bravo zulu 1/2008 - GL Group

bravo zulu 1/2008 - GL Group

bravo zulu 1/2008 - GL Group


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Germanischer Lloyd<br />

<strong>bravo</strong> <strong>zulu</strong><br />

Newsletter for Customers and Business Partners Issue 01/<strong>2008</strong><br />

BIg Bang.<br />

controlled blast<br />

at the Spadeadam<br />

test site.<br />

SpadEadam TEST SITE<br />

Safe Explosion<br />

It’s a dramatic phenomenon. A sudden<br />

burst of energy causes a pressure wave<br />

to propagate outward through the air. The<br />

blast wave shocks up, dust clouds are created<br />

as the blast wave races across the<br />

ground. Hot gases and smoke form a rising<br />

fireball.<br />

With a net explosive quantity (NEQ) of<br />

up to 400 kg TNT equivalent, Spadeadam<br />

has a capability to carry out a wide range<br />

of full-scale, hazardous testing projects.<br />

The Spadeadam test site located in<br />

Cumbria, England, is operated by Advantica,<br />

a <strong>GL</strong> <strong>Group</strong> company which has been<br />

part of <strong>GL</strong> Industrial Services since August<br />

2007. At Spadeadam, mainly projects for<br />

the oil and gas industry as well as highly<br />

confidential work for a number of government<br />

agencies are implemented. From its<br />

heritage in British Gas, the site has been<br />

actively involved in the study of largescale<br />

hazards for over 30 years. “Spadead-<br />

conTEnTS<br />

TEchnology SpEcIal: Virtual<br />

Experience for navy Ships ........... 3<br />

SUBmERSIBlES: deep-diving<br />

Record at lake Baikal .................... 6<br />

acoUSTIcS:<br />

noise Under control ....................... 7<br />

nEWS: contracts, Services,<br />

Rules, Fairs ....................................... 6–8<br />

Spadeadam is a test centre where full-scale destructive and non-destructive experiments of a hazardous<br />

nature can be designed and undertaken professionally, discreetly and in complete confidentiality<br />

am’s remote and heavily secured location<br />

in the extreme north of England makes it<br />

ideal for conducting large full-scale hazard<br />

tests discreetly and with confidentiality assured,”<br />

explains David Brown, Spadeadam<br />

General Manager. “The 35-hectare site was<br />

purpose-built in 1977 and has the necessary<br />

infrastructure permanently on site including<br />

a multi-disciplinary team of staff<br />

who have unique experience in managing<br />

hazardous test projects.” Seventeen<br />

<strong>bravo</strong> <strong>zulu</strong> 01/<strong>2008</strong> 1

gaS EXploSIon. The rigs enable real world tests to be conducted at large scale.<br />

