Compilation, References, Kimberlite, Diamond - Geology Ontario

Compilation, References, Kimberlite, Diamond - Geology Ontario

Compilation, References, Kimberlite, Diamond - Geology Ontario


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<strong>Kimberlite</strong> - Mica<br />

Arima M.,Edgar A. D. (1981). "Substitution mechanisms and solubility of titanium in phlogopites from rocks of probable mantle<br />

origin." Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology Volume 77: Page 288-295{<strong>Kimberlite</strong> Mineralogy Mica}<br />

Brigatti M. F.,Lalonde A. E.,Medici L. (1999). "Crystal chemistry of IV Fe 3+ -rich phlogopites: A combined single-crystal X-ray and<br />

Mössbauer study." Proceedings of the 11th International Clay Conference Ottawa 1997. Clays for our future: Page 317-<br />

327{<strong>Kimberlite</strong> Mineralogy Mica}<br />

Delaney J. S.,Smith J. V.,Carswell D. A.,Dawson J. B. (1980). "Chemistry of micas from kimberlites and xenoliths–II. Primary-and<br />

secondary-textured micas from peridotite xenoliths." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Volume 44: Page 857-<br />

872{<strong>Kimberlite</strong> Mineralogy Mica}<br />

Farmer Lang G.,Boettcher A. L. (1981). "Petrologic and crystal-chemical significance of some deep-seated phlogopites." American<br />

Mineralogist Volume 66: Page 1,154-1,163{<strong>Kimberlite</strong> Mineralogy Mica}<br />

Sharp Thomas G.,Otten Max T.,Buseck Peter R. (1990). "Serpentinization of phlogopite phenocrysts from a micaceous kimberlite."<br />

Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology Volume 104: Page 530-539{<strong>Kimberlite</strong> Mineralogy Mica}<br />

Smith J. V.,Brennesholtz Ruth,Dawson J. B. (1978). "Chemistry of micas from kimberllites and xenoliths–I. Micaceous kimberlites."<br />

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Volume 42: Page 959-971{<strong>Kimberlite</strong> Mineralogy Mica}<br />

Soboleva S. V.,Khar'kiv A. D.,Zinchuk N. N.,Kotel'nikov D. D. (1979). "Characteristics of phlogopite of mantle origin." International<br />

<strong>Geology</strong> Review Volume 24(1): Page 35-40{<strong>Kimberlite</strong> Mineralogy Mica}<br />

Tompkins Linda A.,Bailey S. W.,Haggerty Stephen E. (1984). "Kimberlitic chlorites from Sierra Leone, West Africa: Unusual<br />

chemistries and structural polytypes." American Mineralogist Volume 69: Page 237-249{<strong>Kimberlite</strong> Mineralogy Mica}<br />

Virgo David,Popp Robert K. (2000). "Hydrogen deficiency in mantle-derived phlogopites." American Mineralogist Volume 85: Page<br />

753-759{<strong>Kimberlite</strong> Mineralogy Mica}<br />

<strong>Kimberlite</strong> - High Pressure Silica<br />

Daniels L. R. M.,Gurney J. J. (1989). "The chemistry of the garnets, chromites and diamond inclusions from the Dokolwayo<br />

kimberlite, Kingdom of Swaziland." 4IKK Proceedings of the 4th International <strong>Kimberlite</strong> Conference, Perth 1986.<br />

<strong>Kimberlite</strong>s and Related Rocks Volume 2: Their mantle/crust setting, diamonds and diamond exploration(GSA<br />

Special Publication No. 14): Page 1,012-1,021.**Blackwell Scientific Publications** {<strong>Kimberlite</strong> Mineralogy High Pressure<br />

Silica}<br />

Garanin V. K.,Kudryatseva G. P. (1990). "Morphology, physical properties and paragenesis of inclusion-bearing diamonds from<br />

Yakutian kimberlites." Lithos Volume 25: Page 211-217{<strong>Kimberlite</strong> Mineralogy High Pressure Silica}<br />

Marshintsev V. K.,Zayakina N. V.,Leskova N. V. (1982). "New find of cubic silicon carbide, as inclusions in moissanite from<br />

kimberlitic rocks." Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1982 Volume 262(1): Page 163-166{<strong>Kimberlite</strong> Mineralogy High<br />

Pressure Silica}<br />

Novgorodov P. G.,Bulanova G. P.,Pavlova L. A.,Mikhaylov V. N.,Ugarov V. V.,Shebanin A. P.,Argunov K. P. (1990). "Inclusions of<br />

potassic phases, coesite and omphacite in a coated diamond crystal from the Mir pipe." Transactions (Doklady) of the<br />

USSR Academy of Sciences earth science sections Volume 310(1): Page 147-150.**Scripta Technica, Inc.** {<strong>Kimberlite</strong><br />

Mineralogy High Pressure Silica}<br />

Otter M. L.,Gurney J. J. (1989). "Mineral inclusions in diamonds from the Sloan diatremes, Colorado-Wyoming State Line kimberlite<br />

district, North America." 4IKK Proceedings of the 4th International <strong>Kimberlite</strong> Conference, Perth 1986. <strong>Kimberlite</strong>s and<br />

Related Rocks Volume 2: Their mantle/crust setting, diamonds and diamond exploration(GSA Special Publication<br />

No. 14): Page 1,042-1,053.**Blackwell Scientific Publications** {<strong>Kimberlite</strong> Mineralogy High Pressure Silica}<br />

Parkinson C. D.,Katayama I. (1999). "Present-day ultrahigh-pressure conditions of coesite inclusions in zircon and garnet: Evidence<br />

from laser Raman microspectroscopy." <strong>Geology</strong> Volume 27(11): Page 979-982{<strong>Kimberlite</strong> Mineralogy High Pressure<br />

Silica}<br />

Schulze Daniel J.,Helmstaedt Herwart (1988). "Coesite-sanidine eclogites from kimberlite: Products of mantle fractionation or<br />

subduction?" Journal of <strong>Geology</strong> Volume 96: Page 435-443{<strong>Kimberlite</strong> Mineralogy High Pressure Silica}<br />

Smyth Joseph R.,Hatton C. J. (1977). "A coesite-sanidine grospydite from the Roberts Victor kimberlite." Earth and Planetary<br />

Science Letters Volume 34: Page 284-290{<strong>Kimberlite</strong> Mineralogy High Pressure Silica}<br />


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