11107 Savannah - Savannah Environmental specialist ...

11107 Savannah - Savannah Environmental specialist ...

11107 Savannah - Savannah Environmental specialist ...


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2<br />

South Africa Mainstream Renewable Power Springfontein (Edms.) Bpk. (hierna “Mainstream”<br />

genoem) stel die oprigting voor van 'n kommersiële windkragaanleg en gepaardgaande<br />

infrastruktuur op 'n terrein in die Kopanong Plaaslike Munisipaliteit. Die terrein wat geïdentifiseer is<br />

vir oorweging in 'n Omgewingsimpakevaluering (OIE), is geleë in die Vrystaatprovinsie, sowat<br />

12 km suidwes van Springfontein. Die voorstel is dat tot 74 windturbines oor 'n breër gebied van<br />

2<br />

sowat 83 km in omvang opgerig sal word. Die voorgestelde aanleg sal as die Springfontein<br />

Windkragaanleg bekend staan. Die aard en omvang van hierdie aanleg word van naderby in hierdie<br />

dokument ondersoek.<br />


Hierdie dokument poog om u, as 'n belangstellende en/of geaffekteerde party (B&GP), te voorsien<br />

van:<br />

» 'n oorsig van die voorgestelde Springfontein Windkragaanleg;<br />

» 'n oorsig van die Omgewingsimpakevalueringsproses en studies wat onderneem word om die<br />

potensiële impakte van die voorgestelde projek, beide positief en negatief, te evalueer; en<br />

» besonderhede van hoe u by die proses betrokke kan raak, inligting kan ontvang of vraagstukke<br />

kan opper wat u dalk kan raak en/of vir u van belang kan wees.<br />


Die windkragaanleg word voorgestel op die volgende plaasgedeeltes (sien die aangehegte kaart):<br />

Die Restant van die plaas Stock Port R283, die Restant van Spioenkop 461, Gedeelte 0 van die plaas<br />

Ou Spioenkop 467, Gedeelte 0 van die plaas MistKuil 412 en Gedeelte 0 van die plaas Bankfontein<br />

519.<br />

Mainstream het op dié terrein besluit vir die ontwikkeling van 'n windkragaanleg op grond van die<br />

windklimaat, beskikbaarheid van grond en die geskikte nabyheid aan die bestaande kragnet.<br />

Die vermoë van die windkragaanleg sal afhang van die mees geskikte windturbine (ten opsigte van<br />

die turbine se vermoë) waarop Mainstream se keuse val. Turbines met 'n vermoë van tussen 1.4 MW<br />

en 4 MW word vir die terrein oorweeg. Die totale aantal turbines wat vir die terrein voorgestel word,<br />

wissel (tussen 30 en 74, afhangend van die soort turbine wat gebruik word). Afhangend van die<br />

uiteindelike turbinekeuse, sal die totale geïnstalleerde vermoë van die voorgestelde aanleg tussen<br />

sowat 85 MW en 170 MW wees.<br />

Aangesien die verrigting van die turbines deur die skommelings in die windhulpbron geaffekteer<br />

word, moet hierdie turbines na behore in die aanleg uitgesprei wees. Die uiteindelike doel agter die<br />

ontwerp en uitleg van die aanleg is om die opwekking van elektrisiteit te maksimaliseer deur<br />

blootstelling aan die windhulpbron, terwyl infrastruktuur-, bedryfs- en instandhoudingskostes,<br />

sowel as maatskaplike en omgewingsimpakte, tot 'n minimum beperk word. Die<br />

voorgestelde turbines sal dus na behore oor die geïdentifiseerde terrein versprei word. Daar word<br />

aan die hand gedoen dat die breër terrein die windturbines sowel as die gepaardgaande<br />

infrastruktuur sal akkommodeer wat vir 'n aanleg van hierdie aard benodig word, wat onder andere<br />

die volgende insluit:

» Windturbines met 'n naafhoogte van tot 120 m.<br />

» Kabels tussen die turbines, ondergronds gelê waar prakties moontlik.<br />

» Interne toegangspaaie na elke turbine.<br />

» n Werkswinkelgebied/kantoor vir beheer, instandhouding en berging.<br />

» n Substasie op die terrein om die roosterkonneksie moontlik te maak.<br />

» Die opsies vir 'n roosterkonneksie is soos volg:<br />

'nInlus<br />

en uitlus van die bestaande Besembos-Signal 132 kV kraglyn wat deur die terrein<br />

loop (op die plaas Stock Port RE/283); of<br />

'n nuwe kraglyn tot by Eskom se Besembos Substasie (suid van Springfontein) wat vir die<br />

toekoms beplan word.<br />

» Permanente windmoniteringsmaste.<br />

Daar word beoog om die Springfontein Windkragaanleg by die Verenigde Nasies se<br />

