Harmonic Coordinates - Pixar Graphics Technologies

Harmonic Coordinates - Pixar Graphics Technologies

Harmonic Coordinates - Pixar Graphics Technologies


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<strong>Harmonic</strong> <strong>Coordinates</strong><br />

Tony DeRose Mark Meyer<br />

<strong>Pixar</strong> Technical Memo #06-02<br />

<strong>Pixar</strong> Animation Studios<br />

(a) (b) (c) (d)<br />

Figure 1: A character (shown in blue) being deformed by a cage (shown in black) using harmonic coordinates. (a) The character and cage at<br />

bind-time; (b) - (d) the deformed character corresponding to three different poses of the cage.<br />

Abstract<br />

Generalizations of barycentric coordinates in two and higher dimensions<br />

have been shown to have a number of applications in<br />

recent years, including finite element analysis, the definition of Spatches<br />

(n-sided generalizations of Bézier surfaces), free-form deformations,<br />

mesh parametrization, and interpolation. In this paper<br />

we present a new form of d dimensional generalized barycentric coordinates.<br />

The new coordinates are defined as solutions to Laplace’s<br />

equation subject to carefully chosen boundary conditions. Since solutions<br />

to Laplace’s equation are called harmonic functions, we call<br />

the new construction harmonic coordinates. We show that harmonic<br />

coordinates possess several properties that make them more attractive<br />

than mean value coordinates when used to define two and three<br />

dimensional deformations.<br />

Keywords: Barycentric coordinates, mean value coordinates,free<br />

form deformations, rigging.<br />

1 Introduction<br />

Two dimensional barycentric coordinates are fundamental in a wide<br />

variety of applications, including Gouraud shading of triangles and<br />

the definition of triangular Bézier patches [Farin 2002]. Given a<br />

triangle with vertices T1,T2,T3, barycentric coordinates allow every<br />

point p in the plane of the triangle to be expressed uniquely as<br />

p = ∑ βi(p)Ti<br />

(1)<br />

i=1,2,3<br />

where the numbers β1(p),β2(p),β3(p) are the barycentric coordinates<br />

of p with respect to T1,T2,T3. They can be defined in many<br />

ways, one of the simplest being as the unique linear functions satisfying<br />

the interpolation conditions:<br />

βi(Tj) = δi, j, i, j = 1,2,3. (2)<br />

Similarly, barycentric coordinates in three dimensions can be<br />

defined relative to a non-degenerate tetrahedron with vertices<br />

T1,T2,T3,T4 ∈ ℜ 3 as the unique linear functions that satisfy Equation<br />

2 where the indices i and j run from 1 to 4 instead of from 1 to<br />

3.<br />

As described in Ju et. al. [Ju et al. 2005], most of the uses of<br />

barycentric coordinates stem from their use in the construction of<br />

interpolating functions. Gouraud shading is a familiar example<br />

where colors c1,c2,c3 assigned to the vertices of a triangle are interpolated<br />

across the triangle according to<br />

c(p) = ∑<br />

i=1,2,3<br />

βi(p)ci<br />

(3)<br />

A similar formula can be used to define a deformation of two-space.<br />

Namely, let T ′<br />

1 ,T ′<br />

2 and T ′<br />

3 denote new positions for the vertices of<br />

the original triangle. The deformed position of point p can then be<br />

defined as<br />

p ′ = ∑<br />

i=1,2,3<br />

βi(p)T ′<br />

i<br />

(4)<br />

Consider now the problem of defining such two dimensional coordinates<br />

(and corresponding interpolants) relative to polygons with<br />

more than three vertices. The interpolation conditions are still important,<br />

