2011 Lent Study Guide - University Presbyterian Church

2011 Lent Study Guide - University Presbyterian Church

2011 Lent Study Guide - University Presbyterian Church


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The exodus is a story, amongst many other things, about God redeeming and calling out a<br />

community. What does this story imply for us?<br />

What’s Happening in the Next Week?<br />

We just studied the Passover. In the next couple of weeks we encourage your group to share<br />

together a Christ-centered Seder meal. In this meal, you will experience an adapted traditional<br />

Passover feast, which is still celebrated in many Jewish homes. We hope your group will enjoy the<br />

fellowship of a meal together and the experience of the rich prophetic imagery that is a part of the<br />

Seder. If you have not done so already, your group should decide together whether and how you<br />

would like to participate in this experience.<br />

You will likely want to enjoy the Seder meal during Holy Week (April 17-24) which coincides with<br />

Week Six: A Trumpet to Send. Some groups will choose to do both the Seder meal and the lesson<br />

in the same evening. Others will choose to meet twice during Holy Week to share the Seder meal<br />

on a separate evening than the study. Still others will share the Seder meal during Holy Week<br />

but will choose to defer the study until the following week. We encourage you to choose the best<br />

option for your group schedule.<br />

Also, remember the Maundy Thursday Communion service at UPC on April 21; your group is<br />

encouraged to attend together. There you will have the opportunity to experience Communion as a<br />

group. The Sanctuary was full last year, and some reported it was the highlight of their church year.<br />

Looking Ahead<br />

Next Week’s Passage: Exodus 16:1-8<br />

Prayer Time<br />

Week Four: A Lamb to Rescue<br />

Father God, we are undeserving of your amazing love. You gave your one and only son for us. Our words<br />

are inadequate in telling you how deeply we thank you for giving your life for us as the lamb of God. Holy<br />

Spirit, continually soften our hearts and guide us into the truth of God’s love. Help us to become more and<br />

more aware of our great deliverance in Christ Jesus, amen.<br />

Take time to pray for one another and for your community.<br />

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