Raamwerkkonvensie vir Klimaatsverandering te registreer as deel van die Program vir Skoon<br />

Ontwikkelingsmeganismes.<br />


'n Windkragaanleg bestaan uit verskeie windturbines wat aangewend word om die wind se<br />

kinetiese energie vas te vang ten einde elektrisiteit op te wek. Hierdie kinetiese energie word<br />

aangewend om 'n generator aan te dryf wat binne-in die windturbine aangetref word, wat die<br />

energie gevolglik in elektriese energie omsit. 'n Turbine is ontwerp om ononderbroke en met min<br />

instandhouding vir meer as 25 jaar in bedryf te staan. Die konstruksietydperk vir die<br />

windkragaanleg sal oor 'n periode van twee jaar strek. 'n Tipiese windturbine bestaan uit die<br />

volgende vier primêre komponente:<br />

Die Fondasie<br />

Elke turbine sal oor 'n betonfondasie beskik, waarop die basis van die windturbine geanker sal wees.<br />

Hierdie fondasies is tot sowat 2.5 m diep.<br />

Die Toring<br />

Die hoogte van die toring varieer tussen 80–120 m, afhangend van die soort turbine. Die toring is 'n<br />

hol struktuur wat toegang tot die nacelle (turbinehuis) bied ten einde instandhoudingswerk uit te<br />

voer.<br />

Die Nacelle (turbinehuis)<br />

Die nacelle verwys na die beskermende omhulsel waarin die ratkas, generator en windsensor wat<br />

die windrigting identifiseer, aangetref word. Die nacelle beskik oor die vermoë om te draai ten einde<br />

te verseker dat die rotorlemme altyd na die wind gedraai is om die hoeveelheid elektrisiteit wat<br />

opgewek word, te maksimaliseer.<br />

Die Rotor<br />

Die rotor bestaan uit drie lemme en die naaf. Die rotorlemme is normaalweg tot 60 m lank. Hoe<br />

meer omwentelings die rotor maak, hoe meer elektrisiteit word opgewek.<br />

Die hoeveelheid energie wat 'n turbine kan inspan, hang af van beide die windsnelheid en die lengte<br />

van die rotorlemme. Windturbines begin krag opwek teen windsnelhede van tussen 10–15 km/h,<br />

met snelhede van tussen 45–60 km/h wat benodig word vir volle kragbediening. Wanneer<br />

windsnelhede vlakke bereik wat die generator kan beskadig, skakel die turbine outomaties af. 'n<br />

Turbine is ontwerp om met min instandhouding vir meer as 25 jaar ononderbroke te funksioneer.<br />


4<br />

Naafhoogte<br />

(~80m tot 120m)<br />

Illustrasie van die komponente van 'n tipiese windturbine<br />


Rotorlem<br />

(~40m tot 60m lank)<br />

Ingevolge Artikel 24 en 24D van die Nasionale Wet op Omgewingsbestuur (Wet 107 van 1998),<br />

saamgelees met die OIE-regulasies van Staatskennisgewing R543 – R546, word vereis dat 'n<br />

Bestekopname- en 'n OIE-proses vir die voorgestelde projek onderneem word. Mainstream benodig<br />

magtiging van die Nasionale Departement Omgewingsake (DEA) (in oorleg met die Vrystaatse<br />

Departement Ekonomiese Ontwikkeling, Toerisme en Omgewingsake) ten einde die voorgestelde<br />

projek te onderneem. Ten einde magtiging vir hierdie projek te verkry, moet omvattende,<br />

onafhanklike omgewingstudies ingevolge die OIE-regulasies onderneem word. Hierdie projek is by<br />

die Nasionale DEA geregistreer onder Aansoekverwysingsnommer 14/12/16/3/3/2/365.<br />

