! ol '.nr e.trn.lo! Dd |lftbg<br />

o Gantid of elid *8i.<br />

6 Avmg. sl'd *!sre g4atd 0 t5 ljloeM p.rp.M<br />

o Actutlly [n d Fd day<br />

o solid wGte bcin8 [n€d<br />

hhore M.hpoliL. CoDoBlion hr5 giwn &lzil ltout sr€pins and slonsr<br />

c.p!oi9 aFvi& @ of t loE city i! dF Tlblc No28 and 29.<br />

TABLE No. 2t<br />


T!6lc 28: rh. popul.d@ rot.l is 5h.w 5]73m. tt i! rhe popuhrio of .ighr zB.<br />

Tte d€[il of sir.tim I*l ol Lrnor M€ropolir.n Corpodlim h siv@ in rh. Tsble<br />

No.29,<br />

TAELE Na29<br />


234 Rem€dld iieFt trtetr r€trtly (1999) by the Lahore<br />

Metrcpolitu Corporrdor for lmproying the iyrtem<br />

L DmpiDe at .utnoriud sii.s only hs ben esLblish.d.<br />

2. bhoE M.hpolih CotDo:rjon bx $!0.d bning g,rd.. wac. b[ P.rr<br />

Honicnlte A(honty (PEA) lnd pnvde g&deneB c snll indulsing in lhis<br />

pnotie. However, LMC .utlbrities & tlkin8 t@ssry st@s 10 sllp it.<br />

L An .tt clivc mmibrine syslem is b€ins sl up fd nonitonq ol &ily sdpir&<br />

liftjrS, !n disrosl ol ws& at rhe Fasl€r st doN Dd tu l$dnl sie.<br />

4. Pl&ins ud @rgDizing of &y op.nrid! of *61€ collction ro inpove tbe<br />

D.rfom@c at ndddr ha ben inniod.<br />

5 Solid lvst M@g.mdr (SwM) is soins io nn r rfish.r @D^e/ rdidng of<br />

$Fdi$ry $alt s w.ll s {nillry *dt.6. Tnis poSm *jU .Dbre rhe<br />

aloremenrion d sl!fflo un&nrlnd th. use ot lhe moden te hniqu€! esading<br />

elid w.s mMsmr.<br />

o H.lp io bndg. $. g.' b.r*eD pubtic lnd 'lmgmr.<br />

o Heb io d.Elop civic 9e dons thc cirjzc, vnh de IEIp of Non_covclucnt<br />

or8lniatioDs (NGOS) / Ioool Mialiors ensaged io suilltion &tiviti.!.<br />

6. A public lw.lw cepaign h.s b€a e.mty launch.d by swM of LMC. Ir<br />

shall mw rl$ b. !p@d eugh daMic rcdia .nd rhDusb pldic nording /<br />

7. rfiort8 hav. ben lou,chcd to bticn luppo,r of 250 NCOS for sviomeDljl<br />

o Tr@ush door - dd @ atid of otid *da<br />

o Edumtins tne sbfrlbout inporr,* of hysi@.<br />

o DeveloDing berohh.rts tor clqnlires shnd.rd!.<br />

8, On. tDck hs b€q d€pulcd for fte collerion ofhlardou! hospild @rc GMC,<br />


5.75 S,olid w$re dkpocrl<br />

236<br />

Acording Prcml st]dy ln. sold wsL of6€ tihoE Mcttopolitrn cily th.t vill<br />

d.sdt i) lrT. of solid wasre .nd ill @ug of s*dtioi, ii) b cxrDiE ph)€icd t d<br />

involv.d in lne tuMseMt or sf.<br />

chedi€l cdp6ido!, iii) 10 oBider lhc Dodtutd<br />

di+dl of $lid ia* (Pe*y cr al. 1999).<br />

Md ir Egooibk rq tF poddio of *st al .ll stlsps of d.rclopb.nt<br />

lr,rting lsn binh to d..th. In Paldsrr4 DituE ec.pll all E w6re inro thc nituhl cyclc<br />

but du. lo indusfirl &wlopm.nt, ilid gwlh of pop{Llio', dsins livins stlD{brd.<br />

ch.n8!s in rcllil di.tribulion ftdod! dd tuel techndloSy, il i! imperdiv€ 10<br />

.@mnodai. .u tb. *crd .s swn. b!@ Mudcip8l Camitt€e M ce.dtu d in<br />

l9ll, which w6 upsBded 10 l,lo& Muicir6l Corrodrion in dD ydr 1941. Fimr<br />

d@nr.rlizrion hor d@ in rh. r{r 1975 *lE td. LMC w .tivii.d inio fou aG.<br />

kler on in 1980 the srrh:s oi tF .ity yls furlhm upgndcd b r4o& Mcnopolitrt<br />

corpntid (LMc, 2000), Now{nlF n hrs n.rged i o Sotid \t6r. Mdiglnhr<br />

D.parllmi 6f City Digfjcr coEtl@l ljhoE (CDGL). rt d.flh for frnder st<br />

zms (Fig. 48) au olleiion inl dirpoel ol solid w.!8, Crhp otre of Solid W6l!<br />

M!r!8d@t D.?artndr of CDCL is r Md]md B&ri sit rh.I h.s @D{r.rizd<br />

conrol for niMgdqt ol dunping of solid wsr! (pt_ATEr 9), col*tim and dispo,ol<br />

