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Quantum frontiers: Communication in space<br />

52<br />

physicsworld.com<br />

The quantum space race<br />

Sending satellites equipped with quantum technologies into space will be the first step towards a<br />

global quantum-communication network. As Thomas Jennewein and Brendon Higgins explain, these<br />

systems will also enable physicists to test fundamental physics in new regimes<br />

Thomas Jennewein<br />

and Brendon<br />

Higgins are at the<br />

Institute for<br />

Quantum Computing<br />

at the University of<br />

Waterloo, Canada,<br />

e-mail thomas.<br />

jennewein@<br />

uwaterloo.ca<br />

Suppose you have a photon – a single particle of<br />

light. This is a quantum system by nature, so it<br />

exists in a particular quantum state. The photon<br />

could, for example, be vertically polarized, horizontally<br />

polarized or even something in-between: a<br />

quantum superposition.<br />

So what happens when you send your photon to<br />

a receiver at some other location? This question<br />

sounds simple but the answer can tell us some quite<br />

fundamental and startling truths about nature. In<br />

fact, when a pair of photons possesses correlations<br />

much stronger than classically allowed – entangled<br />

quantum states – the implications of what we observe<br />

in so-called “Bell tests” are enough to have spooked<br />

even Albert Einstein, and many people thereafter.<br />

The consequences of these experimental and theoretical<br />

insights are profound as they conflict with<br />

our intuitive understanding of how the world works<br />

(see box on p54). As Richard Feynman wryly concluded:<br />

“after people read [Einstein’s paper on relativity],<br />

a lot of people understood [it] in some way or<br />

other, certainly more than 12. On the other hand,<br />

I think I can safely say that nobody understands<br />

quantum mechanics”.<br />

Beyond these fundamental interests is the field of<br />

quantum communication – the science of transmitting<br />

quantum states from one place to another. Information<br />

is often transmitted by using the aforementioned<br />

vertically polarized light to represent the “0”, horizontally<br />

polarized to represent the “1” and a quantum<br />

superposition to represent a combination of “0”<br />

and “1” simultaneously. Quantum communication<br />

has received significant attention in the last few years<br />

owing to the discovery of quantum cryptography.<br />

Quantum-assured security<br />

Quantum cryptography, or, more correctly, quantum<br />

key distribution (QKD), exploits the fundamental<br />

nature of quantum systems to change state<br />

upon measurement, allowing you to establish a common<br />

encryption key between yourself and a distant<br />

partner with the absolute certainty that if someone<br />

is eavesdropping, you will know about it. An eavesdropper<br />

would leave a trace and, if none is found, the<br />

key can be safely used to securely encode messages.<br />

These messages are sent using ordinary, classical<br />

communication channels, before being decoded by<br />

the distant party using their copy of the key. Traditional<br />

encryption techniques, in contrast, either rely<br />

on assumptions that certain mathematical operations<br />

are difficult to invert, or require the effort of a<br />

trusted courier to physically carry the key from one<br />

location to the other.<br />

Because of this obvious and significant application,<br />

it is not just researchers tucked away in university<br />

laboratories who are interested. Several<br />

quantum-communication companies have also<br />

emerged over the last few years seeking to exploit<br />

the secure messaging that QKD allows, including<br />

ID Quantique in Switzerland, MagiQ in the US and<br />

QuintessenceLabs in Australia. Their efforts come<br />

on top of established programmes by the likes of HP,<br />

IBM, Mitsubishi, NEC, NTT and Toshiba. All of<br />

these companies – and more – are looking to develop<br />

real-world-applicable QKD devices for governments,<br />

banks and other security-focused clients.<br />

The devices that are being built and implemented<br />

today form the seeds of what could one day become<br />

a grander quantum internet – interconnected networks<br />

of quantum-communication channels. These<br />

networks would permit not just quantum-secured<br />

communications, but also distributed quantum computation<br />

(several quantum computers working on<br />

the same problem in tandem) and other quantumenhanced<br />

information technologies.<br />

While the possibilities are exciting, quantum communication<br />

over long distances turns out to be really<br />

difficult. The culprit: transmission loss. Signals<br />

weaken in intensity when they travel long distances<br />

because photons get absorbed or scatter off molecules,<br />

with the transmission loss getting exponentially<br />

worse with distance. Classical communication<br />

can cope with the high losses experienced over long<br />

distances by using repeater devices to boost the signal.<br />

But for quantum signals this approach does not<br />

work. Quantum signals cannot be perfectly cloned,<br />

which rules out standard repeaters, and tricks such as<br />

boosting the signals by transmitting many duplicates<br />

of each quantum state at the same time would defeat<br />

the purpose of encoding information into individual<br />

quantum systems in the first place: an eavesdropper<br />

could simply pick off and examine a subset of<br />

those duplicates, which outwardly would appear to<br />

be nothing more than regular loss. As it stands, the<br />

furthest that quantum-communication signals have<br />

been sent is only a few hundred kilometres.<br />

For applications such as quantum cryptography,<br />

that distance restriction means that your QKD system<br />

can at best allow you to securely communicate<br />

with someone just one or two cities away, which is<br />

hardly ideal in an increasingly globalized society.<br />

Moreover, in terms of physics research, it means that<br />

Physics World March 2013

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