'n OIE is 'n doeltreffende beplannings- en besluitnemingswerktuig. Dit bring mee dat die potensiële<br />

omgewingsverwante gevolge wat voortspruit uit die oprigting en bedryf van 'n tegniese aanleg,<br />

geïdentifiseer en na behore bestuur word. Dit bied die applikant die geleentheid om vooraf<br />

gewaarsku te wees teen potensiële omgewingsvraagstukke en bied die geleentheid om die<br />

vraagstuk(ke) waaroor verslag gedoen is in die OIE-verslag asook uit dialoog met geaffekteerde<br />

partye, op te los.<br />

Mainstream het <strong>Savannah</strong> <strong>Environmental</strong> aangestel as die onafhanklike omgewingskonsultante<br />

om 'n Bestekopname en 'n Omgewingsimpakevaluering te onderneem ten einde al die potensiële<br />

Naaf<br />

Nacelle<br />

(turbinehuis)<br />


omgewingsimpakte wat met die voorgestelde projek vir die geïdentifiseerde gebied gepaard gaan,<br />

te identifiseer en te evalueer, en om gepaste versagtingsmaatreëls in 'n<br />

Omgewingsbestuursprogram (OBPr) voor te stel. As deel van hierdie omgewingstudies, sal B&GP's<br />

aktief betrokke raak deur die openbare deelnameproses.<br />

Die fases van 'n OIE is soos volg:<br />

Bestekopnamestudie &<br />

Bestekopnameverslag:<br />

Om vraagstukke te<br />

identifiseer<br />



'n Aantal potensiële omgewingsimpakte wat met die voorgestelde projek gepaard gaan, is<br />

geïdentifiseer. Hierdie potensiële impakte sal deur die volgende spesialisstudies geëvalueer word:<br />

Biofisiese Impakte<br />

Impakevaluering<br />

&<br />

OIE-verslag:<br />

Spesialisstudies<br />

Impakte op ekologie, flora en fauna: die<br />

oprigting van die windkragaanleg en die gevolglike<br />

versteuring van plantegroei kan 'n impak op die<br />

terrein se ekologie hê.<br />

Impakte op avifauna en vlermuise: voëls en<br />

vlermuise kan geraak word deurdat hulle tydens die<br />

bedryfsfase in die windturbine se lemme sowel as in<br />

die gepaardgaande kraglyn(e) vasvlieg.<br />

Impakte op geologie en grondsoorte: impakte<br />

op geologie hou verband met die onderliggende<br />

grondtoestande en die terrein se erosiepotensiaal.<br />

Impakte op landboupotensiaal: impakte op die<br />

potensiaal van landbougebiede en op die<br />

grondvermoë.<br />


Finale OIEverslag<br />

& Konsep<br />

EMP:<br />

Dien in by DEA<br />

Hierdie spesialisstudies sal soos volg in twee fases onderneem word:<br />

Besluitneming<br />

deur DEA:<br />

Omgewingsmagtiging<br />

Maatskaplike &<br />

Ekonomiese Impakte<br />

Visuele gehalte en estetika: weens hul hoogte<br />

kan windturbines potensieel 'n negatiewe visuele<br />

impak op hul omgewing en sensitiewe visuele<br />

reseptors hê.<br />

Impakte op erfenisterreine, fossiele en<br />

paleontologie: die versteuring of vernietiging van<br />

erfenisterreine/fossiele/paleontologie kan tydens<br />

die oprigtingsfase voorkom.<br />

Maatskaplike impakte: die oprigting en bedryf<br />

van die windkragaanleg kan positiewe sowel as<br />

negatiewe maatskaplike impakte tot gevolg hê (d.i.<br />

werkgeleenthede, geraasimpakte en impakte op die<br />

plaaslike grondgebruik).<br />

1. Die Bestekopnamefase, wat 'n kantoor (desktop) studie insluit, waartydens potensiële<br />

vraagstukke wat met voorgestelde projek gepaard gaan, geïdentifiseer en geëvalueer sal word,<br />

en daardie vraagstukke sal uitlig wat verdere ondersoek tydens die OIE-fase verg.<br />

