Compilation, References, Kimberlite, Diamond - Geology Ontario

Compilation, References, Kimberlite, Diamond - Geology Ontario

Compilation, References, Kimberlite, Diamond - Geology Ontario


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Sasada T.,Hiyagon H.,Bell K.,Ebihara M. (1997). "Mantle-derived noble gases in carbonatites." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta<br />

Volume 61(19): Page 4,219-4,228{<strong>Kimberlite</strong> Mineralogy Noble Gases}<br />

Tomilenko A. A.,Chepurov A. I.,Pal'yanov Yu. N.,Pokhilenko L. N.,Shebanin A. P. (1997). "Volatile components in the upper mantlefrom<br />

data on fluid inclusions." Russian <strong>Geology</strong> and Geophysics. Special Issue: Proceedings of the 6th International<br />

<strong>Kimberlite</strong> Conference. Volume 38(1: <strong>Kimberlite</strong>s, related rocks and mantle xenoliths): Page 294-303.**Allerton Press,<br />

Inc./New York** {<strong>Kimberlite</strong> Mineralogy Noble Gases}<br />

Non-<strong>Kimberlite</strong> <strong>Diamond</strong>-Bearing Rocks<br />

Alaoui Hassan Chrifi,Kornprobst Jacques,Laporte Didier (1997). "Inconsistencies between cpx-grt geothermometry and field<br />

observations: Example of the peraluminous eclogites from Beni Bousera (North Morocco)." Terra Nova Volume 9: Page<br />

83-86{<strong>Kimberlite</strong> Nonkimberlite <strong>Diamond</strong>-Bearing Rocks(all rock types)}<br />

Allamandola L. J.,Sandford S. A.,Tielens A. G. G. M.,Herbst T. M. (1993). "<strong>Diamond</strong>s in dense molecular clouds: A challenge to the<br />

standard interstellar medium paradigm." Science Volume 260(April 2): Page 64-66{<strong>Kimberlite</strong> Nonkimberlite <strong>Diamond</strong>-<br />

Bearing Rocks(all rock types)}<br />

Arenas R.,Abati J.,Catalán Martínez J. R.,García Díaz F.,Pascual Rubio F. J. (1997). "P–T evolution of eclogites from the Agualada<br />

Unit (Ordenes Complex, Northwest Iberian Massif, Spain): Implications for crustal subduction." Lithos Volume 40: Page<br />

221-242{<strong>Kimberlite</strong> Nonkimberlite <strong>Diamond</strong>-Bearing Rocks(all rock types)}<br />

Bai W.,Robinson P. T.,Zhou M. (1993). "<strong>Diamond</strong>-bearing peridotites from Tibetan ophiolites: Implications for a subduction-related<br />

origin of diamonds." Mid-Continent <strong>Diamond</strong>s, Edmonton, Alberta, May 17-18, 1993 GAC-MAC Symposium Volume:<br />

Page 77-82.**Geological Association of Canada Mineral Deposits Division** {<strong>Kimberlite</strong> Nonkimberlite <strong>Diamond</strong>-Bearing<br />

Rocks(all rock types)}<br />

Bai Wen-Ji,Zhou Mei-Fu,Robinson Paul T. (1993). "Possibly diamond-bearing mantle peridotites and podiform chromitites in the<br />

Luobusa and Donqiao ophiolites, Tibet." Can. J. Earth Sci. Volume 30: Page 1,650-1,659{<strong>Kimberlite</strong> Nonkimberlite<br />

<strong>Diamond</strong>-Bearing Rocks(all rock types)}<br />

Bailey L. M.,Helmstaedt H. H.,Peterson R. C.,Mandarino J. A.,Letendre J. P. (1998). "Microdiamonds and indicator minerals from a<br />

talc schist host rock, French Guiana." Extended Abstracts 7th International <strong>Kimberlite</strong> Conference Cape Town 1998: Page<br />

37-39{<strong>Kimberlite</strong> Nonkimberlite <strong>Diamond</strong>-Bearing Rocks(all rock types)}<br />

Barron L. M.,Lishmund S. R.,Oakes G. M.,Barron B. J. (1994). "Subduction diamonds in New South Wales: Implications for<br />

exploration in Eastern Australia." Geological Survey of New South Wales. Mineralogy and Petrology Section, Australian<br />

Museum. Volume 94(Quarterly Notes): Page 1-23{<strong>Kimberlite</strong> Nonkimberlite <strong>Diamond</strong>-Bearing Rocks(all rock types)}<br />

Biryuzkov V. M.,Kosygin Academician Yu. A. (1991). "Fiest find of accessory diamonds in drusitic eclogites of some ophiolite<br />

complexes in Transbaikalia." Transactions (Doklady) of the USSR Academy of Sciences earth science sections Volume<br />

306(3): Page 104-108.**Scripta Technica, Inc.** {<strong>Kimberlite</strong> Nonkimberlite <strong>Diamond</strong>-Bearing Rocks(all rock types)}<br />

Bozhilov K. N.,Green II H. W.,Dobrzhinetskaya L. (1999). "Clinoenstatite in Alpe Arami peridotite: Additional evidence of very high<br />

pressure." Science Volume 284(April 2): Page 128-132{<strong>Kimberlite</strong> Nonkimberlite <strong>Diamond</strong>-Bearing Rocks(all rock types)}<br />

Brueckner H. K.,Medaris L. G. (2000). "A general model for the intrusion and evolution of mantle garnet peridotites in high-pressure<br />

and ultra-high-pressure metamorphic terranes." Journal of Metamorphic <strong>Geology</strong> Volume 18(2): Page 123-133{<strong>Kimberlite</strong><br />

Nonkimberlite <strong>Diamond</strong>-Bearing Rocks(all rock types)}<br />

Capdevilla Ramon,Arndt Nicholas,Letendre Jacques,Sauvage Jean-François (1999). "<strong>Diamond</strong>s in volcaniclastic komatite from<br />

French Guiana." Nature Volume 399(June 3): Page 456-458{<strong>Kimberlite</strong> Nonkimberlite <strong>Diamond</strong>-Bearing Rocks(all rock<br />

types)}<br />

Chen Jing,Li Jiliang,Wu Jun (2000). "Native titanium inclusions in the coesite eclogites from Dabieshan, China." Earth and Planetary<br />

Science Letters Volume 177: Page 237-240{<strong>Kimberlite</strong> Nonkimberlite <strong>Diamond</strong>-Bearing Rocks(all rock types)}<br />

Chen Neng-Song,Sun Min,You Zhen-Don,Malpas J. (1998). "Well-preserved garnet growth zoning in granulite from the Dabie<br />

Mountains, Central China." Journal of Metamorphic <strong>Geology</strong> Volume 16(2): Page 213-222{<strong>Kimberlite</strong> Nonkimberlite<br />

<strong>Diamond</strong>-Bearing Rocks(all rock types)}<br />

Claoué-Long J. C.,Sobolev N. V.,Shatsky V. S.,Sobolev A. V. (1991). "Zircon response to diamond-pressure metamorphism in the<br />

Kokchetav massif, USSR." <strong>Geology</strong> Volume 19(July): Page 710-713{<strong>Kimberlite</strong> Nonkimberlite <strong>Diamond</strong>-Bearing Rocks(all<br />

rock types)}<br />


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