but it is no longer sufficient to require the coordinate functions<br />

to be linear – there are too many interpolation conditions to<br />

satisfy with linear functions. An interesting and important question<br />

then is how to generalize barycentric coordinates to arbitrary closed<br />

polygons in the plane and arbitrary closed polyhedra in space.<br />

The problem of generalizing barycentric coordinates is surprisingly<br />

rich, and has received considerable attention in recent years<br />

([Wachpress 1975], [R.Sibson 1981], [Loop and DeRose 1989],<br />

[Warren 1996], [Meyer et al. 2002], [Floater 2003], [Floater et al.<br />

2005], [Ju et al. 2005]). Ju et. al. provide a good overview in [Ju<br />

et al. 2005]. Since not all properties of barycentric coordinates can

(a) (d)<br />

(b) (e)<br />

(c) (f)<br />

Figure 2: Two dimensional generalized barycentric coordinates<br />

used to define deformations of two different objects (shown in blue)<br />

using cages (shown in black). The top row shows the cages and objects<br />

at ”bind” time. The second row shows modified cages and<br />

the corresponding deformed objects using mean value coordinates.<br />

The last row shows modified cages and deformed objects using harmonic<br />

coordinates. In the last two rows, the original undeformed<br />

object is shown in white. The two methods perform similarly for<br />

convex shapes. In the bipedal case, harmonic coordinates perform<br />

better in that the motion of cage points in the left leg does not influence<br />

points in the right leg.<br />

be retained in the generalization, the richness results from the many<br />

different ways the properties can be relaxed.<br />

We are particularly interested in using generalized barycentric coordinates<br />