separate test facilities are maintained<br />

and constantly being developed to simulate<br />

most of the hazards that the oil and<br />

gas industries could experience. All the<br />

test rigs include advanced data acquisition<br />

systems for comprehensive analysis.<br />

The Spadeadam test site has a wide<br />

range of existing facilities and test rigs with<br />

specialized instrumentation. In addition<br />

scientists and engineers can design and<br />

construct experimental test rigs tailored<br />

to satisfy specific test requirements. Major<br />

projects have involved joint industry<br />

projects in support of the oil and gas industry<br />

and testing new designs and processes<br />

for a range of industries. These include oil<br />

and gas exploration, production and transmission,<br />

water processing and distribution,<br />

and ballistics and defence systems among<br />

many others.<br />

Full-scale fracture propagation of transmission-pipe<br />

and long-term high-pressure<br />

sour-gas corrosion testing of process<br />

equipment have established the site’s<br />

credentials for accurate and reliable data<br />

capture over periods of milliseconds or<br />

months. Gas distribution pipes in polyethylene<br />

are intensively tested to measure the<br />

resistance of material to rapid crack propagation.<br />

Operating conditions can range<br />

from – 20°C and pressures to 30 bar.<br />

The effect of intense jet fires on structures<br />

is met by two flame impingement<br />

test facilities. The test rigs enable full-scale<br />

tests to be conducted with nominal flame<br />

2<br />

<strong>bravo</strong> <strong>zulu</strong> 01/<strong>2008</strong><br />

aREa. Bird‘seye<br />

view of<br />

the test site.<br />

capacity up to 2,000 MW, long-term testing<br />

(longer than one hour) can be sustained at<br />

300 MW. Heat-flux densities and internal<br />

temperature gradients can be readily provided<br />

along with film or video recording<br />

for later analysis.<br />

The effect of gas explosions on structures<br />

are investigated over a wide range<br />

of conditions on a large scale. Fire pressure<br />

transients from explosions can be recorded<br />

of conditions such as variable confinement<br />

or congestion. Alternatively, site<br />

engineers have developed unique facility<br />

to enable pressure transients to be<br />

accurately produced by gas explosions.<br />

These pressure transients can be tailored<br />

from 0 to 7 bar and with periods of 5 ms<br />

to 1 second.<br />

high-sea Testing on dry land<br />

This remote, land-locked location in the<br />

North of England seems an unlikely setting<br />

for maritime tests. But over the years<br />

a great deal of work for the marine sector<br />

has been carried out at Spadeadam and it<br />

is still a feature of current and future trial<br />

activity.<br />

Spadeadam has carried out several ship-<br />

to-ship and ship-to-shore tests looking at<br />

vapour ignition and rapid-phase transition<br />

effects as well as fuel fires and the effects of<br />

blasts against ship structures whilst alongside<br />

a dock.<br />

“The <strong>GL</strong> Industrial Services large-scale<br />

test site is certainly worth serious consideration<br />

if any planned maritime tests or<br />

trials have a significant hazardous component,”<br />

says Brown. The site is currently<br />

exploring the possibility of a series of compartment<br />

fire tests with <strong>GL</strong>IS. This involves<br />

using a representative ship superstructure<br />

whilst keeping a weather-eye on novel and<br />

future fuel technology. ■<br />

For further information: David Brown,<br />

General Manager, Phone: +44 1697749138<br />

E-Mail: david.brown@advanticagroup.com<br />

www.advanticagroup.com/spadeadam<br />

technology special<br />

FIGURE 8. Aerodynamic flow<br />

simulation for frigates.

SImUlaTIon-BaSEd dESIgn<br />

Virtual Experience<br />

for navy Ships<br />

TEchnology SpEcIal<br />

Simulation-based design increasingly replaces traditional experience-based design. an overview of<br />

techniques now used in advanced industry practice, with particular focus on navy applications<br />

by Volker Bertram<br />

Ship design is increasingly supported by<br />

sophisticated analyses. Traditionally,<br />

ship design is based on experience. This is<br />

still true to some extent, but we increasingly<br />

rely on “virtual experience” from dedicated<br />

and well chosen simulations. Scope<br />

and depth of these simulations guiding our<br />

decisions in design and operation of ships<br />

have developed very dynamically over the<br />

past decade. Described is the state of the art<br />

as reflected in the work, but now with particular<br />

focus on applications for navy ships.<br />

1. Structural analyses<br />

1.1 Finite-element analysis<br />

(FEa)<br />

FEA for global strength within the elastic<br />

material domain have been standard for<br />

a long time, see Fig. 1. These simulations<br />

were the starting point for more sophisticated<br />

analyses, e.g. fatigue strength assessment,<br />

ultimate strength assessment, etc.<br />

Until 1998, the SOLAS regulations on<br />

subdivision and damage stability specified<br />

damage stability requirements only for<br />

cargo ships longer than 100 m. Since 1998,<br />

this limit has been lowered to 80 m for new<br />

cargo ships. Additional transverse bulkheads<br />

to fulfil damage stability require-<br />

ments are costly and restrict operations.<br />

However, the new SOLAS regulations allow<br />

alternative arrangements for some ships,<br />

provided that at least the “same degree of<br />

safety” is achieved. This notation allows<br />

some flexibility of structural designs supported<br />

by advanced simulations. For example,<br />

a structural design with increased<br />

collision resistance, thus reducing the<br />

probability of penetration of the inner hull,<br />

could eliminate the need for additional<br />

bulkheads.<br />

Based on extensive FEA simulations for<br />

ship collisions, <strong>GL</strong> has developed an approval<br />

procedure which provides the first such<br />

standard for evaluation and approval of alternative<br />

solutions for design and construction<br />

of these ships, see Fig. 2. The basic philosophy<br />

of the approval procedure is to compare<br />

the critical deformation energy in case<br />

of side collision of a strengthened structural<br />

design to that of a reference design complying<br />

with the damage stability requirement<br />

described in the SOLAS regulation.<br />

FEA require load specifications which<br />

for ships often involve frequently external<br />

hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads. <strong>GL</strong><br />

