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Pages 1-88 - Springfield-Greene County Library

Pages 1-88 - Springfield-Greene County Library


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cinitv. Wvatt alaa ent n tranafev tn<br />

..-.--.<br />

er several weeks of hard labor<br />

the water service gang under the supervision<br />

of Mr. Bailey, stationary<br />

boiler supervisor have set In a new<br />

boiler, and a ne& compressor for the<br />

South Side. Wlth the addition of this<br />

and the locomotive whistle "Chief"<br />

Sickolson says he is all ready to run<br />

on schedule time.<br />

George Thompson, a drlll Dress operator<br />

in the machine shop has been<br />

off a week on account of s~dkness. Mr.<br />

Charles operating his press while he<br />

is . - ahs~ni - - - - . - .<br />

The Sunny Land Minstrel went off<br />

in great stvle this year, Joe Weddel<br />

and Virgll johnson being members of<br />

It.<br />

Edward Baker formerly of the south<br />

side machlne shop now an employe of<br />

the S~ringfleld GLs & Electric Co let<br />

a transformer fall and crush his ~'ight<br />

arm whlch has given hlm serious trou-<br />

ble and wlll be unable to return to<br />

his work until September.<br />

3fr. Ralph 3Iitchell OK from work<br />

for several months An account of a<br />

light stroke of paralysis, was a visitor<br />

at the shop recently. He is improving<br />

very rapidly.<br />

There is a new Aoor beelng laid In<br />

the gas motor department formerly the<br />

back coach shop.<br />

"Uncle Bill Nobles" has been trans-<br />

ferred to the tin shop as sweeper.<br />

The water tank that formerly was<br />

used by the roundhouse before it<br />

was moved was torn down and a new<br />

one was built on the main line lo take<br />

care of the through passenger service.<br />

Brown Hoist. No. $9038 has been<br />

taken to the north side fo; a complete<br />

owrhaullng. Hoist No. 09043 was sent<br />

to take Its place during its absence.<br />

Paul Blurne is working as office boy.<br />

Mr. Waltpr Delo General Yard fore-<br />

man, has transferked his offlce to the<br />

machine shop.<br />

LOCAL No. 20-HUGO, OKLA.<br />

-<br />

J. A. KIXG, Reporter<br />

-<br />

General Foreman G. S. Garrison and<br />

Engineer C. A. Adams and families<br />

just returned from a two weeks' fish-<br />

ing trb, close to Kisoma, where they<br />

had a qreat time and caughL plenty of<br />

fish, though as for fishing Chester<br />

Cearley tops the list with four bass<br />

caught in the afternoon of June 7th<br />

which netted fourteen pounds<br />

Dick Williams came to tl;e round-<br />

house Monday the 18th, with cigars<br />

as a way of announcing himself as be-<br />

ing the father of a flne girl.<br />

We notice that Zac Merideth the 3rd<br />

trick caller has gotten reckless and<br />

~urchased himself a new Chevrolet<br />

sedan which makes his fourth Chev-<br />

rolet.<br />

- -<br />


W. J. EGERER, Reporter<br />

J. Denny departcd on a trip to Fay-<br />

ettevllle, Ark., where he and famlly<br />

will spend two weeks with friends<br />

and rrlatives.<br />

Xeodesha shop clalms credit for two<br />

of the many June marriages, one of<br />

Harold Grove and the other Arthur<br />

Hassler. 31iss Ruth Hay became the<br />

bride of Mr. H. Grove at a pretty<br />

church wedding at the 'Central Chris-<br />

tian church. The happy couple will<br />

make their home here, and their many<br />

friends wish them many happy years<br />

of happiness and prosperity. Miss<br />

Claudlne McDaniel became the wife of<br />

Authur Hasler, the marriage took place<br />

at the home of Rev. Roper, Sprlngfleld<br />

No. The bride is the daughter of Mr:<br />

and Mrs. F. M. McDaniel. Mr. Mc-<br />

Dnnlel is 1st class sheet metal worker<br />

at West Side Shop, Springfleld. After<br />

the marriage all the guests drove to<br />