for character deformation, as shown in Figure 1 and as<br />

described in Ju et. al [Ju et al. 2005]. In this application, an object<br />

to be deformed is positioned relative to a closed shape that we’ll call<br />

a cage. Examples are shown in Figures 1 and Figure 2. The object<br />

is then “bound” to the cage by computing generalized barycentric<br />

coordinates gi(p) of each object point p relative to the cage vertices<br />

Ci. As the cage vertices are moved to new locations C ′ i , the<br />

deformed points p ′ are computed from<br />

p ′ = ∑ i<br />

gi(p)C ′ i<br />

Of the various generalized barycentric coordinate formulations<br />

available, mean value coordinates [Floater 2003; Floater et al. 2005;<br />

Ju et al. 2005] are particularly useful in this application because:<br />

(5)<br />

• The cage that controls the deformation can be any simple<br />

closed polygon in two dimensions, and any simple closed triangular<br />

mesh in three dimensions.<br />

• The coordinates are smooth, so the deformation is smooth.<br />

• The coordinates reproduce linear functions, so the object<br />

doesn’t “pop” when it is bound. That is, the coordinates are<br />

such that setting C ′ i to Ci in Equation 5 results in p ′ reducing<br />

to p.<br />

A second example motivated by the articulation of bipedal characters<br />

is shown in the second column of Figure 2. Notice how the<br />

modified cage points on the leg on the left in Figure 2(e) influence<br />

the position of object points in the leg on the right. This occurs<br />

because mean value coordinates are based on Euclidean (straightline)<br />

distances between points of the cage and points of the object.<br />

Although the influence is noticeable in still images, the movement<br />

of points in the right leg when the left leg cage points is particularly<br />

striking in interactive use, as demonstrated in the accompanying<br />

video. The behavior of 3D mean value coordinates is similar, and is<br />

highly undesirable for the articulation of characters in feature film<br />

production.<br />

What is needed for character articulation is a form of generalized<br />

barycentric coordinates that adds the following properties to those<br />

enjoyed by mean value coordinates:<br />

• Non-negativity. This implies that object points move in the<br />

same direction as cage points; negative coordinates mean<br />

they can move in the opposite direction. Negativity of mean<br />

value coordinates is responsible for the right leg points in Figure<br />

2(e) moving in the opposite direction from the left leg cage<br />

points. Negativity is also responsible for the collapsing of the<br />

left leg points in Figure 2(e).<br />

• Interior locality. Informally, the coordinates should fall off<br />

as a function of the distance between cage points and object<br />

points as measured within the cage.<br />

In this paper we show that such coordinates can be produced as solutions<br />

to Laplace’s equation with appropriately chosen boundary<br />

conditions. Since solutions to Laplace’s equation are generically<br />

referred to as harmonic functions, we therefore call these coordinates<br />

harmonic coordinates, and the deformations they generate<br />

harmonic deformations. 1<br />

1.1 Previous work<br />

Laplace’s equation, harmonic functions, and harmonic maps have<br />

often been mentioned in previous constructions of barycentric coordinates<br />

in two dimensions. For instance, the “cotangent weights” of<br />

[Pinkhall and Polthier 1993] and [Meyer et al. 2002] can be derived<br />

from piecewise linear discretizations of Laplace’s equation. Similarly,<br />

Floater’s construction of mean value coordinates was motivated<br />

by the mean value theorem for harmonic functions. It is<br />

somewhat surprising to us that direct solution of Laplace’s equation<br />

has never been used to create generalized barycentric coordinates,<br />

but that seems to be the case.<br />

Another connection between Laplace’s equation and mean value<br />

coordinates comes from the motivation given in [Ju et al. 2005].<br />

They derive mean value coordinates starting with an interpolant<br />

they call the mean value interpolant. The mean value interpolant<br />

to a function f defined on a closed boundary works as follows. To<br />

1 Since each component of a harmonic deformation is a harmonic function,<br />

many texts refer to such deformations as harmonic maps. We prefer<br />

the term harmonic deformation because of the context in which they’re used<br />

in this paper.

