1 - Utep - University of Texas at El Paso

1 - Utep - University of Texas at El Paso

1 - Utep - University of Texas at El Paso


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- ELlG B-E TO RE-ENRO--ACADEM C PROBAT ON ,Sine sranang<br />

aesgn<strong>at</strong> on lor a stJaent not Jnoer Academc S-spenson.<br />

Extenaea Acaaem c S~spenson or D~sm ssa nnose cJnl, a.<br />

tive GPA is below 2.0 <strong>at</strong> the end <strong>of</strong> any semester,or full summer<br />

<strong>of</strong> the previous major or, ifthe student is selecting a new major,<br />

the - dean ~~~ <strong>of</strong> ~ the ~ intended ~ --- newmaior. If-rKadmiHed. the student<br />

n oe perm nea to reenro -naer-acaaem c prooar on p "s an).<br />

spec a cond tons ol tne Pet I on tor Re nst<strong>at</strong>ement<br />

session. The student w~ll remain in this st<strong>at</strong>us untll a 2.0 cumul<strong>at</strong>ive<br />

GPA 1s achieved and prob<strong>at</strong>ion is removed. or until a total<br />

<strong>of</strong> 15 semester ~~ --- hours ~~~ has ~ been <strong>at</strong>tem~ted while on orob<strong>at</strong>~on.<br />

-- PROV SIONAL s tne stano ng oesgnar on for a st.den1 nno nas<br />

oeen prov s ona y aam nea to tne -n vers 1). (see Aarn ss on sec-<br />

I on ol In s c<strong>at</strong>a og) Once prov s ona st<strong>at</strong>,s has oeen removea<br />


OhE SEMESTER ts rne stand ng oes gn<strong>at</strong>.on for a st-oent nno<br />

nas artempreo 15 semester nojrs fin e on acaoem c prooar on<br />

ana nas not achlevea a 2 0 c-mu <strong>at</strong> ve GPA A sl~aenl th-s s-spenaea<br />

MAY hOT re-enro I <strong>at</strong> tne dn verslty ..nl I one ong semester<br />

or 1,l s,mrner sess.on nas elapsea, lo oNlng wn cn I me<br />

srboent N snes to re-enro a Per I on for Re nst<strong>at</strong>e.nent m st oe<br />

maae to tne srLaenr s acaaem c dean 11 tne pet t on s approved<br />

Ine sr,aenr w I oe perm trea to reenrol doer acaaem c prob<strong>at</strong>ion.<br />

plus any special conditions which may be imposed by<br />

the academic dean.<br />


st,dent s s-qect to tne Stanaards ol Academ c Pedormance<br />

described above.<br />

A st-denrs re nsr<strong>at</strong>ea or reaam nea <strong>at</strong>ter sLspens on m~st oora n<br />

tne r Deans petm ss.on ro re-enro Jnt tn<strong>at</strong> st~dent's acaaem c sra.<br />

:LS rer-rns ro E-IG 0-E TO RE-ENRO-L (as aef,ned above.<br />

Any student who <strong>at</strong>tempts to circumvent the foregoing pol~cies and<br />

procedures is subject to disciplinary action.<br />

Any appeal from tne reg.. <strong>at</strong> ons governng acaaem c performance<br />

sna oe alrectea to tne dean <strong>of</strong> tne cot ege n wn cn tne st-aenr is<br />

a ma or fino is empowerea to qrant re1 el n unJs,a cases <strong>of</strong> tne c r-<br />

cumstances warrant such action<br />

PENS ON FOR OhE YEAR .s tne stano na aeslanal on for a SIJdent<br />

who, following academic suspension and reinst<strong>at</strong>ement,<br />

anernpts 15 semester hours but fails to achieve a cumul<strong>at</strong>ive GPA<br />



<strong>of</strong> 2.0.<br />

At the time <strong>of</strong> readmission to the <strong>University</strong> aher an absence ot <strong>at</strong><br />

A student thus suspended MAY NOT enroll <strong>at</strong> the <strong>University</strong> least two acadernfc years, a student has the option <strong>of</strong>:<br />

unt~l one full calendar vear has elaosed, followina which, if the<br />

student wishes to re-eAroll, helshe'musi apply f6 readmission<br />

with . the . . Office - ... <strong>of</strong> Admission . ... and - .- Evalu<strong>at</strong>ion. ..- - Before ------- a decision<br />

s maae on rne app c<strong>at</strong> on tne sr-aerit n oe reqJ rea lo negot -<br />

<strong>at</strong>e a Pet t.on lor Re~nsr<strong>at</strong>emenr fi In tne academ c aean ol lne<br />

prev OJS maor or I tne st~oent s se ect nq a nw malor the oean<br />

<strong>of</strong> the intended new maior. If readmitted,ihe studeni will be Der.<br />

mitted to re.enroll undei academic prob<strong>at</strong>ion, plus any special<br />

conditions <strong>of</strong> the Petition for Re~nst<strong>at</strong>ement.<br />