Care Spring, Mo., and greatly enjoyed<br />

a dlnner served to about One hundred<br />

people. Their many frlends extend to<br />

them sincere wishes for a happy and<br />

prosperous life.<br />

Harold and Arthur gave freely good<br />

cigars that were welcomed by all the<br />

roundhouse boys.<br />

Mr. Ed Thompson, Grease Cup Fore-<br />

man. with Xrs. Scott Mrs. Newlan and<br />

Mrs. Newlan's daughier, Lois, motored<br />

to Locette. Okla.. where they spent<br />

ten days visltlng friends and relatives.<br />

This entire community was greatly<br />

shocked to learn of the death of Earl<br />

Clifton. 14 year old son of Mr. and<br />

Mrs. S. M. Clifton. and Local No. 10<br />

extend to the bereaved parents and rel-<br />

atives thcir sympathy and condol-<br />

ence.<br />

Our baseball team is coming along<br />

fine, many games are dated ahead and<br />

we would like to hear from some local<br />

that has a team, to make arrangements<br />

for a game.<br />

Yes, Joplin, we wlll be there, on the<br />

25th, and also brlng along a bsthlng<br />

beauty. You have our best wishes for<br />

a successful affair.<br />

Remember the little box in the Ma-<br />

chine shop boys, let every one put an<br />

item in it for the August issue. Ihanks.<br />

We desire to nxnress our heart-<br />

felt thanks for-t& skrvices--ien-<br />

dered us in our bereavement and<br />

deep sorrow bu the death of our<br />

beloved son. Earl.<br />

Our friends, the people from all<br />

over the surrounding country and<br />

those of Xeodesha the employes<br />

of the Standard 0ii ComDanv. the<br />

emnloves of the Frisco' Raiiwav<br />

Company and the business men &<br />

Neodesha all have our deep and<br />

eternal gratitude. Few can real-<br />

ize what their comfort and ser-<br />

vice meant to us as they stood<br />

shoulder to shoulder with us in<br />

our darkest hour. I<br />

Mr. and Mrs. S. M. CLIFTOS,<br />

and CHILDREN. I<br />

--<br />



MILLARD BROWN, Reporter<br />

Page Sf<br />

J. 8. Gilliam was out a few da s Inmectine<br />

the new 011 house whych 1s<br />

- --- - -<br />

L. J. ~eigK-~is looking flns slnce he<br />

came back from his vacation. He reports<br />

having had a good time In Texas.<br />

V. K. Pack and famllv made a aulck<br />

trip to Evansville. Ind, recently.' He<br />

drove his car through.<br />


C. E. WILLIS. Reporter<br />

As vacation times are drawlng near,<br />

our Roundhouse Foreman, Chas. P.<br />

Long, is expecting to spend hls vacation<br />

bark in Indianapolis, Ind.<br />

Mrs. Chas. P. Long, wlre of Roundhouse<br />

Foreman, was called to Mt. Clement~,<br />

Mich., last Friday, account of<br />

the death of her sislcr. We extend<br />

our sympathy.<br />

Car Foreman, J. R. Stewart, bas been<br />

feeling a little bad for aeveral days,<br />

but we believe thnt it Is gettlng Close<br />

to vacation time with Mr. Stewart.<br />

Roundhouse Foreman. C. P. Long.<br />

with several others went frog huntlng<br />

one night last week, had good luck,<br />

got 11 large fellows, but came near<br />

losing them, as the boat capslzed.<br />

Anyone wantlng to see a pretty yard,<br />

just let them pass through Harvard,<br />

and visit the Y. M. C. A., which has<br />

one of the most beautiful grounds on<br />

the Frisco Railroad.<br />

Mr. J. R. Lynn. Piecework checker<br />

and w~fe expect to make a flying t.<br />

over Sunday to St. Louis.<br />

Boilermaker Stevens has just c0mpl eted<br />

a new home at West nlemphls.<br />

Engine Foreman Epps has just I recovered<br />

from a bad cut on the An$ :er<br />

which happened trying to 1)Ot in a<br />

window light at home.<br />

Engineer Shepherd seems to hold 1 ihe<br />

record 3s a fisherman-he carno ho me<br />

the othcr night with 40 fish, but we<br />

all wonder how large these Iish we 're,<br />

as - - no one saw them.<br />