p<br />

(a)<br />

x<br />

Figure 3: Mean value vs harmonic interpolation. (a) The straightline<br />

paths corresponding to mean value interpolation. (b) The<br />

Brownian paths corresponding to harmonic interpolation.<br />

compute a value for each interior point p, consider each point x on<br />

the boundary. Multiply f (x) by the reciprocal distance from x to<br />

p, then average over all x (see Figure 3(a)). This definition makes<br />

it clear that mean value coordinates involve straight-line distances<br />

irrespective of the visibility of x from p. An alternative interpolant<br />

that respects visibility is to average not over all straight-line paths,<br />

but rather to average over all Brownian paths leaving p, where the<br />

value assigned to each path is the value of f at the point the path first<br />

hits the boundary (see Figure 3(b)). Although this definition at first<br />

seems intractable to compute, it is a famous result from stochastic<br />

processes (c.f. [Port and Stone 1978], [Bass 1995]) that the interpolant<br />

thus produced (in any dimension) in fact satisfies Laplace’s<br />

equation subject to the boundary conditions given by f . 2<br />

2 Theory<br />

In this section we formalize the discussion of Section 1. Let C be<br />

a closed (not necessarily convex) volume in d dimensions with a<br />

piecewise linear boundary. Geometers call such shapes polytopes,<br />

but because we have specific uses in mind, we refer to these shapes<br />

instead as cages. In two dimensions, a cage is a region of the plane<br />

bounded by a closed polygon (such as the one shown in Figure 2),<br />

and in three dimensions a cage is a closed region of space bounded<br />

by planar (though not necessarily triangular) faces. For each of<br />

the vertices Ci of the cage, we seek a function hi(p) defined on C<br />

subject to the following conditions:<br />

1. Interpolation: hi(Cj) = δi, j.<br />

2. Affine-invariance: ∑i hi(p) = 1 for all p ∈ C.<br />

3. Strict generalization of barycentric coordinates: when C is a<br />

simplex, hi(p) is the barycentric coordinate of p with respect<br />

to Ci.<br />

4. Smoothness: The functions hi(p) are at least C 1 smooth.<br />

5. Non-negativity: hi(p) ≥ 0, for all p ∈ C.<br />

6. Linear reproduction: Given an arbitrary function f (p), the<br />

coordinate functions can be used to define an interpolant<br />

H[ f ](p) according to:<br />

H[ f ](p) = ∑hi(p) f (Ci) (6)<br />

i<br />

Following Ju et. al [Ju et al. 2005], we require H[ f ](p) to<br />

be exact for linear functions. As shown by Ju et. al, taking<br />

f (p) = p means that<br />

p = ∑hi(p)Ci (7)<br />

i<br />

which is the“non-popping” condition mentioned in Section 1.<br />

2 We thank [name omitted for review purposes] for pointing out this con-<br />

nection to us.<br />

p<br />

(b)<br />

7. Interior locality: We quantify the notion of interior locality<br />

introduced above as follows: interior locality holds, if, in addition<br />

to non-negativity, the coordinate functions have no interior<br />

extrema.<br />

Mean value coordinates possess all but two of these properties:<br />

namely, non-negativity and interior locality. We claim that coordinate<br />

functions satisfying all seven properties can be obtained as<br />

solutions to Laplace’s equation<br />

▽ 2 hi(p) = 0, p ∈ Int(C) (8)<br />

if the boundary conditions are carefully chosen.<br />

To gain some insight into how the boundary conditions are determined,<br />

we consider first the construction of harmonic coordinates<br />

in two dimensions. It will then be clear how the construction generalizes<br />

to d dimensions. For reasons that will soon become apparent,<br />

the appropriate boundary conditions for hi(p) in two dimensions are<br />

as follows. Let ∂ p denote a point on the boundary ∂C of C, then<br />

hi(∂ p) = φi(∂ p),for all∂ p ∈ ∂C (9)<br />

where φi(∂ p) is the (univariate) piecewise linear function such that<br />

φi(Cj) = δi, j. For example, if C is the cage shown in Figure 4(a),<br />

then φi(∂ p) is the piecewise linear function defined on the edges<br />

e1,...,e15 such that φi(Cj) = δi, j, for i, j = 1,...,15.<br />

We now show that functions satisfying Equation 8 subject to Equation<br />

9 possess the properties enumerated above. It turns out that the<br />

linear reproduction property subsumes several other conditions, so<br />

for purposes of proof we verify the conditions in a different order<br />

than the one presented above.<br />

• Interpolation: by construction hi(Cj) = φi(Cj) = δi, j.<br />

• Smoothness: Away from the boundary harmonic coordinates<br />

are solutions to Laplace’s equation, and hence they are C ∞ .<br />

• Non-negativity: harmonic functions achieve their extrema at<br />

their boundaries. Since boundary values are restricted to [0,1],<br />

interior values are also restricted to [0,1].<br />

• Linear reproduction: Let f (p) be an arbitrary linear function.<br />

We need to show that H[ f ](p) = f (p), where H[ f ](p)<br />

is defined as in Equation 6. We begin by establishing that<br />

H[ f ](p) = f (p) everywhere on the boundary of C. If ∂ p is a<br />

point on the boundary of C, then by construction<br />

H[ f ](∂ p) = ∑hi(∂ p) f (Ci) = ∑φi(∂ p) f (Ci) (10)<br />

i<br />

i<br />

The functions φi(∂ p) are the univariate linear B-spline basis<br />

functions (commonly known as the “hat function” basis),<br />

which are capable of reproducing all linear functions on ∂C<br />

(in fact, they reproduce all piecewise linear functions on ∂C).<br />

Next we extend the result to the interior of C. Note that since<br />

f (p) is linear, all second derivatives vanish, and in particular<br />

▽ 2 f (p) = 0; thus f (p) satisfies Laplace’s equation on the<br />

interior of C. H[ f ](p) also satisfies Laplace’s equation on the<br />

interior, because for interior points ·p:<br />

▽ 2 H[ f ](·p) = ▽ 2 ∑ i<br />

= ∑ i<br />

= ∑ f (Ci)0<br />

i<br />

= 0<br />

hi(·p) f (Ci)<br />

f (Ci) ▽ 2 hi(·p)<br />

Since f (p) and H[ f ](p) agree on their boundaries and are<br />

both solutions to the same differential equation, by uniqueness<br />

of solutions to PDEs, they must be the same function.

e15<br />

C1<br />

C15<br />

e2<br />

e1<br />

C3<br />

C2<br />

(a) (b) (c)<br />

Figure 4: A comparison of coordinate functions for a concave cage. (a) A 2D cage with vertices C1,...,C15; (b) the value of the mean<br />

value coordinate for C2 (yellow indicates positive values, green indicates negative values); (c) the value of the harmonic coordinate for C2<br />

(red denotes the exterior of the cage where the function is undefined). To accentuate values near zero, intensities of yellow and green are<br />

proportional to the square root of the coordinate function value. The significant influence of the position of C2 on object points in the leg on<br />

the right is indicated by the presence of green in the right leg of (b). The corresponding influence in (c) is essentially zero.<br />