ShipLoad supports efficient load generation<br />

for global FEA of ship structures. Hydrostatic<br />

and hydrodynamic computations<br />

are integrated into the program. <strong>GL</strong> Ship-<br />

Load supports the generation of loads from<br />

first principles (realistic inertia and wave<br />

loads for user supplied wave parameters),<br />

but the program is also helpful in the selection<br />

of relevant wave situations for the<br />

global strength assessment based on bending<br />

moments and shear forces according to<br />

<strong>GL</strong>’s rules. The result is a small number of<br />

balanced load cases that are sufficient for<br />

the dimensioning of the hull structure.<br />

1.2 Vibration analyses<br />

Advances in computer methods have made<br />

three-dimensional FEA today the standard<br />

choice for ship vibration analyses today.<br />

The computations require longitudinal<br />

mass and stiffness distribution as input.<br />

The mass distribution considers the ship,<br />

the cargo and the hydrodynamic ‘added’<br />

mass, see Fig. 3. The added mass reflects<br />

the effect of the surrounding water and depends<br />

on the frequency. One can either use<br />

estimates based on experience or employ<br />

sophisticated hydrodynamic simulations.<br />

For local vibration analyses, see Fig. 4,<br />

added mass needs to be considered if the<br />

structures border on tanks or the outer hull<br />

plating. Because of the high natural frequencies<br />

of local structures, FEA models<br />

must be detailed enough to include also the<br />

bending stiffness of structural elements.<br />

1.3 acoustics<br />

FIgURE1. global<br />

strength analysis; grid<br />

and stresses<br />

for frigates.<br />

FIgURE 2. FEa for collision of two ships.<br />

For very high frequencies (structure-borne<br />

noise), the standard FEA approach to vibration<br />

analyses is impossible due to excessive<br />

computational requirements. For a typical<br />

passenger vessel for a frequency of 1,000 Hz,<br />

an FEA vibration model would lead to several<br />

million degrees of freedom. However,<br />

the very fact that information is required<br />

only averaged over a frequency band allows<br />

an alternative, far more efficient approach<br />

based on statistical energy analysis.<br />

<strong>GL</strong>’s Noise Finite Element Method (<strong>GL</strong><br />

NoiseFEM) is based on a related approach.<br />

<strong>GL</strong> NoiseFEM predicts the propagation<br />

of noise by analysing the exchange of energy<br />

between weakly coupled subsystems.<br />

Validation with full-scale measurements<br />

shows that the accuracy of <strong>GL</strong> NoiseFEM<br />

is sufficient for typical structure-borne<br />

sound predictions for the frequency range<br />

between 80 Hz and 4,000 Hz. While further<br />

development is still needed, struc-<br />

<strong>bravo</strong> <strong>zulu</strong> 01/<strong>2008</strong> 3

TEchnology SpEcIal<br />

ture-borne noise analyses have been<br />

validated on the wetted shell and met the<br />

requirements. Reliable prediction of the<br />

structure-borne noise is an important<br />

step towards predicting radiated underwater<br />

noise of vessels. In the meantime, <strong>GL</strong><br />

NoiseFEM structure-borne noise analyses<br />

are already applied to support the design<br />

of navy ships and mega yachts, see Fig. 5.<br />

2. computational Fluid<br />

dynamics (cFd)<br />

2.1 Seakeeping<br />

For many seakeeping issues, linear analyses<br />

(assuming small wave height or small<br />

wave steepness) are appropriate and frequently<br />

applied due to their efficiency.<br />

The advantage of this approach is that it is<br />

very fast, thus allowing the investigation of<br />

many parameters (frequency, wave direction,<br />

ship speed, metacentric height, etc.).<br />

Non-linear computations employing timedomain<br />

approaches are usually necessary<br />

for the treatment of extreme motions.<br />

They are also the recommended choice for<br />

planning hulls. These simulations require<br />

massive computer resources and allow<br />

FIgURE 5. Underwater noise<br />

validation for mine-hunter,<br />

grid and computed noise level on hull.<br />

4<br />

<strong>bravo</strong> <strong>zulu</strong> 01/<strong>2008</strong><br />

FIgURE 4. local FEa of<br />

deck vibrations.<br />

only the simulation of relatively short periods<br />

(seconds to minutes).<br />

Intelligently combining linear frequency-domain<br />

methods with nonlinear timedomain<br />

simulations allows exploiting the<br />

respective strengths of each approach. The<br />

approach starts with a linear analysis to<br />

identify the most critical parameter combination<br />

for a ship response. Then a nonlinear<br />

CFD (computational fluid dynamics)<br />

analyses determines motions, loads<br />

and free surface (green water on deck).<br />

We employ the commercial RANSE solver<br />

Comet for our purposes, see Fig. 6.<br />

Fluid-structure interaction is a topic of<br />

increasing importance in our experience.<br />

In a weak coupling, the computed pressures<br />

from the seakeeping analyses are<br />

used to compute the structural response<br />

to these forces. In a strong coupling, the<br />

