Mind--Its Mysteries and Control - The Divine Life Society

Mind--Its Mysteries and Control - The Divine Life Society

Mind--Its Mysteries and Control - The Divine Life Society


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Apperception<br />

Apperception is the mind’s perception of itself as a conscious agent. <strong>The</strong> principle of<br />

apperception is just like a mail clerk of consciousness receiving, sorting out, correlating, arranging,<br />

pigeon-holing, associating <strong>and</strong> sending out messages.<br />


<strong>The</strong>re are many higher mental faculties latent in man. <strong>Mind</strong> is a magazine of power. <strong>The</strong><br />

unfoldment of these latent, psychic powers is possible through proper Sadhana. <strong>The</strong> Sadhana<br />

should be systematic, constant <strong>and</strong> intense. <strong>The</strong> student also must have reached the proper stage of<br />

development. <strong>The</strong>re must be genuine Sraddha also. <strong>The</strong>n only sanguine success is possible.<br />

Chapter 9<br />


Milk is agreeable to some <strong>and</strong> disagreeable to others. <strong>The</strong>re is nothing wrong with the milk<br />

itself. Surely, there is something wrong with the mind. Doubtless, there is a defect in the mind. <strong>The</strong><br />

view of a child when it sees its mother is that she is its supporter, nourisher <strong>and</strong> giver of all comforts.<br />

<strong>The</strong> husb<strong>and</strong> of the woman regards her as an object of enjoyment. A tiger, when it sees the same<br />

woman, regards her as its prey. <strong>The</strong> object, woman, remains the same. <strong>The</strong> viewpoint differs in<br />

these three cases owing to the Dosha of the mind.<br />

Dosha means fault or defect. Mala (impurity), Vikshepa (tossing), Avarana (veil of<br />

ignorance) are the threefold defects of the mind.<br />

<strong>The</strong> mind is tossed about among objects of love <strong>and</strong> hatred like a light feather in a stormy<br />

wind. It ever whirls far <strong>and</strong> wide in vain among sensual objects away from the association with the<br />

wise, like a strolling city dog; but, no results accrue therefrom. This baneful mind whirls at the sight<br />

of its much-coveted immense wealth. This ferocious dog of mind, following its mate of desire, ever<br />

preys upon poor, ignorant worldlings as on carcasses. It will flit in a moment from Howrah to Paris<br />

<strong>and</strong> from Colombo to Berlin. Not resting on any object firmly, it is characterised by an excessive<br />

fluctuating power. It will fluctuate <strong>and</strong> be confused, will flit away from an object <strong>and</strong> then return to<br />

it, will rejoice in vain <strong>and</strong> be intoxicated with Ahankara. A mind becomes a prey to fear through its<br />

fluctuation.<br />

<strong>The</strong> mind should be rendered fit for salvation, fit to approach its Adhishthana (substratum),<br />

its father, Brahman. Remove the three Doshas.<br />

Mala (such as Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada, Matsarya) is removed by doing<br />

Nishkama Karma. Mala means sin also.<br />


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