of $lid atc is priMily ubsn plbbtci.<br />

SWM D.poftn.nt has io p€rfom dE iollowing woft. with it slllf of 17,558<br />

p€Mr s slltf giv.i i, rhc Tlblc No, 10,<br />

TABLE NO. !O<br />


92t0 52.2.4<br />

2 24.3V/.<br />

l t355<br />

913<br />

5 561<br />

0.25%<br />

3 TOIAI r7.603

Tt 6 of old {$te ln tle CDGL rhlt foloe:<br />

'<br />

! Hospihl elid *Br.<br />

. lndusti.l rolid vaste<br />

. HMrdou $lid wBe<br />

Municipll $Ud wr.<br /> Murl.lpd iold wr|&s<br />

Msicipdl v6i. is soNmlly @mil€sd io ielude dy Bolid s6te gncEted by<br />

nocnol.k, smll co@i.l insriilrid!, rd lighr $dur!l.s.<br />

A@.dhg ro P.wEy .1 d. (1,99), tb. bhicipd slid @t is linLd wirh<br />

dodiont @npmls ind it3

,/\<br />

/--<br />

-\-/ jv<br />

')<br />

-/"1<br />

'\,'l I<br />

"l<br />

'(<br />

\./<br />

\<br />

,/ .-^<br />

w<br />

(<br />

I<br />

tl<br />

I/'<br />

L_-J<br />

I<br />

N<br />

+<br />



(Frm gwM2nD<br />

II@D<br />

E<br />

EJ ^D*"-"ilN'dc4<br />


tL,r{TDt9<br />



(ftc.5l).<br />


3.7.55 D.mlido! &d co8trucdotr w.!t<br />

w.ct s iiDm nz€d builcinss ed olnq 3luctE .€ ch$ifi.d 4 d.molitio<br />

v.51d wrs* t6 th€ .d!!otioo, mod€ling .rd Eplidns of 6i&ntitr, itdstid<br />

.nd cmnmial huildings ud linilnr rftclu€ e cl^$i6.d s @n tuction w!51es.<br />

ft6e wcEs tuy iDolude di4 slo6, c@ftq brickr, plilq luba, snillls, and<br />

pldbil8, hatirg md eh.ri{l FR<br /> Specl.l w.!te<br />

Wlstes such G sltrct rr..?ingr o.d!id. litLr, c.lch-ba3in, d..d inin ls and<br />

.bDdon n v€bicl* e chsili.! a 4ei.l waslet<br />

5,7.5.7 Sorrc.! of muDlctpd cold wrst<br />

Knaledg. of tbc &uB !d itF of &lid wsLs along with rbt| oD the<br />

conp6itid r'd ncs of lpmtiotr t b.!b b tn. pllgl aBi@rir8 t@sddl- Th€<br />

noir sMr of nuDicipal $lid wet esivenindET.bleNo,3l,<br />

IAALE No,31.<br />


5.?.5J Hospltll tolid w.rte<br />

TtDlc.l f*ud6 ..lndtL.<br />

or l@60d rheE r.nor<br />

Sl@s, ft .i.uranb, barkcrs, Fo.d wlsre, Ebbis\ alhca,<br />

w$rc mroctio *3!. &<br />

Spccill wat r and robbhn<br />

Hurdor wa4e of ho€pibls 8.mEt6 l5l? b@s !e. d.y. Shdimd, Sn ib<br />

z.i4 ItLfrq .n

6& incirehtion .@Bdal!. CDGL tructs ooller dF bolpirrl v'2.,1c ilon3 wnn 06.r<br /> Indusrrhl rolid wrtte<br />

Itrdstlial ble! s lh$€ weca lblt e &ising ton indultlal &livin.3<br />

includ. rubbisl .!her, dqmlitio!, &d @n [uctid wr.r, s?..i.1 m51ei !d<br />

s.7.5.10 tlr"rrdous solld P.!&<br />

w.sLs lhlt p* a sDb*dial d6!s imcdiaLt 10 humn, pl&t, or mio.l life<br />

@ clBificd s h.zrdou *rn*. a *e is tctu d s n!4td@ if idnibitsdy of lt<br />

Toricity in rh. pln hrzrddr wGtes a ond elbuFd iDto following c.l!gdi6:<br />

o Ridioctive tubsbMs<br />

o Biological wL.<br />

o Fl@bk *!sr.s<br />

Th. clEnic.l dLgoty includ.. easl€s tl.t.t e @Giv€, @tir or roxic. T1E<br />

p.ieip.l s@s of hratdous biolo8i6l wosLs e b.slihk dd biological ctuh<br />

f&ilni.5 Ha{tous wsGs e serent d in lihicd mounls tnrcushoDt in ind$Eid<br />

.ctiviti6 in Lboe Mdopolir.n AE UnfortuELly, vlry lnu. i.fom.i6 ir .sil.l'le<br />

on 6. qumtitics ofhnaflto!! wlstds lpmcd<br />

5.7.6 M.ugen !i of.olld rste dlrpos.l<br />

in wi@ indultnes,<br />

Th€ b.n.8.mnt of elid wasto ir . primry urban pbblm of @h cou.try. Thc<br />

kn@ M.tr.Dolid As in P*nb! with a popubrioD of ?.2 mittid is gmrin8 3,1 16<br />

n Lic roG of $lid *Er€ &ily dmp.*bg municilal wa@, iddlei.l lnd ll,ardou<br />

was&. Th. solid wlrb Minlsffnl is dE deprrrn nt ol City Di rict cdvdment<br />

I:n c (CDGL) tor slid w.sr. di9dl. Tb. City Dilrict Civ@cnr L.!oE (CmL)<br />


is dispGins 6ly ?0-80 pcrcerf of slid wlsh dlily by bndlill felhoq open dumping<br />

u2<br />

.rd irindtiod, *hib $. lEdirils 20.25 p.@l ol olid *at ir nol b€in8 dlnp.d<br />

de to lct of whicLs lld std. Ir bs D .dv@ effdr on cnvitut Th. orgeic lrd<br />

imrsaic Fllllinrs t n indlei.r *.!r! e dnp.d hdi$rimio|ly &d h.w .dvw<br />

.trecls oD $il dG ro lh€ lsoh.to film dE hDd6ll, gmc dE CDCL is sking<br />

infomlio. m d6i8ning tle lddfrll litc to lvoid pouulion fron the indultri.l w.!tc, The<br />

eond vihl I&toE of nMgeMr @ @ycling of *..c 6.!a!i.l inio @ p@duc6 ..d<br />

@rqy of @rO, fin elid qcc Thi. <strong>study</strong> iml'd6 riou nrF ud pLt6 of elid<br />