hydrodynamic and the structural problem<br />

are solved simultaneously. The hydrodynamic<br />

model then considers the deformation<br />

of the hull, the structural model the<br />

loads from the hydrodynamics.<br />

2.2 Rudder flows<br />

FIgURE 3.<br />

global FEa of vibrations.<br />

CFD is the most appropriate tool to support<br />

practical rudder design, see Fig. 7. The propeller<br />

is typically modelled in a simplified<br />

way using external forces distributed over<br />

the cells which cover the location where<br />

the propeller would be in reality. The sum<br />

of all axial body forces is the thrust. The<br />

body forces are assumed to vary in radial<br />

direction of the propeller only.<br />

This procedure is much faster than geometrical<br />

modelling of the propeller (by two<br />

orders of magnitude) at a negligible penalty<br />

in accuracy (about 1%). The procedure has<br />

been extensively validated for rudder flows<br />

both with and without propeller modelling.<br />

The same approach for propeller and rudder<br />

interaction can be applied to podded drives.<br />

Comet also allows the treatment of cavitating<br />

flows. The extensive experience gathered<br />

in the last five years has resulted in a <strong>GL</strong><br />

guideline for rudder design procedures.<br />

2.3 HVAC and fire simulations<br />

Aerodynamic flows around ship superstructures<br />

can be computed by CFD, see<br />

Fig. 8 (page 3), although wind tunnel tests<br />

are still popular and widely used. CFD offers<br />

the advantage of overcoming scale<br />

effects which can be significant if thermodynamic<br />

processes are involved. HVAC<br />

(heating, ventilation, air conditioning)<br />

simulations involve the simultaneous solution<br />

of fluid mechanics equations and<br />

thermodynamic balances, often involving<br />

concentrations of different gases. Navy applications<br />

include, for example, the smoke<br />

and heat (buoyancy and turbulence) conditions<br />

on helicopter decks affecting safe<br />

helicopter operation.<br />

At present, zone models and CFD tools<br />

are considered for fire simulations in ships.<br />

Zone models are suitable for examining<br />

more complex, time-dependent scenarios<br />

involving multiple compartments and levels,<br />

but numerical stability can be a problem<br />

for scenarios involving multi-level<br />

ship domains, HVAC systems and for postflashover<br />

conditions. CFD models can yield<br />

detailed information about temperatures,<br />

heat fluxes, and species concentrations.<br />

However, the time required for this approach<br />

currently makes CFD unfeasible for<br />

long periods of real time or for large computational<br />

domains. Nevertheless, applications<br />

have graduated from preliminary<br />

validation studies to more complex applications<br />

for typical ship rooms (accommodation,<br />

atrium, engine room), see Fig. 9.<br />

3. Evacuation Simulation<br />

Evacuation assessment became a major<br />

topic at the International Maritime Organization<br />

(IMO) after the loss of the “Estonia”,<br />

resulting in new requirements for evacuation<br />

analyses in an early stage of the design

FIgURE 7. cFd model for<br />

hull-propeller-rudder interaction.<br />

FIgURE 6. cFd grid.<br />

process. <strong>GL</strong> and TraffGo have developed<br />

the software AENEAS for this purpose.<br />

Evacuation analyses focus on safety, but<br />

the tool can also be used for the optimization<br />

of boarding and deboarding processes,<br />

or space requirements for promenades on<br />

cruise ships and large RoPax ferries. These<br />

simulations are very fast, typically allowing<br />

500 simulations per hour, to gain a<br />

broad basis for statistical evaluation. The<br />

ship is represented by a simplified grid of<br />

different cell types (accessible floor, doors,<br />

stairs, obstacles/walls), see Fig. 9. Passengers<br />

and crew are represented by intelligent<br />

agents. The same approach can be used to<br />

simulate crew movement on board of navy<br />

ships, e.g. time to man battle stations.<br />

<strong>GL</strong> has developed an integrated methodology<br />

called NESTOR combining fire<br />

simulations with the Multi Room Fire<br />

Code, evacuation simulation with AENEAS<br />

and an Event Tree Analysis for risk assessment.<br />

Meyer-König et al. (2005) coupled<br />

seakeeping simulations and evacuation<br />

simulations in a semi-empirical approach<br />

to find the influence of ship motions on<br />

evacuation times. Since trim and pitch<br />

angles are usually relatively small, their effect<br />

is mostly negligible. Roll motions were<br />

found to be less critical for evacuation<br />

time than static heel.<br />

4. Final Remarks<br />

Technological progress is rapid, both for<br />

hardware and software. Simulations for<br />

numerous applications now often aid decisions,<br />

sometimes “just” for qualitative<br />

ranking of solutions, sometimes for quantitative<br />

“optimization” of advanced engineering<br />

solutions. Continued validation<br />

feedback serves to improve simulation<br />

tools as well as to build confidence.<br />