• Affine invariance: The function f (p) = 1 is linear, so affine<br />

invariance follows immediately from the linear reproduction<br />

property.<br />

• Strict generalization of barycentric coordinates. If the cage<br />

C consists of a single triangle harmonic coordinates reduce<br />

to barycentric coordinates. Let β j(p) denote the barycentric<br />

coordinates of p with respect to the triangle. To establish that<br />

h j(p) = β j(p), note that β j(p) is a linear function, so we can<br />

use the linear reproduction property above by taking f (p) =<br />

β j(p):<br />

β j(p) = H[β j](p)<br />

= ∑ i<br />

hi(p)β j(Ci)<br />

= ∑hi(p)δi, j<br />

i<br />

= h j(p)<br />

• Interior locality: follows from non-negativity and the fact that<br />

harmonic functions possess no interior extrema.<br />

To generalize from two to d dimensions, we first back up and consider<br />

harmonic coordinates in one dimension. In one dimension<br />

a cage is a line segment bounded by two vertices C0 and C1, and<br />

Laplace’s equation reduces to<br />

d2hi(p) = 0. (11)<br />

d p2 Thus, hi(p) is a linear function, and the proper (zero dimensional)<br />

boundary conditions come from the interpolation property:<br />

hi(Cj) = δi, j.<br />

With this insight, we can repose the two dimensional construction<br />

as: to construct two dimensional harmonic coordinates, start with<br />

the interpolation conditions hi(Cj) = δi, j. This determines the coordinates<br />

on the 0-dimensional facets (the vertices) of C. Next, extend<br />

the coordinates to the 1-dimensional facets (the edges) of C using<br />

the one dimensional version of Laplace’s equation. Finally, extend<br />

them to the two dimensional facets (the interior) of C using the two<br />

dimensional version of Laplace’s equation.<br />

The extension to three and higher dimensions follows immediately:<br />

The harmonic coordinates hi(p) for a d dimensional cage C with<br />

vertices Ci, are the unique functions such that:<br />

1. hi(Cj) = δi, j.<br />

2. On every facet of dimension k ≤ d, the k dimensional Laplace<br />

equation is satisfied.<br />

To prove that d dimensional harmonic coordinates defined in this<br />

way possess the required properties, we can use induction on the<br />

facet dimension, starting with the 1-facets as the base case. The<br />

proofs given above for two dimensions are actually more general;<br />

they are valid in any dimension k assuming that linear reproduction<br />

is achieved on the k − 1 facets. These proofs therefore serve as the<br />

inductive step.<br />

Having defined coordinates in this way, by construction we have<br />

the following additional property that is shared by barycentric coordinates<br />

and Warren’s [Warren 1996] construction:<br />

• Dimension reduction: d dimensional harmonic coordinates,<br />

when restricted to a k < d dimensional facet, reduce to k dimensional<br />

harmonic coordinates.<br />

For example, a three dimensional cage bounded by triangular facets<br />

possesses harmonic coordinates that reduce to barycentric coordinates<br />

on the faces. Similarly, a dodecahedral cage will have 3D<br />

harmonic coordinates that reduce to 2D harmonic coordinates on<br />

its pentagonal faces.<br />

3 Implementation<br />

Our current implementation of harmonic coordinates is limited to<br />

two and three dimensions. In both cases we use a simple hierarchical<br />

finite difference solver, though in principle any solution method<br />

for Laplace’s equation, such as a finite element method, could be<br />

used.<br />

Now for some details. First we’ll describe the non-hierarchial version<br />

of the solver. We’ll then describe the extension to the hierarchical<br />

solver. For each vertex Ci of the cage, we approximate hi(p)<br />

over the interior of the cage as follows:<br />

1. Allocate a regular grid of cells that is large enough to enclose<br />

the cage. We choose the grid to contain 2 s cells on a side. All<br />

two dimensional examples have been computed with s = 6;<br />

three dimensional examples use s = 7. Each grid cell contains<br />

a value, and a tag, where the tag is one of UNTYPED,<br />


2. Initialize the grid by:<br />

(a) Tag all cells as UNTYPED.

