TtftfoE rh. ri.& pipiry ro u3 ii

TtftfoE rh. ri.& pipiry ro u3 ii

TtftfoE rh. ri.& pipiry ro u3 ii


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Th.E is no splce for lhe im<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>ri</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>onal. thc fot stic, .nd thc mt culous in<br />

Tb*us' world. In s nutsheu, h. dcni6 accepling <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>rh</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>c opposne sideofhis@nscious<br />

nind, which is a tiny f4Dent on tia surfe of tlE un&thomable oc@, thc<br />

uncon$ioN.! Th! tsycbologiat<br />

position ofTlEe6, s found in <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>rh</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>. p.sg.,<br />

conespon& <strong>ro</strong> lhat ofan exreme cxlr.v.ned tlTe in Jungiln studies. Forexomplc!<br />

Aeq<strong>ii</strong>.s to Jh& tlE tu .ftrltbd dinldu ryp6 $hs!t4!b!h<br />

<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>rh</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>cmsrwr ind dh.6 <strong>ro</strong> lh.n tqulq a sFld ofrulcs, idals md pnicipk $rr<br />

in <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>rh</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>. .nd bsm6 a dgid nodl .od.- fi.n bcnchmek lEjdice .nd rru<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>rh</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>, bed<br />

on lhd th.y .onsider b b€ lhc puE$ comeiwbl. fohultrtion ofobjeo<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>ri</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>v. rc.l<strong>ii</strong>y<br />

(45, enDhair min.).<br />

Th6ds division ol his rbcm6 into *ningly i@ncilrblc opposir6 involvG lhe<br />

f!rctio.6f<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>rh</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>inkin&lnc f&ully <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>rh</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>ar c.hr.6 our daltlical ap.bil<strong>ii</strong>i€s lor.<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>ri</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>ving<br />

.l c.rloin @nclu<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>ri</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>oN. Fordhd's.xplrna<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>ri</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>on funh.r cldifics thc poinl und.r<br />

rnk tp. (<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>rh</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>ai<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>ri</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>nsl <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>rh</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>ink! ftl.ss our ind cm6 <strong>ro</strong> 6iclu<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>ri</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>o6 basd on obj.cliv.<br />

dib+hlr h. 6rrs dE "lic . H? tit6 togic od ord.i .nd is fond o<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>ri</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>.v.n nA<br />

d <strong>ro</strong>mll! b .rpB his vids. H. b's his <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>ri</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>L on p nctprB ,'d wutd tik. b<br />

s6 o<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>rh</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>.E do <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>rh</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>c !5e....H. b.<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>ri</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>Mr <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>rh</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>rr hc ir a<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>ri</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>oi.r lnd rasical, bur in fst h.<br />

suppB.s all <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>rh</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>at do6 nor fil in<strong>ro</strong> hls sohmq or Efu&s <strong>ro</strong> rcognia i!. Hc bor\<br />

dislikd.nd f@6 thc im<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>ri</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>oi.l. <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>ri</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>d he rcprcs$ mo<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>ri</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>oi did fetins, rnd rrnds <strong>ro</strong><br />

b@D. 6ld dd leking in uf,doBondins ofhun'n wotnc$, H. ncslets <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>rh</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>. M of<br />

l<strong>ii</strong>mdlhiD .nd ol Eldiochip lo o<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>rh</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>r p6ph, hd is on.n i flmily 9tur (p.14,<br />

Thcss' tsnn.nt of H.mia is a glding .eplc of lining olhcu into . rymniol<br />

fomula, Life is not a mech.niolsystcn functioning und.r prcchelyc0lculat.d law$<br />

ccsily pEdictobl. cvcnk, rnd losicol syLloskms.'<br />

Sodcoflhc phmes in Thcs<strong>u3</strong> sp.eh Egoic fudhcr anllFis to ch<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>ri</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>t his<br />

blindnc$ io dc "slzygiaf Aiale<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>ri</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>ol cla<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>ri</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>dships i. thc idage he employs fo!<br />

&lwncing hh idcaof toolreaon," Thcerpftssion hc uscs for youthlullsnrasics is<br />

'lc.<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>rh</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>ing bEins. TlE eor4 "sdling. is Gociatcd with lhe $u.d pmdu@d by<br />

boilins war€r, suSg.ning $e duldFn ol d6iE hidden in nE*u

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