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Quantum frontiers: Quantum simulation<br />

3 Controlling single spins in an optical lattice<br />

50<br />

a b<br />

y<br />

x<br />

addressing laser beam<br />

atoms in 2D optical lattice<br />

microwave<br />

6.8 GHz<br />

For example, if we send a laser beam in the reverse<br />

direction through the high-resolution microscope<br />

objective, we can focus the beam onto single sites of<br />

the lattice and selectively flip the spin states of each<br />

atom (in other words, between different hyperfine<br />

spin states) in the microscopic array. By moving the<br />

beam along a controlled pathway, an arbitrary spin<br />

pattern can thereby be imprinted onto the gases.<br />

The spin-flipped atoms can be made visible by first<br />

removing the unaffected (non-addressed) atoms<br />

and then imaging the remaining (addressed) ones.<br />

Examples of such single-atom spin orderings can be<br />

seen in figure 3. Once these spin patterns have been<br />

prepared, they could form the initial conditions for<br />

observing interesting non-equilibrium dynamics.<br />

For example, one can track the motion of a singleparticle<br />

impurity in the many-body system, observe<br />

the dynamics of domain walls between regions of<br />

different magnetization, or track the collision of two<br />

spins at energies of a few pico-electron volts. The<br />

possibilities for interesting configurations abound.<br />

Artificial fields<br />

Another condensed-matter problem that ultracoldatom<br />

researchers have long wanted to simulate concerns<br />

the effect of a magnetic field on the electrons<br />

in a 2D electron gas. For a single electron moving in<br />

free space, the presence of a magnetic field with a<br />

component perpendicular to the electron’s direction<br />

of motion creates a Lorentz force that pulls the electron<br />

into a circular “cyclotron” orbit. If the electron<br />

y<br />

x<br />

physicsworld.com<br />

(a) Controlling the spins of atoms in an optical lattice requires a laser beam to “address” the atoms as well as a microwave field. When this addressing laser beam is<br />

focused onto a single atom, it shifts the frequency of a transition between two spin states of the atom. If the frequency of the microwave field is set so that it is<br />

resonant with this shifted transition frequency, only the addressed atoms will have their spins flipped when the field is applied. By moving the addressing beam to<br />

different lattice sites, arbitrary spin patterns at the single-spin level can be prepared (b–c). Such precise control of spin patterns is a crucial first step to a number of<br />

interesting experiments, including the creation of a practical, scalable quantum computer using ultracold atoms.<br />

c<br />

2 μm<br />

is instead moving through a conductor, this same<br />

Lorentz force produces a voltage difference across<br />

the conductor – the Hall effect. But when a 2D electron<br />

gas in a very pure semiconductor at very low<br />

temperatures is exposed to a magnetic field, something<br />

more dramatic can happen: the Hall effect<br />

becomes a quantum phenomenon, with the conductance<br />

in the semiconductor equal to ν e 2 /h. The coefficient<br />

ν can take either integer or fractional values,<br />

and the fractional quantum Hall effect, in particular,<br />

remains a hot topic in condensed-matter research<br />

more than 30 years after its discovery. However, a<br />

severe problem exists in trying to simulate such physics<br />

with ultracold atomic gases: because atoms are<br />

neutral, they do not experience any Lorentz force in<br />

a magnetic field. One might expect that this would<br />

prevent quantum-Hall-type effects from being realized<br />

in an ultracold-atom system, but in fact there<br />

may be a way around this problem.<br />

To understand how we might overcome such an<br />

apparently fundamental difficulty, let us take a closer<br />

look at what, on a quantum-mechanical level, the<br />

effect of a magnetic field, B, on a charged particle<br />

really is. When an electron encircles an area with an<br />

enclosed magnetic flux, its wavefunction acquires a<br />

phase shift. This is known as the Aharonov–Bohm<br />

phase, and its value is given by φ AB = 2π Φ/Φ 0 where<br />

Φ is the flux enclosed in the trajectory of the electron<br />

and Φ 0, the magnetic flux quantum, is equal to the<br />

ratio of Planck’s constant to the charge on an electron.<br />

The quantum-mechanical effect of the mag-<br />

Physics World March 2013<br />

I Bloch, MPQ

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