v0$. di+o6.1 !d n:ds.ft.1 in dE LMA, "$.tu d . (200D".<br />

ft. lctivitic! involwd wirh dc m@ge@lof elid w8re! fron rllc loinr of<br />

gcndtid to 6Ml .li!F6al poin& havc be! eroup.d into dr nsdoml .leMb (Fig.<br />

49) rh,r @ follos (Pdvey er al. l9r9):<br />

Tb. mb l.lnft fd ||@gtrir of $lil s.r!. dilpoel G a udd<br />

o Solid W.r!. gelmtion<br />

o On 4iL hndling, stoegc lnd pmding<br />

6 TaSr .nd hnspdt<br />

o P@@ing lxl !@vay<br />

fte iDLml.lidship b€las 0!c 6&lis md .ld.nts c &sib€d in (Fi&<br />

a9). By 6si&rin8 .&h nDdml clffit sprncly it ir pdible to idcdtit rhc<br />

tu |!@nl rE di .nd FhtidrdiF inwlwd in @h cLMt .!d to 'l€rclop wh.E<br />

p.sible. qDlinabb Ehdo.ship ror th. purpos ol mting .n8|Fru8 conFnsn.<br /> Solid w.|t! gdendor<br />

s.lid e..Ls c iElDd.d lrl olid d mirolid mi.ri.l dE ir m ldg6<br />

c@id.r.d of sficidr v.l@ !o rrlii in ! gl@ &!ing. The acwirio of $n<br />

mtlrials @ id.nlifi..t a m longcr b.ing or v.lu. .rd .E .ilhd thmm .w!y or<br />

g,lnqEd loellhq for dirD.sl purF€.t.<br />

RcpEsdiw d.b d q6tiri4 of &lid *&, .h. otimtid of qwtili6 !n<br />

f..roE .trering lnc g.mdo of slid wBr. @ si@ h.lo*:

Btim.don of ro[d-wl6 qu.ldlie<br />

243<br />

'Pqwy et .l. o99) imltr 3r.t!r $r1 rh. quDtity ord scmdl conposition of<br />

th. raL mLrial soeElcd is ofcrilic.l inFru@ in tn. d6ign r.d oFntim ofFlid<br />

wa51e mmg461 sys1d6. unfotndtcly, cli.bl. qtrtity lnd cmlosition dlt e<br />

dificul to obhin td.w ndl masuEm.Drs e oirtF qutiti€s collecd or di3pGd<br />

of ar . Iandfill e not rcclnE. AlrhouS! rny m.dod ad.stimarion of slid qsE is<br />

sDbjeled lo linitalions of @irain di@tioDs for disp6.l,<br />

Lo.d coull u.ly8b<br />

In thh stody, th. qurtity !d conpodition ol slid wrsles e€ de&mbed by<br />

acoding the erii@t d volunc and gcrcral @npeinon of @n l@d ofvsl€ deliveEd<br />

b hndnl or rrdsad siilion dlnng I rp..ifi.d period ol line. The total ms distdbuton<br />

by onFsitim is dctcmircd uing amg! dcEity

Ucplt.l v$le g.!€r.tlo.<br />

Hsrdous *st of 4 hoopiuk h!! g@r.d l7 nctic toG rlid *lne F &y.<br />

Only ShdiM H6titil, Sheib zrid Ho*iLl Iriifu H6pir,l dd Unircd CMtiu<br />

Holpi|l h.rc ircinodtid flciliti6. Sonc hoends ir t !o@ als cr$gc Shrlitur iod<br />

244<br />

UniLd CMstim nospitllr fd irctFodon of $en hlardous wL. They also imimEL<br />

othd lF6pihk w4rc on !.t@t But.U ot[.r h6pat k rE witholt.1!y pbp€r rsia<br />

icitunti@ a@g.ftnt!. CDGL dcli @lkct dE hoair.l v.51c llmg vin othcr<br />

Tt€ elid *@ @ll@r.d iioD dE sn aEs of Solid \{d. M@sddr<br />

Dep.dtr nl ol clrcl- md .djoi.jng !F. i! . cmbimrion of fonowing c.i.8ori.s:.<br />

o Dm6ric w@ (R6i&'ni.l + ct'@@id wr*)<br />

o IndusEi.l trisl€<br />

o Cmstruclion !n l deiolilion mLrial<br />

6 G.il€n{$l.<br />

o H.zr&6 w.dc (Sp€irl lbdpft.r wuE)<br />

o De.d dinils<br />

o Nishl sil (in 3m p!tu)<br />

o Sld scpiig!<br />

o Mi*. (Extilc,IadE lrd dbbq)<br />

Conpdldor of Mllrl w.it€<br />

Th. g.lml onrlsiti@ of Flid *n5. (Moisnr Codeft 6ryl6) e Fr stdy<br />

cdi.d ou! b, EPD "Pujib (2000)" i 6 lolos:<br />

W.rtc itp. P.rcenr4e of noktrr. colt.rtj<br />

60%<br />

P.F 15.00<br />

Plastic 07.00<br />

Mcdr 00.50<br />

Ck$ 01.50<br />

Or8oic Mner 60.00<br />

Storchdcby 06.00<br />

R4r 05.00<br />

Aan6edfiG 05.00

Iq,RBlgINrBRRs.arIq$EIPtrffi#',rffit-'""trtr"":tr<br />


Solld nrlle g€nenlior orLrlor€ CltJ<br />

246<br />

Tbe tihoE Menqolilan City *it't . populalon of6 14 nillio n 8!n@lttg orcr<br />

3012 n Eic rdc. ol slid w5L dlily at rh. mre of O.t5 kilqBi p€t d.v F ptrs. Tb.<br />

plan for olt@tio. . sfc dist@l or solid @i. is m of dF !.rv vibl fuclids or<br />

sorid v.s& MdgplMr of clicl,<br />

AlIoDgh cnCL hit dsas.d 5?7' sl!fl td ih€ t ttet @Bsc@ of solid *aL<br />

but lhe g'lblg€ is 3ti[ . big i$u. fd &graddion ol eDYi@mdt in rh' citv Th' $l'd<br />

