Tov€er Nasr

Tov€er Nasr

Tov€er Nasr


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IMUiN of petsecutiugie* b.li.v. th.y @ bcins plooed aeli6r spi.d 04<br />

slddd!4 disimiDrcd lgaict or rl'rannrd.<br />

D.lutio8 of reJere.e p^i@ts 9ith s*h dcluios atr.ch lpoial .nd !@nd<br />

mminS !o thc r.ulrsl aclion6 olotn6 or evdrs,<br />

Del,sio$ ofetuhnat pztjaL.wirh such deluion! belide thrt ihcy @<br />

q1@ly fms !n Powertul p.Ms.<br />

Dehsitu o{Nt.ol p*ia,6tAi4 $!t th.ir lhoudt5! acli@ ald f€lir8r @<br />

.@tou.d by otha p@ple (Com, 2ma). Th* delcioG ,ls! iftlud€:<br />

?7,a!a}l ds,r,a, belGfdat thougft whict e not fien oM d pur inio rhen<br />

lroqht itr.ltuwal b.li.t t\^lJ)en dDugn|s @ b.ing br@ aw.y or rmv.d<br />

teo then nind! by othd p@de<br />

mougtt btuad@tirgL.lief $^ eRhow $.n rhougdrs bav. beoe @qjbt.<br />

lo olheB or $oughG !rc btuad.6Ld to thc oursid. world ed ev.ry orc ce h6 $am.<br />

They ftay b3 convinccd that sne one is tlyirg io ht?ioI'e ihd or itrrpolc ilen will on<br />

Inm (Alloy, A@lla, & BooEia 1996).<br />

1,2.2 N.8rdv. SyD!'toB<br />

Negativ. synptoN rcfld a dcfci@y of mnrd fidriming' d !!5d. of<br />

norml thoughtq b.haeioB &d @tb$ (Co@r, 2004). DSM- rV rR (AtA, 2OO5)<br />

lisls ihre negativo syhpiom s oherclqistics of S.hizophmia: alogia, dI€ctiv.<br />

bluling ed volitior Otnd regaliv€ strnplos rhrt @ col|mn in &hizophMit<br />

include siol vithdr.er, &!eddi. .!d idlPanld rnafol<br />

,.troa,a k $ndtu qucd Fvart of sp@n. n is cb.@rtized by . Educrion ir<br />


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