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recur too often, and that aliases must be found<br />

Variety is good ; but here it was carried to excess.<br />

The following list of variants for Romani may not<br />

be exhaustive, but is surely too long : Aeneadae,<br />

Aurunci, Ausonidae and Ausonii^ Dardanidae, Dardani<br />

and Dardanii, Dauni and Daunii, Evandrei, Hectorei,<br />

Hesperii, Idaei, Iliad, Itali, Laomedontiadae, Latii and<br />

Latini, Laurentes, Martigenae, Oenotri, Phryges and<br />

Phrygil, Priamidae, Rkoetei, Saturnii, Sigei, Teucri,<br />

Troes, Troiugenae, and Tyrrheni. The Carthaginians<br />

also are called by nearly a dozen different names.<br />

I have thought it best not always to follow Silius in<br />

this particular.<br />

The great Roman poets, Lucretius and Virgil,<br />

Catullus and Horace, have their place apart ; and<br />

Silius has no claim to be ranked with these or near<br />

them. Yet, when defects are admitted and due<br />

qualifications made, the reader of the Punica, once<br />

he has surmounted the obstacles, will find much<br />

pleasant walking there. If anyone doubts whether<br />

Silius could write poetry, let him read the twentythree<br />

lines in which the aspect and habits of the god<br />

Pan are described (xiii. 326-347). If Ovid had written<br />

these charming verses, every scholar would know<br />

them and critics would be eloquent in their praise.<br />

Silius is full of incidental narrative, and he tells<br />

a short story well, though it must be admitted<br />

that his main narrative is too apt to hang fire.<br />

And one quality he has which is a constant comfort<br />

and satisfaction to some at least of his<br />

readers. Though inferior to Statius in brilliance<br />

and far inferior to Lucan in intellectual force, he<br />

is almost entirely free from that misplaced ingenuity<br />

which pervades the whole of their works and makes<br />


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