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A, Page - Public Service Commission

A, Page - Public Service Commission


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area. Such in:erccmec:ing faclilties s:.all cxfcrn, at a mininun, IO rre<br />

le!eccmmunicalions industry s!ar.dard cf L.S-1 ~ ~rsuanr :o @el!Core Star.lard No<br />

TR-NLVT-00439. Sigcal Iratsfer pctr,:, S ;raling Sys:em 7 ('SS7') conr,ec:iv:ry :s<br />

required ai each ir8!erccnrtec:ion p0tr.t. ?e::Sc~.:> til prcvtde cutcf-bacd sqr,aiq<br />

using Common Channel Sipaling A.;cess Ca;abjliiy *,ere :echnica;ly 2r.d<br />

cccnonically feasible. in accordance wiL5 :e !ec.\,-,ical sFec:kilior,s set fcch in :re<br />

Bei:South Guidelir.es lo Technical <strong>Public</strong>;! 53, TR-TSV000205. The Facies asree rk21<br />

their !acilities shall provide if.8 nece5sa-j r,?-~lccic. cXhock answer and disccnnefl<br />

supemision and shall hand CY calling px, rxr-ter ID w'en lec+,n~ca!ly !eas8t!e. 7.e<br />

Facies fucher agree Ihal in :P,e event a ;a.yj iF,ter=4n-,ec:s via the pur0,ase of !acti;::es<br />

andar services from the oter pa?, '?e a:prc;na:e in:ras!a!a access !art!!, as<br />

a,T,e-.'ed from :ir,e :o :i,ne WIII a;!y.<br />

F. Nclhing herein shall p:ever.t L'S LEC !;xi uliliztng ex:s:ing coliatarion<br />

'aciii!ies. purc'ased from :?e I,n:erexchar;e :ar!Cs. !or Ictal in:era,-,r,ec:,Gn, jrcv:ced.<br />

hzwever. that if US LEC orders new !ac;!t::es fcr ir.!ermnr,ectton or rearrar,Ge3 any<br />

facili:ies presen!ly used !or its a1lerna:e ac-ess busiwss in order lo use such lacilities<br />

for local interconnection hereunder and a BellSouth charp is aoplicable thereto.<br />

BellSouth shall only charge US LEC tke laver of tke in1ers:a:e or invas:a:e tariffed rate<br />

or promotional rale.<br />

G.' Re parties agree to es:ablish tmnk groups from the interconnecling<br />

es of subsection (D) of lhis section suc? that each party provides a reciprocal of<br />

each tmnk group established by lhe other party. Notwithstanding lhe foregoing, each<br />

party may construct its network. including lhe inlerwnnecting facilities, lo achieve<br />

cptimum ccst eKec:iveness and network eficiency. 'Pa parties agree that either no<br />

cCarcps will be assessed or recipro-al charses will to.assessed for nehvork to newah<br />

tn:erfaces where the parties are certified as providers of local exchanpe services.<br />

BellSouth's treatment of US LEC as to said &\arSes shall be consistent with BellSouth<br />

:iea:renl of other local exchange carriers for Lye same charpes.<br />

H. Whenever BellSoulh delivers vamc lo US LEC for lermination on<br />

US LEC's network. if BellSoulh cannot determine b%cause of the manner in which US<br />

LEC has utilized its NM codes wbelhw lhe >affic is lotal or loll BellSouLh will nct<br />

compensate US LEC pursuant to vlis scion but will. instead. cqarge US LEC<br />

originating intrastate nehvork sass semi- ckarges as reflected in BellSouth's<br />

intrastate Access <strong>Service</strong> Tariff. Notwilhstanding tho forgoing. BellSouth will make<br />

the appropriate billing adjustments if US LEC cw provide sbficient infom?tion for<br />

BellSouth !o make a letenination as :3 *,ether said Ira% was local or toll. If<br />

ZeliScut2 deploys an NXX wde ac-cas i:s iysl calling areas in such a ran-er :P.at Us<br />

LEC =mot determine whether Vie traffic i: ceiivers :o SellSouth is Iwl OT loll. :hen !he<br />

preceding sentences of this subsedon<br />

with the Facies approprialely<br />


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