(b) Scan-convert boundary conditions into the grid, marking<br />

each scan converted cell with the BOUNDARY tag.<br />

In two dimensions, the function φi(p) as defined in Section<br />

2 is scan-converted into the grid. In three dimensionals,<br />

our implementation is currently restricted to triangular<br />

faces, meaning that the boundary values varying<br />

in a piecewise linear fashion. We therefore use a<br />

simple voxel-based triangle scan-converter in this stage.<br />

(c) Starting with one of the corner cells, flood fill the exterior,<br />

marking each visited cell with the EXTERIOR tag.<br />

The flood fill recursion stops when BOUNARY tags are<br />

reached. Since the boundary is closed, only the exterior<br />

cells are visited during this stage.<br />

(d) Mark remaining UNTYPED cells as INTERIOR with<br />

harmonic coordinate value equal to 0.<br />

3. Laplacian smooth: For each INTERIOR cell, replace the<br />

value of the cell with the average of the value of its neighbors.<br />

In 2D cells are considered to be 4-connected; in 3D they<br />

are considered to be 6-connected. This Laplacian smoothing<br />

step is performed iteratively until the termination criterion is<br />

reached. Our solver terminates when the average change to a<br />

cell drops below a specified threshold τ. All examples in this<br />

paper have used τ = 10 −5 .<br />

The solver described above can be significantly accelerated by noting<br />

that Laplace’s equation produces very smoothly varying functions.<br />

By first solving the problem at a lower resolution, better starting<br />

points for the iteration can be obtained. The hierarchical solver<br />

exploits this observation by “pulling” the boundary conditions up to<br />

a coarser level, recursively solving there, “pushing” the coarse solution<br />

down to the finer level, then iterating the Laplacian smoothing<br />

step until convergence is reached.<br />

The pulling step in two dimensions computes a coarse level grid of<br />

size 2 s−1 × 2 s−1 from a fine level grid of size 2 s × 2 s . Each coarse<br />

level grid cell represents four “children” cells on the finer level. In<br />

three dimensions, each coarse level grid cell represents eight children<br />

cells on the finer level. In both cases, a coarse cell is tagged<br />

as a BOUNDARY if at least one child is tagged as a BOUNDARY;<br />

it is tagged as EXTERIOR if all children are EXTERIOR, and it<br />

is tagged as INTERIOR if all children are INTERIOR. The value<br />

of a coarse level BOUNDARY cell is the average of the finer level<br />

BOUNDARY cells. INTERIOR cells on the coarse level are initialized<br />

with a value of zero.<br />

The pushing step propagates values from coarse level cells to IN-<br />

TERIOR cells on the finer level. Specifically, all INTERIOR cells<br />

on the finer level receive the value of their parent cell on the coarse<br />

level.<br />

4 Results<br />

The behavior of harmonic deformations in two dimensions is illustrated<br />

in the accompanying video as well as in Figure 2. The behavior<br />

of three dimensional harmonic deformations is illustrated in<br />

Figure 1, where we have bound an object containing 8019 vertices<br />

to a cage containing 112 vertices. The binding time for this example<br />

was 262 seconds, using the hierarchical solver with a finest<br />

grid with 2 7 cells on a side, and a coarsest grid with 2 4 cells on<br />

a side. The termination tolerance τ was 10 −5 . The corresponding<br />

bind time for mean value coordinates was 443 seconds using the<br />

algorithm as published in Figure 4 of [Ju et al. 2005].<br />

Notice that the bind time for harmonic coordinates is faster than<br />

that for mean value coordinates in this case. The primary reason is<br />

that the harmonic coordinate solver computes an entire coordinate<br />

Subdivisions Object vertices MVC (in sec) HC (in sec)<br />

0 21 0.16 29<br />

2 242 1.7 30<br />

4 3842 24 30<br />

5 15,362 113 30<br />

Table 1: A comparison of the binding time of the mean value<br />

and harmonic coordinate solvers as the number of object points increases.<br />

These examples were generated by using an icosahedron as<br />

the cage, and a subdivided dodecahedron as the object. The “Subdivisions”<br />

column indicates the number of times the dodecahedron<br />

was subdivided. Note that the time required for harmonic coordinates<br />

is relatively insensitive to the number of object vertices.<br />

function at a time. Once a coordinate function is computed it is<br />

very inexpensive to look up the value for each of the object points.<br />

The running time of the harmonic solver is therefore most strongly<br />

dependent on the number of cage vertices. The mean value solver,<br />

on the other hand, iterates over the entire cage for each of the object<br />

points. When the number of object points is small compared to<br />

the number of cage points, the mean value solver is faster. As the<br />

number of object points increases, the harmonic solver eventually<br />

outperforms the mean value solver. This trend is demonstrated in<br />

Table 1.<br />

One potential disadvantage of harmonic coordinates compared to<br />

mean value coordinates is memory overhead. A straightforward<br />

implementation of mean value coordinates requires only a constant<br />

amount of additional memory for each face of the cage, whereas the<br />

memory requirements of our simple harmonic solver is dominated<br />

by the solver grid. In two dimensions the grids are typically small<br />

(roughly 40Kbytes in our examples), but in three dimensions the<br />

grids can become rather large (roughly 25Mbytes in our examples).<br />

<strong>Harmonic</strong> coordinates computed as above are only numerical approximations,<br />

