REYKJAVÍK, ICELAND AUGUST 11-13, 2008 - Veðurstofa Íslands

REYKJAVÍK, ICELAND AUGUST 11-13, 2008 - Veðurstofa Íslands

REYKJAVÍK, ICELAND AUGUST 11-13, 2008 - Veðurstofa Íslands


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attempts at quantification indicate a “Nordic” level of activity between 5 and<br />

15 % of global totals. The impact is many-sided, including research,<br />

education, activities in international bodies, programmes and forums, and<br />

development cooperation, with emphasis on operational and applied<br />

hydrology.<br />

Hydrological knowledge is an indispensable basis for water resources<br />

planning and management. Interdisciplinarity is therefore increasingly<br />

important, as reflected particularly in the sectors of water education and<br />

water-related development cooperation. The need for sustainable water<br />

management in order to meet global water problems has stimulated important<br />

Nordic interest.<br />

Regarding “impact sectors”, there is for obvious reasons an emphasis on<br />

Northern “specialties”: glaciers, snow and ice, lakes, and hydropower.<br />

However, even non-specific topics like stochastic hydrology, groundwater<br />

hydrology, droughts and floods, air pollution impacts, urban runoff and<br />

wastewater treatment, have attracted much attention among Northern<br />

hydrologists, and with good results.<br />

An interesting observation, which probably is universal, is the power of<br />

attraction exerted by water, to make people of highly different backgrounds<br />

devote their professional energy to hydrology. Excellent contributions have<br />

been made by Nordic physicists, chemists, climatologists, geologists,<br />

botanists and physicians, - even diplomats. We are all fascinated by water.<br />


Several colleagues have given valuable comments to this paper, based on<br />

their own knowledge of Nordic hydrologists and their international<br />

contributions. I am pleased to recognize with much appreciation numerous<br />

suggestions from Randi Pytte Asvall, Klas Cederwall, Lars Gottschalk, Hege<br />

Hisdal, Lars Nordberg, Markku Puupponen, Dan Rosbjerg and Rune<br />

Rosland. The list of references includes several examples of joint NordicnonNordic<br />

authorship of major publications; another indication of global<br />

professional impact.<br />

Publications referred to in the text and the annexes:<br />

AIHS, Association Internationale d’Hydrologie Scientifique (1948):<br />

Assamblée Générale d’Oslo, Tome I-III, IAHS publ. 29.<br />

Arnell, N. (2002): Hydrology and global environmental change. Prentice<br />

Hall, 346p.<br />

Beldring, S (2002): Multi-criteria validation of a precipitation-runoff model<br />

Journal of hydrology 257 (1-4), p. 189-2<strong>11</strong><br />

Bergström, S. (1992): The HBV model - its structure and applications. SMHI<br />

Reports RH 4<br />


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