E:zF Katz - The Pennsylvania General Assembly

E:zF Katz - The Pennsylvania General Assembly

E:zF Katz - The Pennsylvania General Assembly


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Abraham<br />

Barber<br />

Bellormnl<br />

Bennett<br />

Berlln<br />

Berson<br />

Bonetto<br />

B-er<br />

BUTm<br />

Caputo<br />

Cianciulli<br />

Cohen<br />

Cole<br />

Cowell<br />

DeMedio<br />

DeWcese<br />

Dicarlo<br />

DiDonato<br />

Dombromki<br />

Doyle<br />

Dumas<br />

Eckensbuger<br />

Englehart<br />

Pee<br />

Flahertg<br />

Gallagher<br />

Garda<br />

Wer<br />

p~-~~<br />

NAYS-107<br />

George Menhorn<br />

Giammarm Milanovich<br />

GillesBle Miller, M. E.<br />

Gillette Miller, M. E., Jr.<br />

Gleeson Milliron<br />

Guodrnan Miscevich<br />

Green Morris<br />

Greenfield Mrkonic<br />

Hopkins<br />

Hutehi~on. A.<br />

Irvln<br />

Itkin<br />

Johnson. J.<br />

Kelly. A. P.<br />

Kerniclr<br />

Kolter<br />

~owalyshyn<br />

LaMarca<br />

Mullen. M. P.<br />

Must0<br />

Myers<br />

Novak<br />

Noye<br />

O'Brien<br />

O'Keefe<br />

Oliver<br />

Perry<br />

PetraFPB<br />

Laudadlo Plevsky<br />

Laughm<br />

Letterman<br />

Prstt<br />

Prendergast<br />

Llneoln<br />

Logue<br />

Mandefino<br />

McCBU<br />

Karenstahl<br />

Reed<br />

Renwiek<br />

Richardsorr<br />

McIntyre Rieger<br />

MeLane mtter<br />

NOT VOTING-8<br />


meman, Speake<br />

Gleason McGrsw Rappaport Wabh. T. P.<br />

Hammock Mullen Rhode~ Yahner<br />

So the question was determined in the negativc anc'<br />

the motion was not agreed to.<br />

On the question recurring,<br />

Shall the bill pass finally?<br />

<strong>The</strong> SPEAKER. <strong>The</strong> Chair recognizes the lady from<br />

Chester, Mrs. Crawford.<br />

Mrs. CRAWFORD. Mr. Speaker, I would like to speak<br />

to Mr. O'Donnell's question to Mr. DiCarlo. I disagree<br />

with Mr. DiCarlo's answer, and if Mr. O'Donnell would<br />

look at page 13 of the bill, section (f), where it says:<br />

<strong>The</strong> owner of any premises in which there is<br />

any paint which contains dangerous levels of<br />

lead, or other toxic heavy metal, as defined in<br />

this act, shall cause said inaterials to be re-<br />

moved or covered according to the Philadelphia<br />

Department of Public Health Specifications For<br />

<strong>The</strong> Removal of Lead Paint and Safety Standards<br />

For Removal of Lead Paint.<br />

And it goes on to say that any premises that has this<br />

is de,clared to be a nuisance.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n, on page 10, we have a section on penalties which<br />

says:<br />

Any person who violates any provision of this<br />

act or anv rule of regulation or order of the<br />

Department of Health or the Department of En-<br />

vironmental Resources promulgated or issued<br />

pursuant to this act shall be guilty of a summary<br />

offense.<br />

In my mind, this means that even though the bill is<br />

not really specific about the sale of premises with lcad<br />

paint in thcm-and I am thinking about old farmhouses;<br />

I am thinking about people who go down to Philadel-<br />

phia and want to buy homes and so forth that are con-<br />

sidered historic. What this bill says here is not really<br />

clear-it csuld or could not prohihit the sale of a house<br />

with this condition. However, the Department of En-<br />

/<br />

So I think, if Mr. O'Donnell is a lawyer, he probably<br />

*."- *-..- I can be a little more specific than I was. I am not a<br />

Ruggiero lawyer, but this is the way I interpret this certain secsa1wrn<br />

Srhmltt tion.<br />

- .~~~~<br />

~ ~<br />

Schweder<br />

scirica / <strong>The</strong> SPEAKER. <strong>The</strong> Chair recognizes the lady from<br />