w4te dispoel tm the cily is mt od.d out eidtiliollv<br /> E.ndlin& Slot.ge .nd Prcc'$ing or site<br />

a@rditg 1o Patev €t al. (1999), th's &tivnh rsiated widr ln' b'!dlin&<br />

srorase, rnd p@silg ol eli{t *$i.s ar or @ ln' post of Edalion<br />

it lh' LMA<br />

leloB dEl md bc cmid.cd in rh' on{ilc sblse or slid wsLs itulude (l)<br />

fie ItT. of @nbircr to h. ue! (2) the dldn'! l@lioA 13) public healb ad<br />

!.nnedc!, rd (4) tne co[4ti6 mthod6 io b' $G{t Elch en' of SwM D€part'lent h65<br />

i|s 3ron8. silc ior elid w.5r. in the LMA'<br />

To, lese exFnq dE D1€s r l crprcilies oftu 6 liners u&d d€t€nd on tne<br />

cb.Boi.ristica of $e $lid was&e to b' oon{&d, ln' colleotiod fi€qudcv and lh' spt€<br />

anil.bL ror th€ pladdl of co lircG Ih' tvF dd sptcili€s of conbffi now<br />

c@only us€d fd on{il s()ngt of $lid vrsLs<br />

The ttFs .nd .i6 of @ttni,B us.d for rh' d_sirc !bFg' 'f stid 6b in rtt LMA

M.diuD ctF.aty<br />

h new Eljdenlid 'M, rn cont in6 for $lid @G3 oll'onon Bullv e<br />

phed by th€ 5id. or Ed of lh. hous ln otder lo coUecl slid w6t' fon E iieitial<br />

ldan cdrlituts.E loco!.d it.lLvs ln low-n* Eullislory aFrtne'r! lnse contliffi<br />

dc oR€n plsed llong oads s *cll t! n ltbv shoPping @nte6 i e Gardd Town Mtrl€r<br />

N.w Muslin Toq M.&€t Mtin Culb€rg n!*.t3 !s wll !s on MDI{ Rord Feozplr<br />

Road, Snldmn M.rkel ud tail Red Mdkel eL<br />

O!{tL Ptoc.ahg<br />

of olid w..ts<br />

Th. iod @mon d_tib pllcsi'ie oFr{i$ irclu& @nd sning<br />

@nDrdio'! .nl iFancr.rid Th* ttrd odd p@sins op'6rim @ .dftlccd ltLr'<br />

Th. slonsc ctpacir, of SWM of CDCL has 3358 nclric !onc! sd SwM tins<br />

only 75 80 pcF.nt (2346 neEic bftO olid wa51c du' to ib linitd EsuEes whilo lhe<br />

@.inins 20-25 p.rc. {666 nedc tod) mollociod vsio (Ii& 50) dcsndts dF<br />

.rvircdcnt &d d€@pos6. Ilis uoolleLd slid<br />

condition! md posd wrv d&8.ss tdr b public halth Th' odvsis of slid wtsL<br />

5bB8c copr€ily *ith slvM '!@k llF shon fdl of 666 i'tric bca "d EquiEmett of<br />

130 coniDd lo 'El th. cu@t larg'ls of CDGL Atywly F slvis of '$!<br />

s.nmlion and inilg epocitv of SwM of CDGL dielo*s I sl'dd lrll of 666 s'tric<br />

ioB and r E9!iE@nt of I l0 m ol.d Tn' d'bil of $lid wslc s@t'd !'d lining<br />

opocity by cDcL n si6 i. dF Tlblc No 32<br />

-'<br />

AABLE Na 32<br />


ffiiit.p6"iG@=il 4%. tr15 '*'l'i' 6 ! Dopur'rid or ir ,*s<br />


irle of g@!.tion olslid w6t :<br />

Qwrity of slid *s!a s.mtcd drjly:<br />

C.pacity ofcont iM:<br />

5.7.6i ConecdoD of toltd wcte<br />

0.55 lilogrlm pet dry !d Fen<br />

TtEs erivitid .!si!l.d *nb $e erlbding ol stid w!51c5 rh! hrulirg ol<br />

"d<br />

wd6 atur @llelio b dE ldti@ *b.E @u"don ol whicl* e dpti'd in ih'<br />

IDfomrtion on collecnm, onc ollhe nosl cos{v tumtiml eldcnls is pEsancn<br />

in four prrls daling wnn {l) lne tt?er of col@tion sdic6' {2) d$ q?cs or couec|lm<br />

