Annual Report 2007 - Muehlhan AG

Annual Report 2007 - Muehlhan AG

Annual Report 2007 - Muehlhan AG


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ManaGeMent divisions share Group ManaGeMent report group Consolidated FinanCial stateMents<br />

Research and development expenses<br />

research and development costs are taken to expense in the period incurred. the conditions necessary in accordance<br />

with iaS 38 for a capitalization of development expenses are not met.<br />

Trade payables<br />

trade payables are non-interest bearing and are stated at their repayment value.<br />

Deferred taxes<br />

deferred taxes resulting from temporary differences of valuations entered in the statutory and tax balance sheets of the<br />

individual companies as well as from consolidation entries are calculated separately for each fiscal jurisdiction and shown<br />

as deferred tax assets or liabilities. Moreover, deferred tax assets may include claims for tax reductions as a consequence<br />

of the expected utilization of existing loss carryforwards in the following years if their realization is ensured with enough<br />

certainty. deferred taxes are calculated on the basis of tax rates applicable to the reversal in the respective fiscal jurisdictions<br />

which are valid or resolved at the balance sheet date. in addition, deferred taxes can be calculated on the basis of<br />

accounting transactions without any effect on income. deferred tax assets are only accounted for to the extent in which<br />

the realization of the associated benefit appears to be likely. if this criterion is not met, provisions are set up taking into<br />

account earnings in the past and expected business development in the foreseeable future.<br />

Assumptions and estimates<br />

in connection with the preparation of the consolidated financial statements it is partly necessary to make assumptions and<br />

estimates which affect the amounts and classification of assets and liabilities, income and expenses as well as contingent<br />

liabilities. actual values may differ from the assumptions and estimates in particular instances. adjustments will affect<br />

results at the time when better knowledge is available.<br />

Government grants<br />

Government grants in respect of tangible fixed assets are deferred and released over the expected useful life of the<br />

related asset.<br />

iii. notes to the balance sheet<br />


intangible fixed assets are analyzed as follows:<br />

in kEur 31 December <strong>2007</strong> 31 December 2006<br />

Concessions, industrial and similar rights and assets 804 720<br />

Goodwill 24,725 22,201<br />

prepayments 0 114<br />

Total 25,529 23,036<br />


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