Geophysical Abstracts 152 January-March 1953

Geophysical Abstracts 152 January-March 1953

Geophysical Abstracts 152 January-March 1953


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50 GEOPHYSICAL ABSTRACTS <strong>152</strong>, JANUARY-MARCH <strong>1953</strong><br />

to be the same as that of meteors, one-third iron, uranium, thorium, potassium,<br />

and actinouranium, and two-thirds stony material. As the basic premise the earth<br />

is assumed to have been formed by a cold process, so a homogenous distribution<br />

of radioactive substances in the initial phase of the process seems quite probable.<br />

Constant density and heat capacity of the earth, independent of the depth, are<br />

also assumed.<br />

The intensity of radioactive heat production computed from recent determina­<br />

tions of decay constants, resulted in greater heat generation in the beginning of<br />

geologic history than at the present time. Applying the method of images, ex­<br />

pressions were derived for the temperature in the center of the earth for the past<br />

time, for different assumed ages of the earth; for the variation of temperature<br />

with depth. The great thermal inertia of the earth, due to very low heat con­<br />

ductivity, leads to conditions where the exterior surface is cooling, while near the<br />

center the temperature continues to rise. The computed quantities are presented<br />

in the form of rapidly converging series. S. T. V.<br />

14353. Bikitake, Tsuneji. Electrical conductivity and temperature in the earth :<br />

Tokyo Univ. Earthquake Research Inst. Bull., v. 30, pt. 1, p. 13-24, 1952.<br />

Eikitake's previous work on determining the temperature distribution within<br />

the earth from the distribution of electrical conductivity and the theory of<br />

ionic crystals is revised for greater accuracy and to take into account changes<br />

in physical conditions above and below the so-called 20° discontinuity. Consider­<br />

ing the pressure-effect of the conductivity it is found that the temperature is<br />

probably 1,000 K just below the crust and then increases almost proportionally to<br />

depth, the rate being estimated as 1.4 K per km. This distribution is roughly<br />

consistent with the density and bulk modulus distribution determined by Bul-<br />

len. M. 0. R.<br />


14354. Tavernier, Paul, and Prache, Pierre. Influence de la pression sur la re-<br />

sistivite" d'une thermistance [Effect of pressure on the resistivity of a<br />

thermistor] : Jour. Physique et Radium, tome 13, no. 7-S-9, p. 423-426,<br />

1952.<br />

Experiments indicate the variation in resistance expressed as the fractional<br />

change &R/Ro, of a thermistor subjected to pressures P up to 5,000 kg per cm2<br />

is given by &R/Ro= 4.6 XIO"6 P and is independent of temperature in the range<br />

between 30 and 70 C.' The correction to rough data is of the order of 0.01 de­<br />

gree for pressure of 100 kg per cm2. Details of the experimental set up are<br />

given. M. G. R.<br />


14355. Revelle, Roger, Maxwell, Arthur E., and Bullard, E. C. Heat flow through<br />

the floor of the eastern North Pacific Ocean: Nature, v. 170, no. 4318, p.<br />

199, 1952.<br />

The thermal gradient at 6 places in the eastern north Pacific ocean floor was<br />

found to be about 1.2X10~6 cal/cm2/sec. This is the same order of magnitude as<br />

in continental areas. A possible explanation is that the heat is generated by<br />

radioactivity, the total amount beneath a unit area of continent or ocean being<br />

the same when summed to a depth of a few hundred kilometers. M. (7. R.

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