Geophysical Abstracts 152 January-March 1953

Geophysical Abstracts 152 January-March 1953

Geophysical Abstracts 152 January-March 1953


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velocity linearly increasing with depth; velocity an exponential function of<br />

depth; velocity a linear function of the distance from the observation point to<br />

shot point. Travel-time curves can be constructed on ordinary coordinate paper,<br />

(as Zlotnik's curves) or transformed to bilogarithmic scale, the method fol­<br />

lowed by Bugaylo. The advantages of the latter method are greater precision<br />

and ease of construction. Sample charts are included in the study. S. T. V.<br />

14294. Yepinat'yeva, A. M. O nekotorykh seysmicheskikh volnakh s bol'shimi<br />

vremenami prikhoda [On some seismic waves with late times of<br />

arrival]: Akad. Nauk SSSR Izv., Ser. geofiz. no. 6, p. 21-38,1952.<br />

In seismic reflection surveys, quite often waves are recorded with exceedingly<br />

late times of arrival. If such waves are interpreted as simple reflections, the<br />

reflecting boundaries should be at depths of 200 km or more, which is im­<br />

probable. The author analyses dynamic characteristics of these waves, pri­<br />

marily' the variation of amplitudes with distance, using as a criterion the ex­<br />

pression At (where A=amplitude and £=time of arrival). If this product in­<br />

creases or remains constant over a short distance, thfe it can be concluded that<br />

the waves are not simple reflections. As an additional criterion the function<br />

log At, constructed for different values of distance, can be also very useful. Only<br />

strong waves which can be clearly traced over long distances should be con­<br />

sidered. In absence of such waves of stable character, not much reliance is to<br />

be placed on the seismic reflection method. S. T. V.<br />

14295. de Caleya, Juan, Gloss, Hans, and Durbaum, Hansjiirgen. Zur Beriick-<br />

sichtigung der Brechung in de Reflexionsseismik [The recognition of<br />

refraction in seismic reflection surveying] : Erdol u. Kohle, jahrg. 5,<br />

heft 12, p. 765-768, 1952.<br />

A new graphoanalytic method of analyzing seismic reflection data is presented<br />

that takes into account the variation of seismic velocity and is applicable to<br />

inclined strata. The method is discussed first for the case of two formations<br />

with different seismic velocities and later extended to any number of layers. It<br />

is illustrated by an example of a profile composed of four layers with different<br />

velocities in each. S. T. V.<br />

14296. Mota, Lindonor. Corregao dos tempos em refracjio sismica [Weathering<br />

corrections in seismic refraction]: Univ. Brasil Escola da Minas Rev.,<br />

ano 16, no. 5, p. 35-38, 1951.<br />

Calculation of weathering corrections for cases of one or raore inclined<br />

refracting layers is described. M. C. R.<br />

14297. Bediz, P. I. Interpretation of seismic data on locating reefs in Alberta:<br />

World Oil, v. 136, no. 2, p. 86-90,<strong>1953</strong>.<br />

Specialized instrumental, shooting, and interpretive techniques are required<br />

to locate reefs in the Alberta Devonian formations, which usually give poor<br />

reflections characterized by phasing and splitting, abnormal step-out, and the<br />

appearance and disappearance of reflections. Pre-Devonian faulting, the lack of<br />

Devonian reflections in areas of other good reflections, and isopach maps for<br />

time differences between Cretaceous horizons and the top of the Devonian may<br />

all indicate reefs. However, similar conditions can be caused by other sources<br />

such as the Paleozoic unconformity. D. F. B.

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