However, advanced simulation software<br />

alone is not enough. Engineering is more<br />

than ever the art of modelling, finding the<br />

right balance between level of detail and resources<br />

(time, manpower). This modelling<br />

often requires intelligence and considerable<br />

(collective) experience. The true value<br />

offered by advanced engineering service<br />

providers thus lies not in software licenses<br />

or hardware, but in the symbiosis of highly<br />

skilled staff and these resources. ■<br />

FIgURE 9. Steps<br />

to aEnEaS model<br />

from cad<br />

model to cells<br />

with assigned<br />

information.<br />

REFEREncES<br />

TEchnology SpEcIal<br />

• asmussen, I.; mumm, h. (2001), Ship vibration,<br />

<strong>GL</strong> technology, Germanischer Lloyd, Hamburg,<br />

www.gl-group.com/brochurepdf/0E094.pdf<br />

• Bertram, V.; couser, p. (2007), CFD possibilities<br />

and practice, The Naval Architect, September 2007, pp.<br />

137–147<br />

• Bertram, V.; El moctar, o. m.; Junalik, B.; nusser,<br />

S. (2004), Fire and ventilation simulations for ship<br />

compartments, 4th Int. Conf. High-Performance Marine<br />

Vehicles (HIPER), Rome, pp. 5–17<br />

• cabos, c.; Eisen, h.; Krömer, m. (2006), <strong>GL</strong> Ship-<br />

Load: An integrated load generation tool for FE analysis,<br />

5th Int. Conf. Computer and IT Applications for the<br />

Maritime Industries, Leiden, www.compit.info<br />

• cabos, c.; Jokat, J. (1998), Computation of structure-borne<br />

noise propagation in ship structures using<br />

noise-FEM, 7th Int. Symp. Practical Design of Ships and<br />

Mobile Units (PRADS), The Hague, pp. 927–934<br />

• cabos, c.; Worms, c.; Jokat, J. (2001), Application<br />

of an energy finite element method to the prediction of<br />

structure-borne sound propagation in ships, Int. Congr.<br />

Noise Control Engineering, The Hague<br />

• El moctar, o. m. (2005), Computation of slamming<br />

and global loads for structural design using RANSE, 8th<br />

Num. Towing Tank Symp. (NuTTS), Varna<br />

• El moctar, o. m. (2007), How to avoid or minimize<br />

rudder cavitation, 10th Num. Towing Tank Symp.<br />

(NuTTS), Hamburg<br />

• El moctar, o.m.; Bertram, V. (2002), Computation<br />

of viscous flow around fast ship superstructures, 24th<br />

Symp. Naval Hydrodyn., Fukuoka<br />

• Fach, K.; Bertram, V. (2006), High-performance<br />

simulations for high-performance ships, 5th Int. Conf.<br />

High-Performance Marine Vehicles (HIPER), Launceston,<br />

2006, pp. 455–465<br />

• gl (2005), Recommendations for preventive measures<br />

to avoid or minimize rudder cavitation, Germanischer<br />

Lloyd, Hamburg<br />

• Imo (2002), Interim guidelines for evacuation<br />

analyses for new and existing passenger craft, MSC/<br />

Circ.1033, International Maritime Organization<br />

• Junglewitz, a.; El moctar, o.m. (2004), Numerical<br />

analysis of the steering capability of a podded drive,<br />

Ship Technology Research 51/3, pp. 134–145<br />

• meyer-König, T.; Valanto, p.; povel, d. (2005),<br />

Implementing ship motion in AENEAS – Model development<br />

and first results, 3rd Int. Conf. Pedestrian and<br />

Evacuation Dynamics, Vienna<br />

• oberhagemann, J.; El moctar, o. m.; holtmann,<br />

m.; Schellin, T.; Bertram, V.; Kim, d. W. (<strong>2008</strong>),<br />

Numerical simulation of stern slamming and whipping,<br />

11th Numerical Towing Tank Symp., Brest<br />

• petersen, U.; meyer-König, T.; povel, d. (2003),<br />

Optimizing boarding and deboarding processes with<br />

AENEAS, 7th Int. Conf. Fast Sea Transportation FAST,<br />

Ischia, pp. 9–16<br />

• petersen, U.; Voelker, J. (2003), Deviating from the<br />

rules – ways to demonstrate an equivalent level of<br />

safety, World Maritime Technology Conf., San Francisco<br />

• Wilken, m.; cabos, c.; Semrau, S.; Worms, c.;<br />

Jokat, J. (2004), Prediction and measurement of<br />

structure-borne sound propagation in a full-scale<br />

deckhouse-mock-up, 9th Int. Symp. Practical Design of<br />

Ships and Mobile Units (PRADS), Lübeck-Travemünde,<br />

pp. 653–659<br />

• Zhang, l.; Egge, E. d.; Bruhns, h. (2004), Approval<br />

procedure concept for alternative arrangements, 3rd<br />

Int. Conf. Collision and Grounding of Ships (ICCGS),<br />

Tokyo, pp. 87–96<br />

<strong>bravo</strong> <strong>zulu</strong> 01/<strong>2008</strong>


deep-diving Record at lake Baikal<br />

With the two manned submersibles mIR 1 and mIR 2, a new benchmark<br />

in freshwater deep diving has been reached. germanischer<br />

lloyd played a crucial part in the success of this record<br />

lake Baikal’s volume, at 23,600 km3 , is<br />

greater than any other fresh water lake<br />

and makes up approximately 20 per cent of<br />

the world’s surface fresh water. As a point<br />

of comparison, if you were to drain Lake<br />

Baikal, it would take the Great Lakes of<br />

North America: Superior, Michigan, Huron,<br />

Erie, and Ontario to refill the empty basin.<br />

In August <strong>2008</strong>, Baikal was definitely not<br />

empty.<br />

A new benchmark in freshwater deep<br />

diving has been reached. The two manned<br />

submersibles MIR 1 and MIR 2 have<br />

touched the bottom of Lake Baikal. The new<br />