sysEms, (3) d dlycis oa@ll@tion sFr'ni and (4) r}' senml<br />

i. sning u! col@tior oE3 (P.!rev et rl 1999)<br />

mthodoloEv involved<br />

Tne v.rious tW€5 of coll*tion *ryic's now ued lor nuiciPal t'd o@nd''ti<br />

lu.Eill euGs in lne LMA * desnh.d 6 b€lowr<br />

Mu.klprl olecdor '€rvis<br />

Althoush ln. vdi.des ol colLdion wioet aE !s'd threushoul rhe oilv dblful<br />

|oq zoc, ltF lhF. iotl @l!mn e cub' tllev' abd b&lrv'd colldtioD CDrb<br />

colelon td sain€d Flubdtv b43@ l'bd @!is for @U4rion sn br minioiz'd<br />

ConD.rci.l-itrdo.ln.l.oUeclior *nicd<br />

nle @Ucclion snie povid'd |o lrtsc rp|tu@l blildings' tsid'nod<br />

q?icollv is enteEd M tne l{se<br />

conplqcs,.!d @n@Eitl rDd i'dstnal &livities<br />

rovrbL $.tiodry conriin F Md hg. sblioflrv @ptcios Co(4oios !E of th'<br />

tt?. tbll d be u6€d !o @mpB mLritr dnedv inio l'4F 6nt'i@ or io foo h'rcs<br />

ort pla@d in Ltse @!iIEB<br />

Typ.! of coltction sYttent<br />

Bted on tlen nod6 of oFntio! @Ue'ti@ 3)€rcs ft cL$ilicd inlo two ddn<br />

c.Florns: hruLd{ntriffi svshs ,nd sbtioorv-@lliM s'Bl€ns

Elul.d{olirlner tytt B<br />

!i i! ml to b. u.Gd by Solid w.e. Mdgpndr Dlp.rlbdi or CDGL<br />

Stotlo!..y cont.he. lYrl.G<br />

coll@tion 5ysLro i. *nich dt coD|aind uscd fd dF !ioq! or q!@s Mr't<br />

.r dE poi.t of v.sE g.ndti@ oxocfl *lEn noved for coll4iion 'E denn'd 33<br />

stltioory-colriisr sy$eG bbor r.quid.nt for @nsicallv l@&d slltioorv-<br />

mtoi@ l}lletu N sd.llv the se s rd h.ul.dsuild sv$'!s TheE c two<br />

n in trp* of sotionrry mto&r 9*edr:<br />

But lh€ *lf-lo&libg mDp.cloE e u*d in $ndEd m of Lhoa<br /> TnBLr ud lI BPort<br />

Th.s efvnid sleirt d vilh s) $c rasid of waslca fbm $e sUer<br />

@lle.lrm whlclB io t brrF. lrttDon equiDo@r dd b) dF suh6'quar1 nnnsport of<br />

tlE v.sl€s,6ully oftt long disr.Ms tolh. d*posl sit'! (Paev 't 31 1999)<br />

Tlc tumdod .lffit of trBf{ an

17o.4%l<br />


{29.50%)<br />

L\COII.II I LL)<br />




I.AHORE.<br />


Loqtion of lr...I€r nrdo!3<br />

251<br />

\therev.r p66ibl., hBfo shtionr should bc loc.Ld (l) a M $ po$ibl€ to<br />

dF rcid cd 6ler of d€ individul olid wrcF pFdudon dr .o b. meA (2) witlir<br />

easy !*$ of oajd higlwry o!ic! rb w.U !s ncat &cord!ry or suDplemeDLl llm of<br />

n n6?onrdm, (r) wh@ lh6 will t ! iinimus ofpuhlic md qvnonnenlll obj*lon<br />

b ln€ Ea6lcr opedtions, lnd (4) wh.rc constuotion tnd opeoiion will b. 6ost<br />

eco@icdl. Addition.lly, if lh. trnsf.r srdiion sitc i5 lo be u*d for p@essins<br />

opeEtioro involving niFn.ls @ovcry .nd or .n w prcdutior! the ftquiMsls for<br />

rh@ oteatroG n$r b. @id.rd (Po.v.y ct al. 1999). solid wrsL Mms€meDt<br />

Dep,rmdt of CDGL €5tlblilhcd rnufer stltids in $.n zorcs for taGfer tne solid<br />

6le to dumpiDs sir.s. Tnd e six dulf.r shtioN i. th€ t lbe Distict Ci9.<br />

Tr.trrfer tMo..!d n.ltodt<br />

MobB rcnich, lub e rh. FimiFl nes m* us.d 10 !a6!ort $lid<br />

Tm.h vehicb rnnrp.rl<br />

Trucl whil6 led b mn@n slid sr.Ls d city @d. shorld edsry tbe<br />

. Th! v.nicLa 66t ttuston elid wts .l siniml cosr<br />

. wa$is nur b. ov.nd dlring dE oFnrion<br />

. v.hicl6 null b. d.liCn diohishwlyldfic<br />

. Vcnicb clpqcity mul bc Mh lh.t .llomblc wcisl't linitc G nol dce€d€d<br />

. Metlod! led for ml@ding nult b..inpL. d.p€Ddlble.<br />

'IrE ftdinm volun. rh.t tu t hlulcd iI f'rspon vlhicld delen& on the<br />

frlfic ftSulariom in which rh.y s op€ELd.<br />

Aiotler q?€ of . teloFmil.r conbitution t backcd up onto on. ol ln.<br />

dmpins raspq lh. hoioFElilers conbioiion b back d up onto ! snd mp. The<br />

det il or liiiin! up opacity of $lid w!!tc by SwM is Siven in lh€ Tabl€ No. 33 ud d€tail<br />

of trmpon v.nicGs t m*.d in $. T.bl. No,14,

tl<br />

a<br />

PLATD2O<br />





IABLE NO 33<br />


O. Tr OFnTtocl T T: Tr.aiorTFlLy<br />

A. R: Amnolo C: Coi!o..!ot<br />

TAEl,aNcI.<br />


t,15 z 5<br />

0,?5 2 20<br />

6 6<br />

4,8 I<br />

6<br />


5.?,6.5 ProcgdrS rlit r€cov.ry<br />

M.cnmhd volun r.ducdo!<br />

254<br />

M@h.nic.l blm. Edrction i! p.rhlpr tF mo'l inlorLnt f&tor in th.<br />

d.wlopdEnl rnd oFrltion ofelid wL dMg.m.nr 3yr.m, V€hicl*.qripD€d with<br />

@rn!..tio, @hrnim e !!.d for rh! @llcctid of lo€t nuicip.l $lid waca, To<br />

imEe dF u&tuI lif. ofhndfilk, wallt e @inp.cl.d, P.td fo! FrlinS is b.Ld fd<br />