2. Die OIE-fase, wat 'n gedetailleerde evaluering van potensieel wesenlike impakte insluit wat<br />

tydens die Bestekopnamefase geïdentifiseer is. Praktiese en uitvoerbare versagtingsmaatreëls<br />

sal aanbeveel word ten einde die potensieel wesenlike impakte wat geïdentifiseer is tot die<br />

minimum te beperk. Hierdie aanbevelings sal in 'n konsep Omgewingsbestuursprogram (OBPr)<br />

vervat word.<br />


6<br />

Spesialisstudies sal toegelig word deur bestaande inligting, veldwaarnemings en insette wat uit die<br />

openbare deelnameproses voortspruit. As 'n B&GP word u insette as 'n belangrike deel van hierdie<br />

proses geag, en ons moedig u aan om betrokke te raak.<br />


Die deel van inligting vorm die grondslag van die openbare deelnameproses en bied u die<br />

geleentheid om uit die staanspoor aktief by die OIE betrokke te raak. Kommentaar en insette van<br />

B&GP's tydens die OIE-proses word aangemoedig ten einde te verseker dat oorweging geskenk<br />

word aan potensiële impakte binne die omvang van die studie. Die openbare deelnameproses poog<br />

om te verseker dat:<br />

» inligting wat al die tersaaklike feite met betrekking tot die aansoek bevat, aan B&GP's<br />

beskikbaar gestel word vir oorsig;<br />

» deelname deur B&GP's op so 'n wyse gefasiliteer word dat hulle 'n redelike geleentheid gegun<br />

word om kommentaar te lewer oor die aansoek; en<br />

» toereikende besigtigingstydperke aan B&GP's gebied word om kommentaar te lewer oor die<br />

bevindinge van die konsep Bestekopname- en OIE-verslag.<br />

Ten einde doeltreffende deelname te verseker, sluit die openbare deelnameproses die volgende vier<br />

fases in:<br />

FASE 1<br />

Kennisgewing van<br />

aanvang van<br />

OIE-proses<br />

• Adverteer in pers en op<br />

die terrein<br />

Skriftelike<br />

kennisgewing aan<br />

geïdentifiseerde<br />

B&GP's,<br />

belanghebbendes &<br />

staatsinstansies<br />

Verspreiding van AID<br />

FASE 2<br />

Omgewingsbestekopnameproses<br />

Raadpleging met<br />

belanghebbendes &<br />

B&GP's om vraagstukke<br />

te identifiseer<br />

Fokusgroepvergaderings<br />

Openbare vergadering<br />

Konsep Bestekopnameverslag<br />

beskikbaar vir<br />

besigtiging<br />


FASE 3<br />

Omgewingsimpakevaluering<br />

raadpleging met<br />

belanghebbendes en<br />

B&GP's<br />

Fokusgroepvergaderings<br />

Konsep OIE-verslag en<br />

EMP beskikbaar vir<br />

besigtiging<br />

Openbare<br />

terugvoervergaderings<br />

FASE 4<br />

Besluitneming<br />

Deurlopende Finale OIE-verslag by<br />

DEA ingedien vir oorsig &<br />

besluitneming – sluit in<br />

belanghebbende en<br />

B&GP kommentaar wat<br />

tydens die proses<br />

ontvang is<br />

Geregistreerde<br />

belanghebbendes en<br />

B&GP's skriftelik in<br />

kennis gestel van DEA se<br />

besluit<br />

Ingevolge die OIE-regulasies, word u aandag gevestig op u verantwoordelikhede as 'n B&GP:<br />

» Ten einde aan hierdie OIE-proses deel te neem, moet u uself op die projek se databasis

egistreer.<br />

» U moet toesien dat enige kommentaar rakende die voorgestelde projek binne die gestipuleerde<br />

tydsraamwerke ingedien word.<br />

» Daar word van u verlang om enige regstreekse sake-, finansiële-, persoonlike- of ander belang<br />

wat u dalk mag hê in die goedkeuring of afkeuring van die aansoek vir die voorgestelde<br />

windkragaanleg, bekend te maak.<br />


1. Deur te reageer (telefonies, per faks of per e-pos) op ons uitnodiging vir u betrokkenheid wat in<br />

koerante geadverteer is.<br />

2. Deur die aangehegte Antwoordvorm aan die tersaaklike kontakpersoon terug te besorg.<br />

3. Deur die vergaderings by te woon wat gedurende die verloop van die projek gehou sal word. As<br />

'n geregistreerde B&GP sal u outomaties uitgenooi word om hierdie vergaderings by te woon.<br />