Shane Philadelphia, Mrs. Kelly.<br />

Shelhalner<br />

Sheltoll<br />

Mrs. KELLY. Mr. Speaker, we are doing so much<br />

Shupnlk concentrating on houses and properties that we are<br />

SUlpleton<br />

stout<br />

forgetting our children.<br />

Taylor<br />

I have a letter before me dated March 26, 1976, from<br />

Toll<br />

Trello the <strong>Pennsylvania</strong> Association of Retarded Citizens.<br />

Vhlleenti Mr. Speaker, before I go on with my letter, I would<br />

WQNBCZ<br />

like to bring to the attention of the members of this<br />

House the terrible trauma of retarded children. Over<br />

w~lliams the weekend I was a guest at one of these facilities, and<br />

Wilson<br />

Wo3dnk it breaks your heart to see these children who need<br />

Wright help and we seem to bypass them with a lot of silly<br />

Zwfkl<br />

comments from some of the members, in due respect<br />

to their intelligence.<br />

I will not read the entire letter, but on the second<br />

page it says:<br />

In 1972 Senator Richard Schweiker of Penn-<br />

syivania advocated an increase in the budget<br />

of the U. S. Government seven times the amount<br />

that was being spent at that time lor research,<br />

prevention and treatment programs. Numerous<br />

other congressmen testilled in behalf of that pro-<br />

gram indicating that lead poisoning is primarily<br />

a disease of poor,<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Pennsylvania</strong> Bulletin, Volume 1, No.<br />

77, Saturday, December 4, 1071 made lead poison-<br />

ing a reportable disease in the Department of<br />

Health. <strong>The</strong> quote from the <strong>Pennsylvania</strong> Rulle-<br />

tin is as follows: "Thu purpose of the amend-<br />

- -<br />

ments is to make lead poisoning a reportable dis-<br />

ease and provide information upon which to de-<br />

velop programs for the control of this important<br />

cause of mental and . uhvsical . defects in children<br />

. . ."<br />

<strong>The</strong> interest of the <strong>Pennsylvania</strong> Association<br />

for Retarded Citizens in I-lousc bill 9-Lead<br />

Poisoning, is that while the mortality rate for<br />

those childrcn so afflicted is high, the morbidity<br />

or the survival outlook for those who do live is<br />

very grim. Lead pnisoning causes nut only mental<br />

retardation, but also rerehrai palsy, convulsive<br />

seizures, blindness; optic atrophy, kidney diseases<br />

and multiple handicaps.<br />

So I will not go on to read the rest of it, but please<br />

let us remcmber our children. I ask all of you for an<br />

affirmative vote on this very, vcry important piece of<br />

legislation, Thank you very kindly.<br />

<strong>The</strong> SPEAKER. <strong>The</strong> Chair recognizes the gentleman<br />

from Berlrs, Mr. Stahl.<br />

Mr. STAHL. Last w~ek NIr. DiCarlo accused this<br />

speaker of misleading the members of the House. I be-<br />

lieve the shoe is on the othcr foot.<br />

We talked about the poor people, senior citizens, be-<br />

ing able to afford removal of paint. Over the weekend<br />

I got a communication from some people who would<br />

vironmentai Resources or the Department of Health could !mow about this problem. Fifteen-hundred dollars is the<br />

promulgate such rules and regulations. This is what we 1 estimatrd cost of lead paint removal by the <strong>Pennsylvania</strong><br />

are giving them the power to do. l~ealtors Association. I checked this figure out with

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