Geophysical Abstracts 152 January-March 1953

Geophysical Abstracts 152 January-March 1953

Geophysical Abstracts 152 January-March 1953


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Silesia are presented, and compared with geologic evidence. Further develop­<br />

ment of such investigations and their practical value is advocated. S. T. F.<br />

14270. Teichmiiller, Rolf, and WolflE, Wilhelm. Der geophysikalische Nachweis<br />

von Kohlenfl'b'zen in Tiefbohrungen [<strong>Geophysical</strong> identification of coal<br />

seams in deep drill holes] : Gliickauf, Jahrg. 89, heft 3/4, p. 78-82,<strong>1953</strong>.<br />

By use of Schlumberger well-logging techniques applied to exploration for coal,<br />

seams of only 10 cm thickness can be detected; electrical methods can be supple­<br />

mented to great advantage by gamma-ray measurements, because the coal layers<br />

do not contain radioactive substances, and the surrounding formations usually<br />

contain K40. 8. T. V.<br />

14271. Wyllie, M. R. J., and Morgan, Frank. Comparison of electric log and<br />

core analysis data for Gulf's Frank no. 1, Velma pool, Stephens County,<br />

Okla.: Producers Monthly, v. 16, no. 12, p. 31-43, 1952.<br />

See Geophys. Abs. 13972. M. C. R.<br />



14272. Dungen, F. H. Van den. Formules pour 1'integration numerique de<br />

1'equation des ondes [Formulas for the numerical integration of the<br />

wave equation]: Acad. royale Belgique Bull., Cl. sci., 5 e ser., tome 38,<br />

p. 669-684,1952.<br />

Approximate formulas for the numerical integration of the wave equation for<br />

2- and 3-dimensional cases are derived and their application discussed. 8. T. V.<br />

14273. Haskelli N. A. The dispersion of surface waves on multilayered media:<br />

Seismol. Soc. America Bull., v. 43, no. 1, p. 17-34,1958.<br />

A matrix formalism developed by W. T. Thomson is used to obtain the phase<br />

velocity dispersion equations for elastic surface waves of Rayleigh and Love<br />

type on multilayered solid media. The method is used to compute phase and<br />

group velocities of Rayleigh waves for two assumed three-layer models and one<br />

two-layer model of the earth's crust in the continents. The computed group<br />

velocity curves are compared with published values of the group velocities at<br />

various frequencies of Rayleigh waves over continental paths. The scatter<br />

of the observed values is larger than the difference between the three computed<br />

curves. It is believed that not all of this scatter is due to observational errors,<br />

but probably represents a real horizontal heterogeneity of the continental crusts.<br />

Author's Abstract<br />

14274. Kosminskaya, I. P. Amplitudnyye krivyye i godografy faz seysmicheskikh<br />

voln, vyzvannykh tochechnym istochnikom rasshireniya v odnorodnom<br />

ideal' no uprugom bezgranichnom prostranstve [Amplitude curves and<br />

travel times of seismic waves, produced by a distending point-source in<br />

a homogeneous perfectly elastic infinite space]: Akad. Nauk SSSR Izv.,<br />

Ser. geofiz. no. 6, p. 39-47,1952.<br />

On the assumption of a perfectly elastic infinite medium, amplitudes and travel<br />

times are computed for seismic waves produced by a point source which is the<br />

center of harmonic extensions and compressions with amplitudes Ao. Such a<br />

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