3nippi4 b Fs.sin, mt a (Pav.y .t .1. 1999).<br />

CoDp.dlt ud r*ycllng<br />

SiE. orgdc *sL i. M inpdunt c@to&nt of muicip.l olid warc, ir 0*6<br />

r.@ tr, Ey io t!d@ it! volumc a mlch 6 p$ibL. ConFsting lnlt ir f&ilit lirg t[.<br />

br.ldM of org|nic EfiE Eh a food w!5L. lawr, .!d yltd .lippiryr by tl'. sti6<br />

or b&E n .nd orha mldllt ccuEing Eicer8|ni.fu I! tbc @poniig of td$tol,a<br />

qn6, d..mp6itih in hbic coditi@ (i..,, h dr ptt@ of oxysd) ii m51<br />

.ffrinr. Tb. nhnl Ln .i.. &compGirioa rb. @n!6! ! r da4 sil latc orai.l<br />

$!r is ricn i! or8eic D!n. CL Tt2l & 22). Sdrc cdMuidd mw h.w<br />

cosrFding pogtm in wnich food &d yrd Er6 e @ll*r.d filn ry.ci.l curt€i&<br />

bi8 rld corqosr..l in r SwM ft.iliry,<br />

R6r.lin& whict h.r g.i..d F !lri9 in t*al y.G, h Mlnd w.y of &dwiog<br />

tIE slm. of elid *rr., TIE mr.ri.L tur & tust @trlMly @lbcr.d h curn6i|.<br />

erl$a Fq@s c E!!FF., 8La boiL4 @dg.Ld c!rd!o.d6, cs,<br />

(.lmirm .nd rL.l), .rxl plrdic. of tuiou ty!6, P@rding tu @u iD indutirl<br />

sttins, $ sll6 ir muicip.l Fo3ttd (PLATE-23). SoD. i'xlu.ri6 sch ! rb. sral<br />

lDd sft pl.51ica ii.luti6 hrrc . log tr.ditior of@ycli.! nEur'<br />

R-yclig @tibor.6 to 3ignifiont Educrim i. oud si!, a eU a {ving<br />

tolt tulcrnb .!d aME/. Hd.wr, il i! mr a .fiedrc e EuinS . pod4! So@ti@!<br />

@rcLd di.rnk G m& inlo pod@$ 0d .E .@ntnlly thc sft a dF orisi!.l; to<br />

.rdpL, gL$ boftlo N ctulFd rd ftlrod, rhcn fo@d inro N sl6s bordc,.<br />

Atultd tT. of Ey n& c.llod @oda.y @ycling, inrclv.! uinr F}IIGd tu16irl!<br />

1o ot a mpLtcly ditrdqr product for cImpL, plari. botd6 cu bc @yclcd inlo<br />

p.tr &mna, hM nrhituE, b.thtun brct l!, od b.rcn6. ror EcrlinS pogEn! io<br />

b. efr@dw, tlFE hlr !o h. . Drkcr fd ts

Mrnu.l @Dp.&nt 3.p.hdon<br />

Th. 'mul ep@lior of elid wdc coDporenr. L^ M@!lbh.d d ue<br />

primry s!rce wh€€ sli{t wlrcs .E g.'ml.n, ol a tlnsfer sbrion 6 *cll s ir .he<br />

zml dhp.sl sile. Mrul sorting !t lh. sou@ of gd@tion is the nsl podlivo wly lo<br />

lohicv. the l@wy and ee of m.tcti.ls. Tte rumt€r and qs ol oompoftnt!<br />

!.lsg.d 6 en d dep€id d rh. loqrion, rhe opFrtuniti€s for @ycling ind the Fsle<br />

5.7,6.6 Dbpo6.l<br />

Th.* etivilies e @iar.d wirh ddmL di+oer or $lid ran.3' imluding<br />

thcs coll*cd tr€slrs; eniFlid wsr.s Gluds€) fion *iste*r!c. dubldt tldt! lnd<br />

ind!fiitl !ni!, from hoQi|!l, @np6l, or othd subslles lion dE vdious sld w$l.<br />

pdcdrinspla s tnol @ of no tudEr uF E Dspon d diEcdy to r landill5ir.<br />

Solid w& dis!@l is prim.rily Drbo poblen of SwM of Ciiy Di.tict<br />

Govffint bboE. D+c.l of $lid *8!c is dE o y viable nctlEd for thc 168-icm<br />

lqxling of Pavey €r d. (194t) :<br />

o Solid *e6 ttlt E @lkcEd rnd e of m ndEu<br />

o T1E €sidud dtt r FminilB .i.r slid *a!t . Irw b.cn p@$.d<br />

o Th€ 6idul miLr EmiDinS lnd $. eovery oI convcsion prcdu.ts<br />

.nd or eftr3y ha her &cooplislEd,<br />

'Ihe n*d of$lid w.ste dipo$l riros b incpsilg vilh the ns in both poplLtion<br />

md blid r6L smtion !.r clpir "Shcllon (1980)'. The elid sar disroel sop of<br />

solid we ofln LMA haDr€!.t diD rt Dtrsr$dy<br />

255<br />

(Fi& 5t) dlrlid! r@lrion of<br />

sl!n8. .rd 6ndi@ poims of$lid val., UltjErre ds!@l r.tc pba nm de rpob<br />

by SwM to hr

PI'IIT.2I<br />




lLaTf-22<br />


PI,1irD2a<br />

xf,cyc NG oF sct Pal\rDqrE riGT l-gM rDRraIJ Or<br />



258<br />

. Abiliq b isolde lhc popo6.d d. fiDn btD yi€ld gDutd *al.r lquif.r lrd<br />

.@ of st@d aL. @hl'8..<br />

. lluiDiry of sir. io bodi6 oa 3uf&. mr.. lhat nry b.com. @|rniErrt<br />

by eub$rf@ spas. or duriDg Friod ofnooding<br />

Orcn dumps, L.nd fflling & th. n tnods of dislosol naw us.d no c@6or y<br />

for disposrl of solid wdr.s MandSercnt D.partidt ofCDCLi but surc land lillins<br />

$d d.cp'ell injedon would bc usd for hlzidou iidulial *$16 ir nqr tutft in<br />

ay lh. flr nEt @mon rc1hod ir lh. LlvrA is open .bhpir8. OF dmping k<br />

lh. old$t {.y of diaositrg of elid rrL. In My css, tboy d l@rt d wheE6 land<br />

tu avril.bl. widroui egdd io efety, h6lth h.ad and edhetic deg.darid. Th. wsL is<br />

ofi.n piled es list as equipncnt rlloM it 'my ld im sch I Mlhn@d B@ti,<br />

Sllgd Bndse, Bu Rod, Hldi.n DEin, MulLn ReC (PI-ATE-1AJ, el-ATE-zs),<br />

..d iPr-ATE-26 &27) and n@r!y K,!M Rlilmy slltid.<br />

In Ddy iNtrc€n in ene h ignit d ud allo*cd io bw d lddfill sites<br />

(PIATE -28 & PTATE-29). I. odE! p.rt! of M.hnood Borj rcs th. ane is<br />

p.nodi.ally lftL

259<br />

To lun the pce*, a ponion of lh. tlDoh is dus vith . bdldffi lnd $. dirt h<br />

sio.tpiLd 10 fom e enb.rlncnt b.hiDd d. fist t mh. wlsies e ds pkc.d in tho<br />

tMch, spBd itrio thi! hyoF md oonplclcd, Itc op€mtid conn B util tb.