Datums vir openbare vergaderings sal ook in koerante geadverteer word.<br />

4. Deur die konsultante te kontak met navrae of kommentaar.<br />

5. Deur oorsig en kommentaar te bied oor die konsep Bestekopname- en OIE-verslag, en wel<br />

binne die gestipuleerde 30-dae besigtigingstydperke.<br />

Indien u uself as 'n B&GP vir hierdie voorgestelde projek ag, moedig ons u aan om gebruik te maak<br />

van die geleenthede wat geskep word deur die openbare deelnameproses om kommentaar te lewer<br />

of daardie vraagstukke en knelpunte te opper wat u raak en/of waarin u belangstel en waaroor u<br />

meer inligting verlang. U insette in hierdie proses vorm 'n belangrike deel van die OIE-proses.<br />

Deur die meegaande Antwoordvorm in te vul en aan ons terug te besorg, registreer u uself<br />

outomaties as 'n B&GP vir hierdie projek en verseker u dat kennis geneem word van u kommentaar,<br />

knelpunte of navrae betreffende die projek.<br />


Rig alle kommentaar, navrae of antwoorde aan:<br />

Gabriele Wood van <strong>Savannah</strong> <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Posbus 148, Sunninghill, Johannesburg, 2157<br />

Telefoon: 011 234 6621<br />

Faks: 086 684 0547<br />

E-pos: gabriele@savannahsa.com<br />

Vir dokumentasie wat met die projek gepaardgaan, besoek<br />

www.savannahSA.com<br />

Kopiereg: <strong>Savannah</strong> <strong>Environmental</strong><br />


2<br />

South Africa Mainstream Renewable Power Springfontein (Pty) Ltd (herein referred to as<br />

“Mainstream”) is proposing to establish a commercial wind energy facility and associated<br />

infrastructure on a site located within the Kopanong Local Municipality. The site identified for<br />

consideration within an <strong>Environmental</strong> Impact Assessment (EIA) is within the Free State Province,<br />

and lies approximately 12 km south west of Springfontein. Up to 74 wind turbines are proposed to<br />

2<br />

be constructed over a broader area of approximately 83 km in extent. The proposed facility is<br />

known as the Springfontein Wind Energy Facility. The nature and extent of this facility is explored in<br />

more detail in this document.<br />


This document aims to provide you, as an interested and/or affected party (I&AP), with:<br />

» An overview of the proposed Springfontein Wind Energy Facility.<br />

» An overview of the <strong>Environmental</strong> Impact Assessment process and studies being undertaken to<br />

assess the potential impacts, both positive and negative of the proposed project.<br />

» Details of how you can become involved in the process, receive information, or raise issues,<br />

which may concern and/or interest you.<br />


The wind energy facility is proposed on the following farm portions (refer to the attached map):<br />

remainder of Farm Stock Port R283, remainder of Spioenkop 461, Portion 0 of Farm Ou Spioenkop<br />

467, Portion 0 of Farm MistKuil 412 and Portion 0 of Farm Bankfontein 519.<br />

The site was selected by Mainstream for the development of a wind energy facility based on its wind<br />

climate, land availability and suitable proximity in relation to the existing electricity grid.<br />

The capacity of the wind energy facility will depend on the most suitable wind turbine (in terms of<br />

the turbine capacity) selected by Mainstream. Turbines of between 1.4 MW and 4 MW in capacity<br />

are being considered for the site. The total number of turbines proposed for the site could,<br />

therefore, vary (between 30 -74 depending on the turbine selected). Depending on the final turbine<br />

selection, the estimated total installed capacity for the proposed facility is between 85MW - 170MW.<br />

As the performance of the turbines is affected by disturbance to the wind resource, they must be<br />

appropriately spaced within the facility. The overall aim of the design and layout of the facility is to<br />

maximise electricity production through exposure to the wind resource, while minimising<br />

infrastructure, operation and maintenance costs, and social and environmental impacts. The<br />

proposed turbines would therefore be appropriately located on the identified site. The broader site<br />

is proposed to accommodate both the wind turbines as well as the associated infrastructure which is<br />

required for such a facility including, but not limited to:<br />

» Wind turbines up to 120m hub height.<br />

» Cabling between the turbines, to be laid underground where practical.<br />

» Internal access roads to each turbine.