record for deep-diving in freshwater is now<br />

at 1,580 metres. Germanischer Lloyd played<br />

a crucial part in the success of this record.<br />

The expedition to the depths of Lake Baikal<br />

6<br />

coopERaTIon. georgios Spiliotis, gl area<br />

manager australia (l.), and chris Eggleton,<br />

anZac Spo director, signing the contract.<br />

<strong>bravo</strong> <strong>zulu</strong> 01/<strong>2008</strong><br />

pREpaRaTIon. The mIR in transport position.<br />

was led by scientist Artur Chilingarov, corresponding<br />

member of the Russian Academy<br />

of Natural Sciences, who previously<br />

participated in the Arctic submersible mission<br />

at the North Pole in August 2007.<br />

Extensive Security checks<br />

In the run-up to this dive, extensive calculations<br />

and drawing approvals were carried<br />

out for the support vessel: a barge carrying<br />

the MIRs, a 100-tonnes crane, accommodation<br />

for the team and all the supplies<br />

needed for the expedition. These results<br />

were pre-checked by the Russian Register<br />

and verified by Germanischer Lloyd.<br />

For the expedition, the submersibles<br />

and the equipment were carried from Kaliningrad<br />

to Irkutsk by a large cargo plane.<br />

The Australian Department of Defence and<br />

<strong>GL</strong> have renewed their cooperation by signing<br />

a contract for the maintenance of class of<br />

the ANZAC ships. The new contract includes<br />

the provision of one additional statutory certificate.<br />

The “Safety Equipment Certificate”<br />

was issued to the ANZAC ships following a<br />

careful analysis of the ships’ safety arrangements<br />

in close cooperation with the Naval<br />

Flag Authority to establish conformance with<br />

the relevant statutory requirements.<br />

The eight frigates for the Royal Australian<br />

Navy (RAN) were brought under<br />

Onsite the MIRs, the crane and the equipment<br />

were installed on the barge. The survey<br />

was carried out by Harald Pauli and<br />

Karsten Hagenah, both Germanischer<br />

Lloyd experts for underwater technology.<br />

They were responsible for the professional<br />

installation of the MIR submarines<br />

and the new 100-tonnes crane on the<br />

barge. Mainly the bearing strength, deck<br />

load, heeling of the barge and mounting<br />

of the equipment were of special interest<br />

to them. Before the submarine came into<br />

operation, extensive security checks and<br />

technical tests were carried out to ensure<br />

their safe operation during the dives.<br />

media attention at Test dives<br />

The first dives were undertaken by Harald<br />

Pauli together with Dr Anatoly M. Sagalevitch<br />

and by Karsten Hagenah with<br />

Yevgeny Chernyaev. Both Dr Sagalevitch<br />

and Mr Chernyaev are from the Shirshov<br />

Institute of Oceanology, Moscow. Different<br />

kinds of manoeuvres and diving conditions<br />

were executed where the submersibles<br />

showed their possible field of application.<br />

The test dives where accompanied by<br />

more than 60 journalists and TV teams. After<br />

completion of the diving tests, the survey<br />

statements and the certificate for operating<br />

the MIRs in fresh water was handed<br />

over to Dr Sagalevitch.<br />

“The whole expedition, as well as the survey,<br />

was made possible by the outstanding<br />

support of the company Metropol and the<br />

Province Buryatia,” said Harald Pauli, Head<br />

of Pressure and Underwater Technology.<br />

“Especially Bator Tsyrenov, Deputy Director<br />

of the Representative Office in the Republic<br />

of Buryatia, and his brother Bair Tsyrenov,<br />

Director of the Baikal Fund, were responsible<br />

for the success of the local support.” ■<br />

EXpERT. harald pauli on the<br />

way to the first dive.<br />

conTRacT REnEWal<br />

germanischer lloyd Supports anZac<br />

<strong>GL</strong> class in 2002 for an initial period of<br />

six years. During this time, Germanischer<br />

Lloyd provided the Navy with assurance of<br />

the safety of the ships and their systems,<br />

utilizing the then newly-established naval<br />

classification regime. “This world’s first<br />

achievement, whereby naval combatant<br />

ships were granted full class and provided<br />

with statutory certificates, is a testimony<br />

to <strong>GL</strong>’s naval experience and the RAN’s<br />

foresight in facing the challenges of the<br />

navies of today,” said Georgios Spiliotis,<br />

<strong>GL</strong> Area Manager Australia. ■

claSSIFIcaTIon<br />

Second naval Submarine in class<br />

The second naval submarine has<br />

been submitted into <strong>GL</strong> class. The<br />

conventional class 209 submarine<br />

of type 1400 MOD for the South African<br />

Navy was built by the German<br />

Submarine Consortium, consisting<br />

of Howaldtswerke Deutsche Werft AG<br />

(HDW), Kiel, Nordseewerke GmbH<br />

(NSWE), Emden, and MAN Ferrostaal<br />

AG, Essen. Delivery took place in November<br />

2006.<br />

The submarine “SAS Charlotte<br />

Maxeke” has received “100 N 6 Submarine”<br />

classification, the machinery<br />

plant was classed as “MC U” in June<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. The sister vessel “SAS ‘Mathatisi”<br />

