Mind--Its Mysteries and Control - The Divine Life Society

Mind--Its Mysteries and Control - The Divine Life Society

Mind--Its Mysteries and Control - The Divine Life Society


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<strong>Mind</strong> is the most important Tattva of Linga Sarira. Linga Sarira is the astral body or<br />

Sukshma Sarira that is linked to the physical body through physical Prana. It separates itself at death<br />

from the physical body <strong>and</strong> travels to Svarga or heaven. It is this body that does Avagamana<br />

(coming <strong>and</strong> going). This body melts in Videha Mukti (disembodied salvation).<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is a difference between Linga Sarira <strong>and</strong> Antarvaha Sarira. Linga Sarira is astral body<br />

with seventeen Tattvas, viz., five Karma-Indriyas, five Jnana-Indriyas, five Pranas, <strong>Mind</strong> <strong>and</strong><br />

Buddhi. Antarvaha Sarira is very pure. It is full of Sattva. It is free from Rajas <strong>and</strong> Tamas. It is with<br />

this body that a Yogi passes from one body to another (Parakaya-Pravesa). Lila, through the grace<br />

of Sarasvati, came out of the physical body <strong>and</strong> travelled to higher worlds with this Antarvaha<br />

Sarira. You will find this in the Yogavasishtha. Sri Sankaracharya, Raja Vikramaditya,<br />

Hastamalaka <strong>and</strong> Tirumular had Antarvaha Sarira. With the help of this special kind of pure body,<br />

they passed into the bodies of other persons. A Yogi with Antarvaha Sarira has Sat-Sankalpa or<br />

Suddha Sankalpa.<br />


<strong>Mind</strong> is not a gross thing, visible <strong>and</strong> tangible. <strong>Its</strong> existence is nowhere seen. <strong>Its</strong> magnitude<br />

cannot be measured. It does not require a space in which to exist.<br />

<strong>Mind</strong> <strong>and</strong> matter are two aspects as subject <strong>and</strong> object of one <strong>and</strong> the same all-full Brahman,<br />

who is neither <strong>and</strong> yet includes both. <strong>Mind</strong> precedes matter. This is Vedantic theory. Matter<br />

precedes mind. This is scientific theory.<br />

<strong>Mind</strong> can be said to be immaterial only in the sense that it has not the characteristics of<br />

ponderable matter. It is not, however, immaterial in the sense that Brahman (Pure Spirit) as such is.<br />

<strong>Mind</strong> is the subtle form of matter <strong>and</strong> hence the prompter of the body. <strong>Mind</strong> is made up of subtle,<br />

Sattvic, Apanchikrita (non-quintuplicated) Tanmatric matter. <strong>Mind</strong> is all electricity. According to<br />

the Chh<strong>and</strong>ogya Upanishad, mind is formed out of the subtlest portion of food.<br />

<strong>Mind</strong> is material. <strong>Mind</strong> is subtle matter. This discrimination is made on the principle that the<br />

soul is the only source of intelligence; it is self-evident; it shines by its own light. But the organs<br />

(mind <strong>and</strong> senses) derive their principle of activity <strong>and</strong> life from the soul. By themselves, they are<br />

lifeless. Hence the soul is always a subject <strong>and</strong> never an object. Manas can be an object of the soul.<br />

And it is a cardinal principle of Vedanta that that which is an object for a subject is non-intelligent<br />

(Jada). Even the principle of self-consciousness (Aham Pratyak-Vishayatva) or Ahankara is<br />

non-intelligent; it does not exist by its own light. It is the object of apperception to the soul.<br />


Just as the physical body is composed of solid, liquid <strong>and</strong> gaseous matter, so also the mind is<br />

made up of subtle matter of various grades of density with different rates of vibration. A Raja Yogi<br />

penetrates through different layers of mind by intense Sadhana.<br />


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