» Workshop area / office for control, maintenance and storage.<br />

» An on-site substation to facilitate grid connection.<br />

» The options for grid connection include either:<br />

A loop-in and loop out of the existing Besembos-Signal 132kV line which traverses the site<br />

(on farm Stock Port RE/283); or<br />

A new power line to the future planned Eskom Besembos Substation (which is located south<br />

of Springfontein).<br />

» Permanent wind monitoring masts.<br />

The Springfontein Wind Energy Facility is intended to be registered with the United Nation's<br />

Framework Convention for Climate Change as part of the Clean Development Mechanisms<br />

Programme.<br />


A wind energy facility consists of multiple wind turbines which are used to capture the kinetic energy<br />

of the wind for the purposes of generating electricity. This captured kinetic energy is used to drive a<br />

generator located within the wind turbine and the energy is subsequently converted into electrical<br />

energy. A turbine is designed to operate continuously, with low maintenance for more than 25<br />

years. The construction period for the wind energy facility will be over a two year period. A typical<br />

wind turbine consists of four primary components:<br />

The Foundation<br />

Each turbine will have a concrete foundation upon which the base of the wind turbine will be<br />

anchored. These foundations reach depths of approximately 2.5m.<br />

The Tower<br />

The tower varies between80-120m in height, depending on the type of turbine. The tower is a<br />

hollow structure which allows access to the nacelle in order to perform maintenance activities.<br />

The Nacelle<br />

The nacelle refers to the protective housing which comprises the gearbox, generator as well as the<br />

wind sensor to identify the wind direction. The nacelle has the ability to rotate in order to ensure<br />

that the rotor blades are always facing into the wind therefore maximising the amount of electricity<br />

being generated.<br />

The Rotor<br />

The rotor consists of three blades and the hub. The rotor blades are typically up to 60m in length.<br />

The greater the number of turns of the rotor, the more electricity is produced.<br />

The amount of energy a turbine can harness is dependent on the wind velocity and the length of the<br />

rotor blades. Wind turbines start generating power at wind speeds of between 10-15 km/hour, with<br />

speeds between 45-60 km/hour required for full power operation. Where wind speeds reach levels<br />

which could damage the generator, the turbine automatically shuts down. A turbine is designed to<br />

operate continuously, with low maintenance for more than 25 years.<br />


4<br />

Hub height<br />

(~80m to 120m)<br />

Illustration of the components of a typical wind turbine<br />


Rotor blade<br />

(~40m to 60m in length)<br />

In terms of sections 24 and 24D of the National <strong>Environmental</strong> Management Act (No 107 of 1998),<br />

as read with the EIA Regulations of GN R543 - R546, a Scoping and EIA process is required to be<br />

undertaken for the proposed project. Mainstream requires authorisation from the National<br />

Department of <strong>Environmental</strong> Affairs (DEA) (in consultation with the Free State Department of<br />

Economic Development, Tourism and <strong>Environmental</strong> Affairs) for the undertaking of the proposed<br />

project. In order to obtain authorisation for this project, comprehensive, independent<br />

environmental studies must be undertaken in accordance with the EIA Regulations. This project<br />

has been registered with National DEA under Application Reference number<br />

14/12/16/3/3/2/365.<br />

An EIA is an effective planning and decision-making tool. It allows the potential environmental<br />

consequences resulting from a technical facility during its establishment and its operation to be<br />

identified and appropriately managed. It provides the opportunity for the developer to be forewarned<br />

of potential environmental issues, and allows for resolution of the issue(s) reported on in<br />

the EIA report as well as dialogue with affected parties.<br />

Mainstream has appointed <strong>Savannah</strong> <strong>Environmental</strong>, as independent consultants, to undertake<br />

a Scoping and <strong>Environmental</strong> Impact Assessment to identify and assess all potential environmental<br />

Hub<br />

Nacelle<br />


impacts associated with the proposed project for the area as identified, and propose appropriate<br />

mitigation measures in an <strong>Environmental</strong> Management Programme (EMP). As part of these<br />

environmental studies, I&APs will be actively involved through the public involvement process.<br />

The phases of an EIA are as follows:<br />

Scoping Study &<br />

Scoping Report:<br />

To identify issues<br />



A number of potential environmental impacts associated with the proposed project have been<br />

identified. These potential impacts will be assessed through the following <strong>specialist</strong> studies:<br />