Pl"A'lE.'1<br />



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264<br />

A@ording ro NISPAK (2004) $. ef.clirenes of the ciiy Didict Govm.nl<br />

Solid wa6t Mmgm.,t D.pari$.rt h$ imEa!€d sisniddndy utd.r lhe p€ent ldal<br />

go1€llllMi !y!!ch. Mrhno.d Bdti bndfill 3ic ir plaDed to eryc Nollhen klBE. An<br />

!6 of I l()0 Lltdr il b.i4 ..quind E &!D I(!chn! Rdl*ly Sbtio. for dr+oel or<br />

elid w.i. of Souln n rinoE. M6r of tlF hlritid do not h8rc inn!{euctlE fd<br />

Solid W.d. MNsffit ir d.ir dle1iw .6.<br /> Qu.rdty of sltd w.ste 8.rerit.d<br />

Municip.l slid wste 8@nt!d ir hh@ District city consisb ofher.ogdou<br />

trcs of wst 5 lit dom.stic, indsEi.l, d.nolitioa cstuodon, hosPillt4ozdou,<br />

@irl, diml d!trs .d lum d@L. Atot 1644 romt pd d.y olelid w61e re<br />

ScmdLd BridEd ar a 6c of glennon of 0.55 Lnogturvepiuud.t (Solid Wac<br />

M6d Plin rr rjhoE, 1991), ToM si* pop{htion and 8.ndt d ysG is Bircn in<br />

T.blc No.l5, ,Atout om toDe hdpili wad. EDhB de sit .v.ry {tiy ardg wit}<br />

IABL! No35<br />


t,3?.,D8 755.13<br />

2. 1,029,462 J66.20<br />

3. 584,207 321.3t<br />

2.947.307 1.6,13.,29<br />

{soDE: SoUd wlne Mels.ftnr D.Frtuen! Dcemb.r 2003)<br />

5.7.64 SoUd Wate Chtrctclildc!<br />

IDsntlE or Envi@Dbl EryitHirg dd R@h, Univc6iry of EnsiFrins<br />

Md T*hnolos LrhoE d.temi..d rhc phy.ical @nposition oimunicipal $lid *.sE of<br />

Llhore City during Seprsbd€.lobd 1990. Tne icclniqE of r.tuton lanpliDs Nas<br />

lollowd lor @lleline lh€ EpreeDllliv. smpl6. TrE erlr .c giwr iD Table No.36

TADLE NoJ6<br />

luY$cA|-ANA|.YslsotSOLIDwAflton gorEclTv(s.ta4.t t9it)<br />

2,<br />

L<br />

3032<br />

2.10<br />

5.63<br />

20.12<br />

5. 1r.5<br />

t.2a<br />

7, t.03<br />

8, 2.t1<br />

L 0,70<br />

10.<br />

Dutr, &r. .rLn rh." hd.L<br />

o.t2<br />

21.4t<br />

ll<br />

2.Vt<br />

rolto<br />

N..p.t d.t fri6d Dhyritl coqo.idd of ruiciFl -lid q.t by Llootory<br />

z, C@bllritL@ nirludina 1t.(w.<br />

3,<br />

tt8*<br />

(So@: Solid W.r. D4dl Pbr l9l)<br />

269<br />

r61itrg oitrg | 0 .EpL. r !q l.bdtiorr T*tt Ralt! (LTR), Amg. nt4L sigDr<br />

(10,31 18) E bl6 6 D@$d 20()3 td lt dlqiDr.it , Tt dd.n @pddo<br />

oa&Ud w..b i. i@ i. T|bla No37.<br />

ADthd rDDk of DuiciD.l blid EL sighiig .DDoxidEl, l0 rg @<br />

i.!dfdd.Eoi!.doof mi.!s.dN,P..dr- na .GsiEintlETrllaNo.<br />

r^l|,t N.37<br />

sollD f,,asrE AIiALI15IS (x l,^f,oxE (s.tta.n r9o)

