INSECTS OF MICRONESIA Coleoptera: Platypodidaeand Scolytidae'

INSECTS OF MICRONESIA Coleoptera: Platypodidaeand Scolytidae'

INSECTS OF MICRONESIA Coleoptera: Platypodidaeand Scolytidae'


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Ins ects of Micron esia-Vol . 18, No.1 , 1960<br />

uniform size; vestitur e consisting of sparse, inconspicuous long hair at sides and in front.<br />

Elytra 1.6 times as long as wide; sides almost straight and subpar allel on basal twothirds,<br />

narrowly rounded behind; striae not impre ssed, punctures rather large, deep, very<br />

close ; inter striae as wide as striae , punctures fine, not close, except rather coarse on<br />

inter spaces 1 and 3 (perhaps ail irregularit y ) . Declivity rath er steep, weakly convex, appearing<br />

flattened; lateral margin from interspace 7 to apex rather sharply elevated; striae<br />

somewhat impressed, interspaces appearing feebly convex, interstrial punctures subgranulate.<br />

Vestiture abraded, apparently hairli ke on disc and bristlelike on declivity.<br />

Male: Not available .<br />

DISTRIBUTIO N : Philippine, Solomon, and Palau Is.<br />

PALAU. BABELTHUAP: One, Ulimang, Dec. 1947, Dybas.<br />

This species is readily distinguished from other Micronesian representatives<br />

of the genus by the sharp elevation extending from inter space 7 at the<br />

base of the declivity to the elytral apex. .<br />

Eggers' type and a series from the Solomon Islands (Guadalcanal) were<br />

also studied.<br />

37. Poecilips variabilis (Beeson).<br />

Thamnurqides variabilis Beeson, 1939, Indian Fore st Rec. 5 : 286.<br />

Poecilips niger Schedl, 1939, Federated Malay States Mus., Jour. 18: 345.<br />

-Browne, 1949, Ann. Mag . Nat. Hist. XII , 1: 897.<br />

Female: Length 1.6-2.0 mm., 2.3 times as long as wide; color brown.<br />

Frons weakly convex, surface reticulate and finely punctate; vestiture inconspicuous.<br />

Eye rather shallowly emarginat e, Ant ennal funicle five-segmented ; club obliquely truncate .<br />

Pronotum 1.07 times as long as wide, widest behind center, sides moderately arcuate,<br />

converging on anterior half, rather broadly rounded in front ; surface irregularly reticulate ,<br />

moderatel y shining, rather finely and irregularly punctured , anterior margin with a few<br />

punctures almost imperceptibly subgra nulate ; vestiture consisting of inconspicuous, spar se,<br />

long hair.<br />

Elytra 1.5 times as long as wide ; sides straight and subparallel on basal two-thirds ,<br />

rather narrowly rounded behind; striae not impressed, punctures rather large , distinct but<br />

not deep, close ; inter stri ae as wide as striae, puncture s fine, not close. Declivity convex,<br />

rather steep ; lateral margin rounded ; striae weakly impressed on upper half. Vestiture<br />

consisting of erect interstrial setae, hairlike on disc, rath er stout, and usually with tips<br />

laterall y compressed on declivity.<br />

M ale: The only recognizable male slightly smaller than females, but similar in all other<br />

respects.<br />

DISTRIBUTIO N: Indo-Mala yan area and Caroline Is.<br />

YAP . GAGIL-ToMIL: One, T amil District , Berlese funnel, July-Aug. 1950,<br />

Goss.<br />

PONAPE . One, Nanwei , Aug. 1950, Adams; two, Mt. Temwetemwensekir,<br />

150-300 m., under dead bark , Feb. 1948, Dybas; one, Nanipil , Net District,<br />

Feb . 1948, Dybas.<br />

This species is readily distinguished from other Micronesian representatives<br />

of the genus by the complete absence of pronotal asperities, by the subreticulate<br />

surface of the pronotum, and by the rounded lateral margins of th e<br />


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