Biophysical Impacts<br />

Impact<br />

Assessment &<br />

EIA Report:<br />

Specialist studies<br />

Impacts on Ecology, flora & fauna: the<br />

construction of the wind energy facility and the<br />

associated disturbance of vegetation may impact<br />

on the ecology of the site.<br />

Impacts on Avifauna and bats: birds and bats<br />

may be impacted through collisions with the<br />

blades of the wind turbines as well as the<br />

associated power line/s during the operational<br />

phase.<br />

Impacts on Geology and Soils: impacts on<br />

geology may relate to the underlying soil<br />

conditions and erosion potential of the site.<br />

Impacts on Agricultural potential: impacts on<br />

the potential of agricultural areas and on the<br />

capability of the land.<br />


These <strong>specialist</strong> studies will be undertaken in two phases:<br />

Final EIA Report<br />

& Draft EMP:<br />

Submit to DEA<br />

Decision<br />

making by DEA:<br />

<strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Authorisation<br />

Social & Economic Impacts<br />

Visual Quality and Aesthetics: due to their<br />

height, wind turbines have the potential to have a<br />

visual impact on their surrounds and on sensitive<br />

visual receptors.<br />

Impacts on Heritage Sites, Fossils &<br />

Palaeontology: disturbance to or destruction of<br />

heritage sites / fossils / palaeontology may result<br />

during the construction phase.<br />

Social Impacts: positive and negative social<br />

impacts may occur from the construction and<br />

operation of the wind energy facility (i.e.<br />

employment opportunities, noise impacts and<br />

impacts on local land use).<br />

1. The Scoping Phase includes a desk-top study, wherein potential issues associated with the<br />

proposed project are identified and evaluated, and those issues requiring further investigation<br />

through the EIA phase are highlighted.<br />

2. The EIA Phase includes a detailed assessment of potentially significant impacts identified in<br />

the Scoping Phase. Practical and achievable mitigation measures will be recommended in<br />

order to minimise potentially significant impacts identified. These recommendations will be<br />

included within a draft <strong>Environmental</strong> Management Programme (EMP).<br />


6<br />

Specialist studies will be informed by existing information, field observations and input from the<br />

public participation process. As an I&AP, your input is considered an important part of this process,<br />

and we urge you to become involved.<br />


The sharing of information forms the basis of the public involvement process and offers you the<br />

opportunity to become actively involved in the EIA from the outset. Comments and inputs from<br />

I&APs during the EIA process are encouraged in order to ensure that potential impacts are<br />

considered within the ambit of the study. The public involvement process aims to ensure that:<br />

» Information containing all relevant facts in respect of the application is made available to I&APs<br />

for review.<br />

» Participation by potential I&APs is facilitated in such a manner that I&APs are provided with a<br />

reasonable opportunity to comment on the application.<br />

» Adequate review periods are provided for I&APs to comment on the findings of the draft<br />

Scoping and EIA reports.<br />

In order to ensure effective participation, the public involvement process includes the following 4<br />

phases:<br />

PHASE 1<br />

Notification of<br />

commencement<br />

of EIA process<br />

PHASE 2<br />

<strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Scoping Process<br />

• Advertise in printed Consultation with<br />

media and on-site<br />

stakeholders & I&APs to<br />

Notification to identified<br />

identify issues.<br />

IA&P, stakeholders &<br />

Focus Group Meetings<br />

Organs of State in<br />

writing<br />

Public meeting<br />

Distribution of BID's<br />

Draft Scoping Report<br />

available for review<br />


PHASE 3<br />

<strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Impact<br />

Assessment<br />

On-going consultation<br />

with stakeholders &<br />

I&APs<br />

Focus Group Meetings<br />

Draft EIA Report & EMP<br />

available for review<br />

Public feedback<br />

meetings<br />

PHASE 4<br />

Decisionmaking<br />

Final EIA Report<br />

submitted to DEA for<br />

review & decision-making<br />

- includes stakeholder &<br />

IA&P comments received<br />

during process.<br />

Registered stakeholders<br />

& I&APs informed in<br />

writing of DEA's decision.<br />

In terms of the EIA Regulations, your attention is drawn to your responsibilities as an I&AP:<br />

» In order to participate in this EIA process, you must register yourself on the project database.<br />

» You must ensure that any comments regarding the proposed project are submitted within the

stipulated timeframes.<br />

» You are required to disclose any direct business, financial, personal or other interest which you<br />

may have in the approval or refusal of the application for the proposed wind energy facility.<br />