TADLI No. ,8<br />


Vq.6bl., ttrjt rsid*.,loE!, gEt stsrs crc. 11.10<br />

2. PlDa (brod.rdd.blc) dd cottd<br />

L Plolahc@ Boss md WEDD.R 24.74<br />

|.62<br />

5. Plctic, Rubb.r, Gb6 lr.lh6.nd M.6L 2_42<br />

6, 809<br />

1, 5.19<br />

3. 2.91<br />

100.00<br />

IABLD Nol9<br />


20.0<br />

2, 61.0<br />

L 0.06r<br />

22,01<br />

B3rfu M.uel liait d 6i.d dt EbpliDg .nd udylir of dr IMiciFl slid<br />

*!!te in Augut .ql Novenhei 1994. Th. twts of. wa dly (S.prlobq 50 1994)<br />

snpL dd ! dry &y Novdbd 29d, 1994) $npl€! !E livcr in Tabl6 No.4o .Dd 4l<br />

TABLE N.1)<br />


l2 73<br />

2. 2 2l 65<br />

3. 62 l7<br />

6,<br />

33 I3<br />

'12 62 2\<br />


IABLE NO..T<br />


l6 69 22 7l<br />

2. .t9 3l<br />

.13 21<br />

0 23 3l<br />

5. x9 l8<br />

6. .]3 2l<br />

Toul @i!n& cont rt 34% ofwct {eigbt<br />

Tor.l vollrilc eli& 27% ofvcrftictl<br />

TodlvohriL 4l% ofd.y wislt<br />

(SM.: LDA,NESPAIq I .sE!.d MBtd Pb! fd LhoE, 1993)<br /> Mldgrtlotr M.ulr6<br />

Potrdiq of.@iiFl ixt ind$llnl .mud odd b. 3to4.d uirg sitlbL<br />

$idtific nanod6, WASA/LDA rb.old b. .ppo.b.d fu mrsirs lh€ tsrDelt of<br />

n$iciFlfnd6ri.l cmMt oi lriority betir (N.e€lq 2004).<br />

271<br />

Po$ibility ol 0oodinS by tn! kvi tuE o\6toe 6bolrd b. @tullad hy<br />

c6tuctioD of Foioclio burddykd.<br />

PmYiiion or lrop€r drd.rge .rrt n<br />

Prcp€r dlidsp 6t3t h nurl b. ttovid.d<br />

in lh. dupi.g 8ile.<br />

Fercing al6g wilh proD.r monilodng *ould iipov. ef.ty of lhe dmplng die<br />

aerinrl p6due nre h.ard.

InproveDeot of rile/ ss r6th.lht<br />

212<br />

Aeslh€tios ollbo lEo om h. impovcd by h. pLnlllion. Trc.s will ako n h in<br />

conlrolli4 odor, dud ed noi&.<br />

F€qut noDilodrs slDuld b. ceicd our fo. g&r semDtid, $il<br />

c@r.aidti@ ad wEr qulity.<br />

Dlrp6.l by .pproprirt .lbpord relbod<br />

The $lid slde should b. dirDosd by usilg lppFFial€ od DDp€r.ngi@ring<br />

n thodsrtehnolosi.s lik conpoldng dlong with tsNc l@veiy ed sillry lcDdfiU.<br />

TFidns oD Solid w$te Mdgd.nt syllan should be inplrred to public<br />

mp'€sr.dw md th. d€p.rrrndr.l .lrtf.<br />

5.7.7 Errtmnnert l brlelne<br />

Itrd$ar /Dodq(ic Elllr.lr .t Mrhdood Bo.rt<br />

ln oFn s*?s. d.!in qtnins tlE a$.o 3i

Odor<br />

213<br />

Due to lm.obic &{onF€itio ind 6e!h oFn dumpinS or th€ $lid wt , odd<br />

is Foduccd. This odor o@tca ! pbbld duins sreifc Frio& of lhe dly .{c.i.lly in<br />

the wly monin8 .,i ld. ching.<br />

S6v€,9i.8 etiliti.s iroi& lh. durping ea e b.i.8 qni.d out by thc humM<br />

Irdutrri.l .trd @6@rdd.ctiv t .<br />

FlourisliDg Induslrial md connRirl rclivilies e D'!qI alon8 rh. Bund Rord<br />

5.7J ReconE nd.alos<br />

To impDv. dF silary conditioB of MelI politrD Cily md to Biw il r Flire<br />

look, CDGL nusl t Lc necossuy scp6:<br />

> To.linir& oFn pil6 ofrhc 8.rb.g€ by povidir8.xEa .b6g..quip6.nl<br />

> Todd brcuoge of grnq..!d p|tad tunc @lnur.doD of tll 3@.<br />

> To arcnd @ice io lh@ e6 wnioh m cumdy vilhout sy alcility?<br />

> To d3uF dF mngdmti of nan$ottotion md dunping of all sldigc .t<br />

lh. d.5i8rt d dmpins !ii! d Mrnnood Bmd.<br />

> Clding otlll dE Mi. Fln !d bE ofrh. city.r lc.stt'i@ ! d.t<br />

> To dlilt Dublic co.!€Elim ud suDpon lnoud conii.ts vilh NGOg,<br />

hdea as6ilrio6 !r w.ll 6 public aw@e$ campligns<br />

> v.hicLs t Dsroni.g th. elid wre should b. @v.r!d to avoid AillaS! oD<br />

> OFn buning ofdE Etus wn iDthei rbi.deaslDuldb.pohibit d.<br />

> Oten duhting dl@uld b€ sroppcd rld tlE n€thod of lrnillry bnd lilulg<br />

nul b. adogr.d without fdh.r HNry d.l.y.<br />

> D.Glot6c.r 6r dE l.ldfiU sir€s, t'o nqtlcnt pLnE, thr aie<br />

shd@ $d two wi*rhoF oE r€€

274<br />

> C.tr.ir AE / l@liri.. .E ior bciDs c@tly &ryod by Cig Drticl<br />

Gommt L!or. d!. to m- Nlibbility of nquiliac d.n RcojtMr of<br />

.dditionl tuii.ry 'l.f i. rlqdEd. Ilir ir drc ro dE nd tltt siF 199?-98<br />

s@ lbr !()0 @lod4 trE s!ag.{t i. LloE M.t!polil!! AE,<br />

> Cig Dslrict GoMr h[oc 3holld obiit! t4hdel $rid.r fd<br />

bringing mund im.di.E inpbvonal in de srden.<br />

> tunldid oftwo eigh bn.bo5 .t th€ Tmfer Slitidt trnddu Silo for<br />

bri.gi.g i. . D.rr B$cd omgdii @ftd s,6M<br />

> Pdnb iry of |njg-'don ot S$rM .!d w SA. Ce.idd Fiv.rizins<br />

sn&r'. of SwM tuFriN ir lfu / dl 6. juildictiodl @ of CDGL<br />

'Nq+€I & CDGL (2dX)".<br />

tr4. numb€r oI cndb6 mult b. iapc.d lraimt th. lin4ing dcflulteE<br />

rccodiDg !o B & D pe€ediD$, Po,lli.r e phc.d lsainst pqnrm.l at .nt .s $ rcll<br />

.. on ihct Door p€rf@ in thc d.r.rtndt.

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