was successfully classed last year<br />

cUSTomER SERVIcE<br />

network Expanded<br />

In order to provide worldwide navies with<br />

a single point of contact and enhance onsite<br />

customer service, <strong>GL</strong> appointed Naval<br />

Business Development Manager (BDM).<br />

They will interact with <strong>GL</strong>’s local representatives,<br />

all other internal and external<br />

technical and administrative specialists<br />

to carry out naval projects. Headquarters<br />

will prepare proposals, run projects and<br />

support field sales.<br />

The traditional range of services includes<br />

comprehensive classification<br />

services for newbuildings based on <strong>GL</strong><br />

design requirements for surface craft and<br />

submarines, safety consulting for ships in<br />

operation, as well as a wide range of engineering<br />

services such as assessment of the<br />

strength of pressure hulls against buckling,<br />

sufficient fatigue life capacity, resistance<br />

against underwater explosions or vibration<br />

behaviour.<br />

“Much like in commercial shipping,<br />

these surveys are an excellent means of<br />

identifying wear and tear early on, thus<br />

helping to avoid more costly repairs at a<br />

later date,” said Lorenz Petersen, Head of<br />

Navy Projects. For newbuilding projects,<br />

<strong>GL</strong>’s global network of surveyors handles<br />

the full spectrum of construction monitoring<br />

services using modern software tools.<br />

Following the approval of a newly-built naval<br />

vessel, the ship continues to undergo<br />

technical inspections at regular intervals<br />

while in service.<br />

Additionally, <strong>GL</strong> opened a new office in<br />

Berlin. Dietmar Gossel, who is the on-site<br />

Liaison Officer, acts as contact person for<br />

authorities, institutions as well as governmental<br />

agencies and navies in the federal<br />

capital. ■<br />

contact details: Dietmar Gossel, Liasion Officer,<br />

Phone: +49 30 2092-4168,<br />

E-Mail: dietmar.gossel@gl-group.com<br />

as the first naval submarine worldwide.<br />

The South African Navy had<br />

commissioned <strong>GL</strong> with the classification<br />

of a total of three submarines.<br />

The order includes the inspection<br />

of the construction plans as well as<br />

annual technical safety checks. The<br />

third vessel will be inspected at the<br />

end of <strong>2008</strong>. In classifying newly-constructed<br />

submarines, Germanischer<br />

Lloyd’s services include the inspection<br />

of construction drawings, materials,<br />

joining, propulsion and systems<br />

technology, as well as supervision of<br />

construction and testing. <strong>GL</strong> also<br />

tests and certifies fuel cells and other<br />

AIP systems. ■<br />

acoUSTIcS<br />

noise under control<br />

Ships are known to radiate noise<br />

in all frequency bands, with the<br />

highest sound levels at the lowest frequencies.<br />

Reducing the radiated noise<br />

level as far as possible, be it on board<br />

or outside the ship, is one of the <strong>GL</strong><br />

Acoustics department’s main tasks.<br />

For naval vessels in particular, it is of<br />

great advantage to reduce the level<br />

of waterborne noise to make the ship<br />

more difficult to detect.<br />

For very high frequencies (structure-borne<br />

noise), the standard FEA<br />

approach to vibration analyses is impossible<br />

due to excessive computational<br />

requirements. For a typical passenger<br />

vessel for a frequency of 1,000<br />

Hz, a FEA vibration model would lead<br />

to several million degrees of freedom.<br />

VIRTUal.<br />

gl noiseFEm grid applied on the<br />

validation of radiated noise of a mine-hunter.<br />

noISE and VIBRaTIon – gl’S SERVIcE<br />

If you would like to be informed about<br />

noise and vibration analyses, please contact<br />

Jürgen Jokat, <strong>GL</strong>’s Head of Acoustics.<br />

Cooperation should start as early as possible,<br />

preferably in the conceptual design<br />

stage. If desired, standardized parts of the<br />

SUBmaRInE EXpERTS (from l. to r.). Burkhard lilienthal (automation),<br />

Joachim Zipfel (Electrical Systems), dr lars grünitz (Senior<br />

manager naval Services) and matthias Schmidt (Steam Boilers<br />

and pressure Equipment).<br />

However, the fact that information is required<br />

only averaged over a frequency<br />

band allows an alternative, far more efficient<br />

approach based on statistical energy<br />

analysis (SEA).<br />

The Noise Finite Element Method<br />

(<strong>GL</strong> NoiseFEM) of Germanischer Lloyd<br />

is based on a related approach. <strong>GL</strong><br />

NoiseFEM predicts the propagation of<br />

structure-borne noise energy by analysing<br />

the exchange of energy between<br />

weakly-coupled subsystems. Validation<br />

with full-scale measurements shows<br />

that the accuracy of <strong>GL</strong> NoiseFEM is sufficient<br />

for typical structure-borne noise<br />

predictions in the frequency range between<br />

80 Hz and 4,000 Hz.<br />

Structure-borne noise analyses have<br />

been validated on the wetted shell and<br />

meet the requirements, which is an<br />

important step towards predicting the<br />

radiated noise of vessels. <strong>GL</strong> NoiseFEM<br />

structure-borne noise analyses have<br />

been already applied since 1997 to<br />

support the design of mega<br />

yachts, navy and passenger<br />

ships. ■<br />

For further information:<br />

Jürgen Jokat,<br />

Head of Acoustics,<br />

Phone:<br />

+49 40 36149-9 8,<br />

E-Mail: juergen.jokat@<br />

gl-group.com<br />

work scope can be conducted by the shipowner,<br />

for example, establishing the finite<br />

element model or local vibration analysis<br />

with <strong>GL</strong> training and supervision. Noise<br />

and vibration measurements such as SAT,<br />

HAT, FAT are also offered.<br />

<strong>bravo</strong> <strong>zulu</strong> 01/<strong>2008</strong> 7

conFEREncE<br />

Third TcnS meeting<br />

latest aspects of naval ship design and<br />

operation were high on the agenda<br />

at the annual meeting of <strong>GL</strong>’s Technical<br />

Committee for Naval Ships (TCNS) in<br />

Cape Town. A visit at the South African<br />

Navy highlighted the programme. Members<br />

could take a look at the first naval<br />

submarines under class supervision<br />

worldwide.<br />

8<br />

naVal SUBmaRInES<br />

new gl Rules<br />

With a new, revised edition of its<br />

Rules for Naval Submarines, <strong>GL</strong><br />

supports shipyards and owners. They<br />

came into force on 1 June <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

The rules have been completely revised,<br />

including major amendments.<br />

A new calculation method has been<br />

maRInE RESEaRch<br />

QinetiQ Ties up with gl<br />

close cooperation has been agreed<br />

a between <strong>GL</strong> and defence and security<br />

technology provider QinetiQ. The companies<br />

will collaborate in the fields of engineering<br />

services with a special focus on<br />

navy applications. They will jointly develop<br />

research projects, exchange experts<br />

and support each other with resources.<br />

QinetiQ provides a broad range of services,<br />

consultancy advice and test facili-<br />

Imprint<br />

<strong>bravo</strong> <strong>zulu</strong>, Issue No. 1/<strong>2008</strong>, November <strong>2008</strong>, published in English by Germanischer Lloyd Aktiengesellschaft, Hamburg (Germany) Editorial director Dr Olaf Mager,<br />