1. By responding (by phone, fax or e-mail) to our invitation for your involvement which has been<br />

advertised in newspapers.<br />

2. By returning the attached Reply Form to the relevant contact person.<br />

3. By attending the meetings to be held during the course of the project. As a registered I&AP you<br />

will automatically be invited to attend these meetings. Dates for public meetings will also be<br />

advertised in newspapers.<br />

4. By contacting the consultants with queries or comments.<br />

5. By reviewing and commenting on the draft Scoping and EIA Reports within the stipulated public<br />

review periods.<br />

If you consider yourself an I&AP for this proposed project, we urge you to make use of the<br />

opportunities created by the public involvement process to provide comment, or raise those issues<br />

and concerns which affect and/or interest you, and about which you would like more information.<br />

Your input into this process forms a key element of the EIA process.<br />

By completing and submitting the accompanying Reply Form, you automatically register yourself as<br />

an I&AP for this project, and are ensured that your comments, concerns or queries raised regarding<br />

the project will be noted.<br />


Direct all comments, queries or responses to:<br />

Gabriele Wood of <strong>Savannah</strong> <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

PO Box 148, Sunninghill, Johannesburg, 2157<br />

Phone: 011 234 6621<br />

Fax: 086 684 0547<br />

E-mail: gabriele@savannahsa.com<br />

To view project documentation, visit<br />

www.savannahSA.com<br />

Copyright: <strong>Savannah</strong> <strong>Environmental</strong><br />




DEA Ref No. 14/12/16/3/3/2/365<br />


Return completed reply form to: Gabriele Wood of <strong>Savannah</strong> <strong>Environmental</strong> (Pty) Ltd<br />

Fax: 086 699 5796 Phone: 011 234 6621<br />

E-mail: gabriele@savannahsa.com<br />

Postal Address: P O Box 148 Sunninghill 2157<br />

Please provide your complete contact details:<br />

Name & Surname:<br />

Organisation & Designation:<br />

Postal Address:<br />

Telephone: Cellphone:<br />

Fax: E-mail:<br />

Would you like to register as an interested and affected party (I&AP)?<br />

(please tick the relevant box)<br />

Note: Please register as an I&AP to receive further correspondence regarding the EIA process for the project. Once<br />

registered on the project database, your contact details MAY be included in public documentation.<br />

Please state your interest in the project (add additional pages if necessary):<br />

Please list your questions, views or concerns regarding the project (add additional pages if necessary):<br />

Please provide contact details of other persons who you regard as a potential interested or<br />

affected party:<br />

Name & Surname:<br />

Organisation & Designation:<br />

Postal Address:<br />

Telephone: Cellphone:<br />

Fax: E-mail:<br />

What is your preferred language of correspondence? (please tick the relevant box) English<br />

Afrikaans<br />

YES<br />

NO<br />

(Sien keersy vir Afrikaans)



DEA Verwysingsnommers: DEA Ref No. 14/12/16/3/3/2/365<br />


Stuur voltooide registrasie/kommentaar vorm aan: Gabriele Wood van <strong>Savannah</strong> <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

(Edms.) Bpk<br />

Faks: 086 699 5796 Telefoon: 011 234 6621<br />

E-pos: gabriele@savannahsa.com<br />

Posadres: Posbus 148 Sunninghill 2157<br />

Verskaf asseblief u persoonlike kontak besonderhede:<br />

Naam & Van:<br />

Organisasie & Rol:<br />

Posadres:<br />

Telefoon: Selfoon:<br />

Faks: Vonkpos:<br />

Stel u belang om te registreer as ‘n belangstellende en/of geaffekteerde party<br />

(B&GP)? (Merk met X)<br />

Nota: Dit word van u vereis om te registreer as ‘n B&GP om alle toekomstige inligting in verband met die<br />

Omgewingsimpakevalueringsproses te ontvang.<br />

Verduidelik u belangstelling in hierdie projek (gebruik addisionele bladsye indien nodig):<br />

Lys u vrae, opinies of besorghede in verband met hierdie projek (gebruik additionele bladsye indien<br />

nodig):<br />

Verskaf bykommende kontak besonderhede van addisionele persoon/e wie u beskou as<br />

potensiële belangstellende en/of geaffekteerde partye:<br />

Naam & Van:<br />

Organisasie & Rol:<br />

Posadres:<br />

Telefoon: Selfoon:<br />

Faks: E-pos:<br />

Dui u taal van keuse en korrespondensie aan (Merk met X) Engels<br />

Afrikaans<br />

JA<br />

NEE<br />

(Sien omkeer bladsy vir Engels)

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