TWO YEARS IS the standina des~an<strong>at</strong>~on for a student who, following<br />

a second acaderGic stspension and readmission.<br />

anemots 15 semester hours but fails to achieve a cumul<strong>at</strong>~ve GPA<br />

<strong>of</strong> 2.0: A student thus susoended MAY NOT enroll <strong>at</strong> the Univer-<br />

1 cont n-tng N rn !he academc recora and GPA as rnq stano.<br />

ano complet ng all rema n~ng reqJ.rements lor graa~al on or<br />

2 beg~nn ng anew witn no co-rses anemptea ear er <strong>at</strong> JT E <strong>Paso</strong><br />

countea towaro tne aegree, nor co~nted n the c ~m~l<strong>at</strong> ve GPA<br />

ca CJ <strong>at</strong> ons Tn s opr on may oe electea on y once<br />

II opron (11 s cnosen rne GPA w oc compJteo accora ng to r- es<br />

(n force <strong>at</strong> rne t me <strong>of</strong> ceentry II opr on (2) s cnosen, not<strong>at</strong> on w oe<br />

made n the ~l~denl's record #no c<strong>at</strong> ng rn<strong>at</strong> pon~on ol the recora Nn cn<br />

is to be involved in computinp reauirements for pradu<strong>at</strong>~on. In either<br />

case, all courses taken and grades earned will remain on the <strong>of</strong>fic~al<br />

academic record. Pursuit <strong>of</strong> the degree under either option does not<br />

exempt the student lrom the provisions <strong>of</strong> the "seven-year rule" (see<br />

C<strong>at</strong>alog Requirements below).<br />

If the studenl was not eligible to re-enroll <strong>at</strong> the end <strong>of</strong> the last period<br />

<strong>of</strong> enrollment <strong>at</strong> the Univers~tv, neaoti<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>of</strong> a Petition for Reinst<strong>at</strong>ement<br />

with the academ~c dean'<strong>of</strong> e'lher the previous or intended major<br />

1s required <strong>at</strong> the time <strong>of</strong> readmission. The contract will specify wh~ch<br />

<strong>of</strong> the two options has been chosen.<br />

- - ~ - - ~.-.<br />

General Requirements for Undergradu<strong>at</strong>e Degrees I<br />

-<br />

DEGREE PLAN begins with the year the c<strong>at</strong>alog was issued, regardless <strong>of</strong> the stustudents<br />

are advised to obtain and follow the degree plan lor their dent's f~rst semester <strong>of</strong> enrollment. Students entering the <strong>University</strong><br />

major upon their first enrollment <strong>at</strong> the <strong>University</strong>, he student is for the first tlme during the summer session will be subject to the<br />

required to indic<strong>at</strong>e a major and file a degree plan <strong>of</strong> the major with requirements <strong>of</strong> lhe c<strong>at</strong>alog for the next Fall term, or <strong>of</strong> a l<strong>at</strong>er c<strong>at</strong>alog.<br />

the academic dean upon completion <strong>of</strong> 60 semester hours.<br />



A student who wlshes to change majors must obtain permission<br />

<strong>of</strong> the dean <strong>of</strong> the college <strong>of</strong> the new major.<br />


General Academic Regul<strong>at</strong>ions: General academlc regul<strong>at</strong>ions<br />

may be changed <strong>at</strong> anv time. All students. reaardless <strong>of</strong> when oriainally<br />

enrolled.are requiied to ab~de by curreniacademic regul<strong>at</strong>ions.<br />

Speclflc Course and Degme Re ulrements: In order to be<br />

gradu<strong>at</strong>ed, a student must fulfill the specjic course and degree requirements<br />

<strong>of</strong> the c<strong>at</strong>aloa in effect <strong>at</strong> the time <strong>of</strong> hislher firnt enrollmenl or<br />

~ ~ .. ~<br />

<strong>of</strong> any s-osequenl &taog n eHect a-r nb n Yner enro men1 privdid<br />

tn<strong>at</strong> me reqJ.s te comes OJI neo n tne selectea cara og are st be ng<br />

olferea ho cara og more tnan seven years o a may oe Jsea to aelerm<br />

ne rne course req- remenrs for a aegree The se~en year per od<br />


All freshman-level courses which are required by specific course<br />

number shall be completed before the student has completed 90<br />

semester hours toward histher degree. Otherwise. no credit will be<br />

granted toward fulfilling the minimum credit hour requirements for the<br />

degree even though the courses must be completed.<br />

I<br />

I<br />

w<br />


Work counting toward the degree must be completed in residence<br />

<strong>at</strong> the <strong>University</strong> as follows:<br />

1. a total ol <strong>at</strong> least 30 semester hours ~ ~ ~ ~ I<br />

2. twenty-four <strong>of</strong> the last 30 semester hours<br />

3. nine semester hours <strong>of</strong> advanced courses in the major subject<br />

must have been completed not more than three years previous<br />

to the d<strong>at</strong>e <strong>of</strong> gradu<strong>at</strong>ion, I<br />


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