INSECTS OF MICRONESIA Coleoptera: Platypodidaeand Scolytidae'

INSECTS OF MICRONESIA Coleoptera: Platypodidaeand Scolytidae'

INSECTS OF MICRONESIA Coleoptera: Platypodidaeand Scolytidae'


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W ood-Platypodidae and Scolytidae<br />

KEy TO <strong>MICRONESIA</strong>N SPECIES <strong>OF</strong> H YPOTHENEMUS<br />

1. Frons rather strongly impressed on lower half, with a rather definite transverse<br />

elevation at upper level of eyes ; larger, 1.25-1.55 mm...... .. ...__.... 31. areccae<br />

Frons convex, without a transverse elevation at upper level of eyes; smaller, less<br />

than 1.25 mm.. . m __ ••• m m m 2<br />

2. Interstrial rows of erect setae scalelike on both disc and declivity of elytra 32. eruditus<br />

Interstrial setae scalelike on disc, almost hairlike on declivity 33. mangarevanus<br />

31. Hypothenemus areccae (Hornung).<br />

Bostrichus areccae Hornung, 1842, Stett. Ent. Zeitung 3: 117.<br />

Bostrichus boieldieui Perroud, 1864, Soc. Linn. Lyon, Ann. 1864: 188.<br />

Stephanoderes fungicola Eggers, 1908, Ent. Blatter 4: 216.<br />

Hypothenemus basjoo Niisima, 1910, Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc., Trans. 3: 9.<br />

Cryphalus oreccae, Hagedorn, 1910, Coleopt. Cat. 4: 40.<br />

Hypothenemus areccae, Hopkins, 1915, U. S. Dept. Agric ., Rept . 99: 14.<br />

Stephanoderes areccae, Eggers , 1922, Ent. Bericht. Amsterdam 6: 86, 1929,<br />

Wiener Ent. Zeitung 46: 55.<br />

Stephonoderes hispidus Eggers, 1925, Ent. Odd. Nar. Mus. Praze, Sbornik<br />

3: 156 (n. syn.) .<br />

Hypothenemus capitalis Beeson, 1935, B. P. Bishop Mus., Bull. 142: 102<br />

(n. syn.).<br />

Hypothenemus eupolyphagus Beeson, 1940, B. P. Bishop Mus., Occ. Papers<br />

15 (18) : 193 (n. syn.).<br />

Hypothenemus oahuensis Schedl, 1941, Hawaiian Ent. Soc., Proc. 11 (1) :<br />

110 (n. syn.).<br />

Female : Length 1.25-1.55mm., 2.5 times as long as wide ; color brown.<br />

Frons with a short transverse elevation at upper level of eyes, moderately impressed<br />

below (very similar to some examples of Stephanoderes hivaoea) ; surface reticulate and<br />

finely punctate at sides and above elevation, smooth and shining below; vestiture<br />

inconspicuous.<br />

Pronotum equal in length and width; widest at base, sides very feebly arcuate and<br />

converging on basal half, rather broadly rounded in front; anterior margin armed by six<br />

serrations, lateral ones a little smaller; asperities rather coarse and numerous; posterior<br />

half reticulate, rather finely punctured laterally, becoming granulate behind summit; vestiture<br />

hairlike, intermixed on posterior areas with slightly longer, scalelike setae.<br />

Elytra 1.6 times as long as wide, 1.6 times as long as pronotum; striae indistinctly<br />

impressed, punctures moderately large, deep; interstriae slightly wider than striae, punctures<br />

minute, rather close, confused. Declivity steep, convex; strial punctures somewhat<br />

smaller than on disc. Vestiture consisting of stria! and interstrial hair, rather abundant<br />

and longer on declivity; and uniseriate rows of erect interstrial scales, each scale rather<br />

slender, about 3 to 5 times as long as wide and about as long as hairlike setae.<br />

Male: Similar to female except smaller, about 1.0 mm.; eye reduced in size; one or<br />

more serrations may be absent from anterior margin of pronotum; declivity not as abrupt ;<br />

striae less definite; and elytral pubescence longer.<br />

DISTRIBUTION: Southern Asia, East Indies, Hawaiian , S. Mariana ,<br />

eastern Caroline, and Marshall Is.<br />

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