where the cell size and termination threshold determine<br />

the accuracy. The approximation error will, in general, cause<br />

each object point p to experience a residual ∆(p) when it is bound<br />

to the cage:<br />

∆(p) = p −∑ hi(p)Ci<br />

(12)<br />

i<br />

Another source of error occurs when coordinates below a threshold<br />

are removed from the sum, a process we call sparsification. Residuals<br />

due to sparsification occur for both mean value coordinates and<br />

harmonic coordinates. In cases where the residuals are too large,<br />

either because of an inaccurate solve or because of overly agressive<br />

sparisification, the residuals can be computed and stored at bind<br />

time on a per object point basis. They can then be added back at<br />

deformation time to improve the accuracy of the deformation with<br />

little run-time overhead. The examples used in this paper and the<br />

accompanying video were accurate enough that residuals were not<br />

used.<br />

4.1 Extension to cell complexes<br />

<strong>Harmonic</strong> coordinates as formulated thus far are defined relative to<br />

a cage consisting of a polytope, meaning the deformation is controlled<br />

entirely by boundary vertices of the cage. Once the behavior<br />

of the boundary is set, the behavior on the entire interior is completely<br />

determined. In many instances this is ideal. However, it<br />

is sometimes helpful to give artists additional control over interior<br />

details of the deformation. A simple example is shown in Figure 5<br />

where an additional isolated vertex has been added to refine control<br />

of the deformation in the area of the head of the character.<br />

It is also possible to extend the cage to include interior faces and<br />

edges; an example of including a collection of interior edges is

(a) (b)<br />

Figure 5: An example of interior control. (a) shows the cage and<br />

object at bind time, where an isolated interior vertex has been added<br />

to the cage; (b) shows the deformed object in response to movement<br />

of the interior vertex.<br />

shown in Figure 6. As demonstrated in this figure, the interior controls<br />

need not form a manifold — it is sufficient for the interior<br />

of the cage to form what is known as a linear cell complex. Intuitively,<br />

a linear cell complex is a collection of “cells” (vertices, linear<br />

edges, and planar faces) with the property that the intersection<br />

of any two cells is either empty or is another cell in the collection.<br />

<strong>Harmonic</strong> coordinates are easily adapted to such cages by treating<br />

the interior facets in exactly the same way as the bounary. 3<br />

Since harmonic functions are guaranteed to be only continuous at<br />

interior boundary conditions, harmonic coordinates are only C 0<br />

smooth across interior facets. In practice this means that if interior<br />

facets are used and smoothly deformed objects are desired, the<br />

interior facets should be placed so the object being deformed does<br />

not cross them.<br />

5 Summary<br />

We have provided a new and easy to implement construction for<br />

generalized barycentric coordinates as solutions to Laplace’s equation<br />

subject to carefully chosen boundary conditions — ones that<br />

correspond to lower dimensional solutions to Laplace’s equation.<br />

These harmonic coordinates improve on mean value coordinates in<br />

that they are guaranteed to be positive everywhere in the interior<br />

of the cage, and their influence falls off with distance as measured<br />

within the cage. Moreover, we have shown that the construction<br />

of harmonic coordinates can be carried out in any dimension, and<br />

we’ve show that the cage can be augmented with additional interior<br />

vertices, edges, and faces to provide more detailed control when<br />

necessary.<br />

Unlike mean value coordinates, harmonic coordinates are defined<br />

only within the cage, and they do not possess a closed form expression.<br />

The memory requirements of harmonic coordinates are also<br />

considerably larger than mean value coordinates, especially in three<br />

dimensions. However, we’ve show that they can be efficiently approximated<br />

using a hierarchical solver, and we’ve shown that in the<br />

common case where the number of object points greatly exceeds<br />

the number of cage points, they are faster to compute than mean<br />

value coordinates. Once coordinates have been computed, the cost<br />

of evaluating harmonic deformations is identical to that of deformations<br />

based on mean value coordinates.<br />

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3 Note to reviewers: we have not yet implemented harmonic coordinates<br />

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(a)<br />

(b) (c)<br />

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