paul Coleman, Car Inspector rep0 rts<br />

the arrival of a new son at his hou se,<br />

mother and baby are doing ~Icc~Y.<br />

Geo. Alford, formerlv emnloved in PENSACOLA SHOP NEWS<br />

this offlce and now piecework C-hecker<br />

at Kansas City, was a visitor during BERT SPILLMAN, Reporter<br />

the flrst part of the. month. Glad to<br />

see you George, drop in again.<br />

James Baron. who has been caller<br />

Down here in Florida on the M. S. B.<br />

at North Roundhouse, has beel; tlLa&-<br />

& P. we feel as if we are a part of the<br />

ferred to Monett in the same crrpaclty.<br />

Frisco. We are few in number but are<br />

Carl Keiser, stenographer, to Mr. just as enthusiastic as any shop on the<br />

Harvey, Is at present taking his vaca-<br />

Frlsco. By the time this is in rht<br />

tion. Understand he dld not want n<br />

we will be moved to the new SROpS.<br />

foreign pass, hut preferred rldlns<br />

They are not large but as up Lo date<br />

around in his "Hoopey."<br />

as a big shop. -<br />

J. L. Harvey, Master Mechanic. hus<br />

Walter Vansickle machinist from<br />

been off the ~ast week account' Mrs.<br />

Sherman. Texas. is' one of the new<br />

Harvey undergoing a serious operation<br />

machinists at this point. We welcome<br />

at Topeka, Kans. Understand at the<br />

such men as Mr. Van Sickle.<br />

present, Mrs. Harvey is on the road to<br />

George Payne, from Memphis, has<br />

a speedy recovery.<br />

been here so long he feels as 1: he Is a<br />

G. A. Moore, Timekeeper, has evinative<br />

of Florida, especially when it<br />

dently been playing the races for all<br />

comes to fishing: If you want to get<br />

he talks about lately is put ydur monhim<br />

interested ~ust talk about going<br />

ey on the No. 4 horse.<br />

~shlng.<br />

.T. V<br />

C. H. Bergstrom and William Schal- . R - -. - Hirsnh. - . - -. . , our . - - General . - - - - - - - Master - - - Meler.<br />

Boiler Forcman and Assistant Day<br />

chanlc is a great fisherman and if he<br />

Foreman, Xorth Roundhouse, have re- tends 'to flshing as he does his dutles<br />

turned from their vacations. Both aay<br />

as Master Mechanic we know<br />

thcy feel much better after the long his whole heart and mind in It.<br />

needed rest.<br />

We havc had a few changos iately.<br />

Joseph Baron, who served his ap-<br />

0. 0 Olson storekeeper acce ted postprenticeship<br />

North Roundhouse has tion'as ~ h i Clerk k to ~hster %echanic.<br />

been transfirred to Chouteau AV~., St.<br />

Mr. Beck from Sapulpa, Oklahoma,<br />

Louis as First Class JIachlnist.<br />

transferred here as storekeeper. Mr.<br />

Campbell formerly Chief Clerk t0<br />

Master dechanic, Is Chief Clerk to Mr.<br />


Plttman General Car Foreman.<br />

ROSEDALE, KANSAS laud' Adams, third-class machinist,<br />

from ChaKee Missouri, transferred to<br />

FRED T. WILLIAJIS, Reporter Pensacola, b;t Claud got so home slCk<br />

- --<br />

he had to go back.<br />

The wedding bells have sounded in Pierce Malone. 1st class machinlst,<br />

our midst and Rossle Braden touk unto was Brst mechanic to perform work In<br />

himself a wife.<br />

the new shops. He turned a pair of<br />

Ray H. Phillips is back on the job wheels for engine 1627. We haven't<br />

again after being OR for about eight moved to new shops but most of machmonths.<br />

'Welcome back, Ray!<br />

inery is ready for operation.<br />

Oscar Snelling: is visitlng home folks Nr. Worman was a visitor at this<br />

at the present writing.<br />

],lace last month and the employes were<br />

J. W. Watkins, the transfer foreman, well pleased with Mr. Worman's dewill<br />

go on hls vacation on June 16. He cislons in what few things were<br />

wlll visit in western Kansas. We hope brought before him, especially the one<br />

he has a good time.<br />

cent increase in pay.

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