Financial statements - Mondi

Financial statements - Mondi

Financial statements - Mondi


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Notes to the combined and<br />

consolidated financial <strong>statements</strong><br />

continued<br />

for the year ended 31 December 2010<br />

11 Intangible assets (continued)<br />

Licences and<br />

2009/E million Goodwill 1 other intangibles 2 Total<br />

Cost<br />

At 1 January 611 84 695<br />

Additions – 5 5<br />

Disposal of assets (51) (2) (53)<br />

Reclassification – 18 18<br />

Currency movements (2) 4 2<br />

At 31 December 558 109 667<br />

Accumulated amortisation and impairment<br />

At 1 January 328 44 372<br />

Charge for the year – 10 10<br />

Impairments 12 1 13<br />

Disposal of assets (51) (2) (53)<br />

Reclassification – 16 16<br />

Currency movements – 1 1<br />

At 31 December 289 70 359<br />

Net book value as at 31 December 269 39 308<br />

Notes:<br />

1<br />

For impairments of goodwill, see note 5.<br />

2<br />

Licences and other intangibles mainly relate to software development costs, customer relationships and contractual arrangements capitalised as a result of business<br />

combinations.<br />

Impairment tests for goodwill<br />

Goodwill is allocated for impairment testing purposes to cash-generating units (CGUs) which reflect how it is monitored for internal<br />

management purposes.<br />

With effect from 1 January 2011, the Coating & Release and Consumer Flexibles business units have been combined into a single<br />

economic unit, Coatings & Consumer Packaging. As a result, the goodwill calculation is now based on the Coatings & Consumer<br />

Packaging CGU and the impairment calculations, being forward-looking in nature, have been performed based on the new<br />

reporting structure. There was no impact on the impairment of goodwill.<br />

The recoverable amount of a CGU is determined based on value-in-use calculations. Value-in-use calculations use cash flow<br />

projections based on financial budgets covering a three year period that are based on the latest forecasts for revenue and cost as<br />

approved by the Boards. Cash flow projections beyond three years are based on internal management forecasts and assume a<br />

growth rate not exceeding gross domestic product for the respective countries. Zero percent growth rates are assumed in<br />

perpetuity for most of the businesses given the commodity nature of the majority of the products (i.e. volume growth is assumed<br />

to be offset by real price declines). Post tax cash flow projections are discounted using a post tax discount rate of 6.62%<br />

(2009: 8.83%), adjusted by 0%-3% reflecting the economic and political risks of the specific location that are not reflected in<br />

the underlying cash flows specific to each CGU. Perpetuity maintenance capital expenditure has been assumed at 60% of<br />

depreciation.<br />

Expected future cash flows are inherently uncertain and could change materially over time. They are significantly affected by a<br />

number of factors, including market and production estimates, together with economic factors such as prices, discount rates,<br />

currency exchange rates, estimates of production costs and future capital expenditure. In respect of the CGUs that have not been<br />

impaired, sensitivity analyses of a 1% increase in discount rate or a 1% decrease in cash flows were performed and these did not<br />

give rise to an impairment.<br />

106 Annual report and accounts 2010

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