Corporate Communications managing Editor Alice Hossain contributions by Volker Bertram, David Brown, Dorothea Brunckhorst, Dr Lars Grünitz, Jürgen Jokat, Michael<br />

Mechanicos, Harald Pauli, Lorenz Petersen design and production printprojekt, Schulterblatt 8, 203 7 Hamburg, Germany Reproduction copyright Germanischer O P E R A T I N G 2 4 / 7<br />

Lloyd Aktiengesellschaft <strong>2008</strong>. Reprinting permitted on explicit request – copy requested. All the information is correct to the best of our knowledge, but subject to change.<br />

Enquiries to: Germanischer Lloyd AG, Corporate Communications, Vorsetzen 3 , 204 9 Hamburg, Germany, Phone: +49 40 36149- 911, Fax: +49 40 36149-2 0, E-Mail: pr@gl-group.com<br />

SUBScRIpTIon SERVIcE <strong>bravo</strong> <strong>zulu</strong> can be obtained free of charge from publications@gl-group.com or downloaded at www.gl-group.com > client Support > download center<br />

<strong>bravo</strong> <strong>zulu</strong> 01/<strong>2008</strong><br />

The TCNS is a conference organized by<br />

<strong>GL</strong>. Members are high-ranking international<br />

representatives of navies and shipyards.<br />

This year’s conference will be held<br />

in Singapore from 17 to 19 November. For<br />

the first time there will be a workshop on<br />

<strong>GL</strong>’s Rules for Naval Submarines. A visit<br />

at the Republic of Singapore Navy Facilities<br />

is included in the programme. ■<br />

gRoUp pIcTURE. Top-class guests plain-clothed and in uniforms: lorenz petersen, head of<br />

projects navy, welcomed high-ranking representatives of navies and shipyards.<br />

introduced for the pressure hull. Additionally,<br />

a new section on design loads<br />

is included (section 5).<br />

In order to give guidelines for allowable<br />

fabrication tolerances, Appendix<br />

B has been added. Section 12 on Electrical<br />

Equipment has been revised to<br />

also allow alternative solutions for the<br />

power supply. ■<br />

Downloads:<br />

www.gl-group.com/rulestandard/3494.htm<br />

ties to the UK Ministry of Defence (MOD)<br />

and customers in the UK and overseas. The<br />

company will benefit from <strong>GL</strong>’s engineering<br />

expertise. It includes state-of-the-art<br />

calculation methods and simulations from<br />

the fields of strength, vibrations, acoustics,<br />

hydromechanics/CFD, measuring technology<br />

and evacuation analyses. <strong>GL</strong> will take<br />

advantage of QinetiQ’s broad naval experience<br />

including survivability tools. ■<br />

moU. gl area manager georgios Spiliotis (r.)<br />

and nathan harding, BmT dS(a)<br />

managing director. Standing: gordon macdonald,<br />

BmT dS(a) Technical and operations<br />

director (l.) and michael mechanicos (gl).<br />

paRTnERShIp<br />

new dimension of<br />

naval Services<br />

To cooperate in the areas of provision<br />

of independent assurance, risk management<br />

and support to naval capability,<br />

<strong>GL</strong> and BMT Defence Services Australia<br />

have signed an MoU that aims to<br />

develop synergy between them.<br />

“The combination BMT capabilities<br />

with the vast naval certification experience<br />

of <strong>GL</strong> brings a new dimension<br />

to the area of naval assurance services<br />

in the region,” said Georgios Spiliotis,<br />

<strong>GL</strong> Area Manager for Australia and<br />

New Zealand, at the signing ceremony.<br />

Under the MoU, BMT DS Australia will<br />

utilize <strong>GL</strong> Naval Rules and Regulations<br />

to assure the integrity of BMT products,<br />

and <strong>GL</strong> will utilize BMT’s expertise and<br />

experience in further developing <strong>GL</strong>’s<br />

Naval Rules to meet individual navy<br />

needs. Together they will provide risk<br />

management, local support and safety<br />

assurances to naval capability. BMT DS<br />

Australia specializes in the provision<br />

of ship design and naval engineering<br />

consultancy services for new and inservice<br />

ships and submarines. ■<br />


2 December − 5 December<br />

Baron Sector, Chile<br />

Exponaval<br />

Booth 156<br />

www.exponaval.cl/index.php?idi=8<br />

3 December − 5 December<br />

Perth, Australia<br />

20th Deep Offshore Technology<br />

International Conference<br />


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