《高盧戰記》與《內戰記》研讀活動 - 教育部顧問室人文社會科學入口網站

《高盧戰記》與《內戰記》研讀活動 - 教育部顧問室人文社會科學入口網站

《高盧戰記》與《內戰記》研讀活動 - 教育部顧問室人文社會科學入口網站


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4、第二學期第四季:凱撒兩卷、句法。<br />

成果三<br />

謝惠英老師<br />

Julius Caesar the Gallic War Book IV, chapters 16-19 January 20, 2008<br />

內容大要:此部份可視為首尾連貫的一篇短文,標題或可訂為:凱撒領軍建橋來<br />

回橫渡萊茵河始末。第十六小節明言分述渡河之因。第十七小節細描建橋細節,<br />

典型是工程紀錄。第十八、十九小節敘明十天完造橋樑,軍隊過橋,完成第十六<br />

小節所述建橋渡河之目的;任務於十八日內完成,凱撒又領軍橫渡萊茵河回歸高<br />

盧,敘述不忘提及拆橋之舉。<br />

16. Germanico bello confecto multis de causis Caesar statuit sibi Rhenum esse<br />

transeundum; quarum illa fuit iustissima quod, cum videret Germanos tam facile<br />

impelli ut in Galliam venirent, suis quoque rebus eos timere voluit, cum intellegerent<br />

et posse et audere populi Romani exercitum Rhenum transire.<br />

Confecto: ablative (conficio conficere confeci confectus, 3: to make, to<br />

complete)(Germanico bello confecto: After the German war has been accomplished)<br />

Statuit: perfect indicative(statuo statuere statui statutus:to set up, to decide)<br />

Esse<br />

transeundum: future passive participle, gerundive with the construction of future<br />

passive periphrastic (transceo transcire transivi transitus: to cross, to go over)(eo ire ii<br />

itus: to go; iens euntis: going, present participle)<br />

Fuit: perfect indicative(sum esse fui futurus: to be)<br />

Videret: imperfect subjunctive in cum clause(video videre vidi visus: to see)<br />

Impelli: passive infinitive in the indirect discourse governed by videret, with<br />

Germanos being the accusative subject(impello impellere impuli impulsus: to impel,<br />

to overthrow)<br />

Venirent: imperfect subjunctive in ut clause(venio venire veni ventus: to come)<br />

Timere: present infinitive after voluit(timeo timere timui --)<br />

Voluit(vollo velle volui --: to wish)<br />

Intellegerent: imperfect subjunctive in cum clause(intellego intellegere intellexi<br />

intellectus: to understand)<br />

Posse: present infinitive in an indirect discourse governed by intellegerent, with the<br />

accusative subject populi Romani exercitum (posssum posse posui --): to be able to)<br />

Audere: present infinitive in an indirect discourse, with the accusative subject populi<br />

Romani exercitum(audeo audere ausi ausus sum: to dare)<br />


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